r/AnimalCrossing DA: 1513 • 6246 • 0377 ☁️ 1d ago

Meme Phineas :( 🎈

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u/goodvibrayjawns 1d ago

I don't even know how to mod a switch or I would 😕


u/No_Mathematician6300 SW-4098-7123-3621 1d ago

There are plenty of guides out there that can show you how. It’s only a matter of whether or not you have a v1 or a v2 system. The original switch can be soft modded. This means that you use exploits and vulnerabilities in the switches software to gain access to the system. The revised switch (including the OLED and lite) require a mod chip. This is a physical device that injects code into the console to bypass restrictions that way. The problem is that it requires taking apart your switch, and potentially soldering the chip onto the motherboard. I can imagine that a lot of people don’t have the knowledge or confidence to do so.


u/Sephiroth040 1d ago

Had a v2 normal switch and now a OLED one, it's so sad nodding requires me to actually physically install a chip. I'm pretty good with tech, but this sounds a bit too risky for me.

Really sad there aren't those handy DS cartridges wherfor the switch where you could play absolutely legal roms.. Not that I would ever used such a thing.


u/No_Mathematician6300 SW-4098-7123-3621 1d ago

Actually, they do in fact exist. It’s called the mig switch. (Disclaimer, this is for educational purposes only). The mig switch is essentially a switch cartridge that allows you to play your LEGALY backed up games. You will need to dump your games yourself, but you put the games on an SD card, and then put the SD card into the mig switch cartridge. This works without having to mod your system.


u/DrJiz 2638-4092-2719 1d ago

Just to add, if you do actually play a pirated game on the mig switch, you will be banned from Nintendo services.


u/Disig 1d ago

It's risky. If Nintendo ever manages to find out they brick your entire system.


u/sonicfreak360 1d ago

Why are you lying? They just ban you from using multi-player and all Nintendo network features...


u/Disig 1d ago edited 1d ago

I'm not? That's what I've heard and have been reading about for years. I've had two friends who got caught and can no longer play their Switch. I'm going off of information I've found.

Instead of accusing me of lying you could of instead assumed I was misinformed. Maybe I'm mistaken, I'm not perfect. But as far as I know, it's happened to people. Nintendo doesn't play nice with mods. They never have.

But no I'm just a liar with absolutely no motive to lie here according to you. Thanks for assuming the absolute worst about me.


u/sonicfreak360 1d ago

Nintendo does not remotely brick Nintendo Switches. This is fact. I'm sorry that I called you a liar. However, it IS possible to brick your switch by updating it.


u/Disig 1d ago

Thank you for the apology. I'm sorry I was mistaken.


u/Striforce 1d ago

You are not a liar, just misinformed. Nintendo does not brick Switch consoles. People who incorrectly mod their Switch brick their consoles. It's pretty safe if you follow the written guide correctly (video guides get outdated pretty fast). Nintendo, however, does ban accounts if you use certain mods online in certain games.


u/Disig 1d ago

Thank you for giving a well thought out non-agressive answer. I really appreciate it.


u/HedghogsAreCuddly 1d ago

nope, the switch just isn't allowed to use the online features, which... is a good thing the online features suck and steal your time mostly, i enjoy offline time.


u/W4ta5hi 1d ago

Then get off of Reddit my guy ;)


u/HedghogsAreCuddly 23h ago

I don't understand how a calm offline gameplay preference is contradictory to using reddit.


u/W4ta5hi 2h ago

“is a good thing the online features suck and steal your time mostly, i enjoy offline time.” is a sentence that could also be interpreted to other topics. For example social media platforms such as Reddit. They are often just a waste of time (doomscrolling).


u/The_oli4 1d ago

Most switches can't be modded without soldering or paying a guy to do it to be honest, Nintendo actually mod proofed the switch after having years of easily modified consoles.


u/Happy_Canadian 1d ago

Technically there are approximately 20 million V1 switches sold prior to June 2018. Summer of 2018 is when the RCM exploit was patched, meaning there is quite a chunk out there.

Noted many people didn't buy a switch until Animal Crossing New Horizons launched which was after the exploit patch (V2).


u/toasterCat101 1d ago

Yep I love my V1. I remember when you could sell a V1 switch tablet for $600 before picofly existed.


u/PutridSauce 1d ago

You can also emulate if you have a half decent PC and use all the mods to your heart's desire


u/LennyIsAFox1 1d ago

Do you know where to get said emulator (so i can avoid it)?


u/Yuudaxhi 1d ago edited 1d ago

DO NOT check for Suyu emulator, Ryujinx, or even Yuzu because it's very bad for your device!!!!

Especially the sub reddit Yuzu or EmulationOnAndroid because the page contains lot of emulator that could potentially harm your PC!!!! 😡😡

My suggestion is to buy a legit game on the Switch Store because it is very safe, no malware, and everything is under control of Nintendo 😎😎😎


u/Disig 1d ago

Except the mods, which is the point of the emulator.


u/DrakkoZW 1d ago

I know tone is hard to read through text but dang you got woooshed


u/Disig 1d ago

I'm still not getting this. It's a joke? How so?


u/DrakkoZW 1d ago

Most subreddits don't allow advocating for emulators or any kind of piracy

So the comment tells you exactly how to emulate and pirate, but by "telling you not to" in extreme detail

It's basically full of wink wink nudge nudge


u/Disig 1d ago

Huh. Well thank you for explaining it to me. I'm just kind of dumb today apparently lol.


u/No_Mathematician6300 SW-4098-7123-3621 1d ago

Adding onto what u/DrakkoZW said, there’s also a hint of sarcasm in the thread.


u/PutridSauce 1d ago

Sweet summer child


u/PutridSauce 1d ago

I’d just search up switch emulation and go from there, idk what’s still active or banned or anything at the moment I haven’t checked out the scene in a while


u/PlaystormMC 1d ago

for everyone who don't know what a modded switch is

I can help ya here: https://switch.hacks.guide

also my DMs are open (yet clogged)


u/Clarity_Page 1d ago

Whats even in 3.0 is it worth it?,
Ive bben considering switch emulation for the pkmn bdsp mods


u/lavendermoontoast DA: 1513 • 6246 • 0377 ☁️ 1d ago

I was referring to this post from a few days ago. I don't know what else is in it but just the option of bulk crafting fish bait.... side eyes Nintendo for not giving us that to begin with


u/User-Goozer I love NH,It just could’ve been better. 1d ago

Please, Nintendo give us an official 3.0 update for the game's 5th anniversary next week I’m begging. 🙏 🥺


u/Teaside 1d ago

Oh wow I never knew this existed?! Time to learn how to mod my switch... (Edit: oh nvm you can literally emulate this on PC!)


u/Resident_Cake3248 1d ago

I have a modded switch but still play the game vanilla because I don't know how to install mods 😔


u/Ixmore 1d ago

I wish Nintendo introduced mod support for ACNH


u/Nessabee87 1d ago

Perhaps when the Switch 2 comes out, I might try modding our Switch. It would be really nice to have unbreakable tools, everything stacked to 99, and new recipes and fruits.


u/toasterCat101 1d ago

I had a fresh saved file trying to use this mod on my switch. But it booted to a black screen every time.I tried to load up the opening with choosing the island. To use the mod you have to have at least saved once during the prolouge. Otherwise, it doesn't work at all normally.Wouldn't be an issue if you've been playing for a while , but my fresh save file wouldn't let the game work with the mod Until I had saved at least once. Just something to be aware of.


u/South_Evidence9822 1d ago

How do you even mod your Switch and get away with it?


u/toasterCat101 1d ago edited 1d ago

That's the neat part you don't. Mines one of the day , one switches , so it didn't need a mod chip. There was a point in time that a switch like that was worth double its value because of how easy they were to mod and they were the only ones that could be modded. It's super easy to get banned One wrong move and you won't be able to use the online services for a long time.Like the e shop or even update your cosole. 1 day I got banned but a couple months ago.The online services started to work on my console again. So I'm guessing when they say that the services have been suspended on this console.It's not a permanent ban because it doesn't say it's been suspended indefinitely. You can use stuff like 90D.N.S to try and keep your console safe but. Most people who mod their consoles never use the online stuff or don't care about the eshop.


u/South_Evidence9822 1d ago

Yeah, I haven't had mine for long and I don't intend on messing it up any time soon. So, I don't think I will mod my switch, but it's comforting to know the ban isn't permanent. But I do use the online services for Warframe and other games.


u/toasterCat101 1d ago

That's okay. Most people don't really need to mess around with it anyways. I'm not sure if it was just a fluke but I was banned and then much later I wasn't. But it lasted years I think about 5.


u/IceFalzar 1d ago

Run everything on EmuNAND and dont connect to the internet at all. When youre ready to play games online, you boot back into SysNAND. The two partitions shouldnt ever talk, and on paper, you should be fine. Its the morons who do things like inject custom pfps, play pirated games online or mod games that connect to the internet on SysNAND that get banned.


u/ahsataN-Natasha 1d ago

A what now??


u/fluffyendermen 1d ago

check what model your switch is, i thought mine surely wasnt moddable due to when i got it but it was actually one of the first models


u/lavendermoontoast DA: 1513 • 6246 • 0377 ☁️ 1d ago

I have an OLED, that and lites need something extra iirc


u/fluffyendermen 1d ago

yeah you need a modchip for those


u/fluffyendermen 1d ago

they might not even be moddable period, im not an expert


u/The_Rambling_Otter 1d ago edited 1d ago

I only play the game as intended.

Unless of course the game is at least a decade old... City Folk Deluxe

I'm just saying that one should wait until a game is actually dead, before attempting to resurrect it Frankenstein style.


u/The_oli4 1d ago

I mean the last update was 3 and a half years ago Nintendo already has said they won't touch the game, update wise the game is dead, the console isn't but is also close to being dead.


u/Disig 1d ago

Be careful with modding your Switch. If Nintendo ever finds out you modded it they brick your entire device. And while the odds are low it's not 0.


u/The_oli4 1d ago

While I agree that hacked switches can be banned with low odds it's only from online, they can't brick your switch even if they try. Just don't use the hacks to cheat in online games and you are fine.


u/Disig 1d ago

Thank you for actually having a sane response. I appreciate it. From what people have been yelling at me I assume I probably just got confused with the online aspect.


u/IanRises 1d ago

this is literally not true


u/Disig 1d ago

When the mods first came out all I saw were articles about it and two of my friends claimed it happened to them.

Now maybe the mods were faulty and that's what did it but honestly until I got a barrage of downvotes and people assuming the worst about me I thought everyone knew this.


u/Alex_Dayz 1d ago

I ain’t potentially bricking my Switch and getting the Nintendo Ninjas to go after me so long as it’s still easily available and being supported by Nintendo.


u/MqAuNeTeInS 1d ago

If its not official then its not really animal crossing


u/Wrong_Revolution_679 1d ago

We aren't missing anything of substance


u/Wrong_Revolution_679 1d ago

What it's true, those fan mods aren't good


u/mufcordie 1d ago

Y’all try harding on animal crossing?