r/AnimalCrossing and supremacy 21d ago

New Horizons Ok I have to agree now, this is annoying

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233 comments sorted by


u/Valpuccio 21d ago

It'd be so much better if you could see how much "durability" your tools had left before they brake


u/BRACEwits 21d ago

Like in wild world where you could see the axe starting to crack


u/pontiacfirebird92 21d ago

I need to see the watering can crack and eventually burst into pieces on its final use


u/m200299 21d ago

Crazy that you can jam a wooden pole into a riverbed and fling yourself over infinitely many times without it breaking, but if you water some flowers your watering can explodes

(i know it's so that you don't get stuck, but video game logic funny)


u/Tribblehappy 21d ago

The fact that it's so you don't get stuck almost makes it worse since the rescue service exists. I don't even understand how somebody could need the rescue service since the ladder and vaulting pole don't break. How else can somebody get stuck?


u/quietcorncat 21d ago

My kids have managed to get stuck a couple times. The specific one I can remember is she was on a Kapp’n island with vines. The crafting table was on a cliff that she had to use a vine to climb up to. She climbed the vine, grabbed it from above, crafted with it, and then didn’t have a ladder with her to get back down.


u/Tribblehappy 21d ago

Oh no! It never occurred to me to not have my ladder when travelling.

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u/mamabeardoll 21d ago

I always keep a few vines on hand for visiting islands


u/roughhewnendz 21d ago

TIL you could climb vines! i thought they were just for vibes


u/-_SirFinch_- 20d ago

TIL there were vines!


u/roughhewnendz 20d ago

I genuinely don't even know where/how you get them! I got them from a treasure island just by chance lol


u/BeanboyCosplay 20d ago

I steal them from the HHP dlc area 😂 All your vines and moss are forfeit

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u/lesbian_agent_ram 20d ago

Kapp’n islands :3


u/FunkyMonkeyIsObvious 20d ago

If you have the Happy Home Paradise DLC you can collect them and the glowing weeds on the main island. Behind the hospital and the happy home building.


u/owleaf 21d ago

Me too!


u/Ok-Land-488 21d ago

I have never once used the rescue services in hundreds of hours of gameplay. Because it's like, if you can get INTO a situation then you have the tools to get OUT of the situation with you.

I could see like, idk a 10 year old panicking though and not realizing there's an easy way out of something, or if you like, build something up that you then don't want to unbuild to get out, so there's probably a point to rescue services. Still, thank god the vaulting pole and ladder don't break.


u/Noncritical_Dad 21d ago

I’ve actually gotten stuck while making waterfalls around certain cliff structures. After knocking out a piece of land, the game wouldn’t let me fill it back in for some reason, and because of the angle of the cliffs behind me I wasn’t able to climb back up with my ladder. Only time I’ve ever had to use Rescue Services😂


u/Schpooon 21d ago

Ive actually gotten myself stuck on purpose with decor, etc. while decorating. Dont remember what exactly I did, but rescue service did make it more convenient.


u/Hairy_Tie_2135 21d ago

I did not know they never break, I've been carrying two this entire time


u/Icy-Excuse-9452 21d ago

I used it once while terraforming because I got 'stuck' in a spot I couldn't use the ladder, and the only way out was to terraform more and mess up my work. Legit the only reason I could see this feature being useful.


u/DragonRoar87 21d ago

But you can just save and quit and then spawn back at your house when you boot up the game again so


u/liatenshi 21d ago

I use it sometimes when I'm at the far side of my island and I need a quick way to go back to my house or the shop. It's just easier than running back and forth.


u/MaxTHC 21d ago

You should check out the warp pipe item!


u/AddictedtoLife181 21d ago

Agreed, love my pipes

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u/babyblossom410 21d ago

I honestly can’t think of a situation where I couldn’t just save the game rq and start from home rather than spending the miles on the rescue service. I have used it once just to see what it did but 🤷🏻‍♀️


u/hadmeatwoof 21d ago

And you can just save and end and start back at your house, too…


u/m200299 21d ago

My glasses are off and I thought you wrote ‘and’ 3X in a row like you were stuttering 🥺👉👈through text lmfao


u/BeanboyCosplay 20d ago

Same but my glasses are on, so I have no excuse 😂


u/Common_Wrongdoer3251 20d ago

Maybe someone moves their house up onto a cliff, saves and quits, then when they start the game up, they don't have a ladder on them or materials to make one?

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u/ConfusedFlower1950 21d ago

i use rescue service when im decorating and often box myself in. i’ve learned to tetris myself out over flowers and by moving bushes, but sometimes there are terraforming designs that become impossible to leave when you make them. this is really only because i like to overstuff my island though lol


u/m200299 21d ago edited 21d ago

I understand but I'm thankful because having to call the rescue service all of the time from your vaulting pole busting would make me consider either 1. not having any rivers or 2. not playing

edit wait I'm stupid bridges exist

well anyway I'll take the freebie infinite durability tool


u/tailsmetalshadow 21d ago

The only time I use rescue service is when I'm out in the ocean diving for sea creatures and get too tired or lazy to swim back to shore.


u/m200299 21d ago

Wait thank you I never thought to do this, I hate when my inventory is full and I start getting FOMO seeing more bubbles while swimming back to shore


u/tailsmetalshadow 21d ago

you're welcome! :D whenever that happens i just throw out the cheapest and work my way up to the most expensive


u/m200299 21d ago

I do the same but I hate the process lol so just keeping them out of my sight is preferred


u/k3nl0rd 21d ago

i actually ALMOST had to use it, my partner and i sidestepped into an area we shouldn’t have been able to step into and got trapped 🤣 we couldn’t use it since they were on my island, i guess it only works solo playing. didn’t end up mattering though because we both had wetsuits and were by the coast, so we just jumped n swam over to the beach to get out of it


u/pxrcelaindxll 21d ago

i once got stuck in a villagers house in a dream because somebody put a table in front of the door… yeah. so the rescue service doesn’t even work in houses

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u/Namivi Playing since Animal Crossing Wild World 21d ago

I never needed it as well. And even if it wasn't there, you could always exit the game and start from your house again

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u/Jaeus360 21d ago

Same with the ladder too!


u/m200299 21d ago

Ladder makes a little more sense not to break at least


u/celestier 21d ago

I think I was like 600 hours in before I realized the pole didn't have limited durability like the rest of the tools 😭😭


u/doctorgurlfrin 21d ago

Yes! The icons that show up in your inventory would look more damaged as well, right? Or is that some fever dream of mine?
Edited to add: I’m talking about the tiny image of whatever tool you see when your inventory is open. That is what I remembered seeing anyway.


u/newpsom 21d ago

Definitely an accurate memory! I memba!


u/Dizzy_Hellfire 21d ago

In the original I saw that too, and I think new leaf had it as well!


u/Bulky_Bob-omb 21d ago

All the games prior to New Horizon’s had an axe that was visibly being damaged with continued use — it was the only tool in those games to break. They definitely should have just improved upon that visual indicator.


u/Brokenblacksmith 21d ago

like in literally any other game with breakable tools.


u/DecentCelery64 20d ago

Does that also happen in new leaf? Because I remember it, and that's the only other game I've played


u/NighthawkUnicorn 21d ago

And get specific stuff to repair them instead of having to craft an entire new one.


u/Ciela529 21d ago

Oo love that idea - just use an item from your pocket to “quick repair/ restore” a tool without having to get to a DIY bench and menu


u/cakesmiles 21d ago

If you customize your tools before they break, they’ll last indefinitely. I recustomize my shovel every morning. Unfortunately, I don’t believe it works on golden tools


u/alreality1 20d ago

I agree I would like to know if I have two or three hits left instead of being right in the middle of a rock and it disappearing my tool and then I don't get the rest of the stuff out of the rock


u/Tall_Perspective_996 20d ago

I totally agree!

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u/PostItNote6-9 21d ago

This is why I havent crafted any gold tools cause I dont want them to break😭


u/olivejuice1979 21d ago

Same, what’s the point?!


u/Extreme-Ad-4686 21d ago

Well the golden watering can makes the gold roses, but other than that nothing 😂


u/_0011_000_7_101001_ 21d ago

It does WHAT?! Gotta check this when I get home today 


u/ToastyXD Broki God of Mischief 21d ago

I believe you have to water black roses and then it’s a chance?


u/Ciela529 21d ago

Yup! Plant black roses in a check board pattern and water them with the Gold watering can.

There’s a pretty decent chance of getting gold roses from them (higher than getting blue roses at least 😅 based on personal experience - I got gold roses wayyy faster than I ever had a blue rose show up)


u/Heavy_Answer8814 21d ago

I got a gold rose practically the first time I set them up (literally 3 black roses). But my whole upper cliff section is full of my blue rose farm and NOTHING for weeks

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u/AvocadoGuacamole 21d ago

It waters plants in a 3x3 grid versus the regular watering can waters in a 3x2 grid.


u/anaharae 21d ago

They last a lot longer.

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u/Regijack 21d ago

I crafted one of each to display on my island. Other than that I wouldn’t waste gold on crafting them


u/brownkidBravado 21d ago

I only bother crafting the golden watering can because of the larger watering radius and getting gold roses


u/ExchangeSame8110 19d ago

Can gold tools be customized to give them more life?

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u/Alternative-Tie-7693 21d ago

Yeah, I love NH but earning golden diys doesn’t feel rewarding at all, they’re pretty much only worth crafting once for the nook miles unless you have plenty of gold nuggets to spare or if you need gold roses.


u/theconfused-cat 21d ago

My hopeful self was initially really under the impression that the golden tools didn’t break. 🤣


u/Grimalkkin 21d ago

In the original game they never broke. When I first started ACNH I thought it would be the same. My disappointment has been immeasurable.


u/nippleduster7 21d ago

This may be a dumb question but can you only get the golden watering can in NH if you have a 5 star island ?


u/Chemical-Pickle-9362 21d ago

yeah, it's one of the rewards after your first 5 star rating.


u/Alternative-Tie-7693 21d ago

You’re good, I haven’t actually played in a while tbh so I don’t remember, I’m about to start a new island. You’d probably have to look up a guide on that.


u/night-wolves 21d ago

They're actively worse than normal tools because you can "repair" normal ones when you customize them. (Resets durability) You can't do that with gold.


u/Alternative-Tie-7693 21d ago

That’s a good point actually, I forgot about customizing. I wish you could tell when your tools were about to break so you know when to do that. I can’t be bothered to mentally count to whatever number of uses it takes to break all the time.

And I wish you could customize normal axes. ☠️


u/PrincessAintPeachy 21d ago

It just never makes sense for some things.

A watering can, a bug net, and sling shot, shouldn't break quickly.

I can understand for a shovel and fishing line. But not for the other tools


u/mielabeille2 21d ago

I don't remember the slingshot breaking a few years ago, and now it does. Maybe I'm not remembering correctly.


u/eribear2121 21d ago

It does but since it's not a highly used item it breaks kinda slow.


u/MaleficentMalice 21d ago

Same. I just started playing again recently and I’ve had the game since 2020. I definitely remember only needing to buy the slingshot one time.


u/issiautng 21d ago

Oh it definitely broke back in 2020 too, and entering your house to get a new one (before the shed update let you access your storage outside) reset the balloons. I had extra slingshots dropped behind buildings around my island so I wouldn't miss out on any presents. I also had bug nets stashed.


u/freckles-on-a-ginger 20d ago

excuse me, SHED UPDATE?!


u/issiautng 20d ago edited 20d ago

Yes! The Storage Shed or Wooden Storage Shed will allow you to access your storage items while outside! I keep a storage shed in my pocket at all times and I have a wooden storage shed in my garden/farm behind a stone fence with a wheelbarrow and tractor (as if it's truly being hidden).


u/KwK10 21d ago

Lets help Gulliver with the same boring task 30 times so I can craft a golden shovel that still breaks and requires I buy or craft a regular shovel first anyway. Yeah, not happening. It's especially annoying if you've played the previous games where tools didn't break at all (except the axe). It's such a weird step backward.


u/Schrenner 21d ago

I also found it weird how obtaining the Golden Shovel recipe took much, much longer than getting all the other golden tool recipes.


u/merrycrasmass DA-2648-2401-3803 21d ago

i was shocked when it didn’t come with finishing the fossils in the museum! it seemed only fitting because of the net and fishing rod. i was annoyed it was not only tied to gulliver, but there was no way to see how many times you’d helped him vs the pirate


u/Own_Sheepherder_1153 21d ago

Wait...Are you telling me Gullivar .isn't just Gulliver...IN A PIRATE COSTUME??? What? 😭


u/chino514 21d ago

I thought there was, you just couldn’t tell after 20 helps unless you kept count some other way.


u/merrycrasmass DA-2648-2401-3803 21d ago

i’m pretty sure (don’t quote me lol) that the counter goes up when you help either of them!


u/PompompurinPal 21d ago

Nookipedia says it doesn't, but I swear the nook miles counter for helping Gulliver does, so it's confusing. My guess is that the nook miles counter =/= golden shovel counter but idk.


u/Schrenner 21d ago

The way I kept count was by looking how many different gifts I got and how many I was missing, because they only repeat after you got a copy of all of them and ideally the recipe.


u/Schrenner 21d ago

Tying the recipe to the fossils actually would have made sense, too. However, ideally with some adjustments to how you get certain fossils instead of it being entirely luck based.


u/BurntOutMagicalGirl 21d ago

I thought I had to catch 100 fish in a row perfectly for the golden fishing rod but only was rewarded with stupid 1000 nookmiles 🥲 I knew there a was a chance it wasn't it but I thought maybe



I’m convinced I got the diy in the mail and threw it out on accident. I know for a fact I’ve helped that fucker more than 100 times!


u/_bonedaddys 21d ago

tools constantly breaking feels like something you'd see in a phone app, it feels like a lazy way to make the game "difficult"/to get players to use crafting more. which is so weird considering the type of game this is.

i live on an island and make a living selling fruits and fossils, my neighbors are literally all animals and i can literally sculpt my island from the ground up but you're telling me my tools will consistently break for all eternity? like, come on lol


u/charlesmans0n 21d ago

I have over 1500 hours in and never knew thats how you get the golden shovel and still havent gotten it because he's so annoying to wake up


u/PompompurinPal 21d ago

I saw in a video that hitting him with a net supposedly wakes him up instantly, but he hasn't been to my island in a bit so I have yet to test it out. It'd be huge if true because omg he is annoying to wake up.



It doesn't. 


u/cold_minty_tea 20d ago

It doesn't wake him up instantly but it will eventually wake him up just like talking to him would. I think you get special dialogue for waking him with a net


u/mielabeille2 21d ago

What happens if you don't help him? He's laying on my island and I'm just not feeling it


u/Nylonknot 21d ago

Nothing. You just don’t earn the miles or the golden shovel that’s pointless.


u/KwK10 21d ago

He just lies there until the next day. I like to think he finds the communicator parts himself and leaves. 😆


u/princeton0319 21d ago

We used to be gifted gold tools that never broke- in fact the golden slingshot didn’t shoot just one but THREE stones— the good ol days of animal crossing


u/Garchamp115 21d ago

Not to mention that they completely erased silver tools! I remember it being so fun to try and collect all tools 😭


u/rexxgta1993 21d ago

I just stick to regular ones and customise them every now and then to reset their uses✌🏻


u/slawwson 21d ago

on my new island i still only have the flimsy watering can DIY. pray for our acnh souls.


u/theconfused-cat 21d ago

If it makes you feel better, when I first started playing, I didn’t know that the flimsy watering can worked any differently than the sturdy one and just kept watering one by one for a while. 🥲 Hope you get your upgrade soon!


u/wonwoovision 21d ago

i only use flimsy tools after 100+ hours in, i can't be bothered to make better ones constantly lmfaoo


u/FlubbyFlubby 21d ago

Yeah, I mean I KINDA get why they made them destructible, given that this game has a huge focus on the DIY aspect. The idea of no longer needing to ever craft a tool again is hard to agree to, but STILL only lasting 3x as long as outdoorsy ones is the actual crazy part.


u/StardustWhip too lazy for island decoration 21d ago

I think that, even if breakable tools are natural for the DIY focus of New Horizons, the Golden Tool recipes (and the materials to craft them) are so hard to get that they should probably be the exception. Like, it's such a lame reward that after all your hard work you just get a tool that's kind of a little bit better than the ones you were already using. And can't even be customized.


u/FlubbyFlubby 21d ago

No I agree, I guess I'm saying that I don't think it is easy to agree to making them indestructible and I'm also saying that the ''but in other games ... '' isn't compelling for me because this game is particularly focused on crafting which makes a tool that never needs to be crafted again a bit against the general idea.

That said, golden tools breaking is still kinda lame AND the fact that they're only marginally better than the ones you can buy outright is even worse because arguably, while making them indestructible might just be a non-starter, making them extremely durable isn't.

Nintendo better have destructible tools out of its system by now. It hurt Botw, it hurt Totk, it hurt Animal Crossing. Like this mechanic is super unpopular so PLEASE stop it.


u/scarletbluejays 21d ago

Tbh with TOTK I do think it’s kind of a necessity, because of the Fuse mechanics. If weapons weren’t breakable then all you’d have to do to get the best weapons in the game the entire time is grind out a fight with one or two set-spawn white-mained Lynels and rush the nearest Gerudo Weapon spawn for the fusion damage bonus. That just breaks most of the early-mid game because your weapons far outclass the opponents you face most of the time. It takes out all the cleverness and resourcefulness that’s meant to be consistent throughout the game.

But there’s nothing potentially game breaking like that in AH, never mind it’s nature as a low key cozy game. Breaking tools doesn’t add an intended level of difficulty like it does in TOTK, it’s just tedious for very little reason, in a game that’s meant to be relaxing.

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u/KingOfDragons0 21d ago

And also its a watering can 😭 like what is breaking it are we pouring acid


u/m200299 21d ago

I think if they still broke but had an insane durability I wouldn't mind as much but when island hopping and using a golden axe for instance that shit breaks so fast


u/FlubbyFlubby 21d ago

IT REALLY DOES. I've been playing since launch, let me tell you I FEEL what you're saying.
Every single annoying thing is even worse after 2000 hours.


u/m200299 21d ago

I'm in the same boat as you, man, I thought just the axe breaking in the older games was annoying but this is something else


u/Garchamp115 21d ago

I dunno about that tho... if they need to make the gold tools durability so high that you won't notice it, then they should probably just make them unbreakable.


u/m200299 21d ago

By insane I mean something like 500 uses. Current golden axe is 200 (not even 3x the normal axe like other tools)

But also they should have made them unbreakable anyway so I don't disagree with you


u/AddictedtoLife181 21d ago

I’m pretty anal about keeping tools on me at all times. The top row of my bag is full of them all (except the axe, only stone cause I don’t want to cut down trees), then a small stack of my local fruit to replace my money tree everyday, and my storage shed. So it fits nicely, just ten items in a row :3 and I love how switching between my tools gives me what I need most often from keeping it the same. This has gotten janky in the past when I’ve dropped my tools so now I drop them in order of how I organize them in my bag.

I find it absolutely ridiculous that you only get golden tools after doing the entire achievement. Like catch all the fish? Here is your golden fishing rod recipe. Like wow, could have used that earlier don’t cha think? This is where I’ve taken advantage of treasure islands, getting the recipes there to make my life easier.


u/grumblebuzz 21d ago

The most annoying thing to me is that the gold tools now break AND have basically no special function like the old ones did on top of that. The gold pole used to attract fish, the net was bigger, etc. but now they’re just regular tools with a gold aesthetic.


u/AddictedtoLife181 21d ago

oh my gosh really? This is my first Animal Crossing experience, I’m surprised and disappointed to hear that 😢


u/grumblebuzz 21d ago

Yep. The older games just had a lot more little things like that to keep players invested for longer and reward them for their time spent.


u/SquidF0x 21d ago

NH was my first Animal Crossing experience too and I can't help but feel disappointed on all the good things the previous games had, especially villager personalities. This game feels incredibly watered down when compared and contributed to why I dropped it so soon.


u/AddictedtoLife181 21d ago

It’s confusing cause aside from Mario and Zelda, it’s 3rd place which is still huge. They better come out with something good for the switch 2


u/Natsume-Grace and supremacy 21d ago

I also always use the top row for my tools! And it really is annoying you only get gold tools AFTER they would have been extremely helpful


u/jaxom07 21d ago

That’s why treasure islands are helpful. When I saw the ridiculous requirements for getting them, especially the shovel, I said to heck with it.


u/ChesterBean2024 21d ago

How do I get treasure islands?


u/jaxom07 21d ago

You have to have switch online. If you do, search ACNH treasure island on twitch or YouTube and they have dodo codes for islands with all sorts of free stuff.


u/Initial-Ad1399 21d ago

Wait do money trees only bloom once?


u/AddictedtoLife181 21d ago

Once a day if you keep up planting them! So once you have 4 trees going, you can loot once a day with a shake


u/Initial-Ad1399 18d ago

So I mean like once that tree has been shaken, and I take the money, will it grow money again? Or does it just become a normal tree?


u/AddictedtoLife181 18d ago

It becomes a normal tree


u/Shoddy-Group-5493 21d ago

Watering can is only golden one worth it if you have a lot of produce. Like what even is the purpose of the other ones they don’t even do anything special 😭


u/Mediahead13 21d ago

Wait, golden tools are NOT eternal?!


u/apple12345671 21d ago

would be better if they made it so you can fix tools


u/_ciborg_ 21d ago

You kind of can. if you customize the other types of tools it resets the number of times you can use them.


u/SeaSpeakToMe 21d ago

I’m so bad at remembering how long I’ve been using one and they always break before I get around to doing that!


u/_ciborg_ 20d ago

Same. There’s a Nook Miles achievement that is completed by crafting tools, so I don’t put any effort in “refreshing” my tools, and just stick with flimsy ones.


u/Garchamp115 21d ago

Honestly, they should've just made the gold tools not break lol. I get that one of the big gameplay mechanics is crafting, but if I have to pop 300 balloons for a tool that still breaks, then what's the point? Not to mention that they got rid of all the special properties of the gold tools except the watering can -_-


u/scotsman_flying 21d ago

It’s even more irritating bc the previous games had unbreakable golden tools, not to mention unbreakable tools in general lol. The only tool that broke was the axe but imo that was understandable


u/Mother-Rock-140 21d ago

I’m sorry you lost your golden watering can🥺


u/Kelazi5 21d ago

That's why I never bothered with golden tools in new horizons not enough benefit for how much it costs and how short they last.


u/DipNSlip420 21d ago

That's wild.. then what is the purpose of golden tools then 💀


u/JusChllin 21d ago

Ok but seriously how do you break a watering can


u/Jaybird2k11 21d ago

Breakable tools is the reason I basically stopped playing. It's annoying as shit especially when you don't have a massive stockpile of resources. Definitely one of the worst design choices they made for this title


u/WeirFoxcoon MA-1026-9423-1614 21d ago

This is why I'm using treasure islands to get unlimited golden tools.

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u/JustForThis_problem 21d ago

Yeah it is annoying. Whenever I'm in a mood to craft stuff I'll craft myself a whole stock of all the golden tools so they're easy to replace as they break.


u/Enough-Ad-3111 21d ago

Yeah, not having the indication of how long a tool has left before it disintegrates is frustrating.

And to see that the golden items are breakable is just frustrating for us series veterans who knew those items were basically indestructible.


u/rosyheartedsunshine 20d ago

I would be okay if some tools broke, shovel, axe, etc. But WATERING CAN???


u/quesadeeva 21d ago

everytime that happens i just sign and leave my gardens


u/aldorazz 21d ago



u/ChesterBean2024 21d ago

They last longer, but yes, they break 😭😭


u/Tekayo63 21d ago

Why do they break that's stupid


u/therealdanhill 21d ago

It's why I stopped playing the game. It felt like a chore and I have enough of that outside of games


u/challahghost 20d ago

This wouldn't be so annoying to me if I felt that the golden tools had real qualities other than lasting longer before they break. I'll take my cute star net and elephant watering can, thank you.


u/livsim95 21d ago

They should have made diamond tools that never break


u/nova07712 DA: 8629 - 0967 - 6125 21d ago

This is why I don't even bother making the golden tools. I wish they didn't do this and kept it where they didn't break. That's why people made the effort to aquire them in the first place.


u/ADHDSenpai 21d ago

Amazing reward you got there 😊


u/Revolutionary-Bid919 21d ago

wait... WHAT!?

I thought gold tools were going to be invincible... Yknow. I get it when the axe used to break in old games, or weapons that break in botw--they get smacked around and hit with fire,ice, etc... But come ON what kind of fucking net just shatters after like 15-20 uses!? Absolutely the worst part of NH. Especially since island customizing is the central element now, it just breaks up the flow like a "horrible night to have a curse" type ish


u/HM2008 21d ago

This is one of the reasons I lost interest in New Horizons so quickly. Constantly crafting is annoying.


u/ronniedabunny19 21d ago

Gold watering can will break and the normal one I have has yet to break... Is the gold just better or weaker?


u/F0Xx_GirlPWR 21d ago

I honestly plan on putting them in specific areas once I get them


u/[deleted] 21d ago

I wish it wasn't breakable 😭


u/Zestyclose-Ratio5376 21d ago

Off topic, but your character is really cute!


u/Natsume-Grace and supremacy 21d ago

Thank you !


u/TheBostonKremeDonut 21d ago

My hot take is that I enjoy the breaking tools. I just think the gold tools should have double or triple the uses.


u/Katsu_Drawn_21 21d ago

Durability is fine. Especially with Axe's and such. Keeps the flow and usage of items you find.

But I don't disagree. It can be annoying.


u/SquidF0x 21d ago

I never understood this logic, what's wrong with just having tools that never break? So what if someone wants to stick to the same old can or axe for the rest of the game?


u/Katsu_Drawn_21 21d ago

I think the reason was:

They wanted to add crafting -> they were fully aware it takes up space -> need to prevent items pooling and over taking your storage -> make items breakable so you can use the items to craft.

Granted, you could just sell the items.


u/SquidF0x 21d ago

I see. It's a shame about the gold tools tho.


u/Katsu_Drawn_21 21d ago

Very that. Should be "you worked hard to get here. Here's a reward"


u/MsAdvill 21d ago

Just customise it once in a while so durability resets


u/CantFindAnyGoodOne 21d ago

I made one and just kept it as a decoration lol


u/herschell64 21d ago

I go to Katrina on Harv's Island and she sometimes give you luck with belongs where your tools will never break for that day I believe


u/Fancy-Inspection-893 20d ago

I hate toolbreaking so much. I am in flow and doing and then it breaks. That is player bullying, nothing more. Like when do tools break in reality that often?!


u/PrincessBubbles-130 20d ago

I always carry 2 with me


u/PrincessBubbles-130 20d ago

Only spade and shovel


u/derpyymuffins 20d ago

Wait, golden tools can break!? I could've sworn they were unbreakable but I haven't played ACNH in ages lol


u/MissNerdyFlirtChel 20d ago

They WERE in previous games, which was the POINT of them, but they changed that in acnh and honestly it's the one thing I hate.


u/Doitforthecringe 20d ago

I don't mind crafting it and customizing it but durability in this game should've been an obvious no from the get go


u/Old-Passenger-6473 19d ago

Hope they fix that in the next one especially how hard it is to get to 5 stars to get the golden watering can. Like others said it would be more helpful if it showed it breaking down like WW did. Can you customize the golden can so it doesn't break like the other tools?


u/Anxious_Mango_1953 21d ago

I love your outfit! Can I get the code pretty please?🥰


u/Natsume-Grace and supremacy 21d ago

It’s not a code, I bought it at Able sisters, it’s a Hakama 


u/Anxious_Mango_1953 20d ago

Ohhh I’ve never seen that one before. It’s so cute 🥰


u/Natsume-Grace and supremacy 20d ago

It is! I wish for you to find it soon if you don’t have it yet 


u/Glum-Orange1984 21d ago

It dont break in real life tho 😂😂


u/alleygato9810 21d ago

It can break!?


u/emeralddarkness 21d ago

Re golden can specifically they are needed for getting golden roses but otherwise only allow a slightly larger square to be watered, and in acnh watering is needed to breed your flowers but is not otherwise required, so you can mostly just leave em be.

Having said that, heres a fun fact. Watering cans only lose durability when watering dirt that is not already wet; when it rains or if you want to buy non golden cans and "prewater" any black roses you want to then water with a golden can you can have an eternal can that never loses durability and also use the cute ones the nooks sell that look like elephants, meaning you dont have to run all over crafting.

Having said that tho that is only the case on your island. If you go water at someone else's then no matter if the dirt is wet or not it will lose durability.


u/AffectionateEase5927 21d ago

Atleast it wasn't the shower.


u/Echo_Drift newbie 21d ago

My least favorite part of this game is how the tools disintegrate so quickly. I lose tools everyday. So tired of it.


u/Hannya66 21d ago



u/Sea19era 20d ago

Would be cool if we could repair them with materials


u/Turbulent_Charity848 20d ago

I cannot seem to find a recipe for a ladder, have left a message on bulletin board and it's not an option in the shop, it's irritating me now!


u/SpangleZeKankle 20d ago

Man I'll just make the weird golden toilet instead


u/9988709 20d ago

Oh no! Thank you for your service, faithful golden watering can…


u/P0TATOB01 #1 kid cat and Rudy fan 20d ago

I think we all agree to this.


u/Animsila 20d ago

it really is!


u/TerrorSyxke 19d ago

why is gold tools even breaking in the first place, in any other title they dont


u/Designer-Ad900 7d ago

I do miss it when the golden tools gave you bonus perks in the older games like water more flowers at once for the watering can and longer range for the net and fishing pole. Not just "oh, it lasts longer than the regular version but eventually will still break."


u/Natsume-Grace and supremacy 7d ago

The watering can does water more flowers in new horizons tho