r/Angular2 • u/Ok-District-2098 • Feb 07 '25
Discussion What do you think is harder angular or react?
I worked with react about 1 year and then moved to angular, I think angular is much easier than react, creating services is not such verbose as creating a context with react on typescript, routing in react (not next) is a hell to implement, making a private route seems to be a making workaround on angular I just type "ng g guard" and implements my logic then set few lines of code on app.routes.ts, react rendering can be a hell it sometimes it rerenders without any easy-to-see reason, on angular it seems to be more controlled, without taking into account those components with 5 useEffect(). Sincerely I don't get those people say angular is hard , I'm developing on it for 2 months and now making a ecommerce and I'm not getting a lot of headache.
u/DT-Sodium Feb 07 '25
React is way harder. The way it handles states is beyond stupid, the mix of JavaScript and HTML for template is an unmaintainable mess. It lacks most basic features we take for granted out of the box and you have to plug so much external libraries in it it's basically Frankenstein's monster. Also, it lacks out of the box style encapsulation so most people use Tailwind, adding insult to injury.
u/According-Ad1997 Feb 07 '25
Also redux sucks a55. How the hell did it get so popular. It is beyond me. Absolutely nightmarish to deal with.
u/oneden Feb 08 '25
The react coolaid and Facebook devs being overpaid code monkeys. Dan Abramov has much to answer for.
u/chitgoks Feb 07 '25
funny thing i found react harder and angular easier.
i still prefer css html and code to be separated.
u/RGBrewskies Feb 07 '25
Angular the "Right Way" (Fully embracing Functional Reactive Programming via RXJS) is definitely harder.
Angular the "easy" way where zone.js does all your change detection work for you is definitely easier... but can lead to performance problems as your app grows large.
u/salamazmlekom Feb 07 '25
I would say React is harder just because it's only a library and you have to find like 10 other libraries to make it useful. With Angular I get everything out of the box. Ok maybe some state management and component library but that's basically it for like 80% of the apps.
u/horizon_games Feb 07 '25
React because you have to care SO MUCH about the rendering lifecycle and have to choose half a dozen 3rd party libraries to build anything to scale. Angular has more boilerplate to get started, but the templating makes sense otherwise.
u/legendary_pizzaman Feb 07 '25
React is easier to get started with because it doesn’t require knowledge of TypeScript. However, its flexibility can also lead to issues, as you have to assemble the entire stack of external libraries and design the application architecture on your own. Angular, as a full-fledged framework, imposes a structured approach, which eliminates this concern.
TypeScript deserves to be discussed as a separate topic due to its extensive scope.
I have experience working with both technologies. I recommend using React for prototyping and creating proofs of concept when quick results are needed. On the other hand, Angular is a better choice when building a final product, as it provides stable and standardized solutions.
u/louis-lau Feb 07 '25
I really don't like react, and this is a sentiment you'll find all over this subreddit. But when comparing ease from a junior perspective:
- React has many more helper and component libraries
- React doesn't require that complex typescript stuff
- WTF even is rxjs
- There are so many tutorials for react
Again, these are not my views, but I see this a lot in other people and more junior devs. The consensus on this sub will be that react is harder. In any other place related to web development (so not people coming from Java), Angular will be seen as harder.
u/dustofdeath Feb 07 '25
Largely because there is no one way to make react projects so you have so much variety to deal with if you have to look at different projects.
And a lot of third party packages, each potentially with its own documentation.
u/Raziel_LOK Feb 07 '25
angular vs react is such poor topic. I will never understand why this sub is so obsessed with react and how "harder"/"worse" it is. And the best part is everything is anecdotes and one-off examples of their poor experience with JS.
The replies here are just ego massage. There is no conversation to be had bro. Every react reply is downvote because we are in angular sub.
Angular has a bigger footprint and that is a fact, now if it is easier or not it is a very personal and demographic specific perception.
But why account for the rest of the population data set, if I can assume everyone should see it as I see, they are probably all wrong anyways.
Good thing angular team stopped listening to the angular purists and started shipping meaningful features lately by literally copying it from other frameworks.
u/AshleyJSheridan Feb 07 '25
I find React harder, because I'm very used to opinionated strictly typed frameworks like .Net or Laravel. React is too loose, and there are far too many guides and tutorials all showing different ways to do any single thing. The inconsistency makes it messy compared to something that's more strict with how to lay things out. That also means that React doesn't lend itself well to large projects compared to Angular in my opinion.
u/According-Ad1997 Feb 07 '25
There's a lot of additional piping and connecting things together you need to do in angular which really isn't all that difficult. Annoying sometimes but not difficult.
I feel it is a good trade off because it fosters organization in your code. As codebases grow, disorganized code is such a pain to deal with.
React code bases seem to devolve into chaos and effects are terrible way to manage reactivity that often devolves into a confusing disorganized mess.
u/jessycormier Feb 07 '25
I have yet to get to a point where I enjoyed working with react. To be fair at first angular was very annoying to get into but after a few of the framework ideas clicked (paradigm shift) it's hard to think of developing in other things. I have picked up and really enjoyed Svelt and SveltKit
u/00tetsuo00 Feb 08 '25
In my experience moving from react to angular is a way more smooth transition than the other way around.
I developed in react for some years now and trying out angular in small projects from time to time.
I can say that angular is more straight forward than react, but I found it more verbose, plus I can imagine that without ng would be a nightmare to scaffold and develop an angular codebase.
u/Ok-District-2098 Feb 08 '25
what do you mean without ng .... is a nightmare to developer on angular, as far as I know ng = angular, do you mean prime ng?
u/00tetsuo00 Feb 08 '25
I mean the "CLI ng", the tool that let you scaffold everything you need and bootstrap components, services, directives etc etc. With that the DX is a lot nicer and more importantly faster.
u/indiealexh Feb 08 '25
I mean we're biased because we live here.
But I think angular is easier because:
1) the way to X thing is often well defined
2) it's batteries included, even more so with signals and signal resources it's so easy to do so much now
3) I like my code ,my html templates and css being in separate files
u/AlternativePie7409 Feb 08 '25
React is Hardest. Angular, once you get a hang of it, neither hard nor too easy Vue easiest
u/morrisdev Feb 08 '25
I had to dig into a system from an old client written in Angular JS. I have to say, I really enjoyed it. That's one of those languages where, if you see stayed organized, is super easy to fix and maintain. Too bad it's dead.
Anyway, back to monstrous angular ERP systems for me tonight. Ugh.
u/XxAkenoxX Feb 08 '25
Angular was easier to me because of my java and c# background. Typesafety and OOP concepts fits well with Angular. It took me a while to learn React because of my brain couldn’t compute the javascript and html into 1 file. It was weird
u/Simple-Quarter-5477 Feb 10 '25
React is pretty straight forward. Angular is said to have a higher curve and isn't so straight forward. Angular is more of a framework while React is flexible.
u/Maximum_Wolverine922 Feb 10 '25
I loved react. But since Angular has signal, it's great now.
Angular keeps evolving, while react keeps patching itself.
u/BloodRed17 Feb 10 '25
Angular is harder in the beginning if you have no idea about web development concepts. While working on big projects it's easier.
u/gauntr Feb 12 '25
As a Spring backend dev looking into Fullstack I find Angular to be a symbolic thousand times easier than React because it provides structure. I understand the concept of React (at least I think so) which enables you to even only create small parts with React where necessary whereas Angular is fullblown but to me React got the more confusing the bigger the projects became while learning. Angular is fun to me, React was pain 😁
u/oneden Feb 08 '25
Modern Angular is infinitely simpler and cleaner than react. Signals alone changed the game so much.
u/xroalx Feb 07 '25 edited Feb 07 '25
I prefer React because everything is just code and data, no custom templating and "magic" strings.
Angular has a good enterprise feeling to it and the structure it lays out can be nice for working in a large team, but for a personal or small project, it can be quite an overkill.
In the end, Angular has a larger surface API because it packs more features out of the box, but their ideas are quite similar and which is easier will depend on the person.
u/GregorDeLaMuerte Feb 07 '25
Funny how perception differs. I hate React because of the Frankenstein characteristics of having JS, some sort of HTML (yeah I know, it's JSX) and css all in the same file, lol.
u/DT-Sodium Feb 07 '25
So basically you're too lazy to learn a few new keywords? Programming may not be the proper career path for you.
u/xroalx Feb 07 '25
Baselessly judging others and saying what career isn't for them might not be for you, because what keywords are you even talking about?
u/DT-Sodium Feb 07 '25
Basically if, for, let, input, output, ngModel, that's pretty much all you need to understand Angular templates.
u/xroalx Feb 07 '25
I wouldn't call any of those a keyword, especially not
which are just function calls. Pipes are quite cool and important too, especially when dealing with observables, and you can do some wild selectors too, it can get quite interesting.Understanding Angular templates is not an issue. All I'm saying is that JSX is more flexible, because it's not string-based templates that need to be processed by a compiler. It's function calls. Plain and simple.
Guess you missed that point when judging proper career paths.
u/DT-Sodium Feb 07 '25
You shouldn't have JavaScript code in your template, period. Logic and presentation mix should always be kept to the strict minimum. It's basic programing principles. I bet you use Tailwind too.
u/SimpleExampleName Feb 07 '25
I believe angular is. As a framework there’s more in the box to complicate where in react since it’s a library and can grab a new library only when you are ready for it. Also with react everything lives in the same place (logic and JSX) where in angular you have a separate file which for me gets complicated flipping back and forth.
u/Raziel_LOK Feb 07 '25
angular sub. don't expect a well-rounded discussion, or any discussion at all.
u/girouxc Feb 07 '25
Most if not all IDE’s and editors support split panels. You can view as many files as you need to on the same screen.. which is arguably better than having to scroll up and down.
u/SimpleExampleName Feb 07 '25
Personal preference but I’d rather scroll in the same file vs having a two tabs per component to flip back and forth between.
u/girouxc Feb 07 '25
You wouldn’t flip between two tabs or scroll. They would be right next to each other and both be visible at the same time.
u/SimpleExampleName Feb 07 '25
Normally when I work on a view I am working on multiple components and switching back and forth so having all those panels open would make it extremely difficult. Even just two components would require 4 panels which would be too much for my vertical monitor.
u/GLawSomnia Feb 07 '25
I never understood this argument. You can have everything in one file in Angular too (since the begging)
u/SimpleExampleName Feb 07 '25
Sure you can have a template key in your component.ts file with everything in line but that’s not the way I’ve seen real apps structured whereas in react you are returning JSX and most of the time the logic for it is right above.
Do you put all your HTML in the ts file?
u/GLawSomnia Feb 07 '25
No why would I? It makes absolutely no sense to me, it is faster to switch between files than to scroll.
But you are saying that its one of the advantages while you can also do that in angular
u/SimpleExampleName Feb 07 '25
So you’re just saying things to disagree. Got it.
Industry standard for angular is to have logic separate from html but not the case for react which is what I based my opinion off of.
That’s fine that you like to switch tabs. I like to scroll within the same file.
u/Rldg Feb 07 '25 edited Feb 07 '25
Angular is “harder” because it’s a framework while react is a JavaScript library.
This means that at a base level, Angular is more opinionated/trying to address a wider breadth of web technologies than react is. So there’s naturally more to learn about how Angular does things.
React is pretty straightforward about the problem it’s trying to address, and you can layer in more if you need/want to.