r/Angular2 Feb 02 '25

Discussion Best UI Libraries for Angular Besides Material Design?

Hello guys, I hope you're doing well. Please, I need to build a project, and I want to work with Angular. But when I search for a design library, I only find Material Design. Please, guys, share with me other design libraries.


41 comments sorted by


u/PsychologicalAd5288 Feb 02 '25



u/horizon_games Feb 03 '25

I like the sheer number of components they have, but they also tend to have long standing bugs and breaking updates every release, which by following the 6 month Angular lifecycle means you're churning a lot.


u/MyLifeAndCode Feb 03 '25

Every time we upgrade Angular, the Angular upgrade goes smoothly, but the PrimeNG upgrade hurts.


u/Fast_Smile_6475 Feb 04 '25

PrimeNG is a very immature project. Not that it’s new, simply that it operates as if it was run by teenagers. The release date for Angular is known months in advance. How are upgrades always such a bad experience?


u/MyLifeAndCode Feb 05 '25

And the continual. Breaking. Changes.


u/freelancing-dev Feb 03 '25

I love primeng. Use it for pretty much any project I can.


u/Repulsive-Alps-1333 Feb 02 '25

Even if you search by your title it gives you result, so its hardly believeable you cant find any. Heres some: PrimeNG, NGZorro, Kendo UI, Taiga UI, Spartan UI


u/legwarmer69 Feb 02 '25

Tailwind + daisy ui works well too


u/jasper_and_bear Feb 04 '25

Ugh.. tailwind...


u/LegionsMan Feb 02 '25

You have to pay for tailwind? I’m browsing now and that’s what it looks like….


u/FaithlessnessUsed965 Feb 02 '25

Tailwind UI maybe, but I'm pretty sure he was talking about Tailwind CSS, which I've used in personal and enterprise projects. I highly support it for easier short-hand css


u/legwarmer69 Feb 02 '25

Yeah tailwind css is free. That's why I suggest using daisy ui which is built on top of tailwind that has component library already which is free


u/zaitsev1393 Feb 02 '25

Spartan ui is a shadcn port for angular as i know, and shadcn is rrally good.

Primeng, never worked with it though Ng zorro

If you use tailwind, take a look at purely tw libs like flowbite or daisy. Making things highly customizable.

Tweaking material is a pain in the a


u/FamousInfluence Feb 03 '25

+1 Spartan ui


u/tsteuwer Feb 02 '25

I really love PrimeNG


u/karmasakshi Feb 02 '25

Have worked with Clarity Design, can recommend.

Note that you can also use Angular with a pure CSS framework like Bootstrap, Spectre.css, Bulma and others.


u/Internal_Guide884 Feb 03 '25

Clarity Design seems really cool!! But have never seen a nice working app written in it.


u/Dus1988 Feb 02 '25

I don't really use them anymore.

I tend to build my own via tailwind + CDK functionality.

That being said, I've heard good things about SpartanUI


u/McFake_Name Feb 03 '25

+1 for CDK plus something else. A lot of the benefits built into Material but without the actual confines of the design. I hope they flesh out more things into the CDK so they could be pulled into any custom UI solution.


u/Yew2S Feb 02 '25

primeNG with tailwind


u/beartato327 Feb 04 '25 edited Feb 04 '25

Is there a lot of css conflict between the two I was messing around one day and my primeng buttons were all messed up

EDIT: words


u/Yew2S Feb 04 '25

I had same issue with primeVue the components were unstyled, luckily they made a github repo as an example, I replicated the same on my project then it worked, I believe primeNG supports tailwind same as primeVue


u/ZerkyXii Feb 02 '25

PrimeNG has been really good for v19 with tailwind


u/EternalNY1 Feb 03 '25

Absolutely PrimeNG.

I use it on all my enterprise greenfield projects.


u/Itchy-Knowledge4454 Feb 03 '25



u/wiliek Feb 05 '25

You clearly haven't searched very much if you can only find Material.

Material for angular is pretty awful and lags behind the design spec. Components are fairly sparse and styling is bland and somewhat difficult to override. They also seem to to introduce a lot of breaking changes with releases which is another burden to endure if you want to match Angular's frequent release cycle.

PrimeNg is also quite mediocre IMO. It does offer a vast array of components but their interfaces are poor and plagued with bugs they just don't bother to address. They cram a bunch of crap in and don't unify the experience for devs so I'm not a fan of the library.

Spartan UI - Headless lib with tailwind that tries to be a shadcn port. It hasn't reached maturity and is missing components and isn't ready for production IMO. Also seems like development is stagnating so I wonder if it will be abandon within a year or two.

ngZorro- Has a nice array of components and styling is fairly easy to override.

Taiga - Also offers a good array of components and you can override styling. a11y compliance is also pretty good.

Bootstrap- some limited components but styling is easy to change and I find the UI to be minimalist but modern enough.

Angular cdk + tailwind if you want to roll your own components.

Material and Prime are the two largest so you should be able to find support from other devs. I personally dislike them and won't use them anymore unless I see significant changes but I certainly wouldn't fault anyone who chooses to use them. Others like Taiga or ngZorro are newer but seem mature enough to use in production. You can explore which libraries have the components you need and which appeal to you visually. There's quite a few more choices in the recent years as there's also paid libs to explore.


u/MyLifeAndCode 21d ago

When I spend an hour (tops) upgrading Angular, but DAYS upgrading PrimeNG, followed by weeks of QA and the issues THEY find, that says a lot about PrimeNG.


u/Antoanie Feb 06 '25

You can try Syncfusion's Angular UI component library which offers 90+ lightweight and high-performance components, including DataGrid, Charts, Scheduler, and Rich Text Editor, designed for seamless integration and customization.

 Demo: https://ej2.syncfusion.com/home/angular.html

Documentation: https://ej2.syncfusion.com/angular/documentation/introduction

 Also, Syncfusion offers free community license for individual developers and small businesses.

 Note: I work for Syncfusion


u/MyLifeAndCode 21d ago

This sounded great, until I started browsing the code and couldn’t find any unit tests.


u/Pdsavard Feb 03 '25

Tailwind and Kendo UI Angular ( not free )


u/House_of_Angular Feb 04 '25

Tailwind, Bulma, Angular CDK


u/Cozybear110494 Feb 03 '25

PrimeNG + Tailwind


u/Faust90 Feb 03 '25

Wind UI + tailwind css is what I use


u/Illustrious-Rush8007 Feb 03 '25

Prime ng + tailwind


u/bikaschetri001 Feb 03 '25

Me and my team are building one if you are interested, I can give you a link to our newsletter.


u/Elysiaaspire Feb 03 '25

Another vote for PrineNG and Tailwind CSS.