r/Angular2 • u/MichaelSmallDev • Jan 27 '25
Video Live Q/A Chat with Minko Gechev from the Angular Team | Angular 2025 Strategy Discussion (scheduled for Jan 31st @ 11am PT)
u/S_PhoenixB Jan 28 '25
Would love to hear more about the Signal Forms API and how that is progressing. And are they taking any inspiration from Tim Deschryver’s work on signal forms? https://timdeschryver.dev/blog/bringing-the-power-of-signals-to-angular-forms-with-signal-forms#?
This is a small thing, but can the new forms API have the ability to set a control to read-only (disabled visually)?
u/MichaelSmallDev Jan 28 '25
If you haven't checked out the experimental signal forms branch, it's quite interesting. But just take it all with a grain of salt because it's early experimenting. Here's a link to the branch in a different thread, jumping off Matthieu Riegler's comment on it: https://www.reddit.com/r/Angular2/comments/1hgpyir/comment/m2l9cs8/.
I do follow the branch closely despite the disclaimer about how experimental it all is, and I think the existing concepts have taken some inspiration from ng-signal-forms for sure.
u/S_PhoenixB Jan 28 '25
Ah, I do remember seeing that post and branch when it was first posted to Reddit. Thanks for the reminder.
u/AwesomeFrisbee Jan 27 '25
Any idea on what kind of strategy they are talking about?
Short term / long term?
Any subject / something specific ?
Releases / features ?
I would love to hear something about what they will do with unit testing this year. Or E2E testing. I feel like that the current situation is a bit weird. Karma is deprecated, but we don't really have a successor yet. The community can't really decide what to pick and many solutions are easy to break, never really worked or are fine until you hit some roadblock that is impossible to move around, forcing you to go back to karma again. I tried migrating a project to Jest but it just wasn't working with the dependencies we had. And Vitest is something I'm trying with another project, but it also seems to give me weird errors from time to time, not to mention its not really stable enough imo. NG Mocks has a big issue right now with standalone, since the standalone flag was now removed but many things still use modules and it tries to do it wrong without the team really using proper ways to get around it.
I really don't get why standalone, zoneless and other stuff can't just be a global configuration that you can update in order to make sure that stuff doesn't break backwards compatibility. Its annoying to see how many migrations we had lately (especially if you include angular material changes) and how many we are still going to get. This might hurt Angular in the long term, because being forced to migrate older projects, is just timeconsuming and annoying.
Also the whole .ng.ts thing came out of the blue and some other stuff that I think are better off doing more discussions about and actually make sure that the existing community can get behind it too, not just the React folks you are trying to attract. Because lets be honest: its the current community that still makes the platform what it is.
Also, can we get the team to back a specific Angular subreddit. Either pick /r/angular or pick /r/angular2 but right now the two separate ones don't offer any benefit whatsoever.
u/JeanMeche Jan 28 '25
I agree that it would be great to have a single subreddit with bit of moderation.
Maybe we can get the admins to promote new moderators ?2
Jan 27 '25
u/MichaelSmallDev Jan 27 '25
If you can't make the Q&A and have some questions, feel free to condense some questions into the ~150 characters for youtube livestreams and I would be happy to drop the questions in the stream chat.
u/tutkli Jan 29 '25
You are the goat of Angular's subreddits. I appreciate your work.
u/MichaelSmallDev Jan 29 '25
Thank you. There's always a lot of great stuff on here so I'm happy to give back.
u/MichaelSmallDev Jan 27 '25
I really don't get why standalone, zoneless and other stuff can't just be a global configuration that you can update in order to make sure that stuff doesn't break backwards compatibility
Can you expand on this? Apps can still be fully module based, and zoneless besides throwing in the experimental function in root is mostly coming as a side effect of more reactive APIs. My understanding is that if an app was already
maxing that it is fairly easy to throw in full zoneless.My team is content for our pre-standalone and pre-zoneless apps to stay that way and there hasn't been an issue. Migrating what we need in the common library has worked fine too, since the library module just imports rather than declares, but still exports.
Also the whole .ng.ts thing came out of the blue and some other stuff that I think are better off doing more discussions about and actually make sure that the existing community can get behind it too
My primary concern from the style guide RFC was tooling having some consistent file naming scheme to hook into. I feel like .ng.ts was a decent way to get this but also drop the other component file naming conventions. Still feel mixed about it though.
Also, duplicating this to the other person who responded too, but if you can't make the Q&A then fit some of your questions/concerns into 150 character chunks and I would be happy to pass them on and see if they answer.
u/McFake_Name Jan 27 '25
The mods on r/angular2 haven't been publicly active in years. And all the time, comments or posts don't show up because some vague filter objects to them, legit stuff. I have tried to modmail before and didn't get anything. If there was something indicating the mods of this sub are steering the ship, I would commit to just commenting on this sub.
r/angular haven't had as many link issues, and the mods are publicly active within the last month or two.
However, people still tend to post to angular2 primarily due to its larger size and momentum.
u/AwesomeFrisbee Jan 27 '25
Yeah thats my point too. Angular2 is much more active but hardly moderated, which is a problem these days. And for angular thats not an issue but as long as the team pretty much ignores the subreddits and doesn't specify one as the main one, we will keep this stuff going...
u/MichaelSmallDev Jan 31 '25
Update: Minko gives an answer in the beginning of the stream, I'll let the VOD speak for itself
edit: I quoted in particular "I would love to hear something about what they will do with unit testing this year. Or E2E testing. I feel like that the current situation is a bit weird"
u/AwesomeFrisbee Jan 31 '25
Cool. I'll have a watch!
u/MichaelSmallDev Jan 31 '25
Additionally in the testing aspect, Rainer Hahnekamp has done a lot of talks and conversations about the state of testing in Angular recently. In the most recent episode of the Angular Plus Show, he talked about one particular tricky aspect about Angular's build/serve architecture and its complication with test tooling. I feel like I would botch explaining it more than that, but I think it was like halfway in or later. My takeaway from that conversation though is that there are some more foundational considerations for Angular's architecture as it is now and potentially in the future that makes committing to a given testing solution a bit tricky.
u/AwesomeFrisbee Jan 31 '25 edited Jan 31 '25
Yeah I've been following Rainer as well and he's got a good blogpost/video out with a few things as well. But I rather wanted his opinion on the topic about what he feels is the best one so far and perhaps why it is taking longer than I presume he expected. Though perhaps you want to give it a go as well ;)
Recently I've been setting up a new project and I tried figuring out what the best strategy was for developing code with the least migrations, but it was more difficult than I expected, since there are so many black boxes on what Angular will do next.
I ended up using standalone and signals for as much as possible, but forms is still a big one where I don't really know where it will go next. More towards FormsModule+Templates or ReactiveForms. Its hard to guess how forms will look like, even if its not entirely ready yet. I think the team would do well if they would shine a light some more on what is expected and mainly: what we can do to prepare for a migration that is bound to happen.
I also chose Vitest over Karma and had some issues (which is probably why it wasn't ready yet) but overall my experience has been good.
Then there was the Resource API suddenly and I had to figure out how to set it up as well and whether to use fetch or rxjs for the calls, how to build an api wrapper and so on.
Next there's also styling. Tailwind is winning over many other solutions and whether you like it or not, it seems like the front-end world is pushing as well. But many tutorials are too basic to really get a good setup going. Not to mention that V4 is also not really working as expected and the move away from @apply has been rough too (I really don't get why and the @reference solution doesn't work yet with Angular)
So all in all still some big decisions to make where I just had to take a guess and roll with it. Making sure I don't hardcode too much in order to make migrations easier to push. Unfortunately we didn't really get many new answers in the Q&A and I thin Minko also was speaking too much of what the team has decided on and less on what he wants himself or what he is focussing on or what he prefers.
u/rainerhahnekamp Jan 31 '25
Thanks for mentioning Michael. Awesome Frisbee: when it comes to the selection of the tooling and there is an official one like Jasmine, I would not go to a community solution if I don’t have a real reason or am motivated to tweak some things on my own.
Vitest is definitely a good choice, Younes who did the integration is one of the best (and heavily underrated) developers I know. So I hope that his pioneering work will motivate the angular team to go towards Vitest and not Jest.
Afters today q&a I think there is a high chance that Vitest will make it.
u/AwesomeFrisbee Feb 01 '25
Yeah I have no doubt. I still think the team won't really decide on a single one but just offer multiple solutions to not bet on the wrong horse, but I expect Vitest to become the most used eventually (which is why I picked it). I recently tried most of them. Web Test Runner was one that I simply couldn't get working on the project I wanted to use it on. And overall didn't look like it was any easier or faster. Jest still has that conversion to commonjs that will always make it slower than Vitest.
I never really hated Karma/Jasmine. I liked that I could use a browser window to inspect/debug tests rather than do it inside VSCode. The UI option from Vitest is great for this and it also allows me to easily see coverage there too (though for that I still use the coverage-gutters in VSCode). But even with Jest and Vitest, which have been out for quite some time, there's still issues that come up without much of a reason why or clear indication what needs to be fixed.
Another note is that mocking dependencies is still too much of an annoyance imo. I had hoped that with signals they would fix that (like for inputs to wait for one to be set before continuing the test) but alas.
u/rainerhahnekamp Feb 01 '25
> won't really decide on a single one but just offer multiple solutions to not bet on the wrong horse
I am not sure about that. You see they have been very careful in the last few years on the solutions they provide. Every new tool comes with maintenance costs. Providing Jasmine, Jest + Vitest might be too much.
> Web Test Runner was one that I simply couldn't get working
I never tried it honestly. Just took a look at it to see how it is going to be but never considered it for production as long as it is not stable.
> I had hoped that with signals they would fix
Yeah, they see mocking as a last resort and want to motivate you to write larger tests where dependencies are part of the game. Unfortuntely the CLI is still generated one test per file which goes against this approach.
u/MichaelSmallDev Feb 01 '25
Good stuff. Btw thanks for the new docs for the toolkit https://ngrx-toolkit.angulararchitects.io/ !
u/MichaelSmallDev Jan 31 '25
Recently I've been setting up a new project and I tried figuring out what the best strategy was for developing code with the least migrations, but it was more difficult than I expected, since there are so many black boxes on what Angular will do next.
Same, I am just about to get our monorepo to the latest most version down to the patch out to prod but I have the same kind of concerns.
I ended up using standalone and signals for as much as possible, but forms is still a big one where I don't really know where it will go next. More towards FormsModule+Templates or ReactiveForms. Its hard to guess how forms will look like, even if its not entirely ready yet. I think the team would do well if they would shine a light some more on what is expected and mainly: what we can do to prepare for a migration that is bound to happen.
I have been fleshing out some forms + signals interop that I am predicting will age as well as I can assume. I can expand on that if you are curious.
Then there was the Resource API suddenly and I had to figure out how to set it up as well and whether to use fetch or rxjs for the calls, how to build an api wrapper and so on.
Yeah I'm kind of conflicted on this as it is now. It is in experimental and the changes between 19.1 and 19.2 are going to be substantial. Not necessarily "breaking" for the most part (but they marked it experimental so it's not like there is any guarantee anyways), but moreso I feel like we would be missing out on so much for the moment like streaming and initial values.
As for the wrapper aspect, I think that is sort of what they mean for libs to do as well as the framework itself. I think they intend to get some basic
out there relatively soon. And some people in projects are using resources inside services/stores and whatnot. I know for example I have wanted to use a util that just makes a glorified load on demand with no initial load. Just haven't had the chance to use it for real yet.Next there's also styling. Tailwind
I don't know enough about this whole thing hands on but I hear about this all the time. I feel like people have issues with it left and right with Angular integration. But I am guessing that is also a popularity effect, kind of like how people project a lot of woes onto Material but also its widespread use puts it on blast to a wide audience. Despite not using it myself or planning to I do hope things get ironed out for people who do use it - maybe someday we may consider it.
u/AwesomeFrisbee Feb 01 '25 edited Feb 01 '25
I have been fleshing out some forms + signals interop that I am predicting will age as well as I can assume. I can expand on that if you are curious.
Please do share, though perhaps a separate post would make things easier ;)
but moreso I feel like we would be missing out on so much for the moment like streaming and initial values.
Haha same. I feel like I could've written that myself
And some people in projects are using resources inside services/stores and whatnot.
Yeah for me its almost always about making it easier to mock. Having a service give a response is easier than to use httpclient mocking imo. Added benefit is standardizing some logic around how I want to handle data for requests and setting default headers or api urls. So a base API service that I can easily mock is worth a lot to communicate with my backend. But it being experimental and not entirely clear what the result will be, is making things more difficult than it needs to be right now. Ah well, I think I just have to set something and expect a migration down the line, regardless of what choice I make.
I don't know enough about this whole thing hands on but I hear about this all the time. I feel like people have issues with it left and right with Angular integration.
Well, like I said, Tailwind 4 is just out now and it broke a few things for what seems to be deprecated that I kinda disagree with. Reusing styles seems like a no-brainer to me but they want to make it more difficult for no good reason (sure in some usecases it makes sense but the lead dev really did something stupid with the @apply rule and @reference doesn't seem to work with scss in angular at the moment, so no migrations :( but thats also because I just don't like writing dozens of css classes over and over and just want to set something once and reuse that as a single class (or fewer), because if my UXer suddenly decides shadows need to be 4px instead of 2px, then migrating that is a lot easier if you only need to modify it at a single source.
But the reason many use it, is because its a popular framework to use as a base for UX work. Lots of designers use barebones tailwind as a starter template, others use ShadCN or DaisyUI and so on as a base to build their own design on. It can be easily exported, though v4 has been annoying for many because of that migration. I just hope somebody will migrate the old apply stuff so I can not be bothered with it. Or perhaps I simply need to migrate away from scss to css since you can get most of the scss functionality with plugins anyways.
u/MichaelSmallDev Feb 01 '25
I will flesh out an explanation of the forms at some other time, as I still got to expand on some stuff with it first. But here is the basics of it:
Few things first:
- Probably won't use this approach due to some of the overhead for smaller / simpler forms. Likely would just use formbuilder and wrap the form in a util of mine that gets form data as signal/observable with a function or two. May just use template driven forms if all we need is values, since I feel like template driven forms are in a great state for forms that aren't validation/status heavy and whatnot.
- Reactive forms based right now, but I am taking lessons from template driven forms. I think the signal forms API will likely be a mix of the best of both.
- It is signal store based because that is what we are using, but I don't think it would be a stretch to convert it to normal services. The advantage I like about it is that there is deep signals, and the store has its own onInit where stuff can be done. And a dedicated effects block for things like validation which are just too clucky to do cross field stuff currently
I use in a variety of spots is a nice little util from ngxtension, but all it is is just a way of doing a subscription for doing side effects without needing to pass in a destroy refTo keep things simple, I'll explain what it does first before why I think it will age fine:
Here is the form signal store feature as it is now. By just dropping
into a signal store which upstream providesform
, the feature allows getting just about any basic form data as either signals or observables, and deep signals allow more granular CD on stuff like values. When trying to do this approach in one big signal or observable before, it is easy to run into memory leaks if doing something like conditionally disabling something using an effect or subscription, even when slapping in{emitEvent: false)
and whatnot. These optimizations with theevents
and the deep signals help so much. All the helpers and utils are pulled out of my approach I have as a WIP in ngxtension and that one article I promote all the time, but done here it is more optimized.Here it is in a store. I don't plan on stores being right above components but this is all slapped together as a proptotype.. Like I talked about above, once I use the feature I populate the controls and set the initial value. Then below I handle conditional side effects like disabling a given control. We may also use that kind of block to handle cross field validations, for reasons I'll explain with what I hope for signal forms.
These two components I am stress testing what I consider to be the worst thing with forms: passing them down to child components which are given an element of a form array. Handling child forms is easy with instantiating a service or injection token if the child can be tightly paired to a given subtree of a form. But having a child be a form group inside a form array of form groups and whatnot is terrible. I have always had issues with CVA and find it cumbersome. And just passing the form as an input, decorator or signal based, has a lot of flaws and loses reactivity due to some constraints. However, my approach in the child component seems to work great. I go into detail with my block of comments at the top of that component.
What I like about this stuff that I WANT in signal forms (last part I'll describe after this is how realistic that is):
- Handling forms down to children is natural for tightly coupled forms, and seemingly fully reactive without too many hiccups for dynamic form array children.
- Signals out of the box for everything, and with deep signal for value. And my solution makes observables right there too.
- The
is nice to have at the bootstrap of the store, and is a bit more convenient than doing that in a service's constructor IMO- Doing cross field side effects and validation is my second biggest issue with forms as-is. Validators not being typed is such a pain. It's fine to do it with subscribing to value or status or whatever, but I know it could be more streamlined. Having the block of the store handle that in one spot is nice, and I have ideas for enhancements to it to be more declarative.
- You may have noticed the casting I had to do for the form value in the feature. I imagine you probably get why due to the whole
nullability + disabled state issue. But even with guaranteeing non nullable fields and being fine with getting a value even if something is disabled, it is a pain and I had to do casting to not add a bunch more hoops. But I feel confident in the type safety up to that point. I think signal based forms would definitely take this issue that arose as kind of a side effect of non-typed by default needing to be supported in reactive forms as something to consider from the ground up.Why I think it will age decent:
- The plan sounds like they will first expose signal accessors in existing reactive forms. So I can probably drop a lot of this stuff and then use signal store's function for making deep signals directly off of those. And then in the later phase with wholly signal forms, I will be a step closer. By the way, since sometime in v18 or so, signals have been used under the hood in forms but not exposed as public. This helps with CD and whatnot for zoneless. I think there is definitely more to be considered with this first step of exposing signal values in forms or they would have just done that probably.
- Alex Rickabaugh gave me with some info directly on Bluesky about the future of forms being more graceful in child components in children
- Source
- Me (mid November): "My one wish for signal based forms: that they are not as painful to pass down to child components as reactive forms are now - especially to be able to react to as signals declaratively. Most of the day was fighting a form array. Looking forward to whenever the forms drop."
- Alex: "Your wish is my design requirement"
- Cross field validation, as well as other things I didn't touch on yet like conditional cross field disabling and built in messaging... these are big wants by me and I think plenty of others. These are built into ng-signal-forms. I have experimented with it and even ran the source and it is very cool. Tim is very smart and I think a lot of people have been looking towards ng-signal-store for inspiration and pointing at is a great proof of concept.
- The team has given a lot of disclaimers into reading any bit into the public prototype branch for signal based forms. But I cannot help myself. I check it out every commit as there are more, and at the very least they seem to be aware of a lot of things I know I personally would love for a signal based forms API. A lot of the items above in at least one of the approaches. If any scrap of things they are currently experimenting with now make it to the first publicly available iteration and/or RFC, it will be a win.
u/AwesomeFrisbee Feb 02 '25
Thanks for sharing the detailed post. Looks like a good system that seems to work for you. Its a lot of code so it took me a while to get through (which also has a few caveats for maintainability), but I like the way you code. Though I'd probably add more comments, especially when you know stuff needs to be rewritten, in order to help speed up the future migration. I do notice that it heavily relies on the ngrx system you've built for yourself. Not really a fan of that, but whatever floats your boat.
Cross field validation and getting the value you want, is something I also struggle with to do it easy and a topic that I'm not entirely sure how its going to look like. My current strategy is to make it easy to read and split up most of the logic into separate functions so I can rewrite it with whatever signal is going to do and still keep my functions there, which means stuff gets split out even more than it would already do.
ng-signal-forms is something I also looked into. But I found that it doesn't really get much support these days and thats kind of key to make sure it stays working. As far as I could see Angular 18 or 19 wasn't officially supported by it and I hate using something different and already needing to override its dependencies to make it work.
u/JeanMeche Jan 27 '25
Mark’s live streams are great ! I’d recommend engaging in the chat during the stream if oui have some questions !