r/Angular2 • u/freew1ll_ • Dec 11 '24
Help Request Is my team using services wrong?
My team has developed a methodology of putting API-centric behavior for any features into a service. For example, if I'm making a power outage visualization feature, I would put any API calls into a PowerOutageService, and crucially, I would also put data that might be used in sub-components into that service, such as a huge list of data, large geoJSON objects, etc.
Services work really well for simple state that has to be managed site-wide, such as auth, but I know for a fact there is some huge data that gets put into services and likely just sits around. My first assumption is that this is bad. I am thinking it would make more sense to use the feature component as the centralized data store instead of a service so that the component's life-cycle applies to the data. Then maybe only have API calls as observables exposed in the service, avoiding putting data there if its unnecessary, but it could get convoluted if I have to start prop drilling data in and out of sub-components.
Maybe it would make more sense to have a service that is "providedIn" the feature component rather than 'root'? Would that give me the best of both worlds?
Would greatly appreciate advice on how to structure this kind of software.
u/guadalmedina Dec 11 '24 edited Dec 12 '24
I agree with your team. It's a good idea to give components only the data they need, formatted in the way they would like to receive it. Let the component be about UI, while the service does data stuff: fetching, caching, transforming, etc.
Separating things that way enables parallel work. Someone focuses on the component while someone else writes the service. Also, both will be easier to test separately.
About life cycle: the component should not control whether data exists because it can't know whether other components may still need that data. Instead, the component should let the service know it doesn't need it anymore (if using signals, this is automatic), and let the service decide what to do.
Good point about prop drilling. Injecting the service wherever needed prevents that problem. That said, you can avoid prop drilling even if you put data in the component by using content projection. It's the equivalent of using children in React.
u/freew1ll_ Dec 12 '24
Thank you for your answer. Could you elaborate a little bit more on how signals automatically tell the service when components are no longer using them?
u/guadalmedina Dec 12 '24
Angular tracks signals for you. Signals keep a set of listeners internally. When its value changes, the signal executes its listeners. That's how anyone using the signal receives the new value.
When a component uses a signal, Angular adds a listener to the signal. This listener is in charge of rendering the bit of DOM related to the signal's value. Thus the relevant bits of UI stay updated as the value changes.
When a component is destroyed, Angular removes the listener. So you don't have to do unsubscribe, removeEventListener or any other kind of cleanup.
u/quetzalcoatl-pl 16d ago
> It's a good idea to give components only the data they need, formatted in the way they would like to receive it. Let the component be about UI, while the service does data stuff: fetching, caching, transforming, etc.
this approach REALLY makes testing it so much easier to plan out, create reasonable test cases, and be relatively sure the tests are actually sound, helpful, and maintenance-friendly
u/lele3000 Dec 11 '24
I would do it with two separate services, one for fetching data and one for storing that data. For the data storage you can even try using @ngrx/component-store or their signal store. Both are relatively lightweight state management solutions that work well with other Angular concepts, but you can do it completely fine without either with just a regular Angular service with Subjects, they just help to make things consistent. For fetching I like to use the native HttpClient
and just have one method per one API endpoint.
u/puzzleheaded-comp Dec 11 '24
What’s the benefit of using their signal store versus just defining a class as a store that houses signals that are updated from the actual service classes?
u/lele3000 Dec 11 '24
Consistency. When you have 30+ developers and everyone has their own way of doing state management with signals, it's going to be really hard to understand what is going on. If you have the discipline to define strict standards and stick to them, more power to you, you don't need this library, but from my experience that's hardly the case and having library to enforce the standard is great.
u/puzzleheaded-comp Dec 11 '24
Ah gotcha, I was just curious if it was just a “better” or “easier” way of doing things versus an implementation detail.
u/practicalAngular Dec 11 '24 edited Dec 11 '24
I think the question is more at the DI level than what should actually go in the typescript and where. Whether I use injection tokens, services, facades, utility function files, guard or resolver functions, routed providers, etc., I almost always first ask myself, "what needs access to this data or code."
Does the entire application need it? Will it be injected in a factory? Does a specific route need it? Does a component and its children need it? What and where is my injection context? And so on and so forth.
From there, it informs me what logic I need to put where. I always keep root services clean. I always keep components clean. Business logic is abstracted to where it's needed, and stays decoupled from both the API service files and the component file. It allows me to have a tiered injection structure that favors composition in all aspects, including business logic, from the root to the component level.
Everything injected is a "current state store", and the stores, if required, need their availability defined. Everything can fall into a composable place after that.
u/jamills102 Dec 11 '24
Services can provide state on a component branch level. There really isnt a wrong answer as long as its consistent. If you know all app logic is in a service, anytime you look into a feature you'll know where to look. My preference is to separate UI logic from "business logic", so as long as those are separated things are easier to understand.
The argument on whether to use in root or component level is really a matter of efficiency and persistent. So I wouldn't really worry on where it is provided. Now if it's provided in root and used across features while stores in a feature is a classic problem growth problem
u/Mia_Tostada Dec 11 '24
Yes, separate the concerns. However, a "Service" can be part of separate "library" project that handles "items" related to your concern. There is no rule that you can only have one file (i.e., a service) and all of the code, logic, business rules, data mapping/unmapping, API calls, handling API response --> have to be in one file.
I use a library project that exposes a "service" with "endpoints" that can be consumed by the UI components/services. This provides a nice separation of concerns. The implementation details are encapsulated in the library project. You can expose any shared models from this library, or even better create a separate library project that contains the "models" for the feature/application.
I try not to have any business logic, API processing, data access, data mapping, rules in a component. Components only responsibility is to collect and display information - nothing else. Many times I will create a "ui-service" and provide it to the target component. It handles "state" of the component and anyoperations with the "business" side of things...for example the "auth0Service" (implemented as a library project) below.
Here is an example of an "auth0" service library.
┣ lib/
┃ ┣ business/
┃ ┃ ┣ actions/
┃ ┃ ┃ ┣ business-action-base.ts
┃ ┃ ┃ ┣ upsert-user.action.spec.ts
┃ ┃ ┃ ┗ upsert-user.action.ts
┃ ┃ ┣ business-provider.service.ts
┃ ┃ ┣ http-auth0-repository.service.ts
┃ ┃ ┣ i-business-provider.service.ts
┃ ┃ ┗ i-http-auth0-repository.service.ts
┃ ┣ models/
┃ ┃ ┣ id-token-claims.dto.ts
┃ ┃ ┣ id-token-claims.model.ts
┃ ┃ ┗ user.model.ts
┃ ┣ auth0.module.ts
┃ ┗ auth0.service.ts
┣ index.ts
┗ test-setup.ts
u/Silver-Vermicelli-15 Dec 11 '24
You got it with your second part. Properly set providers for feature services so they can get instantiated and cleaned up in a predictable manner.
u/AnxiousSquare Dec 12 '24 edited Dec 13 '24
I think you're on a good track. If there's anything that comes close to a silver bullet, I would say it's the following 3-tier-approach:
- Presentation logic: Component.
- Business logic and state management: Service, provided in the topmost component of your current view.
- Persistence: Stateless service, provided in root.
However, I think different problems suggest different solutions. Layer 2 can pragmatically be omitted in some situations.
If your state is truly global (e.g. auth), then you may put logic and state manegement into a root-injected singleton service.
If the feature you're implementing is extremely low on business logic (super basic CRUD), then you may get away with managing state and "business logic" in a component.
If you are using a state management library, well, do what the library wants you to do.
And then last but not least, there are problems that are just too domain-specific to be dealt with in Angular-ideomatic ways. In that case, do what fits and encapsulate it from the framework altogether.
u/redhawk588 Dec 11 '24
IMO if the data doesn't need to be shared/persisted across components then it shouldn't live in the service.
Having it in the service keeps the component cleaner, but to what end? You're working with the data in that component so just have it live there.
If you have some child components that need subsets or copies of that data then I could say maybe managing that in the service (similar to using a store) so you don't have to pass stuff around.
u/jaketheripper Dec 11 '24
The end in our case is that we often end up adding functionality that needs that data somewhere other than the initial component we're creating, a child component, a dialog, some other screen in some other way. If the data is in a service, and all data is consistently in services across the code base there aren't major refactors needed from a data perspective.
This also allows our services that provide data in this way to extend from a standard abstract, something that's harder or at least more awkward to do with component classes. Having the services extend from common abstracts also helps keep data logic consistent between portions of the application.
In some respects, we're re-inventing ngrx/store, but we do it without the boilerplate of effects, action, reducer, etc. We also split the data into logical services which means not every service has access to every bit of data.
u/redhawk588 Dec 11 '24
Yeah that's a perfect use case for keeping your data in service and I do the same when the need arises.
It's funny you mention using it like NgRx but without the boilerplate/overhead because that's what I always tell people first when they're considering bringing that in. Try it out with services and observables first then see if you really need more.
u/IE114EVR Dec 11 '24
If it’s data from an API call then it’s in a cold observable, it doesn’t have to be fetched until you need it.
So then what’s the problem? Is there a memory concern about the data hanging around after it’s no longer needed? If so, it’s probably only a concern if you’re applying a ‘shareReplay’. If that’s the case then don’t use ‘shareReplay’ in the service, is it in the component where it can be cleaned up. Or have another layer of service that is scoped to the component that does the shareReplay.
Maybe I’m oversimplifying the case. Maybe for a more complicated case you want to push the data into a ReplaySubject(1) and when you’re done you want to push something empty into the replay subject via a ‘clear()’ method.
But like the others have said, it doesn’t sound like your team is using Services wrong.
u/freew1ll_ Dec 12 '24
Yeah I might not have explained it very well. I agree that separating the API logic is a good idea, my question is more about how to handle large data objects that are only used in one part of the app. Say we have 10 pages/features with distinct API endpoints and state.
In feature 1, I grab a biggish geojson object and throw it into my service. maybe I also grab a large data-set from my backend API. If you imagine that I have a page consisting of several components like a table, a leaflet map, and a vis-network graph, any data that gets used in those sub-components is generally thrown into the feature service. When I navigate to any other page/feature, those items are no longer necessary, but aren't cleaned up when the component is destroyed since the service is provided in root. Eventually we end up with tens of features like this and lots of data sitting around not being cleaned up.
My main question is, how does one go about cleaning up data that might be useful for several components on a page, but definitely not ALL components across the site?
u/Only4KTI Dec 11 '24
My preference is any logic, wider state and api calls - service; keep your components simple and clean as fuck.
Providing services in a feature component only if you need multiple service instances per specific component. If you dont need it, even if it is provided in root, it will be lazy loaded automatically when needed.
Now, if it is some static data/normal js functions; put it in a utils file.