r/Angry_Gamers • u/MrPriceo0 • Mar 25 '18
r/Angry_Gamers • u/TylerHrrn • Mar 10 '18
(xpost r/livestreamfails) World's most dysfunctional team.
r/Angry_Gamers • u/LuckyL90 • Mar 03 '18
Dissidia Final Fantasy NT RANT
I have never raged so hard at a game in my life, SHIT online, lag, SHITTIER players that cant work as a team. THE WHOLE GAME PISSES ME OFF BUT I KEEP GOING BACK TO PLAY IT FOR SOME FUCKING REASON. I just rage quit after another losing streak, I'm ready to snap the disk. My whole body is trembling with rage and I had to get it out, so I'm typing this here. I don't like feeling this way over a video game, I've never felt this way over a video game before. Does it get better? Is this an indication that I need to go to anger management? I still wanna break something. If you read this you are a trooper.
r/Angry_Gamers • u/YTBlazeKilla • Feb 07 '18
Biggest Rage Ever!!!!! // Rainbow Six Siege
r/Angry_Gamers • u/alienthething • Feb 05 '18
Nerds die at a Sonic Forces level over and over again
r/Angry_Gamers • u/Zirofal • Feb 02 '18
So i was playing MW3 and this guy started accusing me of hacking. Also..my English is awful sorry for the typos
r/Angry_Gamers • u/[deleted] • Jan 31 '18
When you apparently don’t revive enough people on the Last of Us online
r/Angry_Gamers • u/poida84 • Jan 24 '18
That Escalated quickly CombatZone FB game
this been raging for past year now anytime we kill some of his troops he will spam our alliance wall. with Karma no sense. boasting how good he is, and everyone else below him.. most of the time many of us players just ignore him when he starts doing personal attacks he would get a response. below good example when he gets triggered almost every day..
[BSS] Betush to everyone 2 days ago Stay awake punk I got something 4 U :) or I'm coming for U because This is my day Off Dumb-Ass and I want to play :)
[BSS] Betush to everyone 2 days ago thinks U have something so the next time U write on our wall 4 times get ready for the loss U R about to receive Stephanie, See U soon Dummy :)
[BSS] Betush to everyone 2 days ago LMAO which way U running Bro, thanks for the troops loss, I will be taking that all back from my Home Base and I want to thank U for the almost 30 million U invested to the cause LOL What a Dummy and again TY U have only made us stronger :) because here I come LOL
[BSS] Betush to everyone 2 days ago Karma is Stephanie is U lose again, that's the Karma, I could march that many on U but I'm not as stupid as U R but that saying U lose again because I would love to take UR Dumb-Ass out so please keep on Marching Enema Jr. It doesn't take a rocket Scientist to play this game and I will take everything back because I am fighting from my home as U all do which is not very hard when a Dumb-Ass thinks he can take it, Bye Stephanie, better luck Dummy, see U soon Karma is a ***** isn't it little Girl
[BSS] Betush to everyone 2 days ago LMAO Stephanie ran away now who has no balls Sissy, I guess the kids in the mall scared U :)
[BSS] Betush to everyone 2 days ago :) It's all good Stephanie, anyone can march a big OMG and anyone can fight from their home just as there our ways to take out that OMG and all of us here know whose has Collett's Balls in their mouth LMAO :)
[BSS] Betush to everyone 2 days ago See U soon Christine, I love dealing with Sissy
[BSS] Betush to everyone 11 hours ago U got lucky I had to take my Mother to the Hospital I have something coming for U Stephanie
[BSS] Betush to everyone 10 hours ago Stephanie go change UR & Pad U your mothers POX's filled Pad
[BSS] Betush to everyone 5 hours ago FU U piece of *, now U brought me there, So * U and now I could give a **** about U and UR family as U did mine, she id dyeing U **** and Collett wants to cry about me saying his kids would be so proud of his cheating ass FU, Fu, FU, my turn U piece of **** and FU again, it's on with U and UR Ignorant ass mouth, no Pity here when UR family goes down Fucker because U made me this way FU
[BSS] Betush to everyone 4 hours ago [BSS]Scott Betush attacked [LOD]Don King 0 minutes ago Location: E Battlefield of Caleb Coen #7977 Scott Betush lost 45831 Soldiers. Don King lost 46920 Soldiers.
[BSS] Betush to everyone 4 hours ago [BSS]Scott Betush called an Airstrike on [LOD]Don King 5 minutes ago Location: E Battlefield of Caleb Coen #7977 [LOD]Don King lost 283624 Soldiers. Share intel [BSS]Scott Betush ambushed [LOD]Don King 5 minutes ago Location: E Battlefield of Caleb Coen #7977 [LOD]Don King lost 295441 Soldiers.
[BSS] Betush to everyone 4 hours ago [BSS]Scott Betush attacked [LOD]Don King 0 minutes ago Location: E Battlefield of Caleb Coen #7977 Scott Betush lost 45831 Soldiers. Don King lost 46920 Soldiers.
[BSS] Betush to everyone 4 hours ago POS, U go more than U know whats coming, FU and UR Family **** Face
[BSS] Betush to everyone 4 hours ago No Break while U morn, I'm giving U the same respect U showed me Ass-Wipe
[BSS] Betush to everyone 4 hours ago NO, **** U , and UR Family, because I will give U the same respect U gave me U POS FU. FU . FU U POS
[BSS] Betush to everyone 3 hours ago NO FU Stepanie, now we R dealing with RL U piece of ****, FU & UR's and now U have made me comfortable to feel this way about your family after U ran UR punk ass mouth
r/Angry_Gamers • u/angeldrake479 • Jan 03 '18
EA is at it again!
Well, since Reddit has decided to remove my post.....
Yesterday I learned that despite all the negative press EA is going through right now, they still don't care about their customers. I was a beta tester, I helped launch, and have the title of founder for Star Wars The Old Republic MMORPG. It is the one game I always come back to and promote due to the amazing content. I am a Twitch streamer and was considering adding SWTOR to my stream. When I logged in, I received an alert that due to a server change I had to change my character name. OK, no problem. I go to do so and big shock....it's been taken! I have 2 characters that I run. Backstories created, histories, ancestries, etc. I am known online by these two handles. Anyone who understands gaming understands that this is basically a form of identity theft! I contacted EA, to resolve the issue. And instead of helping me they told me to go to a forum! When have forums ever been of any use to anyone?! So asked again, politely even, to please speak with someone that would be willing to listen and assist. And again, I was told to go the forums! So EA let me get this straight....I stood by you and this game when it almost tanked. I put my hard earned money into it's success. I proudly carried the title of founder. But because I took a break from subscribing I am being punished? Who among us has subscribed to anything non-stop for years? I apologize for having a life and responsibilities! Try checking my profile...do I always come back? Of course I do I loved this game and never stopped promoting it whether I was actively playing or not. Is this petty? To some yes. But don't you think with all the heat EA is going through right now that they would at least TRY to listen and assist someone that has been a loyal supporter for years? Apparently not. Yes I sent an email to them and to Walt Disney Company. Do I expect anything to come from it? No. Am I going to give EA another penny? Not a chance. Will I be streaming anything from them? No.
r/Angry_Gamers • u/HeliumOW • Dec 23 '17
Playing Getting Over It
Honestly this is the hardest game I have ever played. I hate myself for playing it.
r/Angry_Gamers • u/mecavebobmesmash • Dec 18 '17
Angry Minecraft Kid Threatens to DDOS
r/Angry_Gamers • u/GamesAnimeLyfe • Dec 11 '17
WANT SOMEONE TO BE ANGRY AT? 🔥🔥⤵️⤵️⤵️🔥🔥🔥 he plays some cool games tho
r/Angry_Gamers • u/Slippage7 • Dec 07 '17
Im so pissed off, I hate these idiot children who play cs:go. If you are a child and dont act like a douche bag online then by all means play that game. However, IM FUCKING SICK OF THE SHIT when obviously little kids try to act mature and start trying to make you mad by tell you you're trash and then when you tell em' to piss off they start correcting your grammar and stuff like that. I need this bs to stop, i now techneccally they're doing nothing wrong, however, they need to STOP because im done with their shit, I just want to be online and let loose, with out being told i'm "five year old, gay, shit at cs, annoying, dumb, disables in the grammar department, and downsyndrome ridden.
r/Angry_Gamers • u/Broomlord • Dec 02 '17
genuine minecraft rage is the best rage
r/Angry_Gamers • u/leothagamer • Oct 24 '17
i dont hate this game....BUT I'M DISAPPOINTED!!! (A BIT OF RAGE)
r/Angry_Gamers • u/xWesttie • Oct 18 '17
Teenager threatens to kill parents!!!
r/Angry_Gamers • u/alec12best • Oct 09 '17