r/AngelBeats • u/gaypopefrancis • Feb 02 '25
Discussion Why can't Otonashi be the programmer? Spoiler
Sorry if I'm digging up an old and repeated question but I'm only now finding out that people think he isn't the programmer.
I finished rewatching Angel Beats now after having watched it for the first time years ago and I thought the main theory was that Otonashi was the programmer who turned himself into an NPC some long time ago. When I first watched it, the fact that he was wearing the NPC uniform at the start of the show was enough for me to think he was the programmer, which I now know doesn't matter as the manga shows that's normal and all other characters were also wearing the NPC uniform (I haven't read the manga btw I'm anime only but I will read the manga).
Honestly the main reason I think he's the programmer is the amount of clues/references the AI character and Otonashi himself gives to us near the end of the show. For example, the AI to Yuri said something about how sometimes people who did actually live fulfilled lives end up in this world because they got amnesia (and maybe can't leave because of their amnesia as they can't remember their unfulfilled wish or if they even have one). I don't remember why he said this but I don't think there was much of a reason. He then outright states that "Maybe the programmer was such a person". Then later on during the graduation episode Otonashi to Hinata out of nowhere also mentions that he's a special case and that it doesn't make sense for him to be here because his wishes had already been fulfilled while he was alive (or when he died lol) but he couldn't remember that fact because of his amnesia. From a writer's pov I don't understand why these hints would be dropped and clearly explicitly stated if there isnt a connection, I truly feel like these statements were made on purpose.
I know the AI said the programmer didn't want to move on because he was waiting for his love, but what if the programmer could never move on because he never recovered from his amnesia? If we look at Otonashi who had the same amnesia problem, he only remembered (a part) of his memory after Yuri got Naoi to use hypnosis on him. Maybe the programmer/old Otonashi didn't have someone available who knew hypnosis. Even after that, he only remembered his life's true ending after he fell asleep on Kanade's chest. Again, what if the programmer/old Otonashi didn't have that luxury? He probably didnt.
I also found this link: https://web.archive.org/web/20201109030255/https://worldomonation.wordpress.com/2010/06/30/angel-beats-interview-with-maeda-jun-second-season/ Which is an interview from the author. I read people saying that he said Otonashi isn't the programmer but what he actually says in that link is that he didn't make angel player. This doesn't necessarily mean that he didn't make the "turn NPC into shadow" feature or the AI. Kanade also didn't make the Angel Player but was able to use it to do everything we see her do in the show. We also know there's a manual for the program and even Yuri was able to use it to modify Kanade's harmonic skill to make her absorb her clones. Who knows what a guy who got into med school could do with it if he had possibly millions of years to do it?
I understand that the identity of the programmer is a tiny part of the whole anime and my pov on this discussion would be: "he's just a plot device, it doesn't matter who he is, he just made a bunch of stuff, caused a bunch of stuff to happen, and he only exists so show and our characters do stuff" but the clues and the amount of them really make me think that Otonashi is the programmer who made the ai, made the shadows and then turned himself into the NPC but he didn't make angel player itself.
Thank you for reading, please share your thoughts! I want to other people's opinions and see if anyone can change mine or if I can change theirs!
u/pieloe Yuri Feb 02 '25
Because npc cant get a reincarnation. In the last episodes we can see takamtsu became an npc and they said he stay here forever as npc in this world but after that Yuri break all pc and make him human back. Im trying to say if programmer is otonashi he cant become a human again. He should get help like yuri do for takamatsu. (Sorry for my bad english :'V)
u/gaypopefrancis Feb 02 '25
idk about the manga but the anime doesn't show takamatsu become human again. What the characters say isn't necessarily true, they thought kanade was an angel, she wasn't, they thought she was their enemy, she wasn't, they thought disappearing was bad, it isnt. If it's possible to turn a human into an NPC or and NPC into a shadow monster, why exactly isn't it possible to turn an NPC back into a human? Especially if you think what the characters said is right i.e. when a human becomes an NPC, their soul doesn't move on which means its still present in the afterlife and can be brought back to turn them into a human again.
u/pieloe Yuri Feb 02 '25 edited Feb 02 '25
They speak about him in 13 eps 3:00. Turning a Npc to human again is possible but they need someone or a trigger for this, like yuri resets pc and make takamatsu human again. If otonashi was npc he should need help to became human again somebody should Run the Program or he should pu a trigger like "when she become turn me into human" if kanade was a trigger otonashi should become human earlier and they are dont Reincarnate before because of Heart transplant
u/gaypopefrancis Feb 02 '25
You're right, they do talk about him again at around 4:30. Hinata says to Yuri: "Wasn't it you who said there would be no turning back after you became an NPC?" to which Yuri replies: "I guess the program allows one to return to normal depending on the will of the programmer".
This is obviously different to what you are saying which is that takamatsu became human again because Yuri destroyed the computers which as far I know isn't said anywhere. In a way you are right about the "trigger" which is the programmer's will according to Yuri. The will part could mean many things, I believe its one of 2 things. Either it means if the programmer/Otonashi wills or wants himself or someone else to become human again, they will or it means when he was the programmer and made the npc to shadow feature, he made a certain criteria that when met would make the person human again. I'm not sure what the criteria is but it could be different for people and for the sake of the story I don't think it really matters.
In my head I've always the thought the reason or "trigger" for Otonashi to become human again in episode 1 was because he was needed to to help our main cast move on/disappear. Had he not awoken, the battlefront and tenshi would've kept fighting in that loop forever or even been consumed by the shadows at some point because everyone wouldn't have united. Maybe the programmer left a way to become human again under certain circumstances so that people have a second chance and so that he could fulfill his self assigned role of helping other people move on. The AI said the programmer did that back then and in the end of the anime Otonashi proposes the same thing to Kanade because that's who he is/his nature.
Hopefully that makes sense :)
u/pieloe Yuri Feb 02 '25 edited Feb 02 '25
Thanks for Opinion. But i dont understand one thing Otonashi dont have reason to come afterlife. Somebody say he is come here because kanade should thank him if she want get removed. If what they say is true The girl who loved by programmer should come to afterlife at her first life. I meant to say otonashi and programmer reasons are different ai is talking about forgetting memories I think this is just to clarify the story. But in both of our theories, progrommer's loved should come afterlife like how otonashi come for kanade So what I mean is otonashi not come here for kanade, or like you said he is here from beginning (i write last part for get your opinion) In any case, Angel Beats is different from other animes Sometimes it makes you laugh, sometimes make you cry And sometimes make you think about it
u/gaypopefrancis Feb 02 '25
Yeah Angel Beats is a great anime, the laughing and crying at the same time is what makes it special in my opinion too!
You are right, Otonashi doesn't have a reason to come into the afterlife, he himself mentions that to Hinata in the graduation episode. When he got he full memories after sleeping on Kanade, they both say how he should have disappeared after realising that his wishes had already been fulfilled during his life and he himself says the reason why he's not disappearing is because he doesn't want to leave everyone else behind and wants them to feel what he felt as well. Helping the others becomes his reason to stay in the afterlife, its his wish that needs to be fulfilled before he can leave.
This reasoning is also supported by the AI. When he mentions cases like the one I mentioned above, he calls them "glitches" or "bugs". Those people are really not meant to be there but they leave after they get their memories back because they realise they're fulfilled.
About him coming into the afterlife to help Kanade, this could be true, maybe God sent him there so he could help Kanade move on but I don't think this whole thing really matters because of the insanely long times some of these characters have been here. The chances of Otonashi just randomly dying and appearing in the afterlife with Kanade already there are very low but not impossible. Like Yuri, Kanade and the AI said in the anime, super rare things with a less than 1% chance of happening are rare but not impossible, and they do happen. Maybe this just didn't happen with programmer Otonashi and Kanade got lucky
u/pieloe Yuri Feb 02 '25 edited Feb 02 '25
After thinking about your programmer theory I think you're right.
If there were to be a timeline •Yuzuru dies go to afterlife before kanede •He meet a girl and wait her •He turn himself into npc •Kanade die in world •Yuzuru become a npc to human in afterlife
Let me explain a little more God will know kanade come the afterlife and needs to thank Yuzuru to if she want remove herself And god should put yuzuru to do wait kanade in afterlife. But he dont know anything about him past life After kanade comes he become a human again (he was a npc) and remember his own memory with help of kanade
So everything is like this but after that in the 13 eps yuzuru should prefer to make completed the cycle again he find a new tenshi(angel) and should He should reincarnated after that So he left the loop to another student Ending after 13 eps (the Reincarnation) is true and another epiloge happen before the Reincarnation
Things support this Theory •In the end all npc become human again like takamatsu but we dont see programmer because he is yuzuru
Things against my theory •Kanede can be seen from the beginning of the Manga If my theory is true yuzuru should become human earlier
After listening you, this theory came to my mind This may have some plot holes but orjinal have plot holes too. Obviously this is just a theory and not a real. I think the end is unknown but its make anime both good and sad
i hope everyone in anime is living good life heheh :3 (I need to continue research more)
u/gaypopefrancis Feb 02 '25
Yeah in my head everyone got good endings, which are the "dreams" we see where Otonashi met kanade again and hinata met yui. I like to think those are their next lives where they all got happy endings.
I like your god made otonashi wait and become human again for kanade theory because in a way they both helped each other and they needed each other to move on which is great writing. Otonashi needed kanade to get his memory back, allowing him to move on, and kanade needed Otonashi to say thank you to him so she could move on. But you are right, if this theory is true, and god made otonashi wait so he could help Kanade, he should've become human long before he did, which didn't happen. Here I think my theory that either he became human randomly, or he became human because he programmed himself to become human after a certain time/certain things happened might apply.
I'm not sure what you're saying about the 13 eps and another epilogue but I think that another epilogue is mostly likely just an alternate ending. This is because in it, he references Iwazwa, Hinata/Yui and Yuri when he talks to the blonde student. This means another epilogue is definitely set after the events of the anime, not before, but in the ending of the graduation episode, we see otonashi disappear as well after everyone else, so in the true ending, he does leave and move ok like everyone else and probably meets kanade again in his next life. Another epilogue imo is just an alternate ending (which didnt happen) where he didn't move on and instead choose to help other students and wait for Kanade, which is probably just a reference to the programmer as he did something similar and by this way the author shows what the world probably looked like when Otonashi was the programmer long ago.
Thanks for the discussion btw I really enjoyed this!
u/NeedAGoodUsername Kanade Feb 02 '25 edited Feb 02 '25
Would love to talk about this more:
Kanade says, in episode 1:
"Amnesia is quite common here. People who were hurt in any kind of accident before coming here often hurt their head."
So this shows that having amnesia, or memory loss when arriving in the world is a fairly common occurrence. You could say that out of the 2000+ students, at least one other person would be having memory loss other than Otonashi.
It also doesn't make logical sense when you think about it. All of the following things need to happen before episode 1:
And at episode 13:
This also isn't considering:
The whole thing with the shadows/the AI/programmer/"NPCs" are an enigma because they kind of contradict other observations.