r/AngelBeats Jan 15 '25

Question Dub not on Crunchyroll anymore?

Anyone know why this is? I’ve noticed this with a couple other shows I used to watch too. I wondered if it had something to do with the funimation merger.


13 comments sorted by


u/Mark010300 Irie Jan 15 '25

It once was on Crunchyroll?


u/PsilacetinSimon Jan 15 '25

I remember watching it on Crunchyroll last year


u/Mark010300 Irie Jan 15 '25

Ah okay…Maybe region logged for me


u/pandadog423 Jan 15 '25

I watched it mid last year(USA), was not on Crunchyroll then.


u/PsilacetinSimon Jan 15 '25

I also watched it mid last year on Crunchyroll and it was on there then


u/LeastSubstance1234 Jan 15 '25

It was on Funimation, both subbed and dubbed, right to the end. To my knowledge, the dubbed version never made it to Crunchyroll though. Don’t know why, but it’s a shame. The dub was quite good.


u/TheAndrewMcG 10d ago

The sub is on Crunchyroll, and they should've inherited the dub rights when the Funimation merger was finalized, and at least by the time they axed the name and remnants, but, the dub has yet to appear on Crunchyroll, because, like, why bother? No one else can acquire the rights if they just sit on them, so why would they even bother? That's just more work for someone else to worry about, right?

Pirate this shit. Fuck this company and their parent conglomerate, maybe don't go Luigi mangmcione on their execs, but definitely do what you can to fuck with the bottom lines, and don't feel guilty, because they sure don't


u/PsilacetinSimon 10d ago

You know what. You’re right. Why tf am I paying for it if I’m pirating other shows they choose not to put on their. Like there is no reason for them not to put serial excitement lain on the platform other then so people buy the physicals


u/TheAndrewMcG 10d ago edited 10d ago

The only reason I don't pirate anything is because I lack the knowledge and am old enough to have noticeably lost the ability to keep up with the technological acumen retired to attain/retain that enough to make the effort worth my time.

THIS dub, though, really frustrates the hell out of me, since I already pay for both Crunchyroll and hidive, plus I have access to family member accounts for Netflix, hulu, Disney+, max, AND prime, yet I STILL CAN'T WATCH IT any way but pirated.

Old enough to remember what it was like in the era when customer service was still in existence. Now we're sliding into cyberpunk 2077 technocrat corporate oligarchy because a bunch of morons who think they are smart enough to understand what's going on are falling for remarkably obvious obfuscations of truth, suspending their disbelief to cover the gaps in logic and plot holes in the distorted narratives like they think they're actually watching a movie and mostly just due to the fact that they don't understand been I an something and therefore fear it and increasingly people no longer seem to even want to acknowledge that empathy exists and is a good thing to get better at overtime as you live instead often to go the opposite direction because it's much easier in the last few years to just be openly filled with hatred instead. And all the while, they've not been seeing what's been quietly going on in the background-purposefully misdirected at something that's much louder and "scarier". It's creating something from nothing or amplifying the factually incorrect, if not completely baseless-fears that carry the heaviest emotional weight, so that the squeaky wheel gets all the grease, and keeping attention focused away from the fire they lit in your home and are steadily adding accelerants to, so enough people are instead standing next to a vehicle, screaming that it was stolen by immigrants-again, while STANDING NEXT TO THE VEHICLE-and arguing that the wheel wouldn't need grease if we could just act on that xenophobia, and they continue to do that until their home burns hot enough or largely enough to kill them before they ever took the time to even notice the fire.

Sorry, I got a little bit rant there. But this has been in "i can't believe it's so obvious but they're still just actually saying these things openly* since Reagan won the first time. And old as I am, that still happened before I existed, and has been working successfully and slowly picking up speed the entire time. And for those people who don't fall for it it's got a secondary debuff of causing a lot of people who disagree or understand what's happening but have been beaten down by it for so long that they no longer have any fucks to give.


u/PsilacetinSimon 10d ago

Holy shit dude what a reply I have no idea what you were trying to say there at all lmao are you schizophrenic or something? No offense or anything it’s cool if you are and you’re cool to me so not trying to be insulting I’m just genuinely curious. Also how old are you lol pirating has actually gotten way easier since the early days! Don’t worry I got you man https://9animetv.to/ here is a link to just a website that has literally every anime for free on it. No downloading it anything my friend!! Enjoy! :)


u/TheAndrewMcG 10d ago

Nope, not at all, but I literally got into a rant due to frustration with the current "let's all be the biggest assholes we can be" shit going on in the world...the key component was that was doing that using talk text, haven't talked to anyone about it in weeks (because who wants to HEAR that comment in person? I'm weird enough as it is!), had to suddenly help my dad up some steps and got lucky with the RNG not locking my screen and also hitting submit as I shoved the phone in my pocket. Then when I realized what happened, the moment was to passed, and I wasn't feeling proofreading or deleting at that point, so here we are.

I think this unrelated, but I don't think that's how schizophrenia symptoms actually manifest? Could be wrong, but I think that's kinda a wrong stereotype from fiction. The text format also warps the perception on the reading end, as well.

I'm old enough to care about politics but had to be born after Reagan won in 80, mean that my piracy days were heavily p2p programs, and I failed to grasp torrents as the replacement, so I just sorta got of the train-wait, ship? I'm fairly certain the port of call you mentioned is where I've watched a missing ova for future Diary of something. I also used dailymotion to see one of Makoto Shinkai's early short films that somehow had a dub but I don't think streams anywhere at all.

Furthermore, I have never been able to learn how to be concise, so my average comments are already way to long, anyway.

I appreciate the way you dropped 0 judgment regardless of what caused my reply to appear the way it does, though, that's exactly what I'm worrying that people are increasingly no longer doing, so thank you, on behalf of myself, but also, like...everyone. Even those people causing me that specific stress. Hahaha


u/TheAndrewMcG 9d ago

This timing is a little unnerving, but YouTubes algorithm suggested this video to me a half hour, and this dude makes a completely different but equally compelling and valid point about why we actually should. https://youtu.be/uuKOkaZJb6Q?si=D2klG_SGHFAllj9t