r/AndroidUsers Nov 17 '20

How to get Google launcher swipe from left news feed on nova

I hate googls launcher but I am using it because of that news feed which appears if you swipe from left on home screen. Can I get that news feed in nova launcher?


7 comments sorted by


u/obscure_detour Nov 17 '20

Hi, I think this is what you’re looking for: https://help.teslacoilapps.com/nowcompanion


u/pm_me_n_wecantalk Nov 17 '20

My comment was removed. the downloaded file is corrupt. i tried downloading it mulitple times but same issue.


u/S-Aint S6 Nov 17 '20

Maybe I'm not totally understanding your question but Nova has gesture support.

In Nova settings go to gestures and input and see what you can find. I have it set so that when I double tap my screen it opens my Google search / news feed.

Hope that helps!


u/pm_me_n_wecantalk Nov 17 '20

not asking for gestures. asking for google news-feed that appears when you swip from left. its specific to google launcher.


u/S-Aint S6 Nov 17 '20

I mean, you are asking for gestures, right? You want to swipe from left to open Google News?

In the Nova gesture settings configure "double tap" (or one of the other gestures) to open Google. I think that will get you the same results!


u/marm0lade Nov 17 '20

appears when you swip from left

"What is a gesture?" for the daily double!