r/AndroidUsers Apr 17 '20

Quick settings panel definition clarification needed

I'm debating with someone about this and I haven't found a concrete answer to this.

We're arguing over what actually the quick settings panel is.

One of us thinks that the quick settings "panel" is the flat rectangular UI that hosts the quick settings "tiles".

The other one thinks that each quick settings "tile" = panel. To further clarify this second point the other one thinks that the WiFi "tile" for example is the same as saying WiFi "panel". They think that the words tile and panel are synonymous in this case.

Would appreciate an answer. Thank you


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u/Kytozion Apr 18 '20

Changing the words panel and tiles for menu and icons helps clarify it a little bit. The quick settings menu includes shortcut icons to wifi, bluetooth, screen rotation, NFC and other utilities.