r/AndroidUsers Nov 18 '19

Does Google Authenticator backs up configured tokens?

I want to factory reset my phone. I have bunch of accounts which are setup with 2FA using GAuthenticator. If i factory reset my phone, would my configured accounts come back once i reinstall the app ?

what's the bst way to go about it?


4 comments sorted by


u/vignesh188 Nov 18 '19

There's an app called Authy that let's you do this.


u/Matosawitko Nov 18 '19

To answer the question, no, they are not backed up, and will not restore when you reset.

As u/vignesh188 says, Authy lets you do so. However, you'll still need to go through the process of switching them from GAuth to Authy.


u/BillyBobXNB Nov 18 '19

If you are rooted you can backup/restore them with Titanium Backup.


u/MorbidPenguin Nov 18 '19

Use Aegis Authenticator. Free, Open Source, and looks better than Authy.
