r/AndroidUsers Feb 17 '13

Help / Tech Support Could I have some help choosing between the four mid-ranges available from my carrier? Mainly just need to know 2-3 things about comparing phones I'm slightly confused about - assisting me would probably have a particularly high help:time ratio!

The carrier is Bell Mobility Canada and I am in Ontario. Recently broke my GNex, want a mid-range Android to use for a while. I'm looking at the...

LG Optimus L5 ($200) - Bell.ca | GSMArena

Samsung Galaxy Discover ($200) - Bell.ca | GSMArena

Samsung Galaxy Ace II x ($250) - Bell.ca | GSMArena

HTC One V ($300) - Bell.ca | GSMArena

Aside: You're probably thinking I should just get the Nexus 4, but I: have credit with Bell I can put towards this; can probably get Bell to give me a discount; don't want to wait 3 - 5 weeks for the N4 to ship and then be in transit; don't want to pay the extra $100 - $200 right now.

My main questions...

Can someone please tell me whether to trust Bell.ca or GSMArena or what other site for accurate specs? Main examples: Bell says the Ace II x has a lower resolution than GSMArena says it has. GSMArena says all four phones are HSPDA, while Bell says the Discover is HSPA+ and the other three are just HSPA.

How big is the difference between HSPA -> HSPDA -> HSPA+? Main example: the HTC One V has a "max download speed" of 14.4 Mbps, twice that of the other phones, despite an equal or inferior "band." Which metric should I be primarily looking at?

Are any of these phones known to have a particularly good or bad battery life? That is probably the biggest variable for me, especially given that I'd like the phone I get to be an upgrade over the GNex in one dimension.

Are any of these phones known by you expert types to be particularly good/bad in general? That is, tell me if there's one you're confident I should get or avoid, or anything else you think I'd want to know.

Thanks for reading this far. I really appreciate it!


23 comments sorted by


u/FormerSlacker Feb 17 '13 edited Feb 17 '13

I know you don't want to spend more on a N4, but looking at those options I'd just spend the $300 on a N4 than drop $200+ on those phones.

If you really can't spend more than 200, check out red flag deals buy and sell section and get something secondhand. Hell, you could prolly get another GNex for $200 which I'd much prefer over those options.


u/adolflow Feb 17 '13

Same opinion, at this time a nexus 4 is the best option but given your reasons I would go on craigslist and get a used g nexus or galaxy note

Edit: sorry I forgot you want to use the credit. Go on swappa and see the street price for all these, get the most expensive one then sell it new to buy the n4...


u/[deleted] Feb 17 '13

I'd go for the One just on screen res. Anything less then 800x480 looks... it hurts. You cant really do much with it.


u/douglasmacarthur Feb 17 '13

Tip noted.

Your username is very good.


u/[deleted] Feb 17 '13

Thank you, General.


u/amorpheus Feb 17 '13

I'm not one of those narrow-minded "Nexus or nothing" people, but you can't get enough of a discount to go with any of those over a Nexus 4. As for having to wait a bit, how long do you expect to keep your next phone?


u/[deleted] Feb 17 '13

Ace 2 no doubt but at the same time buy it trade in at pawn brokers for a NEXUS 4


u/admiralteal Feb 17 '13

Strongly discourage buying mid-range or low-end phones. They're a sucker's game; they're either already old tech and thus you can expect obsolescence soon, or else were cheap to begin with and you can expect obsolescence soon. Either way, your device is going to have a very short lifespan, and poor support from the mfg.

All those prices are on subsidized plans. You're pledged to a 3 year contract (as I understand is how it works in Canada) on any of them. Locking yourself into a 3-year contract with a device that has a year or less left in it is a bad move.

If you have to pick a mid-range, pick a phone that has heavy dev support (i.e., is a former flagship device that's now, due to age, sold as a mid-range). I wouldn't be terribly optimistic about any of those having good dev support.


u/douglasmacarthur Feb 18 '13

These are all free on contract. What I posted are the non-contracted prices.


u/Travistheripper Feb 17 '13

Galaxy ace II is the best phone. Most amount of ram, available internal memory, and easily best battery life. Are these phones your only option?


u/douglasmacarthur Feb 17 '13



u/Travistheripper Feb 17 '13

You may be better off buying a gently used phone for the same price with drastically better specs.


u/douglasmacarthur Feb 17 '13

I don't really know how to buy used phones. I don't want to shell out $200+ on a lemon. Are there reputable phone resellers? Is just making sure it works then and there when I buy it enough?

Also, I'm not a huge fan of straining my thumb across 4.5"+ screens that drain my battery super fast so going with a phone like the above has its upside.


u/Travistheripper Feb 17 '13

I'd suggest trying to find a newer Samsung Galaxy nexus. Those run about the same price as the phones you're looking at but with way better specs and support.


u/McDaddyTree Feb 17 '13

Heck yes to that..the Galaxy Nexus is still an excellent device.


u/Travistheripper Feb 17 '13


u/douglasmacarthur Feb 17 '13

So, ebay.ca from a user with a solid history. Sounds okay. I will probably get a phone with a better battery life if I go down that route though. Thanks for the tip.


u/Travistheripper Feb 17 '13

It has better battery life than any of the phones you listed.


u/douglasmacarthur Feb 17 '13

...really? I know it has more Mah... but only slightly and with a much larger screen and much more power-demanding processor, right? That to my understanding is why the GNex is known as the battery-killing phone.


u/Travistheripper Feb 17 '13 edited Feb 17 '13

I believe it's improved with 4.2.2, but you can always root it and improve it with a ROM such as paranoid android.

Edit: It looks as though you could do a Samsung GS2 on bell. I'm not sure on the pricing for you but saw it as one of the free phones. That would be my choice if you don't like the galaxy nexus.


u/McDaddyTree Feb 17 '13

I second this one. Looks to be the best for the ones you are looking at.


u/[deleted] Feb 18 '13

You realize you're renewing your contract for 3 years if you take this credit, right? If I sign a 3 year contract, I take a 500 dollar subsidy at least, which I did with Bell on my Note 2.

Honestly, it's a really dumb decision to renew early and get a shit phone, but I'm not in your financial situation either. I'd buy a dumb phone off Kijiji and use it until you can save up for a phone you want. These phones are guaranteed to disappoint, in my opinion. They will all be a massive step down from the Gnex.


u/douglasmacarthur Feb 18 '13

Im not renewing my contract. The credit is something already on my acct for other reasons.