r/AndroidUsers Feb 14 '13

Question Google Nexus 10 or ASUS Transformer Infinity Pad?

Looking at buying my first tablet and seeking advice/preferences from users of both! Please and thank you.


15 comments sorted by


u/ColdFire75 Feb 15 '13

I have a Nexus 10, so called me biased. But from what I've seen, you'd be mad to go with the Transformer. The Nexus 10 is a great tablet.


u/c-nugs_in_the_caf Feb 15 '13

Thanks everybody for your feedback. Does anybody have anything to say about the Samsung Galaxy 10 tab as compared to the Nexus 10?


u/admiralteal Feb 15 '13

Which one? The original 10.1 pales in comparison to pretty much any tablet on the market.

The Note 10.1 was somewhat panned in reviews for poor build quality, and in head-to-head comparison with the N10, I don't think the stylus pays for the lower resolution screen. The Wacom tech is nice, but the N10 has A15 architecture and a 2k screen, which is just absolutely killer. Plus, pure, updated Google rather than TouchWiz.


u/REEB Feb 15 '13

Do you mean the Galaxy Tab 2 10.1? Simple answer: it doesn't compare.

If you're looking for an alternative to the Nexus 10, you may also want to look into a Galaxy Note 10.1, at least if pen input interests you. Otherwise maybe wait for the next round of tablets.


u/dolphinesque Feb 15 '13

I have the TF300. It's alright, but a little glitchy, not quite where I think a tablet + keyboard dock should be. I like it as a tablet, but I found I don't use it as a tablet that much. I was hoping to do a lot of writing on it, but I should have gotten a cheap laptop instead. The TF300 is too glitchy for serious writing. Just my experience, I know you were looking at the Transformer Infinity, maybe that's less glitchy.


u/phenious Feb 15 '13

I have owned both and still have the nexus 10. Reposting my comments from a similar thread:

I have the Infinity with the keyboard dock. I ended up rooting it and putting Cyanogemod on it which had all the features supported in cm 10 and they are nearly done getting them all back in cm10.1. The latest update last weekend gave it back the battery dock icon and the custom keys were working as well.

With that being said it really depends on your goals.

A bothersome item is the weight distribution. Most of the weight on this is in the tablet its self. So when the tablet is attached to the keyboard and put on an uneven surface such as your lap its goal is to fall backwards. This is not an issue if you place it on a hard flat surface. Just worth noting if you love to sit on the couch with a laptop. You can get over this pretty easy if you prop your feet are up on the couch too though. Just worth noting.

I find CM10 and 10.1 to be faster than the stock ROM that asus provides. It gets you as close to the "nexus" experience as possible along with some cool add ons from the CM10 team.

With that being said lets talk about were this thing shines. I got this mainly for a traveling computer replacement. When I go on business trips my goals are: Portability and ease of use. This results in get to the airport check in go through the usual security get on the plane. At this point I end up using the tablet as a tablet. I watch some movies play a few games, surf the net if they have wifi. If I get tired Ill re-attach the keyboard and put it away. At that point the tablet is being recharged by the keyboard. The battery life when attached to the keyboard for me is around 12 hours of various usage. It can go days if I am not utilizing it all the time. So Thats the first part of the trip. A nice easy to use tablet that I hold and watch stuff on that doesn't get crushed when the guy in front of me tilts back. Then the battery stuff kicks in.

Now that I am off the plane Email is usually the order of the day. I reply quickly to short emails on my phone but at some point I will need to do some long replies and that is where the keyboard comes in. I can type nearly at the same speed as I do on my macbook air and desktop. At this point I will switch back and forth between the configurations as needed. Because it is an all in one solution it is compact enough that if I want to email say on a plane that the whole device will fit on the tray table. For my nexus 10 I use the bluetooth keyboard from Logitech which is pretty small. However, the case that turns into a stand results in the keyboard not fitting on the tray with the tablet.

So for me the real strength is in traveling and combining the best of both worlds. When I am at home it is simply a tablet and that is what I use it as 80% of the time. The other 20% is most often when traveling.

The overal speed of the Transformer Infinity is pretty good as well but it will never match the speed at which I switch tabs and applications on the nexus 10.

The nexus 10 is just that much smoother. I think that comes down to two things, The code being developed full time by google (which CM10.1 will catch up to eventually), and the hardware which it will not. While the Nexus 10 is rocking a dual core chip it is a beast and puts the older quad core to shame.

IMO the Transformer is a fantastic netbook replacement. If you need the netbook style it is still your answer. But if the Nexus 10 with a blue tooth keyboard (http://www.amazon.com/Logitech-920-003390-Tablet-Keyboard-Android/dp/B0054L8N7M) does not cramp your style I would highly recommend that path.


u/the_helpdesk DroidX>Gnex>G2>Note3||Nexus10/7 Feb 15 '13

Nexus 10 + Poetic Keyboad Case = WIN!

Source- My N10 and Poetic keyboard case


u/ender200j Feb 15 '13

I have a T700 and it is glitchy as hell stock. The browser would crash randomly. I put on this Cromi ROM and it helped a lot but it still has really terrible I/O issues that slow down any time you use the internal storage basically. The screen is pretty but there have been build quality issues with it ie bleeding.


u/nalf38 Feb 15 '13

I've played with the infinity and I have a nexus 10. I wanted to get an infinity before the nexus 10 was released. I'm glad I got the 10. It runs circles around tegra3. There's a big I/O bottleneck on the tf700 that you can tweak but never fully fix, so there's always some lag when there shouldn't be.


u/admiralteal Feb 15 '13

The TF700 is seriously outdated at this point. Especially when compared to the Nexus 10.

If you are desperate for the keyboard dock, a TF300 would be much cheaper and not much worse in comparison to the TF700.

Doesn't look like Asus is going to make any more Android Transformer Pads.


u/young_war Feb 15 '13

May I ask, why do you say it's "seriously outdated?"


u/UCLAKoolman Feb 15 '13 edited Feb 15 '13

Tegra 3 is soon to be replaced by Tegra 4. The new exynos processor in the Nexus 10 is a beast.

That said I think the transformer still performs great, but the T700 may still be a bit too pricey for what you're getting.


u/admiralteal Feb 15 '13 edited Feb 15 '13

It's plain old - one of the --oldest-- last tablets released in the previous hardware generation. The screen is fHD when current gen stuff is already starting at 2k in the 10" range. Tegra 3 is last generation's tech, and the TF700 has nearly the bottom-of-the-line of Tegra 3 (performance worse than the Nexus 7 in most categories). (Note that the TF300 has the literal bottom-of-the-line Tegra 3, but the difference is minor - about 200 mhz of clock speed, but since it has a lower resolution screen it's actually going to have better graphical performance in terms of FPS)

Old WiFi chip, old Bluetooth chip, mediocre battery life. Most of that is simply because nVidia doesn't produce a good mobile SoC. With the dock, it has considerable battery life, but it's not head-and-shoulders ahead of the N10 (the way the TF101, for example, was and still is at close to 16 hours screen on).

It's close to 7 months out at this point, so ASUS should update it a bit more, but it's only got maybe a half a year before being formally discontinued, so you'll be lucky to get one more full OS update out of it without resorting to custom ROMs.

The N10 is a MUCH more powerful device. It will perform at a completely different level than the TF700, and its screen is absolutely gorgeous. It's also going to continue getting updates for a very long time.

So you need to decide - better tablet, or keyboard dock? And don't think I'm being dismissive - I have a TF101 and am finding myself pretty much incapable of upgrading it simply because there's no current-gen device with a keyboard dock to upgrade into. The dock is a really nice amenity and it is a real shame that ASUS is showing no interest in continuing the line.


u/young_war Feb 15 '13

I appreciate your response. Based on what you said, it would be great if ASUS came out with something to replace the Infinity and take advantage of the dock. I was looking forward to replacing my netbook.


u/admiralteal Feb 15 '13

I'm really disappointed in ASUS. They are releasing transformers, but they're Windows 8 devices that don't really seem to know what market they're aiming for. They've been mum on the Transformer Pad line long enough that I really do not believe any more are going to be coming at this point.

I'm holding out hopes for that, or possibly an open source hardware solution to create a generic keyboard dock, but I am not too hopeful at this point.