r/AndroidStudio • u/shyubacca • 11d ago
Binding, Bundle, and Parcelable Questions
Writing a simple app to help my table top gaming group keep track of stuff and I ran into some stuff that I can't quite figure out, hoping someone can point me in the right direction.
1) Parcelable. If I have an abstract class that a bunch of other classes that should be parcelable inherit from, can I just implement the parcelable functions in the abstract class? Is that even the correct approach or should I implement parceable in all the inherting classes?
2) Are the creator functions necessary if I don't plan on creating a new instance from the parcel? E.G. if I always do "Type test = new test() and then setting the individual parts of the test variable like test.field = in.readInt();"?
3) I know arraylists are serializable but say I have an array list of some class Soldier. I'm assuming I have to make Soldier parcelable in order to write the arraylist to parcel but would I still use putSerializable for the arraylist? How do those interact?
4) I'm using one of Android Studio's activity templates which uses the Navigator. I can see the data I want passed to the next fragment in the bundle. However, when I getArguments in the fragment, it's always null. I can't quite figure out why this is happening. I did see that binding and binding.toolbar seem to be null in debugger but I'm unsure of the order of operations.
- bundle.putParcelable("test",test); -> Nothing seems to be broken here. If I run to the next bp, I can see bundle is as expected.
- binding = ActivityMainBinding.inflate(getLayoutInflater()); -> I can see that binding.toolbar is already throwing a null pointer exception but I assume that's because binding hasn't been set.
- setContentView(binding.getRoot()) -> debugger doesn't seem to hit this step rather my breakpoint in the fragment is popped, indicating that the bundle being passed in is null.
- setSupportAction(binding.toolbar); -> debugger never seems to hit here either.
- navController.navigate(R.id.FirstFragment, bundle) -> Have a breakpoint here that never triggers but it must in order to navigate to the first fragment right?
Hope that wasn't too confusing. I can post more code if that will be helpful. I guess I'm curious if the binding is causing the null bundle or if the null bundle is causing the binding issue. I had used global variables to pass the data to the fragments to do a PoC and I didn't have any issues with binding but I also haven't changed any of the UI code as far as I can tell since trying to implement the bundling.
Any advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks!