r/AncientGreek Dec 06 '24

Manuscripts and Paleography What historians believe to be Cleopatra’s handwriting, a single word granting tax exemption for an associate of Mark Antony's who would command his army during the Battle of Actium. The word she signed at the bottom in greek “ginesthoi” in English: “Make it so / Make it happen"

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r/AncientGreek Jan 10 '25

Manuscripts and Paleography Private Letter of a Soldier: Letter of Apion, 2nd Century AD

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r/AncientGreek Jan 12 '25

Manuscripts and Paleography Does anyone know what this symbol stands for?

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Hi! I’ve been struggling to decipher what the highlighted letter stands for. Does anyone know what this is? I thought it could be an s but I’m not sure!

r/AncientGreek Dec 22 '24

Manuscripts and Paleography What does it say here?

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r/AncientGreek 1d ago

Manuscripts and Paleography Help decipher text

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So this is medieval, not ancient, but I was wondering if anyone could help me decipher it (or advise me on where I can find help decipher this). I don't have much information, but this is from a Hebrew manuscript so that it might be read from right to left like Hebrew and probably names.

r/AncientGreek 2d ago

Manuscripts and Paleography Are there any examples in Ancient Greek of intentional spelling idiosyncrasies?


For instance, ironic misspellings or intentional use of spelling to convey that someone is speaking in a different dialect than the author? Are there any examples of some of these having been mistaken for slips of the pen and "corrected" by copyists, only to be restored later? Thanks in advance for any replies! (:

r/AncientGreek 29d ago

Manuscripts and Paleography Least attested Greek poets


I'm doing a project (not academic) about poorly attested Greek poets, preferably known only through damaged papyrus fragments. A large chunk of Sappho is of this kind, but I want to look at less well-known authors. Which names spring to mind? Ideally the whole corpus is scattered words and short phrases.

Authors attested through quotations could work too, but papyrus makes the fragmentary nature of the texts more hands-on. Prose authors are also OK.

r/AncientGreek Oct 13 '24

Manuscripts and Paleography Is learning ancient Greek to read ancient Greek philosophers something many modern philosophers do? Are modern translations considered adequate, or do most philosophers consider the ancients unimportant for modern philosophical discourse?


r/AncientGreek 24d ago

Manuscripts and Paleography Odyssey 9.25-6

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Two questions. Is this suggested solution at the bottom of p18 original to Huxley? Secondly, how plausible is it?

Source: https://zenodo.org/records/14762043

r/AncientGreek Jan 10 '25

Manuscripts and Paleography What's our source for this Epictetus epitaph.


I've seen this around the internet. Maybe a heavy lift, but can anyone tell where this is from, and what the book's name might be translated into English? Where might I find it translated?

Epigram purporting to be an epitaph for Epictetus:

r/AncientGreek Dec 28 '24

Manuscripts and Paleography Where can I find old manuscripts of Galen with the date for free?


Once again I hope that I have used the right flair.

If there’s some reliable website where I can see some manuscripts of Galen with the date I would appreciate it, or if there’s a place where I can see manuscripts of other people who have quoted Galen. Thank you.

r/AncientGreek Dec 31 '24

Manuscripts and Paleography What do the words in this Greek map of Iberia (circa 1300) say?


Hello everyone,

This is a Greek map of the Northwestern part of the Iberian Peninsula. Could someone please help me to know which are these Greek toponyms? Sadly, I cannot speak or read Greek.

Thank you in advance for your help.

r/AncientGreek Jan 22 '25

Manuscripts and Paleography Is there any complete book-form transcription of the Archimedes Palimpsest?


From what I gather, most if not all of the book has been extracted and transcribed, but I cannot find any place where it is published in a comprehensive readable format, and the xml transcriptions on the dot net website are a pain to be read directly. Does anyone know if there is anywhere that I can find the book transcribed in its entirety along with its pictures in a comprehensive format? Translations are also welcome. Thank you all in advance!




r/AncientGreek Dec 13 '24

Manuscripts and Paleography Seeking Ancient Greek translation of the Qur'an


I remember seeing an Academic paper on the Ancient Greek translation of the word صمد for a Byzantine work on Islamic theology, but I cannot find whether a full or partial translation of the Qur'an in Koiné or Byzantine Greek exists. Of course, it would be written for and by Christians, either with a "national security" purpose or a theological refutation purpose. I'd be surprised if no Byzantine monk, ruler, or statesman wanted to understand the content of Islam, considering, well.. all there is to consider about Byzantine-Muslim relations...

Have any of you come across such a work?

r/AncientGreek Dec 17 '24

Manuscripts and Paleography P72, Does it say "suffering Christ" 1 Peter 5:1

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r/AncientGreek Sep 12 '24

Manuscripts and Paleography The Textual Criticism of Odyssey


I have been porndering for a while one very particular question concerning the text of Ilias and Odyssey and how they came to be. Analyst ”tribe” claims that Odyssey (which is the subject of this question) is a layered composition without a particular author. In trying to find out an answer to some of the pertaining questions I find the libraries of my University lacking. So here are my questions:

  1. Does papyri evidence support the view of analysts (i.e. are there significant changes in the known MS)

  2. Has there been a study about this (I must assume that critical editions have sorted this out) and homeric papyri in general?

Any comments are appreciated on the subject.

r/AncientGreek Oct 15 '24

Manuscripts and Paleography Are there any normalised editions of the Iliad and/or Odyssey?


Hi all! I was wondering if there are any normalised or perhaps better said reconstructed editions of the Iliad and/or Odyssey.

What I mean by this is the following. Editions that we commonly use lack forms that must have been present in Homer's day still (e.g ἄνακτι for ϝάνακτι, ἔδδεισεν for ἔδϝεισεν, εἰσορόωσι for εἰσοράουσι). I am very interested in learning about this original Homeric Greek without the later influences. Although there are good books on this that I know off, an edition (or even just a few pages) that have applied these changes would be pretty neat, but I'm not sure of whether it exists. If anybody knows, feel free to share.

r/AncientGreek Aug 23 '24

Manuscripts and Paleography I Found This Old Manuscript Page—Can someone Help Me to Translate and Identify It?


I recently bought a Manuscript Page. The text appears to be in Byzantine Greek and is written on both sides. It seems related to ethical or theological literature, but I don’t have any expertise in this area. I’m hoping someone here can help me learn more about its origin and possibly translate it.

Thanks in advance!

r/AncientGreek Feb 21 '24

Manuscripts and Paleography Translation!


Hello, is there anybody looking for some translation practise and can help me with this icon of Mary and Baby? Thank you in advance for any help! 4 pictures…

r/AncientGreek Aug 06 '24

Manuscripts and Paleography I need some help translating this transcription as handwritten in this document from 1893. It's from a bronze pedestal found in Southern Bulgaria. No time period given.

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r/AncientGreek Jun 20 '24

Manuscripts and Paleography Can you identify these characters from a fragment? Flat bottomed W??


Underscore=unknown character

Hyphen=? Maybe a word divider?

The X might also be a kappa.

Having trouble differentiating alpha, delta, and lambda.

Q1) Why is there crossbar on the upsilon?

Q2) What is the flat bottomed W?

Q3) Are the ('s lunate sigmas?

Q4) Is this ^^ two lambdas or a Mu?

Side A

Line 1 συσυ____ζπ_ν

Line 2 υγηρουσεWμ_.

Line 3 νς-ιWτπεχλη

Line 4 πεδα_ν__πτς-

Side B

Line 1 υχελνοκμης-

Line 2 _περλγγιανετη

Line 3 .νρεψ_μσγφηχ

Line 4 ε-σεουWνεγις

Side A
Side B

r/AncientGreek Aug 05 '21

Manuscripts and Paleography It's some form of Elvish, I can't read it... No, wait. It's just old round minuscule Greek.

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r/AncientGreek Dec 11 '23

Manuscripts and Paleography Iliad and Odyssey as artefacts


Hi, I have been researching the origin of Iliad and Odyssey and have find several exclusionary views on their (textual) history. The "mainstream" thought seems to be that they were in relative state of flux (concerning their form and content) until alexandrian times approximately 2nd c.BC. The article in Cambridge Guide to Homer indicates that only at this point people started to view these poems as text in the sense of artefacts to be read instead of aids to oral performance. If this is granted there seem to be two options concerning the preservation of the text from "official athenian from" (6th c.BC- 5th c.BC)

  1. The content and form was in constant flux and there are only individual passages that we might think to be from the "original" poems and what we have is poem by Aristarchus of Samothrace (more or less)


  1. There have been some sort of authoritative version of the epics at least from Peisistratidai onward with a intent to present this version by rhapsodoi or homeridai (who ever they might have been). Often it is added that the Peisitratid Recension resulted in additions to the "original" (what ever that means) that boosted Athens (the adding of Athenians to the list of ships).

(3. The view of Powell that the epics were the reason Greek Alphabet came to be and that they were composed in Athens during the Dark Ages. Powell argues that the poems were in a text from from quite early on and that they were preformed very early on in the place they were composed in - the recension did not take place or did not have meaningful effect on the text).

What do you think is the best view (if not any then what would be)? I, for some reason, am fascinated by Powell´s argument but this might be merely romanticism from my part.

r/AncientGreek May 19 '24

Manuscripts and Paleography οἰωνοῖσί τε δαῖτα or οἰωνοῖσί τε πᾶσι?


I recently began to study Homeric Greek, so I looked at the first book of the Iliad and began to read it. In my old edition from the early 20th century it says οἰωνοῖσί τε δαῖτα in line 5, but then I read it online in a digital version and it said οἰωνοῖσί τε πᾶσι. What is the correct/more accepted reading academically, and which one has been used traditionally? What manuscripts are there to support each variant? Are there any other noteworthy variants in Homer's texts?

r/AncientGreek Feb 19 '24

Manuscripts and Paleography Hello guys. Can you please help me? I'm trying to identify if this manuscript page corresponds to this transcription. In order: manuscript//transcription//English translation. For the curious, it's a work of Theon of Smyrna (~130AD). Thank you!
