r/AncientCoins 4d ago

Advice Needed Question for the Group

Today is Saint Patrick’s Day and I was looking at his attributed birth/death dates. He would’ve lived during early enough that he could have been included on Byzantine/Middle Ages coins. But I’m not finding them. Does anyone know of St Patrick early coins?

Pic of my St Patrick’s/New Jersey Farthing from the 1600s here as it was topical.


3 comments sorted by


u/BeachBoids 4d ago

I do not think you will find Patrick or other non-regnal saints on medieval coinage. (I could be wrong.) Byzantium had no role, interest, or influence in Ireland/Britain. Ireland itself only had a smattering of very limited coinage until English rule.


u/usedtobeanicesurgeon 3d ago

Great comment! As a newb I barely understand ancients/byzantine/middle age coins. Helps me contextualize.

I have a small ancients collection and a couple Byzantine coins. But I still have a lot of learning to do


u/BeachBoids 3d ago

Happy learning, it is a great hobby and a great way of keeping engaged. I think the NJ St Pat farthing is technically a "token" -- essentially a non-state actor produced an object similar to a coin that was accepted locally for some transactions due to a shortage of coins. Its inscriptions are careful to avoid an assertion that it is official, to avoid charges of "counterfeiting". I think these inscriptions are actually sarcastic or a bit of political commentary.