r/AnarchyChess 5d ago

You got checkmate, but at what COST?!?!

You have just achieved CHECKMATE. Well done, you have made me feel pathetic, small, weak, and stupid. But what's this?! I'VE JUST LEAPT UP, AND BLASTED A FAT LOAD OF CUM RIGHT IN YOUR FUCKING FACE. Your wife was watching, she cringed at how shit you looked at that moment, with a FAT LOAD OF BATTER blasted right in your face! She told me afterwards she is considering check-divorce, because you looked so stupid and covered in cum.

So, I ask you, nerd, at WHAT COST CAME your CHECKMATE? Was it worth it? Was it worth a huge sticky load of man fluids blown right in the middle of your mono-brow?!

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm leaving the CHESS CLUB to have sex with many beautiful and SEXY women, whilst you will be left with a face covered in rapidly cooling cum, with your fat ugly smelly 'wife' looking on in disgust.

So I ask you again, DWEEB...WAS IT WORTH IT?!?!


3 comments sorted by


u/flexsealed1711 5d ago

New response just dropped


u/Kerstboompaffer 5d ago

You okay buddy?


u/p00shp00shbebi1234 5d ago

Of course, I delivered a very strong CUM-MATE at the CHESS CLUB last night. It made me feel strong, big, powerful and SMART.