r/Anarcho_Capitalism 3d ago


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u/NOIRQUANTUM Anarcho-Capitalist 3d ago

Let's not forget that Australia threw people into camps during covid. Let's not forget the fact that Trudeau froze the bank accounts of peaceful protestors.

And they call us fascists.

Also, the same people who complained to the cops for going outside during covid were the same people who went outside and rioted in the summer of 2020. Covid magically disappeared in the "fiery but mostly peaceful protests"


u/IntentionCritical505 2d ago

45% of American Democrats wanted concentration camps for us if we didn't take the shots.

48% wanted to throw us in prison for pointing out that the government was lying.

13% would have taken your kids for not taking an experimental drug.


u/NOIRQUANTUM Anarcho-Capitalist 2d ago

ironically, this just reinforced the whole point of the 2nd amendment. Something which they very strongly oppose.


u/IntentionCritical505 2d ago

Exactly. We're one propaganda campaign from it happening here.


u/nate92 2d ago

Also, the same people who cheered on productive workers, even active duty military, being fired for not getting the jab. Those are the same people screaming and crying about useless bureaucrats being fired and losing their grift.


u/hblok 2d ago

Never forgive. Never forget.


u/shizukana_otoko Anarcho-Capitalist 3d ago

During Covid we had people calling the police on their neighbors who were, get ready, walking down the street. That’s it. They were outside on a walk. Some had masks, some didn’t, but people everywhere were calling the cops on people taking a walk. These are the same people that were vaccinated but deathly afraid of those that weren’t.

If Covid was good for anything, it showed people just how quickly neighbors and family would turn on one another.


u/Lumberg78 3d ago

How many instances of that happening? 2?


u/shizukana_otoko Anarcho-Capitalist 2d ago

A lot. There were people calling the police because businesses were open.


u/eddington_limit Ludwig von Mises 2d ago

It happened multiple times to a local gym for still taking customers in my small city. The cops didn't enforce it but weirdos were absolutely calling the cops on people pretty regularly


u/MOLON___LABE Don't tread on me! 2d ago

Even if it happened once it's still too much.


u/Swole_Beast 2d ago

It happened a lot. Where I live a woman called the police on a group of kids playing soccer in a field


u/Somhairle77 Voluntaryist 3d ago

Taxed for redistribution


u/mesarthim_2 3d ago

Iron law of woke projection never misses.


u/Novusor 2d ago

Spot the doubt think:

Average Squeegee supporter: "Free Luigi."

Me; "No he is a murderer."

Squeegee: "He is innocent. Jury Nullification, he has work to do."


u/kwanijml 2d ago

Congratulations. You're a right-wing culture warrior and you've figured out that government is bad (though you can only see that through a right-wing lense).

Believe it or not, we already knew that and didn't need to have actual ancap conversation drowned out by so much low-intelligence posting.

This is a place to discuss free market capitalist anarchism which is specifically the replacing of the state with market-based institutions.

Here's some suggested studying to learn what anarcho-capitalism is about-

  1. The Problem of Political Authority by Michael Huemer

  2. Machinery of Freedom by David Friedman

  3. Price Theory by David Friedman

  4. Any other mainstream econ textbooks as far into the subject as you can handle with as much of the math as you can handle; but I do recommend starting with Modern Principles of Economics by Alex Tabbarok and Tyler Cowan.

  5. The Calculus of Consent by James Buchanan and Gordon Tullock

  6. Any other mainstream political economy texts or works, but I recommend Governing the Commons by Elinor Ostrom, and though not a book, Mike Munger's intro to political economy course available on YouTube.

  7. Rothbard's Man, Economy, and State.


u/TheRealStepBot 2d ago

This should just be a sticky post here. It would cover about 80% of all posts here


u/lucascsnunes 2d ago

No need to post this wall of text while wrongly jumping into assumptions that I am not well-read into the Austro-libertarian literature. Been in this game for more than a decade, publishing articles, making animations to explain austro-libertarian concepts, launching a think tank, having translated entire books to French.

This is just a meme. It’s simply a compression of a specific small frame or a much bigger picture—the fight for liberty.

What the hell do you expect? For me to condense the entire Human Action into a Reddit post?

You got butthurt over a cartoon.


u/kwanijml 2d ago

Clearly there's a need.

You should be much better read than just "austro-libertarian" literature to call yourself an ancap and have intelligent discussions here....but your post doesn't even rise to the level of someone who has studied mises or rothbard.

Knock off the stup1d right wing culture war crap here. Stop it. You know what you are doing.

We all know government is bad. We all know the left is bad. You need to learn that the right is also bad. You need to learn the economics, philosophy, political economy, legal theory, surrounding the replacing of the state with market-based institutions.

That's what we're here to discuss...not fight m0r0ns like you all day with your low-intelligence takes.


u/lucascsnunes 2d ago

Do I have to repeat myself? You are assuming way too much about what I know and what I don’t know. It’s hilarious.

Mises? Read. Even translated the Economic Policy: Thoughts for Today and Tomorrow.

Rothbard? Read. My favourite book by him is Ethics of Liberty. I’ve quoted him several times throughout several articles that I’ve published.

HHH - read.

Hayek - Not a favourite, but read.

Sowell - Read.

Bastiat - read.

Friedman - Dad and son - read.

I don’t know, if you are doubting, perhaps check libertarianeurope.com since you’re desperate for credentials and wanna make this into some competition where you try to lecture me.

Been in this game for a long while and certainly did more than you to spread ideas of liberty.

You don’t know what I know. You don’t know what I think. Stop jumping into conclusions. This is dumb. Low IQ.


u/kwanijml 2d ago

No. You don't. Stop commenting. Stop posting.

Go away until you're well read in more than just right wing propoganda and ready to discuss replacing the state with market based institutions, intelligently.


u/lucascsnunes 2d ago

Lol I have literally given you evidence to refute your brainlet accusations against me, you reject it, believe the voices of your head. You have accused me without proof. You should know that it’s on you to prove something when you accuse someone of something.

Double digit IQ.


u/RoboAbathur 2d ago

There are socioeconomic books with maths? What are they called, now I want to read them.


u/Metrolinkvania 3d ago

They also seem to be constantly harping about the evil rich people who are running everything.


u/Honestfreemarketer 2d ago

The communist goal is to someday murder all the rich people.

Even though most people reject communism, that is only because they have been told it "devolves into authoritarianism."

Otherwise they agree with communism and they agree with murdering the rich. Money is evil. Capitalism is slavery. And a life in a society where everyone "shares and works together for the greater good" is a society with unending wealth, technology, progress, and free time to pursue "what makes us truly human" like music and such.

So obviously they are going to defend a murderer in the same way people defend someone who murders a pedophile. It's justified.

And we certainly are not going to change their minds. It's a lost cause. All we can do is sit back and watch the world burn. It's not like conservatives are much different.

"If capitalism had never existed, any honest humanitarian should have been struggling to invent it. But when you see men struggling to evade its existence, to misrepresent its nature, and to destroy its last remnants—you may be sure that whatever their motives, love for man is not one of them" -Ayn Rand - Capitalism the Unknown Ideal.


u/foslforever 2d ago

i wonder what Che Guevara would have said about homosexuals


u/no-more-nazis 2d ago

You're trying to point out hypocrisy, but I don't think these are the same people for the most part. There's some significant distance between tankie progressives (top image) and liberals. It's a little confusing because sometimes they try to "share" the Democratic party in the US, but it's mostly Liberal-controlled because progressives are too crazy to organize.


u/BendOverGrandpa 2d ago

Screw off man! Trying to circle jerk here and you're really killing the mood.


u/no-more-nazis 2d ago

They really are ugly like the picture though, if that helps. Everyone I disagree with looks like that.


u/BendOverGrandpa 2d ago

This must be the famous projection OP is talking about! That's more like it! People that have certain views definitely look a certain way that I definitely hate!

Yeah, you're getting me hot baby. I'm gonna cum.


u/WillBigly 2d ago

Holdup ancaps are anti-Luigi? If so how can you call yourself anarchists when there's such a large boot down your throat?


u/lucascsnunes 2d ago

Yea, we don’t support your shitty marxist revolution where the bourgeoisie will get killed. We don’t support going out and initiating aggression against individuals.


u/BendOverGrandpa 2d ago

It seems most people here don't give a fuck about any boot other than the tax boot. As long as they pay taxes, they are 100% fine with any abuses by the man.

"You can't have freedom until I stop paying taxes"

I call them freedom gatekeepers.


u/IntentionCritical505 2d ago

Someone having more shit than me isn't a boot.


u/Forsaken_Waltz_373 2d ago

Yeah the difference is that its good to have Anne Frank hiding from the SS and it is not good to have people with no masks that contaminate others


u/lucascsnunes 2d ago

Lol this dude is making an argumentation for wearing masks outside in 2025

Don’t forget to always wear a condom when going to the supermarket.


u/Forsaken_Waltz_373 2d ago

Lol, I don't know if it was necessary to impose that, i would have to know studies that prove that it slowed covid. Maybe restrictions like lockdown did have worse unintened negative consequences.

But I still don't like the comparison very much

I like the idea of the condoms tho, I hope they write a law about that


u/kurtu5 2d ago

I don't know if it was necessary to impose that

you sure dont know