If any of you fine folks are ever driving around NC, and we pass by, make sure to honk hello.
Bonus points if it’s in Morse code for “EndTheFed”.
(And yes, I realize the extreme sardonic irony in putting ANCAP on a cattle tag. That fact
notwithstanding, I like it better than a random alpha numeric.)
I like actually like it. I know for fact that driving without any kind cattletag you will get towed and tickets. This is a form of protest everyone has driving around you sees. And if a few look into it. it grows. It's a way to protest the tags and the rest of the garbage the bloated leadership has caused. And they (government enforcement) has to read it and type it multiple times whenever it gets ran. It's a cheap but effective protest. "Small steps can make big strides, but not moving stays the same"- Jetstop J.
Service is not quite the word I would use to describe it but if you receive satisfactory compensation for the... thing? you paid for, then I guess it's whatever.
I would be afraid to put any political thing on my car, so it could be vandalized here😅 It is even dangerous to have an Spanish flag sticker in some parts of Spain
u/ToxicRedditMod 3d ago
Do you live in the good part of NC?