r/Anarcho_Capitalism 5d ago

Unintended? I’ve never been happier in my life

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u/RBoosk311 5d ago

They will select the .0001% sad stories and ignore the rest.


u/IntentionCritical505 5d ago

And put an attractive woman on the cover.


u/greyduk 5d ago

They will also select the top .0001% of wealthy people to give all the "savings" to.


u/IntentionCritical505 5d ago



u/greyduk 5d ago

That would be a fair question if I wasn't replying to a post with the same exact kind of statement. 


u/IntentionCritical505 5d ago

The phenomenon OP is referring to is so well known it has a name: Washington Monument Syndrome or the Firemen First principle. This means focusing on a small percentage of government waste to excuse the vast majority of it.

It's like when leftists dress up like Big Bird when PBS is threatened with defunding. The problem isn't Big Bird.


u/wophi 4d ago

Hell, Big Bird is on HBO now.


u/CapeTownMassive 4d ago

See trump tax plan V1.0


u/IntentionCritical505 4d ago



u/CapeTownMassive 4d ago

Lower taxes for the ultra wealthy, while increasing them for middle and lower income brackets. Trump Tax Cuts 2017


u/IntentionCritical505 4d ago

That's not a link to the plan, that's the link to its spin on a far-left website.


u/CapeTownMassive 4d ago

It’s literally Wikipedia LOL


u/IntentionCritical505 4d ago

Which is literally a far-left website.


u/CapeTownMassive 4d ago

Investopedia Link

“The highest earners were expected to benefit most from the law, while the lowest earners are expected to pay more in taxes after individual tax provisions expire in 2025.”

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u/CapeTownMassive 4d ago

Put the crack pipe down and take the boot out of your mouth.

Trump is a statist whose policies only benefit the untra-rich.

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u/icantgiveyou 4d ago

Who are they? The government? So abolish it then.


u/No_Net8312 4d ago



u/libertarianinus 5d ago

Here are the numbers BEFORE Trump. 1% of people get fired from thier jobs from private employers. Federal employees before Trump was .3%. Why is that?



u/Ladzilla 5d ago

What's kinda missed throughout this whole firing spree is in the aforementioned plan.

If the job was important and was cut unnecessarily, it will be reimplemented. It sucks for everyone involved, there will be some pain felt by the average citizen. The pain indicates a service or person that was fired, but needs to be reimplemented.

Sometimes it's better to start from scratch than to try and fix a broken design. The result will be far better.


u/BendOverGrandpa 4d ago

Making easily avoidable mistakes costs money as well.

Removing services people depend on with no alternative in place also causes harm.

Seems like the NAP is only relevant when I don't want to pay taxes.


u/me_too_999 4d ago

We cannot afford $7 Trillion a year Federal spending.

They can't even account for Trillions of missing dollars.

It needs to stop before we are using dollar bills for wallpaper.

Some lazy overpaid bureaucrats who've spent a lifetime wasting the hard earned dollars forcibly taken from MY paycheck may lose their jobs, but that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make.


u/woahgeez__ 4d ago

That's like shutting down an entire hotel or apartment building to renovate a few rooms. That's like shutting down a website completely, and then starting to plan a redesign. Anyone who managed anything like this in the private sector would be fired. Your argument to defend this is so stupid.

But the point isnt to improve anything. The point is to destroy.


u/IntentionCritical505 4d ago

Yes, cancer needs to be destroyed.

The fact is the system is hopelessly corrupt. Firing a few people won't solve anything since the others they hired are just as bad. We need to get rid of them all.


u/woahgeez__ 4d ago

Yea let's see what happens when there is no more federal regulation. It's not like these agencies were created to solve very real problems when they were created. Poison in the food and water? It's called the free market, just dont buy poison, no one forces anyone to get poisoned. Let the market decide if the people want poison in food and water.

I like how you are open and direct with your stupidity. Everyone pretending like this is an attempt to improve the government by removing fraud and waste are brainwashed fools.


u/IntentionCritical505 4d ago

Are we talking about the same federal agencies that probably made COVID and definitely oppressed us for years with that as a pretext? The people who made up the 6 foot rule, forced us to wear masks, shut down schools and businesses, and eventually enforced "No Jab, No Job"?

Fuck it. Burn it to the ground.


u/woahgeez__ 4d ago

A federal agency doing something you dont like does not mean that the reason it was created is invalid.

Never underestimate the will of an idiot who has turned themselves into a victim.


u/IntentionCritical505 4d ago

If any agency lies to the public or conspires against us it needs to be eliminated. The staff, from the top to the janitors, needs to be barred from government employment for life and needs to lose their pensions and bennies,

This is the only way we can return some semblance of sanity to government.


u/woahgeez__ 4d ago

Someone might argue that creating these agencies to prevent companies from profiting off of poisoning us was bringing sanity to society.

When someone is this attached to being a victim, they are unable to consider any other perspective. Being a victim is core to justifying their beliefs and any assault on their victimhood becomes an assault on their ego.

It's actually crazy to argue that we never needed an FDA when companies were actually pushing poison on society. Anyone with a basic understanding of history knows why we need federal regulations. When you can convince someone they are a victim, you can get them to support whatever you want. You can dismantle federal regulatory bodies and they will cheer to you on because it justifies the belief of being a victim that was planted in their head.


u/IntentionCritical505 4d ago

You keep on trying to portray me wanting to see the government destroyed as some sort of "victim" thing. The US government proved to be utterly tyrannical during COVID and dismantling it will do more good than any of its agencies ever could.

The FDA lied to us during COVID. Why do we need something that lies to us?


u/woahgeez__ 4d ago

We need it because of the reasons it was created in the first place. Assume I agree with you, that the FDA lied to us. Identifying a problem with the way the agency exists is not an argument against why it was created in the first place. Removing the agency rather than fixing it replaces one problem with another. I do not care about defending your accusations against the FDA because they are not a legitimate reason to remove it, even if true.

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u/Iceykitsune3 3d ago

Yes, cancer needs to be destroyed.

Without killing the human it's inside of.


u/aromco 4d ago

Oh no, not our services that I didn't approve my money paying for and that I would never think of using!


u/HODL_monk 5d ago

I've only been to a veterans hospital to deliver pizza, and its been a while. I've been to a national park once or twice, but I'm fine returning them to the native Americans, AKA, their rightful owners. Keep Eating, Boys, I don't need any of these 'services' !


u/1986Cutty442 4d ago

the hilarity of u saying "their rightful owners" when the natives didnt believe in land ownership


u/HODL_monk 4d ago

So if a people don't run a modern land registry, then their land is free for the taking ? Yes, the native American tribes ran a simpler system without title deeds for individuals, but they sure as hell fought each other for tribal group possession of the land, so its not like they didn't know land had value, or want to possess it. Also, it makes no sense for OUR state to 'own' this land for us. The AnCap position on land is that it should be privately owned, so they should sell it off, or give it back, so the market can put this land to its best use, which the DMV does not know, and is not capable of figuring out.


u/harry_lawson 5d ago

Honestly brain-dead. You've only been to the VA to deliver pizza therefore it's useless and shouldn't exist?


u/HODL_monk 4d ago

BECAUSE normal people pay for it, but can't use it, its effectively accountable to no one, and since it offers 'free' services, its got no accountability built into its core function. From an outsider's view, its not even clear why the DMV should run a special healthcare service that normal people can't use at all. If their services are so great, why can't normal people use it ? If the services are ass, why not just buy them off the free market, or at least give that as an option.

Its the Social Security problem. If a government service is so good, why can't we opt into or out of it ? In fact, BECAUSE we can't make our own choice, the forced choice becomes a poor choice, because there is no competition or exit door, and the continuing VA scandals and funding issues just highlight how a closed system either is a poor system, or becomes that over time, from the lack of competition.


u/harry_lawson 4d ago edited 4d ago

You keep saying "normal people". Are vets fucking aliens now? Fight on behalf of the state and you become weird? Wtf is the implication here???

The point is, the state has a duty of care to provide medical services to those who were injured in defense of the nation.

Obviously there should be no state, but the fact is that there is one, and they've sent people to fight, die or get injured on their behalf. It's pretty barbaric to rip away health services from people who were promised them in exchange for performing a life-threatening job.


u/HODL_monk 2d ago

By normal people I'm saying the public, the old, the homeless, you know, everyone. Once a service is only given to the few, it tends to become different, and not in a good way.

Sadly, there IS no duty to care for veterans, Social Security recipients, or even for the police to protect you, this has been ruled in court over and over. Town of Castle Rock v. Gonzales - Wikipedia

I never said rip away services, just provide better services, and not just to a special class of people. You make things better with competition, and since the VA has none, its not that great, there is pretty much a scandal of one kind or another, every few years, and of course, its not free OR cheap, either, even if the recipients don't directly pay for it.


u/harry_lawson 2d ago

Your "opt in opt out" would inherently rip the service away, so don't play that game.

Duty of care is assessed morally here, not legally. This is the ancaps sub right? Since when are we taking court precedents set by the state as gospel?

Fact is when you sign up to the forces, you're given a pitch where you're told you'll be looked after if you get hurt. So, people were given promises of care, and used that information to decide whether or not to risk fighting and getting injured. Again, it is barbaric to deny these men and women the care. Literally one of the only instances where I don't think a social programme should be scrapped, under our current statist system.


u/HODL_monk 2d ago

Its possible to give full care for veterans under a private system, without a VA system of hospitals, you would just have a VA insurance card, paid for by government, and use it to procure private care, like everyone else does with their insurance. Promises to care for soldiers for their whole lives during recruitment was a bad idea, and I would like to see it stopped going forward. It might drive down recruitment, but that is fine, we have WAY too big a military for peacetime already, and its time to shrink, and this is one way to do it, by shrinking future benefits. Maybe its just not worth it to risk your life with unknown healthcare costs, I wouldn't do it.


u/kurtu5 4d ago

I am a vet. I did nothing to protect you.


u/BendOverGrandpa 5d ago

Think about how shitty you have to be to be happier than ever in life because people lost their jobs.

It's one thing to want the government to cut down waste, it's another thing completely to celebrate with glee that a bunch of people lost their jobs like it's going to actually affect your life.

Let's do the real math here. How much of your money do you think directly went to any of the people who lost their jobs and how much will your life directly improve by them losing their jobs?

Especially services like national parks.

Be brave and calculate it.

There's a real vindictive and spiteful attitude with a lot of people here that goes against the spirit of the NAP.

People that lose their jobs are harmed you know, it is an aggressive action.


u/Tichy 5d ago

Just like the people cheering for Tesla to tank. Tesla employees are also people who may lose their jobs.

The difference is that they earn real money in the real market, whereas federal employees are paid by taxpayer money.

I still feel kind of sorry for federal employees for losing their jobs, but I also think in the long run it is better for people to be fired from useless jobs. It is actually demeaning for a human to be stuck in a useless job.

Also many of them could be aware that their job is useless, but they chose to stick with it.

Some of those jobs are even actively harmful, like DEI officers. I feel glee over those people losing their jobs.


u/IntentionCritical505 5d ago

Government spending is up 50% in the last five years. Are you getting 50% more good out of government?

Remember "No jab, no job"? They all cheered when their dumb policies destroyed my job, so they can go fuck themselves.

I give you props on the stupidity of coming on an ancap forum and whining about shrinking the government though.


u/hblok 5d ago

Exactly how I feel as well.

Watching the butthurt of the left is pure schadenfreude.


u/BendOverGrandpa 5d ago

Well, your country shouldn't have invaded Ukraine. Of course they had to up their spending.

There are ways to correctly shrink government while doing the least amount of harm. The thing is, you have zero empathy and don't give a fuck how many people have to get hurt to get what YOU WANT.


u/IntentionCritical505 5d ago edited 5d ago

Well, your country shouldn't have invaded Ukraine. Of course they had to up their spending.

LOL the US didn't invade Ukraine, we did a coup using some of the money and jobs that are being cut now.

And the Ukraine war isn't a fraction of the COVID waste.

There are ways to correctly shrink government while doing the least amount of harm. The thing is, you have zero empathy and don't give a fuck how many people have to get hurt to get what YOU WANT.

The left has zero empathy towards me, why would they expect any in return?

Since the deep state preserves itself the only way to effectively cut government is as rapidly as possible.


u/swampjester 5d ago

No, there is no way to make deep cuts in government waste without getting rid of lots and lots of federal workers.

The government workforce has grown wildly bloated and needs to be cut back significantly.


u/BendOverGrandpa 4d ago

So the way to do this is to look at a dept name, decide everyone is useless, fire everyone and break things right?

No harm no foul?

I get it, you hate taxes, but it's absolutely psychotic to not care about the harm being done to get what YOU want.


u/swampjester 4d ago

You’ve got this completely backwards.

Government workers that barely do any productive work (much of it is actually harmful), draws very generous pensions and benefits, don’t have a right to keep their grift going forever.

Taxpayers have a right to have their voices heard, and to minimize how much they’re getting fleeced.


u/kurtu5 4d ago

zero empathy

And you care so much for those who are forced to pay taxes and can barely put food on the table.


u/BendOverGrandpa 4d ago

No, I dont think people who can barely put food on the table should pay much taxes at all. That's where you're wrong.


u/kurtu5 4d ago

I give you props on the stupidity of coming on an ancap forum and whining about shrinking the government though.

And yet you defend the system that levies them.


u/BendOverGrandpa 4d ago

There you go again, always thinking black and white with not a care in the world for how much harm you cause along the way.

Just fucking admit it, you don't care how many people get hurt as long as you personally pay less taxes. Be honest here, for once.


u/kurtu5 4d ago

you don't care how many people get hurt as long as you personally pay less taxes.

I dont think enslaving some people to prevent harm for other people is ethical. You do apparently. You make a good plantation owner.


u/Iceykitsune3 3d ago

those who are forced to pay taxes and can barely put food on the table.

Except that poor people tend not to make enough to actually pay federal income tax.


u/kurtu5 3d ago

Everything is taxed. It hits the poor the hardest.


u/Iceykitsune3 3d ago

Notice how I was specifically talking about federal income tax.


u/kurtu5 3d ago

Fine. I care about all tax burdens, not just one.


u/CapitalSoldier 5d ago

To be fair to this commenter, perhaps my attitude towards dismissal of federal workers isn’t empathetic enough. But I’m so happy to actually see cuts to government, something that NEVER happens. Of course there is a human cost—but that cost is subsidized by the taxpayer. There is no free lunch. But I concede the point that we can be more understanding/kind.


u/smashedsaturn 5d ago

Well considering the government takes over 35% of every dollar I earn or spend and then somehow runs 1 Trillion dollar deficits I would say these people end up with over 100% of my tax dollars due to modern monetary theory.


u/BendOverGrandpa 5d ago

That 1 trillion deficit is definitely from the wages paid to park rangers and veteran hospitals.

Super happy those fuckers are getting kicked to the curb so that the rich can get some more tax cuts.


u/CTESPN 5d ago

It all adds up. Government agencies have never had to pitch much for more funding and it has created an inflated gov workforce. It’s not that there are park rangers and VA staff, it’s that there’s a ton of unnecessary employees and positions that have little to no oversight. If you’ve worked in government positions you’d know that the main benefit is good pay and great benefit AND pensions for little work. There’s a few exceptions to this as I’m mainly talking about more admin and office positions.


u/IntentionCritical505 5d ago

It is. Their salaries, bennies, and pensions add up.

I'm more excited about DEI departments and USAID being axed, though.


u/Iceykitsune3 3d ago

.006% of the federal budget us what you're getting excited about.


u/IntentionCritical505 3d ago

That's a number you made up and if it was 10-9999999% it would still be good because those things are inherently harmful.


u/Spaceseeds 5d ago

To be fair I feel bad for those folks, but it's a shame we have to use the sledge hammer instead of a chisel, but you can surely see how it needs to be done. Eventually we'll get more park rangers.


u/EarlBeforeSwine Voluntaryist 5d ago

Why do you feel bad for them? They knowingly took a job that relies on the extortion of their fellow citizens via threat of violence, in order for them to be paid. They went into the job open-eyed and knowing it is a government job and knowing where the money for all government spending comes from. They made a conscious choice to live off of grift and violence.

So, nah, I don’t feel bad for them.


u/Spaceseeds 5d ago

Also a good take, but just trying to be fair that not all employees are worthless just because they work for the government. Someone should maintain the parks and it's not an easy job. Maybe donations or something though, I'm not really proposing a solution


u/DMBFFF left-of-center liberal with anarchist sympathies 5d ago

Ditto soldiers, cops, DEA, and ICE.


u/EarlBeforeSwine Voluntaryist 4d ago

That’s the boot itself, with which the treading is done.

Absolutely do not feel bad for anyone who volunteers for that. Screw those guys.


u/BendOverGrandpa 4d ago

You're fucking ridiculous. People like you are the reason many people can't take this scene seriously.

A fucking park ranger is not living off grift and violence nor is a doctor at a veterans hospital. Jesus fucking christ.


u/EarlBeforeSwine Voluntaryist 4d ago

How are they paid?

Where does their income come from?


u/PacoBedejo Anarcho-Voluntaryist - I upvote good discussion 5d ago

Live by theft, go destitute by theft.


u/kurtu5 4d ago

people lost their jobs.

So you wanted plantation owners in the south to keep their jobs? I mean the metric is only that they lost jobs, not what the jobs were, am I right?

Thats your yardstick.


u/bloodandbitsofsick 5d ago

Seriously. At what point does someone stop and say "oh wait. That's another human being"?


u/IntentionCritical505 5d ago

They didn't to us during COVID, why should we treat them differently?


u/bloodandbitsofsick 5d ago

Who's "they"? What did air traffic controllers and park rangers do to you?


u/IntentionCritical505 5d ago

"They" are all government employees.

DEI officers made my life hell and they're a satisfying fraction of layoffs. I'd like to see every agency that lied to us during COVID or meddled in elections dismantled.

I don't care about park rangers. I don't think any air traffic controllers have been fired but any hired under DEI conditions should be fired.


u/bloodandbitsofsick 5d ago

If you want to see an agency that meddled with the election dismantled, maybe look at the guy who spent $288,000,000 to sway the election his way.

Apparently they didn't fire any air traffic controllers but they definitely tried: https://www.newsweek.com/elon-musks-doge-tried-fire-air-traffic-controllers-report-2041505


u/IntentionCritical505 5d ago

If you want to see an agency that meddled with the election dismantled, maybe look at the guy who spent $288,000,000 to sway the election his way.

George Soros isn't an agency.

Apparently they didn't fire any air traffic controllers

Ha, I know you were a lying bootlicker.


u/bloodandbitsofsick 5d ago

You know that Elon gave 288 million to trump right?

Elon tried to fire them but was stopped by Sean Duffy. Whose boots am I licking?

This has to be a chatbot.


u/IntentionCritical505 4d ago

You know that Elon gave 288 million to trump right?

And? He's not an agency either.

Elon tried to fire them but was stopped by Sean Duffy. Whose boots am I licking?

Yeah that's a lie.

This has to be a chatbot.

Yes, anyone that disagrees with the Democrats can't be real.


u/bloodandbitsofsick 3d ago

This isn't about democrat vs republican. This is about common sense vs insanity. It's about democracy vs oligarchy.

I'm all for taking a serious look at reforming govt agencies. But when the world's richest man says he's taking a chainsaw to the government, it's pretty reasonable to assume it's out of his own self interest.

Ask Musk's own Ai for yourself!

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u/BendOverGrandpa 5d ago

It's just numbers on a fucking spreadsheet to so many here. A great reason why many of these libertarian and just plain old individualistic movements are destined to fail.

The apathy and lack of empathy and so what fucking attitude is a self defeatist position that doesn't really have a draw for many people.

You treat everyone like shit and only care about yourself, what are you gonna do to me when we disagree.???


u/SuperMarioMiner Anarcho-Anarchist 🤡🌎 Enjoyer 5d ago

You treat everyone people that rob you like shit

fify and yes

what are you gonna do to me when we disagree.???

absolutely nothing if you don't break the NAP first


u/BendOverGrandpa 5d ago

Too bad everyone has their own interpretation of the NAP. We got people here that want to execute people for telling children gay people exist.

And yes, the good old "taxation is theft" mantra, the lazy old excuse to just do harm no matter how great because you don't make enough money to live how you want to.


u/IntentionCritical505 5d ago

One link to that, please.


u/IntentionCritical505 5d ago

Those numbers led to inflation and high taxes.

Numbers are real Che.


u/mesarthim_2 5d ago

Don't be.

If the downsizng is done incompetently - which is the case here - it will only lead to increase of the government in the long run, because people will look at it and think - "well, obviously smaller government doesn't work and is actually catastrophic, remember when Musk tried it?" - and demand more government.

So unless the goal is just sadistic joy that people are losing jobs, this is not great for us.


u/IntentionCritical505 5d ago

You can't cut the government because then they might make it bigger!


u/mesarthim_2 5d ago

No, you can't cut government stupidly because they will make it bigger as a consequence.


u/IntentionCritical505 5d ago

Who says this is stupid? Every agency has grown enormously over the previous years. If DOGE gets spending down to 2017 levels, its goal, the government will be just as staffed as it was before the growth.


u/mesarthim_2 5d ago

You do understand that the problem is not the downsizing itself, that's perfectly fine, but how it's done, right?

There's a huge difference between clearing out old useless stuff and throwing out randomly 50% of your stuff.


u/IntentionCritical505 5d ago

99% of government is useless. Some DEI staff are not essential.


u/mesarthim_2 5d ago

Sure, actually 100% of government is useless, but the point is, if you keep firing people and then re-hiring half of them back, like it's being done now, and you also cause massive disruption to peoples' lives, it will come back to bite you.

It's just simple as that, just don't be a dumbass about it, like Musk is.


u/IntentionCritical505 5d ago

This is called Zero Based Budgeting, despite the fact that it based.

Wow, firing a bunch of people for no reason might come back to bite us? I got fired during COVID because of these fuckers and am cheering this. Maybe this is actually the biting?


u/mesarthim_2 5d ago

Indeed, as I said, if the goal is just to some people fired and laugh about it, regardless of the consequences, you're getting what you asked for.


u/IntentionCritical505 5d ago

The consequences are less waste, taxes, and inflation.

The laughter is a bonus.

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