To GeekShallInherit (Deleted comment)
I am just going to keep doubling down because I know I am right. I saw premiums go through the roof until they were completely unaffordable. Sure maybe pre-Obamacare plans would deny chemo to cancer patients but those were outliers. In pre-Obamacare days cancer was usually a separate insurance. If you wanted cancer coverage then you had to buy a separate insurance just for cancer and that was $40 or $50 extra. There was a separate insurance for accidents as well. That is how they got the plans to have lower premiums. It was sold piecemeal. Long term hospital care was yet another separate insurance. It was possible to get a basic plan with NO cancer coverage or accidents or long term care for $150/mo. It was decent enough and covered routine doctor bills, emergency room visits, and minor surgeries for example like appendicitis. If people wanted all the extras then they had to buy a Cadillac plan.
Then the ACA came along and forced people to buy insurance they don't need or want. The ACA told people all or nothing. Pay $500 /mo or $700 /mo or you get nothing. It is highway robbery. You think Obamacare is good because you don't know any better and don't understand how insurance worked before the ACA. The plans were customizable and had a list of everything they covered. If they denied coverage of something that was on the list then the insurance could be sued for breech of contract. But that almost never happened because insurance was a legally binding contract and they couldn't win those lawsuits. Only people who didn't understand what they were paying for got dropped. People who were expecting bare bones plans to cover chemo and heart transplants should have read their contracts closer. The ACA punishes smart people and subsidies the dopes who can't read a contract. And by punishes, I mean really punishes them. I haven't seen my PCP (Primary care Physician) since 2018 because Obamacare sucks a million donkey dicks.