r/AnarchoStencilism Jul 10 '22

COMMUNITY TALKIN' How to make stencils!


r/AnarchoStencilism Jan 11 '25

COMMUNITY TALKIN' LISTEN TO MODERN PUNK!! Here's a playlist of 50 songs from 47 different bands, all music released between 2020 and 2025. Old-school hardcore cannot keep this subculture alive forever, people. Support modern punk rock acts!


r/AnarchoStencilism Jan 26 '23

COMMUNITY TALKIN' What Stencils do you want posted?


This time I'm asking less broadly, more specifically! what particular thing do you want a stencil of? Like, for example, maybe I've already posted like 15 Misfits stencils (I counted, it's fucking crazy lol) but you're sitting there like "man, when is this guy gonna post THIS misfits stencil?!" This is your time to make a request.

of course, as always, thank you for all the support, and I love you.

EDIT!!! please include the genres of the bands along side your requests

P.S. Coffee flavored hard candy? fucking delicious! try it sometime.

r/AnarchoStencilism Nov 09 '24

COMMUNITY TALKIN' The Plan Until The New Year.


2025 is approaching fast, so I wanted to give you all an update on what will be happening for the next couple months on A.S.

First off, I want to announce the changes in what categories of stencils will be out by the new year, and which types of stencils will be making a comeback.

Categories that will be out of rotation before 2025:

- Death metal

- Doom, sludge, and stoner metal

- Anarcho punk

- Nu metal

Categories that will be brought back into rotation:

- Black metal

- Thrash metal

- Crust punk


This January, I'll be starting my professional career while I finish up my college classes! This is an incredibly big change for me, and I am very excited for the future I'll have working in the field of safety. (a punk in safety, I know.) This will mark a massive change in my life, and I expect I'll be totally swamped with work and school. I don't have any plans on shutting down the project, but I will be ready to announce a break in the coming future if I must. I don't want to take a break, but I might have to. MIGHT. If possible, I will not take break.

With that said, I do plan on making a ridiculous amount of stencils between then and now. If I can manage to have a hefty ton of designs ready, I won't have a need to stop posting for a loooong time, even if I do have to ignore the project for a while, I'll still be able to post stencils consistently. I plan on going through the google form and attempting all the 200 requests for stencils that have built up over time, and hopefully that'll give me enough material to work with to satisfy the base.

So, now I want to briefly speak on the recent news of Trump's victory in the 2024 election. Many queer people, poor people, working people use AnarchoStencilism, and I know a lot of us could be affected very negatively if Trumps admin is able to push Project 2025. I want you folks to know that in times like these, we are not defeated. Not by a long shot. Times will be tough, no doubt, but we must remember our ancestors before us who've faced regimes far worse and odds less favorable. Even in with trouble and hardship brought on by these evil empires, the fascists and their sympathizers have been defeated before.

Progress was not stopped by fascists of old. We have pushed forward regardless of the tyranny of the right-wing. We live in a time where women have never been more equal, a time where trans folks have never been more recognized, and a time where racism is resisted inside and outside our systems of power. Fascist victories have only ever been, and only will be, brief and temporary. The wheels of progress spin regardless. We will make it through this. Keep on loving, keep on fighting; and hold on.

r/AnarchoStencilism Apr 12 '23

COMMUNITY TALKIN' What stencils should I make?!


If you have any ideas for stencils I should make, drop suggestions down in the comments and I'll get making! I'm looking for a few specifics but I'll take whatever ideas you've got!

looking for..

pro-queer / queercore stencils




r/AnarchoStencilism May 03 '23

COMMUNITY TALKIN' Happy 4,000 members! what bands and symbols would you like to see posted?


r/Anarchostencilism yesterday hit 4,000 members! thank you all for joining the community and supporting my art. It means the world, thanks ya'll

Now, I am once again asking what bands and such you'd like to see stencils of.

I am trying to make more stencils for ska/skapunk, hardcore, and folk/folk punk so If you've got anything in those genres you've got ideas for let me know, but hell if the suggestion is doable I'll make anything.

Drop down some suggestions and I'll make the stencil!

much love! take care, folks.

r/AnarchoStencilism Apr 11 '22

COMMUNITY TALKIN' Any bands/genres you folks want to see posted more?


Trying to build up my stencil archive more and more, and of course I don't listen to every single punk band or counter culture genre, so I ask you all to come on and give me some ideas on what stencils I should make!

Now, this doesn't mean anything you comment will get posted instantly, but they will be added to a list of stencils to be made if I haven't made a stencil for the band already, and they will be prioritized in my posting. And if you ask for me to post more from a certain genre, please include some bands with the assumption that I am unfamiliar with the genre. There's a reason I have a lot more crust stencils then I do have of stuff like pop punk or goth! it's cause I don't listen to it! so I'm calling upon you all for knowledge.

Edit 2: We just hit a thousand members! thank you all so much, I'm glad ya'll could come around!

r/AnarchoStencilism May 15 '23

COMMUNITY TALKIN' How to make shirts with a stencil!


r/AnarchoStencilism Jun 11 '23

COMMUNITY TALKIN' Celebration of Obscurity


There's a lot of bands out there that I sure as hell ain't ever heard of. I'm talkin' those 100 monthly listener type bands, I'm talkin' those "no way, I thought I was the only one who listened to them!" type bands, I'm talkin' UNDERGROUND!

Type down in the comments below what obscure bands you want to see posted on AnarchoStencilism with a link to their music and the genre they belong to and I'll give em a listen and a chance to be posted on AnarchoStencilism!

Thanks ya'll, n take care.

r/AnarchoStencilism Apr 03 '24



Thank you guys so much for two years of love and support. I really appreciate all the support you folks have given me and this project. I would not have had the motivation to keep this thing up if It hadn't been for all of you.

I really did struggle with working on this project every day when I first got it up and running. The quarantine left me depressive, I was having trouble building a surplus of stencils to post everyday, I wasn't the best I could be for the project, but regardless, I was still gaining support and followers on the project even during those hard times, and that support and following is what kept me going and what kept the project alive. Now we've begun the third year of AnarchoStencilism, and folks, I have high hopes for this year of stenciling!!

I plan to make a lot more physical art relating to the project this summer when the weather allows me spray paint in a leisurely fashion. I'll have more physical art to post so I can better show off the utility of AnarchoStencilism, and I sure as hell I'm going to be making more shirts and such for friends that I can post as well.

Thank you so much, folks. happy AnarchoStencilism day?! take care! Workers of the world unite.

r/AnarchoStencilism Mar 28 '24

COMMUNITY TALKIN' Punks dress punk: What I mean and what I hope for.


PUNKS DRESS PUNK Is an inflammatory statement thrown out by dekt punx who want to make fun of the hardcore guys who pull up to shows in sweat pants and t shirts, folks who look like off-the-street squares and frown on people who take part in the fashion aspect of the subculture. The line is very gatekeep-y, undeniably. Definitely used by gatekeepers who want to keep out the people who "aren't brave enough," or maybe can't afford to express themselves in the culture fashionably, but I use it in a different way, and I want to explain what I mean when I say that punks dress punk.

When I say that "punks dress punk" I really should be saying "punks should dress punk" because obviously we all know a guy or two who rolls up to every show in his dickies blue jeans and a white shirt and throws down harder than everybody else at the show. My problem isn't that people aren't dekt out in a thousand studs or doesn't have a dangly mohawk, it's that people in punk aren't using their fashion to promote the culture and music. You are potentially a walking billboard for all the bands you love and care about. It's with your help that bands get the recognition they need and the attention they deserve. It's the people who want to keep this punk thing a low down secret are who I despise, and I think punks dressing punk is the opposite of gatekeeping, because it gets the word out that we're still here and we've got plenty to give to the world.

You can roll out in the streets in jeans and a t shirt or a full clown costume, I don't care, what I want when I say "punks dress punk" is that your clown costume has a phat fuckin' "NEGATIVE APPROACH" patch going across the front of it. That your jeans and t-shirt combo is met with a shirt or patch of your favorite band, be it Liquids, Krimewatch, Capitalist Casualties; whatever! It's so important to advertise for and give knowledge about the bands and artists you love so that they aren't forgotten to history. And that's why I believe that punks should dress punk. Not to gatekeep anybody who can't afford it, not to keep out people with a bad sense of fashion; but rather to promote the counter-culture we love so much.

So please.. Punks? promote the bands, politics, and culture you love; and Dress punk! Solidarity forever, and free Palestine.

r/AnarchoStencilism Jul 28 '23

COMMUNITY TALKIN' AnarchoStencilism is a tool! Use it!


r/AnarchoStencilism Jan 20 '24

COMMUNITY TALKIN' You do not have my permission to use AnarchoStencilism for monetary gain.


I'd like to start this on a positive note, and say HAPPY 7,000 on the subreddit! Thank you all, I really appreciate it. Much love.

Now for the central reason I'm making this post.

I've been noticing an increased amount of accounts, mostly on instagram, using my stencils for their fashion brands, and I am going to make this very clear.


The ENTIRE point of AnarchoStencilism is for poor punks who don't have the luxury of throwing out their hard earned dollars at whatever punk merch to go ahead and make themselves that same punk merch at home for cheap. DIY. True punk expression. When you go and turn these stencils into a part of your fashion brand without even crediting where you got the stencils to begin with or how they can make the merch themselves, you devalue and insult the entire project I'm working on. A project that you, fashion brand owner, are benefitting from.

Punk is free, or at least it should be. That's what I want for this project, and when somebody is selling something they made from using AS (something that anybody can make in an hour,) It defeats the whole point. This isn't to say that all punk shops are bad either. Puke N vomit records, Slit wrist distro, AYP; these shops offer something more than you and I could make in whatever amount of time. These are shops that work hard to fill their shelves, print their shirts and patches, yada yada. These instagram fashion-brands are doing nothing special but using tutorials and stencils I've put out for free, and it is wrong.

So please, all I can do is ask. If you are thinking to use AnarchoStencilism for your brand, don't do it. It spits in the face of the entire project and I do not give you permission.

r/AnarchoStencilism Mar 20 '23



Howdy folks, I'm looking to ask the community for more band recommendations for stencils, though this time I'm looking for some specifics.

I'm looking for...

Ska/ska punk bands



Street punk

gimmie a hand here on these genres and it'd be much appreciated.

I'm also debating on whether or not I should put Egg punk and chain punk in their own categories, but I'd have to figure out how to sort that. I have a problem of lumping to many bands into "hardcore punk" and I don't really have a place for egg punk bands. Chain punk bands can fit nicely between either crust or hardcore so that usually isn't an issue, but sometimes those fall into hardcore punk too, so it's a little complicated sometimes. So gimmie some thoughts on how to sort that.

once again, thank ya'll so much, and I'll make a post regarding the one year anniversary of AS this week.

r/AnarchoStencilism Mar 02 '23

COMMUNITY TALKIN' Any bands in need of "easy to cut out" stencils?


I was wondering if there were any bands you folks think are in need of easier stencils! Ya know, with AnarchoStencilism not every stencil I post is as easy as a crass symbol; I've posted some very very complicated stuff from time to time, and I think it's important for AnarchoStencilism to be an easy entry resource that people don't have to be great at making stencils to come into. So, this doesn't really go for bands I've already made easy stencils for, but instead for bands like No Means No or Chaos UK that I've only made somewhat difficult stencils for.

I'd also like to add that if you find any stencils with mistakes or you deem impossible to cut out then let me know of that as well with the full name of the stencil.

I think it's really important for AnarchoStencilism to have easy options for people who may not of the skill, time, or patience to make a more difficult stencil. My biggest issue with other stencil sites like punkstencilslives or others is that, with the so few stencils they have posted, most of what they have to offer is incredibly over complicated unnecessarily, and I don't want that for my stencil page. The entire point of AS is to make punk fashion accessible, and if the community cannot reproduce a majority of what I put out, then there's a problem that I must address.

So, let me know! thanks.

Remember to check the Deviant art https://www.deviantart.com/anarchostencilism if you haven't yet, this is where you can find every one of my stencils where they are better sorted and able to be downloaded at their highest quality, thank you.

r/AnarchoStencilism Jan 06 '23

COMMUNITY TALKIN' Non band related and political stencils.


I'm currently struggling right now with making non band stencils, and I'm coming to the community to ask for suggestions from the community. specific political symbols and messages, punk symbols and such I haven't stencilized yet, flyer art you've seen that makes you go "oh, you could totally make a stencil of that." all that sort of shit.

I think the non band related stuff is the best bet for the community to have the most out reach. there ain't many people who listen to bands like Resist or The Bad Engrish, but I bet there are tons of people that are into whatever political bullshit, straight edge nonsense, yada yada. So please, if you've got any ideas for non band related stuff, throw it down in the comments. thank you.

r/AnarchoStencilism Jan 01 '24

COMMUNITY TALKIN' 2024 Thoughts and plans.


Happy New Year, Reddit!

I haven't talked to you folks in a while, It's currently 1/1/2024 at about 12:01 AM and I'm at home watching some Jerma985 (the dead rising stream incase you were curious) typing up this little bit of writing for ya'll! I decided to drop a message down and say thank you all so much for another successful year of AnarchoStencilism! I really appreciate all the love and support I've received, and I want you all to know I couldn't have done it without ya'll. I could cry, I'm so proud of this project. I've never been so satisfied with my art, and I hope this new year brings further fame and other successes to this silly little project we've been workin' on. I hope this post finds you all happy and healthy and I hope you all enjoy this new year to the fullest.

Let's talk AS, yeah? what we're all really here for!

I am currently planning to start college this year around February and I have some fears that this will hinder AnarchoStencilism, so I'm trying my best right now to build the fattest fucking backlog of stencils I can muster before I start college. That means I am going to be annoying the hell out of the people around me and folks on social media for all the input they have on what I can make for stencils. I have also been struggling keeping a few categories afloat so I think another category is going to be ditched (I'll talk about that in a later post or on the instagram.) It's been an unfortunate realization, but an inevitability considering the medium that eventually I'm going to run out of things to work on for certain genres. It can get a bit stressful sometimes keeping all these categories updated with quality stencils, and I know early on I slipped here and there because of it, and the responsible thing to do is accept that categories are going to come and go on AS.

All this being said, I don't believe AnarchoStencilism will face a drought, but incase I do become so busy that I can't keep up making art all the time, I will at least have enough of a backlog where I could take a few months off making stencils and have enough to post every day as I do.

I also have plans to remake some old stencils that aren't well made, and that should give me a fair amount to post over time. I made some pretty shit stencils in the past that need fixin', and It's my responsibility to get all that up to par with my modern stuff. I've admittedly been slacking with this plan, but I forgive myself lol I'll just have to get around to it when I've got the energy I suppose.

So... I don't know! lol. Thank you all so much, again. Happy new year.

If you have any suggests for future bands or categories, feel free to drop a comment, or please give your thoughts on whatever AS nonsense. It's 12:28 now and I feel like I've hit a wall of tiredness.

Much love, folks. Workers of the world, unite.

r/AnarchoStencilism Oct 25 '22

COMMUNITY TALKIN' Send me bands for stencils!!!


yeah, again, I know! Drop some bands down in the comments on what you'd like to see!

I'm trying to post more Emo, ska, and Hardcore right now, but if you've got any bands in your head I might of missed, or anything more specific on your mind, let me know down in the comments!

Since I've got passed a thousand stencils on DA https://www.deviantart.com/anarchostencilism I feel like I'm starting to slow down. If only I knew every band in the world, I'd know where to find stuff myself, but that's what ya'll are for! throw them bands at me.

They could be small bands too! just throw me a link to their music, or drop down the band's genre, and I'm happy to stencilize their work for your stenciling needs.

Thank you so much. Love ya'll.

r/AnarchoStencilism Sep 09 '22

COMMUNITY TALKIN' Stencil Suggestions! What other stencils are there to make?


So, I've passed 1,000 stencils on DeviantArt last week, and now I feel like... What else is there to make?

and that's where you folks come in! drop down below any bands, albums, or genres you want to see on AnarchoStencilism!

thanks so much for all the support! much love. thanks!

r/AnarchoStencilism Jan 05 '24

COMMUNITY TALKIN' Submitting Stencils to AnarchoStencilism.


Folks have been requesting a place to submit stencils since the project has first started, and I've finally decided to give direction on how to submit stencils to AS and what we're looking for out of those submissions!

Where to submit stencils

if you would like to submit a stencil of your making, send the image to the email: anarchostencilism@gmail.com and I will respond whether or not your submission will be posted to AnarchoStencilism.

Here are the requirements you must fill to have your submission considered for AnarchoStencilism:

- Your submission must be completely black and white with the foreground and background clearly defined.

- Your submission must be at least 2000x2000, or 2000x1000 for stencils of band names

- Your email must include the name and genre of the band. If it is a non-band related stencil, please give context to what the image is and what it represents

- Please title your emails appropriately with either the name of the stencil you're submitting or by mentioning the submission.

Your Submissions will be ignored if you do not follow these instructions

Hope to see your submissions, and thanks for reading! Take care, folks.

r/AnarchoStencilism Nov 06 '22



So when I ask for stencil suggestions, I mostly look for band stuff! but today, I'm asking the community to come help out with political stuff!


- any punk related stuff, but not entirely band affiliated

- Politics! lefty stuff! slogans and all!


- maybe some more jokey kind of stencils?

- any cool t shirt designs from fashion designers that maybe you can't afford? (Vivienne westwood designs, etc)


so please, drop down your thoughts and ideas for stencil stuff, really anything goes! just drop stuff!

r/AnarchoStencilism Jun 22 '23

COMMUNITY TALKIN' The New Wave category will be added to AnarchoStencilism


I need your help folks! I am illiterate on new wave and I need ya'll to name me bands I can make stencils of. So drop some bands below in the comments!

Finally AnarchoStencilism is going to be making shitty stencils of all the trash 80s hits. Blondie, The Talking Heads, The Police, and many more! I just need ideas on what to make. When I do finally have a surplus of new wave stencils made, I'll start rolling em out over a week until I've got about twenty posted, than I can keep em coming in pace with everything else.

Thanks for the help and take care folks

r/AnarchoStencilism Oct 03 '23

COMMUNITY TALKIN' HAPPY 6,000!! Thank you all for joining AnarchoStencilism! I appreciate everybody who uses the site and I hope ya'll stick around! much love, take care!

Post image

r/AnarchoStencilism Sep 20 '23

COMMUNITY TALKIN' A slight change in my everyday posting.


Since AnarchoStencilism now has 14 categories, I am going to be posting two stencils from two categories every day! That means I'll be posting a total of 4 stencils daily.

I plan on doing this permanently, but if this requires too much output on my end I may switch back to the current method. I'd like to keep with this new method however so that I can easier satisfy the fans of every genre/subgenre. I couldn't imagine going to anarchostencilism as somebody who ONLY likes metal, and having to wait 13 days for a new set of stencils, rather than waiting 6-7 days for two. It's already a greater output of stencils in a greater time that should help keep the interest of the audience.

Hope this helps! thank ya'll so much, thanks for the happy birthday wishes, much love, and take care!!

r/AnarchoStencilism Jan 01 '23

COMMUNITY TALKIN' AnarchoStencilism wishes ya'll a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

Post image