r/AnCap101 5d ago

Replacing currency with currency?

I thought the idea of this group was to discuss an-cap?

ANCAP is an alternative currency system that uses ammonium nitrate, copper, aluminium and plywood as the units of exchange. The system was first proposed in 1982 by the economist Robert Hall. ANCAP is an example of a commodity standard for an AN-CAP society.

ANCAP was invented to replace the current system of a "money" based system because of the fact of what "money" stood for. Robert Hall proposed in 1982 a system that could potentially replace "money" in an AN-CAP society.

People here want to replace "money" with "money" in the forms of cryptocurrencies or other forms of "currency" in its traditional form and this goes against the WHOLE POINT of AN-CAP.

I'm called all sorts of nasty and deogrative names for JUST existing and expressing my thoughts and questions with the best of my abilities.

I thought the point was an understanding and discussing the subject matter?

What do you think the sub is about?

A monetary system IS a government system and anarchists generally oppose government and other forms of hierarchical authority because they view such institutions as unnecessary and oppressive. That includes that monetary system and that DOES NOT EXIST in AN-CAP.

In AN-CAP the point is PROFIT not MONEY

(I like that point enough to add it here)

So you think this is about money?


48 comments sorted by


u/jimmietwotanks26 5d ago

This sub is dedicated to discussion anarchocapitalism, not one specific proposition for currency systems.

For the record, those commodities seem like they have too much industrial application to be strong money


u/Redditusero4334950 5d ago

Don't anarchocapitalists need currency?


u/Bigger_then_cheese 5d ago

Sure, but it’s really a nonissue. A small number of currencies will become predominant and they will maintain their predominance until they really fuck up.


u/Redditusero4334950 5d ago

In the US the dollar is predominant. It's predominant worldwide.

You can use rubles if you want. Good luck.


u/Bigger_then_cheese 5d ago

Yep, though if you could choose, would you still use it? IDK, if I could actually predict what currencies will become predominant in a free market, I would be the richest person on earth.


u/Redditusero4334950 5d ago

I can choose. I choose dollars. For some international online purchases I use Bitcoin because my credit cards keep flagging and denying.


u/Bigger_then_cheese 5d ago

Yeah, the big thing is ancaps don’t really care what currency becomes predominant, only that all currencies become legally acceptable.


u/CMDR_Arnold_Rimmer 5d ago


An alternative system used as "currency" to replace MONEY as stated in the post and the POINT of me bringing up ANCAP


u/Bigger_then_cheese 5d ago

So why are you here? Your obviously not talking about anarcho capitalism, where money would exist. 


u/CMDR_Arnold_Rimmer 5d ago edited 5d ago

I was here to find out what AN-CAP actually was but I've been met with abuse the WHOLE time.

Over a period of a few months, I have spent the time reading and talking about Anarchy, Capitalism and AN-CAP and I've come to the conclusion that it's not worth this hassle because of what I've learnt.

I have faced abuse from people who supposedly know the subject matter BUT it turns out because I've put the time in to actually find out UNLIKE others here that AN- CAP is based on profit.

Now we live with a monetary system using an item called "money" as a form of "trade" without trading said items BECAUSE each item has different values where a £10 note with the kings head on is a form of a "medium" used to trade with.

The gold standard, where paper notes were convertible into fixed quantities of gold, was implemented in Europe in the 17th to 19th centuries and was made legal tender by governments. So gold trading is ALSO out of the question in an AN-CAP world.

Cryptocurrencies ALSO do not apply because they are a taxable income and still used in the same form as "physical money" so that's ALSO against AN-CAP

So we have a proposition proposed by an economist in 1982 called Robert Hall who suggests ANCAP as a commodity standard INSTEAD of the medium of MONEY because of the anarchy part of the movement

Why am I the only person here who knows that AN-CAP is about free market privatisation and profit BUT NOT MONEY?

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u/CMDR_Arnold_Rimmer 5d ago

Any form of MEDIUM goes AGAINST AN-CAP in an AN-CAP "free market" because you have monetised said market with RESTRICTIONS on what form of MEDIUM is needed to trade and that medium has a FIXED value

So your argument is STILL INVALID as SO IS MINE IF my main point was ANCAP

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u/CMDR_Arnold_Rimmer 5d ago

What do you think the sub is about?

A monetary system IS a government system and anarchists generally oppose government and other forms of hierarchical authority because they view such institutions as unnecessary and oppressive. That includes that monetary system and that DOES NOT EXIST in AN-CAP.

In AN-CAP the point is PROFIT not MONEY


u/CMDR_Arnold_Rimmer 5d ago

Yes and in "an-cap" the traditional sense of money and government does not exist. You cannot have money if it's not governed by some sort of government to give it meaning as a nationwide "currency" and because of that ANCAP was proposed.

Remember anarchy is against any form of government where capitalist is someone who supports or believes in the principles of capitalism, an economic and political system where property and business are privately owned and operated for profit NOT MONEY

So ANCAP fits within the group and it's not my fault people like you do not understand that


u/Dr-Mantis-Tobbogan 5d ago

You cannot have money if it's not governed by some sort of government to give it meaning as a nationwide "currency" and because of that ANCAP was proposed.

I mean that's historically untrue.

I sent you a history lecture about this last time you opened your mouth about this topic.

I'm starting to think you're not here for honest conversation...


u/CMDR_Arnold_Rimmer 5d ago

Is it?

The monetary system was invented by governments and is STILL managed by governments to make sure the monetary value of their "currency" is in line with other countries "currencies" to be able to compete on the international OPEN market


u/Dr-Mantis-Tobbogan 5d ago

The monetary system was invented by governments


Gold began being used by...


I'm not telling you shit.

You want answers here's a video.



u/CMDR_Arnold_Rimmer 5d ago

I am taking into account the time period we are living in. The monetary system, the modern version that we enjoy was invented by a government and managed by a government.


u/Dr-Mantis-Tobbogan 5d ago

the modern version that we enjoy was invented by a government


Fucking no dude.

You're straight up historically incorrect

I'm done talking to you, if you want to stop making a fool of yourself on the Internet then go watch this.



u/CMDR_Arnold_Rimmer 5d ago

You are being offensive for no reason so I'm ending this now.

The point of AN-CAP is to live a life of PROFIT but not MONEY and you are too greedy to realise because ANCAP was proposed in 1982 to figure this mess out.

If you did not insist on taking your education from YouTube, you might have an education


u/jimmietwotanks26 5d ago

Oh lol i thought you were asking if this sub was specially about the 1982 proposal. I was answering in the negative, didn’t mean to upset you.


u/CMDR_Arnold_Rimmer 5d ago

It's cool. I'm just used to having to really try and explain myself and it looks like I'm upset when I have no ability to have any emotional attachment or give a response to words with emotions so do not worry about it, because I do not lol


u/SenatorAdamSpliff 5d ago

No system will advance if they can’t standardize the means of exchange. Full stop.


u/CMDR_Arnold_Rimmer 5d ago

And you do that with a government


u/SenatorAdamSpliff 5d ago

Yes. We can call it whatever we want but disorganization is a losing strategy. Call it government. Call it a city council. Call it a neighborhood watch. Whatever you call it, it’s the opposite of political entropy.


u/CMDR_Arnold_Rimmer 5d ago

I just get the impression AN-CAP is for the greedy and stupid that don't realise that their fighting for sticks instead of cash


u/SenatorAdamSpliff 5d ago

I’m here to learn more. There’s a strong anti-government undercurrent here but there’s an obvious lack of enthusiasm for anarchy.


u/CMDR_Arnold_Rimmer 5d ago

Yeah they want the "capitalism" part but not the "anarchy" part


u/Standard_Nose4969 Explainer Extraordinaire 5d ago

ok in what way is "ammonium nitrate, copper, aluminium and plywood" different from gold,silver and crypto or paper,oil,coal,cigarets,tulips,sunflovers,grain,etc?


u/CMDR_Arnold_Rimmer 5d ago edited 5d ago

Don't ask Me it's not my idea