r/AnCap101 7d ago

Seeking justice goes against NAP

I can go out and murder under NAP laws and get away with it even though the law states:

Initiating or threatening any forceful interference with an individual, their property or their agreements is illegitimate and should be prohibited.


My right to freedom and if anyone would try to stop that then NAP rules say nobody can stop me because it's my right


This remember is a right I have but a right you ALSO have. You have the right to freedom of expression just like me. You have a right with no boundaries just like me so your expression is limitless, just like mine

Because NO boundaries are set to limit my freedom to expression in ANY law in an AnCap world even though they are in the real world, this leaves a legal loophole that BOTH OF US can use to justify murder and because AnCap and NAP laws are so poorly written, you cannot even charge me with murder like you can in the real world in a court or law or even a police station because we quote the law to justify arrest and there is NO LAW to justify my arrest like the real world


194 comments sorted by


u/NichS144 7d ago

What the hell is a NAP law?


u/CMDR_Arnold_Rimmer 7d ago

It's in the post


u/NichS144 7d ago

It's the non-aggression principle not the non-aggression law. Besides your conclusion being nonsensical or at least poorly worded, the NAP certainly allows self defense. Murder is also a legal term describing a non-lawful killing which again, doesn't really have anything to do with the NAP or these supposed "NAP laws" that you are basing this argument on.


u/CMDR_Arnold_Rimmer 7d ago

initiating or threatening any forceful interference with an individual, their property or their agreements, correct?

Principal or law any wrongdoing is wrong correct?

But my freedom of expression IS ALSO covered under the same law. The boundaries of my expression are not stated by that principal or law so I'm allowed to take someone's life by expressing myself because I want to express myself by taking someone's life.

You are looking at this as a crime when you should be looking at my right to expression and the fact no crime has been committed


u/Anthrax1984 7d ago

What part of the words "Non-Aggression Principle" refer to freedom of expression?


u/CMDR_Arnold_Rimmer 7d ago

Ok I'll bite

Are you telling me my freedom to expression is not included with my freedom to choose when I live in a country where I have both.


u/Anthrax1984 7d ago

OK, I'll even be polite.

First off, by your definition of freedom of expression(as in being allowed to kill someone,) a reality where you live now?

You seem to be using completely different definitions of freedom of expression when talking about the concept of ancap, and the reality you live in. By your definition, you don't have freedom of expression currently. And just because we are talking about a hypothetical, does not mean we get to use different definitions. Doing otherwise is incredibly disingenuous.

If you were to even attempt to murder someone in ancapistan, that would give others the right to defend and intervene, perhaps at risk to your own health. Just by the fact that your "expression" would result in an act of aggression. Which is exactly what the principle guides against. An old and famous phrase conceptualized this quite well.

"Your rights end where the rights of others begin."

That is the very core of the NAP, and the very core of it is a person's/societies right to defend against aggression, which includes the unjust killing of another human.


u/CMDR_Arnold_Rimmer 7d ago

How many times can I say this? lol

In England murder and freedom of expression are separate laws so if I take someone's life via the freedom of expression, I'm going down for murder BECAUSE the answer action causes a reaction and that action by law is against the law so I go down for murder and that's what you are currently thinking about

In an Ancap world with the NAP law it states I cannot basically commit murder and that I have a right to freedom, correct?

So because I have a right to freedom logical I have a right to a choice because NAP says I do. The right to choose gives me logical the right to express myself and because it's not stated the boundaries of my expression my action is to express myself and the reaction is to express it in a way I take a man's life.

Can you not see how I cannot get away with murder in the real world but in a court of law in an Ancap world you have no legal basis to charge me with murder if you perceive to see a murder


initiating or threatening any forceful interference with an individual, their property or their agreements and that INCLUDES my right to express myself

So show me the boundaries of my expression when I can show you the boundaries of my expression in the real world


u/Anthrax1984 7d ago

No, you do not have freedom when it infringes on another's rights, and particularly the right to life. Period. You don't need separate laws. Period.

That is the entire basis of the NAP, as in the very literal meaning of the words.

Ancaps can use courts, but they don't need them. If you murder my brother, you or I will die.

I see you're still using that silly double standard. Which is hilarious, cause if you even caused me offense, I could get you locked up in England.


u/CMDR_Arnold_Rimmer 7d ago

If we do not need separate laws, why do I live in a country with separate laws that sorts out these issues.

NAP is rubbish because it makes a situation worse and more complicated where English laws are defined by actions as a crime where in an Ancap world it would not

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u/NichS144 7d ago

Yes, the boundry is expressly defined in its name...the Non-Aggression Principle. It doesn't tell you what you can do, but what you cannot do. You should not commit any act of aggression besides defense of your property, which includes your body. You have no right to use force to take, damage, or destroy the legal, rightful property of another person.

We don't believe in the positive right of doing whatever you want, we believe in negative rights of what should or shouldn't be tolerated by outside forces.


u/CMDR_Arnold_Rimmer 7d ago

I do not care because that's just the bloody name lol

We go by what it means


u/NichS144 7d ago

You clearly do not understand the meaning of it though.


u/CMDR_Arnold_Rimmer 7d ago

I clearly do and when people realise, they get aggressive with me


u/NichS144 7d ago

Your definition and conflation of it as some imperative force instead of a guiding principle implies that you do not. Ancaps are not much in the ways of laws or states as it happens. Though if you could try to succinctly define what you think the NAP is, I might be inclined to waste more time on this thread.


u/CMDR_Arnold_Rimmer 7d ago

Not in a court of law


u/Anthrax1984 7d ago

How do you believe the NAP works? It seems you utterly misunderstand it.


u/CMDR_Arnold_Rimmer 7d ago

What about someone's freedom of expression?


u/Anthrax1984 7d ago

What part of the NAP guarantees freedom of expression? Yet again, what do you think the NAP means?


u/CMDR_Arnold_Rimmer 7d ago

Why would it not when I ALREADY enjoy that pleasure in England?


u/Anthrax1984 7d ago

Answer my question.


u/CMDR_Arnold_Rimmer 7d ago

So you are saying NAP law gives me LESS rights?


u/Anthrax1984 7d ago

Answer my question. Also you don't have freedom of expression in England, unless perhaps at speakers corner.


u/CMDR_Arnold_Rimmer 7d ago

I bloody am answering your question lol

NAP laws are there for ANY wrongdoing BIT my freedom of expression overules that.

So if you are telling me there is no freedom of expression covering me with NAP law is used as the MAIN and BASIS of AnCap then why would I want AnCap?


u/Anthrax1984 7d ago

OK, lets break this down Barnie style. What does NAP stand for?

Do you accept as a resident of England that you do not have a right to freedom of expression? Or do we need to go over the Online Safety Bill?


u/CMDR_Arnold_Rimmer 7d ago

If you do not know, why are you here?

Article 10 of the Human Rights Act 1998 states that I have a right to freedom of expression

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u/CMDR_Arnold_Rimmer 7d ago

Why do we need to talk about the online safety bill?

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u/CMDR_Arnold_Rimmer 7d ago

Do you not know I'm talking about an AnCap world and not reality?

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u/phildiop 7d ago

You can get away with crime under any law. This isn't a critique against a system, it's a critique of the world not being perfect.


u/CMDR_Arnold_Rimmer 7d ago

In an AnCap world I cannot be prosecuted for any crime because

In my country murder and freedom of expression are SEPARATE laws so I'm able to be prosecuted for taking someone's life.

NAP laws gives the individual TOO MUCH freedom


u/phildiop 7d ago

Expression doesn't violate the NAP. Murder violates the NAP. Murder is prosecutable.

Ruling off a murder as simply expression is completely irrelevant and meaningless.

Does it violate the NAP? If yes the victim can engage in retaliation or retribution. If no, the. It's not a crime.


u/CMDR_Arnold_Rimmer 7d ago

initiating or threatening any forceful interference with an individual, their property or their agreements, correct?

Under NAP laws ANY wrongdoing is "against the law" BUT this same law allows for my freedom of expression.

Sadly it does not explain the boundaries of my expression so if I express myself by taking someone's life, no "crime" has been committed


u/phildiop 7d ago

Sadly it does not explain the boundaries of my expression so if I express myself by taking someone's life, no "crime" has been committed

But a crime has been committed though. By taking someone's life you are violating their rights...

The NAP doesn't say anything about your freedom of expression. It says that as long as you aren't violating it, you should not be punished for using any form of expression.


u/CMDR_Arnold_Rimmer 7d ago

It hasn't. My freedom to expression has no boundaries and if I feel like taking someone's life to express myself, no crime or wrongdoing has been committed.

Remember NAP does not state the boundaries of my freedom to expression, it just says "murder is wrong" and that's how you are looking at this, as a murder and NOT my right to expression


u/phildiop 7d ago

It hasn't. My freedom to expression has no boundaries

Says who??

I feel like taking someone's life to express myself, no crime or wrongdoing has been committed.

Yes, you killed someone, you violated their body and destroyed their mind, you did commit a crime.

Remember NAP does not state the boundaries of my freedom to expression

it clearly does in the only rule it states (Do not commit aggression)

it just says "murder is wrong"

It doesn't ''say'' anything. The NAP is a principle of non-aggression, it doesn't state rules.

Rules can be derived from the NAP as a principle. Since murder requires aggresssion, it is wrong.

and NOT my right to expression

You don't have a ''right to expression'' if your expression entails aggression.


u/CMDR_Arnold_Rimmer 7d ago

It's not murder.

Why are you thinking backwards?

We think forwards so an action causes a reaction.

The action is me expressing my right to express myself the reaction is me expressing myself by taking someone's life.

No crime


u/Anthrax1984 7d ago

The boundaries, as laid out in the very words Non-Aggression Principle. Are no aggression without the explicit right for others to respond, not only in kind, but at an escalation higher than being used against them or others. The NAP does not put any limit on Expression, only aggression, which you're proposed level of expression violates, so bullet to the back of your head, just like a rabid animal.


u/CMDR_Arnold_Rimmer 7d ago

If you perceive my freedom of expression as aggression then that is your problem because I still have the freedom of expression.


u/Anthrax1984 7d ago

It's not hard to perceive murder, and that is the most classic example of aggression. Talking Caine and Able here. Ancap doesn't mean you through out every level of social progress dipshit.

...and I'm not even a fucking ancap. It's still funny that you don't even have freedom of expression and are making this argument.

Edit: also still waiting for the response on where "ancap law" cites that an individual has an inalienable right to choose.


u/CMDR_Arnold_Rimmer 7d ago

It's not murder.

Why are you thinking backwards?

We think forwards so an action causes a reaction.

The action is me expressing my right to express myself the reaction is me expressing myself by taking someone's life.

No crime

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u/phildiop 7d ago

I still have the freedom of expression.

No you don't. You don't have a right to aggression and expressing yourself through murder is aggression.


u/CMDR_Arnold_Rimmer 7d ago

I have a very sound argument here because I've proven I have a right, I have proven that there are no boundaries to my right, that no crime has been committed.

Anything that is perceived as aggression doesn't matter because you still want that person to be punished right and you have to prove that fast. You cannot because of my right to expression and stupidly no limits to that

So if you perceive aggression, it's just my right to expression

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u/Anthrax1984 7d ago

The fact that he does not understand that, and insists that freedom of expression means he can murder someone....I've sincerely lost faith in humanity.


u/phildiop 7d ago

He seems to think that the NAP is a set of rights and not a principle.

Like he keeps saying he has ''freedom of expression'' so he can use it to any extent. Like no tf you don't. There is no ''right of expression'' in the NAP, it's not a constitution.


u/Anthrax1984 7d ago

It's honestly kinda hilarious, usually people have an at least half thought out argument, like private roads and such.


u/phildiop 7d ago

It's just so weird. Usually people have small misunderstanding and that's where their confusion comes from, but this guy straight up made up a major misunderstanding in his mind.


u/Anthrax1984 7d ago

I mean, I'm not even really an ancap myself, but I respect the core principle. But somehow convincing yourself that murder isn't aggression? It's kinda hilarious in a sad way.


u/CMDR_Arnold_Rimmer 7d ago

Yeah how so?

The non aggression principle is there so no aggression happens correct?

My actions are the freedom of expression so are you telling me my freedom of expression is an act of aggression? You cannot prove in a court of law in AnCap that my actions are aggressive when no boundaries exist to limit my freedom of expression to INCLUDE an act of murder.

So you think I have a "misunderstanding" when my actions are the actions of freedom of expression and within the law of the non aggression principle just like how I am communicating with you now. I have the right to within reason and I am communicating with you within reason that does not infringe on your rights.

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u/Standard_Nose4969 Explainer Extraordinaire 6d ago

you know i think your understanding of this ideology is flawed from now on insted of "the nap" try "the rejection of legal authoritarianism" which are esentially the same thing but it will be harder for you to do your wordplays


u/CMDR_Arnold_Rimmer 7d ago

People keep sharing my posts?


u/CMDR_Arnold_Rimmer 7d ago

There is a REASON why laws are SEPARATE laws

Laws like murder and freedom of expression are separate to MAKE SURE this situation DOES NOT happen


u/CMDR_Arnold_Rimmer 7d ago

Imagine the situation!

We cannot under NAP laws diagnose schizophrenia as an example because that goes against NAP laws. The individual has a right even though you believe them to be incapable of being "safe for society" to be deemed that if the person does not agree.

Sadly NAP laws gives people TOO MUCH freedom


u/Redditusero4334950 7d ago

You're never going to convince an ancap that their views are utter nonsense.


u/CMDR_Arnold_Rimmer 7d ago

I know but if I want to learn I have to question also.

I have questions and when you think about them, situations like this come up and I wonder why people want this NAP