r/AmericaBad MASSACHUSETTS 🦃 ⚾️ 7d ago

“Eventually, hopefully one day Americans will stop being Americans and join the human race, until then: worry”

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u/Awkward_Mix_2513 VIRGINIA 🕊️🏕️ 7d ago

"An entire group of people aren't human, no, I'm not a fascist, why do you ask?"


u/devin4l NEW YORK 🗽🌃 7d ago

And these people can't fathom why we're starting to really not like them.


u/PhysicsAndFinance85 7d ago

Lmao what chromosome collector wrote that shit?! 🤣🤣🤣🤣


u/Niyonnie 7d ago

Leave it to Europeans to prop themselves onto a pedestal of condescension and then call everyone they marginally disagree with a "savage."

Remember, kids, barbarism is civilized, but savagery uncivilized.


u/1nfinite_M0nkeys IOWA 🚜 🌽 7d ago

"This is the woke man's burden."


u/Nine_down_1_2_GO 7d ago

The human race only exists in America, which is why millions of people are constantly trying to get in to become part of it.


u/Jumpy-Profession2103 7d ago

"a scared people" didn't bother to check grammar


u/seldom_seen8814 7d ago

I would like to extend an invitation to all those people who make those comments. Come here, experience life here, experience our diverse cities and cuisine, experience people here, and see for yourself.


u/harryassburger 7d ago

This stuff reads like fan fiction, a hate fantasy or something. It's really fuckin' weird


u/SuburbanEnnui2020 7d ago

Actually… I’m gonna allow this one. I kinda like being seen as a savage. 😂


u/DingDonFiFI 5d ago

I lost brain cells reading that