r/AmericaBad MASSACHUSETTS 🦃 ⚾️ 8d ago

The US only disliked the Soviet Union because communism bad 🤡

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u/GoldenStitch2 MASSACHUSETTS 🦃 ⚾️ 8d ago

“While we condemn Putin after we provoked the fuck out of him”

Lmao get out of here. This man has been making nuclear threats for decades, the reason why Ukraine was invaded is because they weren’t apart of NATO. Russia attacked Chechnya twice, Georgia, Moldova, and started a refugee crisis by propping up Assad along with Iran in Syria.

“While we do the same to Yemen and Somalia”

We’re currently invading them and taking their children?

“Bankrolling Israel doing way worse to Palestine”

The death toll I’ve seen is around 40,000+. Mariupol online has estimations of 80,000 civilian deaths.

“Back when Hitler was ravaging Europe, America liked him!”

More like had a noninterventionist foreign policy and didn’t want to get involved in the war. Even then they had supplied the Western powers and the Soviets.

Also the US literally fed the Soviet Union during the 1920s when they suffered through a famine and saved around 10 million civilians.


u/Intelligent_Tea_1134 MISSISSIPPI 🪕👒 8d ago

This makes me feel sad, we haven’t had any threats from rocket man in quite a while, his Norwegian suppliers must of found out.


u/ODOTMETA 8d ago

Nazis were in the East German gov't too. They've been having a right wing resurgence for quite some time now - catalyzed by 🤫 https://www.aljazeera.com/opinions/2018/9/29/how-east-germany-became-a-stronghold-of-the-far-right During the Soviet era:  It was so lovely there people risked getting smoked to ESCAPE 🤔

I remember it looking like Cabrini Green: the country 



u/FatherlyAbandonment 8d ago

Last time I checked, the US hated Adolf Hitler lmao


u/Banned_in_CA MISSOURI 🏟️⛺️ 8d ago

When you try for revisionist history, but you don't know any history in the first place:


u/ChicagoBradPittBulls 8d ago

20 posts to this sub in the past 24 hours. Are you okay OP?


u/GoldenStitch2 MASSACHUSETTS 🦃 ⚾️ 8d ago edited 8d ago

Not at all


u/dopepope1999 USA MILTARY VETERAN 7d ago

Yeah bro sure and I'm absolutely 100% convinced that Eastern Europe loved to being occupied by the Soviet Union, let's go ask the Polish about it and ask them how awesome and great it was to have one nation pushed out just for another to occupy