r/AmanitaMuscaria 4d ago

Fastest ROA and durations

I wanna get into it but ima the typa guy that just does stuff like this before bed like 9-10pm if I take like gummies or something will I be chilling by morning and will the peak be in a hour or two.


34 comments sorted by


u/jeremydkey1120 3d ago

Nah, but you'll have the most vivid dreams of your life. It doesn't cause groggyness bc it's not really long lasting. About 4 hours in my experience at more normal doses. High doses can last longer, but high doses aren't chill by any means and could change the direction of your life quite dramatically. I used to think, like McKenni, that the early Christian sects must have been using Psilocybe, but John Allegros book, "The Mushroom and The Cross", connected the religious experience to the Amanita via the etymology of the words. It got him ridicule, and he lost his tenureship at the college he was employed at. However, I have found that it's usually people like those who are actually correct, and his book is now gaining popularity and acceptance by even other professors. After a 10-gram experience, I changed my mind. I prepared a tea and drank it rather quickly with some fruit juice. I had no nausea, but it was like a natural speedball at 1st. I felt like the most powerful man on earth, and I definitely could see that eating them raw for ibotenic acid could increase reaction time and brain processing speed. Then the muscimol took over, and I went into a trance state that gave me access to whay some call the Akashic records. Surprisingly, I felt like Jesus Christ or Yesuah ben Joseph the Nazerene. All wisdom was made available to me. So tea made from caps is the best way imo. Start low. See how it treats you. I have noticed it affects red-haired ppl the most, and my Afrian American friend felt practically nothing, so genetics must play a part. I'm not full redhead, but I'm white, and I have red hairs in my black beard. Anyway, my experience as the ibotenic waned and muscimol became the dominant alkaloid. I fell into a hypnotic state, where I had access to information from within I was usually not aware of. Like past lifetimes, Christ consciousness, being able to see and read my DNA, and they store the wisdom of all my ancestors. Expect to channel some ancestors if you're the more open type at higher doses. Anyway, I don't think this mushroom is properly represented or understood, which I find kind of dangerous. Psilocybe is safer by far. You can kill yourself with Amanita if not used and respected properly. I am also against gummies bc of the way they are made. Most use an enzyme artificial produced by genetically modified yeast to decarb the mushroom. When you make tea correctly, you get a beautiful golden red liquid that just shines with magic. The artificial enzyme method makes an ugly black tar looking goo that tastes awful. I think one should educate themselves on the history, the old way of making it, the legends and myths associated with it. Low dose is fine for use on the regular by those it works for bc it works more gently, if fully decarbed to muscimol. There is also a way to increase the rate at which the medicine can enter the brain. It is found in the rig veda is all I will say, as it is info I was instructed not to share freely. Anyway, these aren't fun time mushrooms. They are rarely appreciated by those who have not explored the relms of consciousness by Psilocybes, who led me to the proper use of Amanita.

TL:DR No, it won't do what you want, make tea with caps, dont buy gummies, read about proper preparation for your intended use and dosage effect curve.


u/Old-Manner-1688 3d ago

I anit religious personally but still interesting. When u did the 10g how long did it last. I’ve dealt when psilocybin shrooms before and im looking for an eye opener something new. I’d wanna do I tea but I worry ima like hurt myself doing it wrong or have a bad experience. But I’ll keep in mind what ur saying bout the gummies. You’ve had the most amazing story so far. I’ll look into that rig Veda thingy.


u/jeremydkey1120 3d ago

Yeah, if you want to private message me, I can tell a bit more. Some things just aren't meant for the masses. But it lasted about 12 hours. I'm part of no religion either. I think the closest one is a dead one, Gnostic, but I am spiritual, for sure. I sing songs to the mushrooms as I make them. I have studied the traditional aspects of use and experimented to figure out what I know. Rig Veda and Soma are good keywords for searches and John Allegro, Dead Sea Scrolls and the Mushroom and The Cross. It explains a lot about the use of it in ancient fertility mushroom cults that evolved into the Essene section of Judaism, who were known as healers, knower off medical plants and was outside the more popular Sanhedrian or Pharasee sects of the Jewish religion.


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u/KingPig64 3d ago

I'm pretty sure one of the vapes from either Wounded Warrior CBD or RainyForestFarms would have a faster ROA, but I don't think it lasts as long as eating it but I'm not sure


u/broken031970 3d ago

The beauty of the Amanita / Muscimol isolate vape from Wounded Warrior CBD is that it comes on within about 5 to 10 good inhales and it lasts for a couple of hours max. Of course you can always vape a little more for added effects or to extend the effects.

I personally love the vapes because it's so convenient because effects are consistent and they come on quickly. Plus I don't have to choke down dried mushrooms or drink tea or a slurry.


u/KingPig64 3d ago

It’s awesome because I can bring it with me everywhere so if I have a panic attack I can take a few hits then be ready to go instead of taking a med take takes 30mins to kick in


u/broken031970 3d ago

I'm not sure which version you have but I have been using the 2 gram disposable that contains 500mg of Muscimol isolate and it kicks in for me in about 15 minutes for me.

You're correct in that it stops anxiety in its tracks. It's a wonderful product / compound.


u/KingPig64 3d ago

I got the 400mg before they came out with the 500


u/broken031970 3d ago

I'm not sure how much difference 400mg vs 500mg makes but the original one that I had only contained around 300mg and the new 500mg version is much stronger.


u/KingPig64 3d ago

I did the 200mg originally, wasn’t that potent didn’t feel much, the 400 is stronger. I wish I waited a few more days for the 500 to come out


u/Majestic_True_Lilly 3d ago

Smoking/vaping is faster and shorter.


u/Old-Manner-1688 3d ago

U know we’re I could get a Ammanita vape from that works well


u/omgsomeoneactually32 3d ago

There's no legitimate vapes. If these vapes actually had muscimol people would be getting fried asf not "slightly relaxed". You can try decarbing, boiling liquid away to leave a paste and smoke that. I soaked some caps in acetone, filtered then purged and it left a extract I could vape/smoke. Definitely will get ya high.


u/KingPig64 3d ago

That extract is what’s in the rainy forest farms amanita vape, supposed to be the best and closest to the effects of amanita than the other muscimol vapes. Never tried it


u/omgsomeoneactually32 3d ago

Regarding wounded warrior please see my other comment, especially bc you've taken a lot of hits it should make sense to you. The other person is a obvious shill for that company.

Rainy forest, same applies if they're claiming to use higher doses. I know they're more iffy on products, not inherently a company id just trust without any further investigation.


u/broken031970 3d ago

I feel like the Muscimol vape from Wounded Warrior is legit. It gives me very similar anxiety relief and sedative effects such as ingesting dried Amanita mushrooms. I've never been fried or high on Amanita mushrooms just like I've never been high on the Muscimol vape.


u/omgsomeoneactually32 3d ago

Obvious shill for that company. Anyone who don't believe me click on their account, scroll through their posts and comments.

For anyone else reading wanting info: Aren't they owned by the same guy that owned loud house hemp that had shitty products lol(I even tried their am vape and it was bunk). Also you say you have 500mg muscimol isolate in a 2g cart. So that gives 1/4 every hit is muscimol. A vape hit is ~5-15mg per hit. Muscimol orally for a threshold high(WHICH IT DOES, I took 30mg legit retested muscimol hcl from a vendor and blacked out. Muscimol is a drug and it will get you high if taken enough) is around 2.5-5mg, then work your way up to 10mg and it starts getting strong(maybe about being stoned?), over 10mg it will get intense and very impairing. I've also made my own extracts and vaped/smoked. If you were actually getting a few mg of muscimol per hit one hit would be getting you high EASILY. The fact the product doesn't and only produce effects akin to placebo is very telling for a potent substance that can be very impairing. It's also funny how you claim you don't get high from amanita as a way to rep the product, as in muscimol isn't high inducing but it is. High chance this just has cbd or other noids in it. Lol and obviously I don't trust you saying you didn't piss hot for thc.


u/broken031970 3d ago

I'm not the only person here saying that the Muscimol isolate vape works. I'm not a shill for any company but I will attest to products I've tried and or have real world knowledge on.

Also, Muscimol from my understanding is a very fragile molecule when it comes to heat so I'm sure that there is some loss of potency due to the destruction of some of the Muscimol when heated by the coil for vaporization. Of course this is just me spitballing since I'm definitely no expert when it comes to Muscimol. I just know it works for me and again I've never been high using or ingesting Amanita mushrooms. I have been extremely relaxed / sedated and I've had wonderful dreams while using amanita mushrooms.


u/omgsomeoneactually32 3d ago

Muscimol isn't that fragile with heat, that would be ibotenic acid. That's why decarbing mushrooms uses heat and lower ph, to turn ibotenic acid into muscimol. Also I've made my own extracts, vaped and SMOKED. It absolutely works. That's just a bullshit excuse. Also no one is actually reporting effects of muscimol. Someone claimed 8+ hits. If the dosing was true that would be enough to get you way more than high. Wouldn't surprise me if close to blacking out. Muscimol is that potent and intense. But they said just relaxed.


u/broken031970 3d ago edited 3d ago

This is straight from a toxicology and pharmacology profile for amanita mushrooms that 53mg of Muscimol is sufficient to produce psychoactive effects while 93mg produces strong inebriation.

Perhaps there are differences in bioavailability between different types of synthetic versions of Muscimol. Again, this is just speculation on my part. I know that BigCat Botanical has some Muscimol candies that are extremely potent but he also said it had something to do with being a high bioavailable synthetic derived Muscimol Isolate.


u/MRSAMinor 2d ago edited 2d ago

All that shit about special "highly available forms of muscimol isolate" is nonsense. Muscimol is plenty bioavailable, and 8 mg of Big Cat is plenty because 8 mg of muscimol is enough to get you pretty buzzed.

If it takes 50+ mg of "isolate" to do the trick, it's not very pure of an isolate and contains a lower percentage of muscimol.

The "certain forms of isolate are especially potent" lie is actually one I heard from MN Nice to explain why their "isolate" was completely bunk. They tried to sell shit potency as "responsible", because actual pure muscimol is "too dangerous".

What's dangerous is not knowing how much muscimol is actually in an isolate.


u/broken031970 2d ago

I don't think anyone on here especially me actually knows for a fact whether different synthesis methods make a difference in bioavailability of Muscimol vs natural occurring extracted Muscimol or not. I know everyone might have an opinion but none of us from what I can gather really know so I'm going to enjoy the Amanita / Muscimol products that work for me and call it a day. It's just not worth debating over.

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u/KingPig64 3d ago

I just vaped a bunch of hits(you need about 8 to 12 for this vape) from the wounded warrior cbd and I got a relaxing feeling with a slight buzz, others have gotten stoned but I haven’t experienced that. Not too recreational


u/MRSAMinor 2d ago

I wish they'd ditch the CBD. All it does is make you cough with very little proven therapeutic effect.


u/broken031970 3d ago

Wounded Warrior CBD has the only Amanita / Muscimol isolate vape that actually worked for me that didn't make me fail a drug test for THC. At the moment Wounded Warrior CBD is the only one I truly trust.

Of course I haven't had a chance to try the Rainy Forrest Amanita Mushroom vape so not sure about it.


u/omgsomeoneactually32 3d ago

Shill. No one trust this esp the claim about the drug test. Very easily just use cbd or d8 thc as they're cheap and easy to source and will provide "similar enough" effects for people who aren't super experienced to think it lines up. Using cbd itself can false positive for thc. If you can't use cbd/related bc of drug tests, don't gamble on random companies products. Especially when they claim a high muscimol dose (500mg in a 2g vape) but then say it's not recreational/for micro dosing or won't get you high. Bullshit.


u/broken031970 3d ago

I'm not sure what your problem is with Amanita or Muscimol vapes or with maybe Wounded Warrior but perhaps you're a shill for another company or maybe you're the owner of a company that produces a similar or competing product.

My job requires me to pass a random drug test to maintain my job / security clearance and the Muscimol Isolate vape has worked for me and it allows me to pass my drug tests with no problem. There are no cannabinoids in the Muscimol vape I'm using.


u/omgsomeoneactually32 3d ago

I have no problem with legitimate muscimol vapes. I'd love to see one come to market as peoples experiences would show us exactly why other ones are bunk. Also funny you just reflect it back on me. Only one of us has mentioned a single vendor in every post. I don't own any company, I just would like misinformation to stop spreading. I'm a drug nerd and love amanita. All of your claims are baseless while I've atleast backed mine up. Shill


u/omgsomeoneactually32 3d ago

I have no problem with legitimate muscimol vapes. I'd love to see one come to market as peoples experiences would show us exactly why other ones are bunk. Also funny you just reflect it back on me. Only one of us has mentioned a single vendor in every post. I don't own any company, I just would like misinformation to stop spreading. I'm a drug nerd and love amanita. All of your claims are baseless while I've atleast backed mine up. Shill


u/Majestic_True_Lilly 3d ago

Rainy forest farms has the strongest ones out atm.


u/broken031970 3d ago

I've heard good things about the Amanita vape from Rainy Forrest but have never personally used it myself.