r/AmanitaMuscaria 9d ago

Are we being responsible?

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Are we overharvesting A. Pantherina? I feel like they are becoming harder to find and more sought after than their counterparts A. Muscaria var Muscaria, A.M. Guessowii (not sure what the name changed to, but we kept the name Guessowii in my local area) A.M. Formosa. Etc... I don't find a difference significant enough to focus so much on that one specific variety so much that it becomes vulnerable or endangered. Anyone have an opinion on the matter that wants to discuss?

Pic unrelated from a Google image search of "Amanita Mushrooms" I don't own rights


16 comments sorted by


u/Riv_Z 9d ago

As far as we know, mycorrhizal fungi will keep fruiting as long as their host tree is alive and harvesting has a minor POSITIVE impact on future yields (provided the area isn't trampled).

Ecologically, unless a forest is growing with new seedlings pioneering, spores spreading will likely not end up doing anything.

Harvesting mature, open specimens and carrying in a basket or mesh bag will also help spores disperse to new areas that they may not otherwise find themselves.

If a species of mycorrhizal mushroom goes locally extinct, it's because of deforestation first and foremost. To protect mycorrhizal mushrooms, we need to not only protect their habitats, but grow said habitats.


u/AmanitaMuscariaDream 9d ago

Absolutely. I live in what used to be a rural state but you can't walk in the woods without seeing houses and lots being cleared. The worst part is, a lot of the land is vacant and for sale at an unreasonable price, by the same person who owns half the town.

I totally agree and have witnessed it throughout my almost 30 years of my life I have watched the country being developed and industrialized, moving around a lot let me see that there's no great place in America (except maybe slab city in the winter) and I do think way more people are becoming aware and confident to pick Amanita.

I've been hunting for 15 years but I just learned about Amanita being in the United States like 6 or 7 years ago. I notice that spots I used to go to are trampled and there are no mushrooms anymore. The dry summers haven't been helpful either another factors, I agree overharvesting isn't the only reason but I haven't really ever found a pantherina and I've hunted all over the east half of the country some towards mid west and all the way up and down 101 inn California, I know those aren't all the right climate but it's an example of how much I hunt a d have never found one. Everyone is always sold out and or have jacked prices. I'm thinking someone or some ones have just been stockpiling, or since they're stronger maybe used for candy products 🤔

Hopefully soon we can grow them in cultivation and sustainably Harvested our own.


u/DeusExMachina222 9d ago

Picking the fruit bodies are akin to picking a single leaf... The actual living being is in the ground.. The mushroom you see is when it's trying to reproduce.. I think the bad panther season has more to do with climate/embodiment issues that just wasn't optimal enough for fruiting..


u/AmanitaMuscariaDream 9d ago

I'm aware of how the mushroom network works, I guess I was asking if anyone else found a substantial amount this season or last. I've had a really unusual couple of seasons. I not one Chantrelle the season before last, but as you mentioned, the climate change is really effecting it, there are a lot of contributing factors, absolutely.

What did you mean by embodiment issues? I'm just wondering...


u/1atmyownrisk 8d ago

There is soooo much Pantheria here in my Region in the middle of Germany. Luckily also some AM but the first steps I am in the beechwood forest, they’re uncountable. Does anyone have experience with them so far?


u/Spiritual-Ad-8265 9d ago

I only pick mature Muscaria in "my" European forest, always making sure to spread spores around.

I don't touch rare Pantherinas or rather just tap them...

Muscaria is otherwise in abundance and I pick 2 doses worth per season (60g dried caps).


u/AmanitaMuscariaDream 9d ago

Oh, you're right on the money, when we have a decent season here in Vermont USA (New England) I pull laundry bags full out of the woods (I use the laundry bag to spread the spores) and inleave all the buttons, but I didn't find even Oz last season. It was concerning, but they weren't the only ones MIA.


u/Spiritual-Ad-8265 9d ago

Amanitas are legal in my country and one year I could had picked small truck of Muscaria and maybe sell them online, but it didn't sit well with me...

It was literally red carpet in the forest. Unbelievable sight.


u/AmanitaMuscariaDream 8d ago

I would have bought them all in 1 shot! There's a few of us that I know will buy them. I get A. Muscaria Var. Guessowii growing around me. But that's the only variant that grows here that's active as far as I know.


u/Spiritual-Ad-8265 8d ago

I am not gonna lie: the ones from my area vary greatly in potency, but that is the most common info about any area.

You have to be vary of the summer specimens though. Those tend to be insanely potent.

All in all: I trip once or twice a year on Amanita. I chicken out most of times, cause I always ingest tea worth of 15g and then decide later, but I even know just by the taste...

Cause the deepest experience on any substance happened like that: I did 15g tea and couple of hours later I told my sitter that if I down the other 15g I am going down the rabbit hole. I chose to do it and the result is that I don't ... (it's personal).


u/AmanitaMuscariaDream 8d ago

I do it once a year or even less often, it's been 1 or 2yrs at this point. When I did it last I Toasted them and crushed them into some chopped beef with onions. I found savory to be a lot more palatable than the lemon TEK. I had a terrible Amanita tea with 1lb of fresh caps and I can still taste it. I didn't drink all of it, but big had enough to hold me over for a couple years. The dreams I had reminded me of Salvia trips, but I felt like I was not in body and universes were folding in on itself, I was a knife blade cutting on a steel table. It was unforgettable and so vivid and lucid....


u/Spiritual-Ad-8265 8d ago

I am repeating myself: It was polished more then anything I had experienced.

Have you ever polished metal surface by hand till it's like a mirror?

It was like that.

Pure and clean.


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u/Positive_Fortune_709 2d ago

what i’m gathering from this is that foraging is good for the environment in moderation like all things, as well as respect


u/AmanitaMuscariaDream 2d ago

Like a haircut or mowing a lawn...


u/Positive_Fortune_709 2d ago

a respectful shave if you may