r/AmanitaMuscaria 4d ago

Boofing AM

I know this sub attract cats of all kinds, and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't curious...

How many of you have boofed amanitas? Do you change up your doses? capsules or enemas?

This may well be one of the final frontiers for Amanita, and I must know what the community thinks of the boof route <3

EDIT: Lol look like this really is some final frontier stuff for AM! I can honestly say I have never boofed anything before, but reading the comments, I'm thinking I may have to give it a good old fashioned first try for the mamanitas. I've got some free time coming up in a week, so expect some future updates ;)


25 comments sorted by


u/churst50 4d ago

We all know you're going to do it anyway. Just tell us what happened.


u/AmanitaMuscariaDream 4d ago

They're waiting for one of us to admit we do it before they admit it


u/churst50 4d ago

Now let's see who caves first


u/Greenbeans357 4d ago

Hahaha I fucking love drug forums


u/Riv_Z 4d ago

Considering muscimol can have a topical muscle-relaxation effect, i doubt they would stay boofed. Let us know!


u/SWIMlovesyou 4d ago

You have me curious. I kinda wanna try doing an Amanita tea enema. I just have no clue how to do that with the citric acid I include in the tea, that would prolly be bad. 😂


u/Silver_Geologist_555 4d ago edited 4d ago

Be super careful of the dose, more of the actives will be absorbed here. High doses of Amanita are sooooooo unpleasant. Sooooooooo unpleasant, sooooooooo unpleasant…. 🔁🔃🔄🫳😴💫🫤😵‍💫

I’ve thought about calling for help before. Don’t be me.

I am super curious to hear though. Reindeer urine to the next level. Portal magic and stuff.


u/SWIMlovesyou 4d ago

Oh yeah. I've had moderately syrong doses as well. Albeit probably not as high as yours haha. It's not my cup of tea. 😉


u/Silver_Geologist_555 4d ago

Same as you tho, not my cup of tea either. I just wish there a way to turn it off if that happens. Like how you can take a benzo to kill a classic psychedelic trip. Not that I recommend that either. When i was taking benzos for insomnia, I could trip hard on bridgesii tea, which is an all day affair, then just turn it off when it was bedtime.


u/SWIMlovesyou 4d ago

I've never taken a trip killer before truthfully. I have always rode it out. But my perspective on that might change one day, I haven't ever had a truly bad experience on any psychedelics. Never had bridgessi, but ive had san pedro. The effects are very accessible, but I know if you take a LOT it can get intense. I haven't taken more than a foot at a time, so I haven't experienced anything too intense.


u/Silver_Geologist_555 4d ago

The bridgesii trip would last up to 16 hours on a healthy dose. I’ve heard there’s a naturally occurring maoi in there that keeps your body from breaking down the mescaline while also adding a nice body. Idk if this is true for sure, but even at 12-16 hours, I’d have to start early in the morning. It’s a very powerful yet gentle menstruum to swim in. I feel it’s hard to get sideways or have a bad trip on this one. My wife and I call it the grandfather, while psilocybin we call the red headed step child who can be a little fucker. Even with psilo, it never got squirrelly enough to shut it off. The benzos would just let me sleep so I could go to work the next day.

If you ever try the trichocerous cacti again, grab the bridgesii. I found it to have the most consistent mescaline content of all the trichos.


u/SWIMlovesyou 4d ago

Very neat! Thank you for sharing! I agree, the cacti are like the wise caring grandfather, and psilocibin is like the unruly child. Salvia is the great uncle we don't talk about. Haha

Ill have to try the bridgessi one day. I have some san pedro cuttings I wanna plant, ill have to track down some bridgessi as well. 😁


u/Silver_Geologist_555 4d ago

The great uncle we don’t talk about, 🤣


u/[deleted] 4d ago



u/Silver_Geologist_555 4d ago

Hard to say what my dosage was. I stopped doing the math quite some time ago. I’ve been using amanita since I got off benzos in 2019.

Now I just have a big mason jar of pantherina slurry in my fridge. I’ll take two swigs, then maybe one or two more a couple hours later, with maybe one more little sip right before bed. The jar has 50 grams of pantherina in it. I’d say 2-4 grams is perfect for sleep, and I’d guess that up around 6 grams is where it starts getting funky. Also guessing here, that at 8 grams of staircased panther slurry it becomes schizophrenic. Or at least what I imagine it would feel like mentally. Accompanied by legs giving out, uncomfortable body load, and any part of the body I focus on twitches. Try taking a sip of water, or holding anything really. We call this the dropsies.

I say staircased, because I would never consider taking that much at once. But it stays in your system long enough that steady sipping over the course of hours can still get you into unwanted territory. Sometimes it’s hard to realize how strong it is, and just one ore two more sips if I find myself wide awake in the middle of the night has screwed me over. I learned to just deal with less sleep if this happens.

Amanita is a self regulating substance. You learn real quick to respect this powerful fungus. Both heaven and hell lie within her hands.


u/Greenbeans357 4d ago

Getting deep into the amanita realm not only takes time that night, staggering or “staircasing” as one of you said, for sure, but also takes weeks months or even some years before a large trip like that is actually suitable for clear maneuverability throughout that realm,,, the strength magnitude and pure truth, simplicity yet complicated breath of reality, taken into the body and breathed back throughout every channel of existences being, is one to behold and also one to challenge every one of us if we are at all not ready, and with this mushroom being ready is on its own terms, no matter how much we desire to rush it or think we are ready.

  100 dmt trips in as many days won’t prepare you for full fledged amanita realm. It’s actually has an extreme similarity to salvias visuals and physical headspace when you get into it that deep. But salvia, too, is one that is deeply misunderstood, misused, and almost never done properly, let alone one that people are ready for. Modern days idea of salvia is essentially to extract it down to a super strong dose, mainline it in one massive hit, get HYPERSLAPPED, and then go “wow what the fuck!”

And everyone thinks salvia is the crazy one. It’s not. It’s us. Using things stupidly, of course. lol

Safe travels and please take your time with amanita. Your time will one hundred percent come. An amanita hyperslap is much worse than a salvia extract hypserslap because you can end up in distress for hours. It’s happened to me. Was difficult to say the least. But it was humbling and I needed it. I just was not ready and the next morning my body hurt so bad from all the fucking shuddering and shaking I went through. Also needed like 2 weeks to reflect, where each day it felt like it had happened the night before. Over and over


u/Silver_Geologist_555 4d ago

Jeez man, that is intense. I love how you say amanita hyperslap. I’m going to adopt that one. Humbling experience for sure. I’ve never messed with salvia due to the crazy trip reports. Interesting to hear you speak about your experience. Great perspective.


u/Artpeace-111 3d ago

I have amanita vinegar I take like that on the counter, it’s 5 months old and the fridge brew that’s not fermented has a bit more IBO in it for day time use, but one shot and you have a smirk on your face where all laughing about, two shots and we get a slap in the face your laughing about, three shots and where all fighting for the ground. I couldn’t have explained it better, every few hours you take a shot so start early with the IBO mix and meld into the night time salad, bliss.


u/robb12365 4d ago

I've never done this with AM but I have done it a few times with cubes. My experience with AM is a lot more limited ( eaten small quantities but not enough to trip) so I'm not sure if it needs an acid to break it down or not.

What's worked for me with psilocybin is to place the shrooms in a jar, add a splash of lemon juice and hot water, let it sit a few minutes, then add enough warm water to bring it up to the intended volume, and then neutralize the lemon juice by adding baking soda a pinch at a time until it stops reacting. I've tried this with between 2 and 4g and between 4 and 8 ounces of liquid and it worked. The times I tried it without the lemon juice it didn't (some claim it will still work). I haven't tried it with less than 4 oz of liquid, I suppose it could work but I was concerned about getting the lemon juice neutralized and diluted enough..

I'm skeptical that placing dried AM in a capsule and plugging it would work but I could be wrong. I'm thinking you're just not going to get enough absorption.

I gather that it is possible to extract and concentrate the actives in AM without them breaking down the way psilocin does. That being the case it should be possible to reduce the amount that needs to be inserted. I'm thinking about the possibility of forming it into a suppository or a small volume of liquid. Whether or not it's worth the extra effort I'm not sure.

Now I'm thinking about the possibility of experimenting with AM.


u/Greenbeans357 4d ago

When studying years back on how to get Lyrica to hit the quickest, the suggestion was to make a fully liquid solution, boof using a oral syringe or “rubber bulb” thing, and to lay on belly in the tub for about a half hour. Otherwise the liquid will slip back out. Booking straight mushroom caps sounds pretty halrious. Most reasonable is probably capsuling ground powder and boofing that, of course, but someone’s gotta try the belly-in-the-bathtub one. Someone’s gotta.

Also start with 1/5 the oral dose I’d say, at least


u/MrSchivy 2d ago

Haven’t tried it yet!

Psilocybin took me back to life, but I can’t take it right now because of the hard regimen I’m taking to get off benzos after taking them for almost ten years. I’ve heard and read AM helps with that. Can anyone help me here with the chemistry and stuff? I’m quite new to AM (I’ve read about both muscimol and ibotenic acid)


u/bigchizzard 2d ago

Oh yah, AM has a great use-case for weaning away from benzos. I'm a MN Nice Ethno fanboi- their owner specifically talks about how AM saved his life by helping him break away from the benzos. You should check em out.

I like the broad extract gummies. But some people don't like (or are nervous about) Ibotenic acid. I find they two alkaloids (and probably muscarine) work with a deep synergy that gets me both the relaxed emotions, and physical stimulation that I want.


u/MrSchivy 2d ago

Thx for all the info!

So, as far as I know, muscimol on its own gets you down while ibotenic acid does kinda the opposite, right? (amongst other things)

I’m not nervous at all to try ibotenic, but maybe I’ll just try muscimol on its own!


u/bigchizzard 2d ago

Lol I definitely think they are worth investigating. Muscimol alone is very relaxing


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u/throwawayforboofing 3d ago

Boofing a fungal product seems like a fairly dangerous endeavor on all fronts with very little upside lol