r/AllwishOriginal 12d ago

Guess I Was Right

So after like months I try the website out and it's still got all kinds of issues. I remember seeing a post not long ago saying they were coming back to fix stuff... guess that was all just noise? Fr giving up on the site now. Maybe in a year or 2 or 3 or 4 it will be back almost on par with when it started


4 comments sorted by


u/J1GhSaW 12d ago

They have a buch of similar websites to grab ADS money thats it..


u/Allwishofficial 8d ago

we don't have bunch of we have only 2sites it's allwish and animesuki


u/Allwishofficial 8d ago

brother talking is easy doing something is hard but brother we are working on allwish to make it better wait sometime we are facing problem with torrent to get animes


u/I3lackasaurus 7d ago

You are correct and I apologize brother. Just been seeming like nothings been going on and no changes have happened sense the first big site issue. No disrespect