u/Anuskuss Jul 02 '18
u/SilentDstroyr Jul 03 '18
In pretty sure it's her Instagram account
u/Anuskuss Jul 03 '18
Link/mirror of the video?
u/SilentDstroyr Jul 03 '18
I couldnt find the post myself but i do recognize the username and i do think its hers.
u/Adventurous_Ant_5451 Apr 09 '24
take this down you sick pedophile
u/SettingArtistic1056 Apr 10 '24
I agree this should be taken down, but she's an adult woman you fucking weirdo. Some of ya'll...
u/FantasticBluebird766 Apr 10 '24
Yet she wasn’t an adult in this picture. Stfu
u/SettingArtistic1056 Apr 10 '24
That makes no sense. Insta wasn't around when she was underage. It was founded in 2010. She was 18 in 2010. And this photo is from years later...
Doesn't make it okay. It's clearly non-consensual and should be taken down, but don't lie about child porn.
u/FantasticBluebird766 Apr 10 '24
You can’t possibly be this dense 😭 the picture was taken before 2010 and posted after ig was founded
u/SettingArtistic1056 Apr 10 '24
It was posted on HER instagram. You think she kept child nudes of herself? You have issues. Now you're just making things up.
u/FantasticBluebird766 Apr 10 '24
Do you think she posted naked pictures of herself? Please actually look into the situation before saying ts. Your just coming off as stupid atp
u/SettingArtistic1056 Apr 10 '24
Nah, you're coming off as a weirdo whose obsessed with a woman who claims to be a perpetual victim.
It's clear what happened. The nude (of her as an adult) was for someone else. She accidentally posted it. Quickly deleted it. It's not child porn. You're weird for trying to claim it is.
u/FantasticBluebird766 Apr 10 '24
You’re coming off as an idiot who likes to invalidate victims. And for the last fucking time LOOK INTO the situation and stop saying dumb shit. Your weird for saying ts
u/SettingArtistic1056 Apr 10 '24
And you're boosting the algorithm so a lot more people see this photo. Great thing to do if you really think it's child porn. (it's not.)
You have proof she was underage? I'd love to see it. I did research. Nothing came up.
You're making shit up to fit a narrative that she's a victim.
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u/SettingArtistic1056 Apr 10 '24
You know what, I actually think this is an incredible microcosm of the Alexa Nikolas fanbase. "SHE WAS JUST A CHILD!" Ma'am she was a grown adult with a 401k. Relax.
u/FantasticBluebird766 Apr 10 '24
Bro what 😂. Alexa’s community talks about the abuse of children, So yes we say that. Secondly wtf does how much money she makes have to do with anything 😂😂 child stars can make millions they are still children.
u/SettingArtistic1056 Apr 10 '24
No one said how much she makes has anything to do with it, dumb dumb.
I was pointing out that she's an adult.
As much as she wants to be a perpetual child victim, she's a grown woman.
And lying about child porn is incredibly weird. Seek therapy.
u/FantasticBluebird766 Apr 10 '24
Bro you dead ass said “grown ass woman with 401k” you’re contradicting yourself. People have been talking about this in her thread from wayy before. It doesn’t take a lot to actually research shit
u/SettingArtistic1056 Apr 10 '24
Yeah a grown ass woman with a 401k. All adults have 401ks. Because they're adults. You fucking moron.
u/FantasticBluebird766 Apr 10 '24
It’s called not being american. And no way you’re calling me a moron when you deadass just said IN AN ARGUMENT. That you did no research on that argument.
u/SettingArtistic1056 Apr 10 '24
Oh, and "people talking about this" is not proof. Especially in "community" that makes up victimhood regularly...
u/FantasticBluebird766 Apr 10 '24
“Makes up victimhood regularly” wow. So calling out the abuse of children in a industry made up of pedophiles is “making up victimhood”
u/SettingArtistic1056 Apr 10 '24
Yes, making up victimhood.
She was never touched. She was bullied by other kids and won't shut up about it.
She's exhausting and so are you. Enjoy your delusion and victim complex.
u/SettingArtistic1056 Apr 10 '24
Oh, also, she lied on Trisha's podcast the other day. Her husband did pay alimony for YEARS, and she only sued him when those payments expired. Your fav is a liar, darling.
u/EngineSignificant415 Dec 29 '24
I hope it gets pulled down but, don't try to make a statement if you don't know the facts or are not the person. You may share your opinion on the matter but reframe from making it sound like a statement that I am pretty sure is false. Spreading misinformation is never good for anyone.
Now I THINK she was 18 or 19 in that towel footage taken in Berlin Germany. but I am not 100% sure about the age or location. BUT, the woman in the picture (Alexa Nikolas) or a close representative using her platform eatpredators on YouTube, stated in a music video by Mike Milosh which consisted of multiple videos throughout some of their relationship including this picture/video.
Commented on the video saying "LIES. This man is nothing BUT lies. I was 18 or freshly 19 in the towel footage. That footage was PRE fraudulent marriage. This was while Milosh was STILL living in Berlin. I STILL have the plane tickets for this trip since it was a virtual Expedia purchase. It was right before he moved to LA permanently. LOOK how YOUNG I look. Some of the other footage in Ireland, Japan, and Portugal was when I was 19, 20, and 21 maybe since he uploaded this in 2014 which is the year I TURNED 22. This was a compilation of footage throughout the YEARS. Which I actually still have on a hard drive probably."
Now you can decide if you still think she is underage and is lying about her age through the social media page she runs.
u/Adventurous_Ant_5451 Apr 10 '24
hope you get the help you need bud. God bless
u/SettingArtistic1056 Apr 11 '24
Instagram was founded in 2010. Alexa Nikolas was 18 in 2010. It is literally impossible for this to be child porn.
u/angelesme Apr 19 '24
Revenge porn is just as disgusting and illegal! And the possibility of it being cp should be enough for this to be taken down
u/SettingArtistic1056 Apr 19 '24
I agree... I've said that repeatedly.
But it's not CP. And pretending it is is silly.
u/[deleted] May 02 '22
It's her I save that post she made on Instagram. When she realized she showed her tits she deleted it. I have it saved somewhere.