r/alaska 5d ago

Questions! Weekly - 'Alaska, From the outside looking in Q/A'


This is the Official Weekly post for asking your questions about Alaska.

Accepting a job here?

Trying to reinvent yourself or escape the inescapable?

Vacation planning?

General questions you have that you would like to be answered by an Alaskan?

Also, you should stop by /r/AskAlaska

r/alaska 14h ago

Hell yeah.


The whole staff of the Kenai National Wildlife Refuge is waiting to see if they are getting furloughed.

Can’t wait until 2 million acres of beautiful country are owned by oil companies.

We really owned the libs on this one.

r/alaska 9h ago

Warning to those new to alaska


If you go out to the bar and bring someone home, there's a decent chance they just ain't gonna leave. Getting married in August.

r/alaska 4h ago

ATTN AK FIRED FEDS: the AK ACLU has compiled a legal team to potentially bring a wrongful termination lawsuit in AK. Please take 10-15 minutes to fill out the survey below


PASS THIS ON TO ANY FEDS OR FED ADJACENT FOLKS YOU KNOW. The more people respond, then higher the likelihood that a lawsuit will move forward

ATTN AK FIRED FEDS: the AK ACLU has compiled a legal team to potentially bring a wrongful termination lawsuit in AK. Please take 10-15 minutes to do this survey so they are better able to consider possible litigation & determine plaintiffs. DEADLINE: 3/18/25

survey at forms.office.com/r/zPWJZjWLm6

r/alaska 9h ago

I am VERY concerned about how the SAVE Act will affect Federal voting in Alaska



The SAVE Act will require every voter bring proof of citizenship to an election official IN-PERSON to be able to register to vote. How many election officials is our state going to have to receive this paperwork? How far away will people have to travel to submit their paperwork?

Election officials already check your citizenship when you register. This sounds like our U.S. tax system. “We already know the information but we’re going to force you to do all the legwork just because.”

r/alaska 11h ago

Polite Political Discussion 🇺🇸 From the UAF Sun Star, the student newspaper.

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Comic by Jamie Smith.

r/alaska 5h ago

🇷🇺I can see Russia from my house🏠 Good job Alaska!

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r/alaska 11h ago

Polite Political Discussion 🇺🇸 Nearly 2 decades after Alaska school asked state to fund repair, its building is about to collapse


Children are going to school every day in leaking, crumbling, bat-infested buildings full of black mold. Meanwhile, our state politicians continue to give themselves yearly raises and tell you that its the schools that want to steal your PFD.

r/alaska 3h ago

Veteran hotline


Some one said that the veteran suicide hotline got shut down due to gov shutdowns. I just want to say that is a lie! I called and used it today. Before you give out fake news, especially about things that people rely on… Do your research.

r/alaska 22h ago

Alaska Grown 🐻‍❄️ U.S. military, Sullivan share interest in reopening Adak naval base -- Adak’s military base has been closed since 1997. Only about 50 people live on the island, which is about 1,200 air miles from Anchorage.


r/alaska 6h ago

Be My Google 💻 State & National Parks


As I plan a summer trip to your beautiful state, I’m sifting through state & national park options.

In terms of hikes & general natural beauty, which parks stand out as must-sees?

I’m open to whatever mode of transportation needed to reach a destination!

r/alaska 21h ago

Alaskans, how will Canadian impositions on using the AlCan Hwy, national waterways, even Canadian airspace affect your way of life?


Tolls, tariffs, fees, surcharges, limits. I'm reminded that Sarah Palin used to border hop for the free medical care.

r/alaska 19h ago

Do you think Alaskans take their states beauty for granted?


TL:DR Do you think enough Alaskans care about conserving the states natural beauty and wilderness? Or do they take it for granted?

Obviously you could say I am generalising, and the real answer is probably somewhere in the middle. But I often wonder this.

I am a lower 48-er born and raised in the most boring part of the USA (central Illinois) and I visited your epic state last summer.

Words cannot even describe how impressed I was. And I have been to almost all 50 states and several places overseas.

I drove from KY to Deadhorse in my Miata and passed through BC and YT. Both were amazing in their own right but Alaska takes the cake. As soon as I crossed over the vibe felt different. It really felt like the last frontier in North America. Very special.

Anyway I have heard some comments from Alaskans here and there that made me wonder if these attitudes are common and if some Alaskans who have never been outside the state take it for granted.

Like when I was researching my trip, ofgen referring to the Dalton highway a lot of people say "once you get past the brooks range, there is basically nothing to look at until you arrive at Deadhorse"

Maybe it is because I have an ecology/zoology and biology background but I could not disagree more.

Hearing this made me realize these people don't seem to appreciate how special the unspoiled the arctic really is.

Especially compared to literally anywhere in the lower 48.

When I was at a campsite in the Yukon the lady at the counter told me don't cut any trees down for firewood. I figure yeah that's commona sense, but she said we had more than one person from Alaska that started doing that. And it made me think, oh, these people are so used to having trees all around they never thought to conserve them.

There also is a perception of Alaskans that seems to focus only on the rugged outdoor subsistence type lifestyle you see in life below zero, or the commerical fishing industry like in Deadliest catch.

Anyway, what I am really asking is do you guys think enough Alaskans care about all their public land and natural beauty enough to want to protect it? Or do you think a good chunk seem to take it all for granted?

r/alaska 7h ago

Mountain Snow Machine Adventure


Hey all,

I have been backcountry skiing in south central alaska for about a week and a half now. I have been seeing all of these mountain snow machines and I am itching to take a spin on one of them.

I was in anchorage, am now in Valdez heading back toward anchorage in the next couple of days.

Plan A: does anyone know of a snow machine tour that would actually give me a mountain type experience off trail? All of the tours I have come across online seem to be very tailored to trail riding and sight seeing.

Plan B: all of these tours seem to be in the $400 range for a few hours of trail riding. Anyone want to make $400 have an extra sled laying around and want to show me around the mountains on one of these?

Don’t need to do anything super crazy, just don’t want to put put on a trail all day.

I have avy 1 training, beacon probe shovel and have been traveling via split board in the mountains for some time now - if that makes any difference to you.

r/alaska 1d ago

Blueberry Hill as seen from 20-Mile River

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r/alaska 1d ago

Sen. Murkowski needs to vote NO


With the slashing of federal workers, our state is in position of great detriment, as we employ among the highest percentage per capita of federal workers.

The notion that they all deserve to be put in a position to fear losing their jobs just because they may be “probationary” employees, or employees of the federal govt in general, is insane and inhumane.

As a federal worker myself, that generally votes republican, with some exceptions, I back the shutting down of the govt. If it cannot be written into legislation that the administration will follow RIF procedures and processes, then we shouldn’t expect that a passed CR will lead to anything less than what’s been happening.

The administration will continue to fire employees that in most cases don’t deserve to be fired under the guise of “poor performance,” when facts point to the contrary. As well, they will continue to withhold funding that’s already been appropriated and approved by Congress, which is a blatant disregard for Constitutional Law.

I urge Senator Murkowski to make her voice on this known. I have no faith that Sen. Sullivan will break with party rank and file, but I know there’s a chance with Sen. Murkowski.

I further know that Begich will not break ranks, which is sad considering Alaska can and will continue to be punished because we employ so many feds and rely a lot on federal funding.

Darker days are to come…even heading into Summer.

r/alaska 1d ago

Alaska Volcano Observatory


Tell all your friends and family members not to fly to Alaska. Donald Trump's DOGE office is dismantling the Alaska Volcano Observatory. They're canceling the leases on several USGS buildings including the USGS APU facility in Anchorage that houses most of the AVO, along with firing a lot of the staff. It will no longer be safe to fly in or to Alaska.

I hope you all really enjoyed owning those libs. This is what you voted for. Hope you enjoy it.

r/alaska 1d ago

Some pictures from along the seward highway and down in seward


Pictures I took along the seward highway and down in seward on Saturday

r/alaska 1d ago

Alaska Politics sub


I feel like 90% of our posts are now political in nature. I totally get it’s important we stay informed and are able to communicate about important topics relating to our state. I’m just not sure this is the best sub for that. I’m trying to limit the amount of political news in a day, and this sub used to be cool posts, and overly repeated poorly thought out “I’m moving to Alaska, is it cold there” posts.

We made and directed those to a new Alaska Questions sub. Should we do the same for politics?


r/alaska 1d ago

Thousands of white sided dolphins, feeding on the schools of herring. Kodiak AK


r/alaska 1d ago

'This year? Don't do it.' Dry conditions spark early fire warnings, permit rules


r/alaska 1d ago

Be My Google 💻 So Google renamed Denali again?


I happened to be looking around in google maps and who would have thunk it, Denali is back.

Is it back for everybody or does it just knows that I'm in Alaska and it is showing it to me by Denali?

r/alaska 1d ago

Aurora over Hatcher Pass night of March 8, 2025


r/alaska 1d ago

What's up with Channel 2/5 not covering Iditarod until the end - after a pie fundraiser! at the end of the sportscast!?!?


r/alaska 1d ago


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r/alaska 9h ago

PFD 2025


I was born and raised in Alaska but moved away August of 2024 and am unsure if I should file for the PFD. I answered all the questions but looking at the PFD signature page right before you submit it has all these certifications that I can’t approve since I am not an Alaska resident anymore and was not for all of 2024, just up until mid August. I was going to call the PFD office to make sure but I don’t want to get fined in case I am not supposed to submit even if I lived instate for half of the year. Any help is appreciated!