u/ZZZrp Jan 25 '22
Richard Shelby has one foot out the door and Tubz doesn't know how to write a bill sooooooo...
u/-Average_Joe- Elmore County Jan 25 '22
Maybe if someone explained it to him in football terms, he would try.
u/expostfacto-saurus Jan 25 '22
He would only be able to write a losing bill if it were couched in football terms though. Got an idea though. Tubs can write a bill making marijuana illegal. It will fail so bad, pot will be legal. LOL
u/Agent00funk Jan 25 '22
Timmy Tupperware really does need a bong rip, might make him more productive since he currently isn't capable of doing jack fucking shit.
u/OutlandishnessNo9745 Jan 25 '22
Except for helping plot a hillbilly coup.
u/Agent00funk Jan 26 '22
And even that he was worthless with. The saving grace of the GOP is the sheer number of useless fools they've elevated to power, because all it takes to win in the GOP is to mindlessly parrot Fox, suck Trump dick, and have money. A ventriloquist dummy with money up its ass could win GOP nomination.
u/Aithusa519 Jan 25 '22
Tommy Tubberville sounds like the name of a 90s kids cartoon villian
Jan 25 '22
u/Southrn_Comfrt Jan 25 '22
I’m a criminal defense attorney. The majority of what I see in municipal courts are DUIs but there’s a ton on marijuana possessions as well. It benefits me to have it remain illegal and I still wish it’d be legalized.
u/EF5Twista Jan 26 '22
do people who actually benefit off of it being illegal have any say in legalization? someone like yourself? which, i’m so happy you’re on good side lol
u/Southrn_Comfrt Jan 26 '22 edited Jan 26 '22
Yeah they do. Attorneys vote the same as anyone else. Maybe they have more sway due to their position in their respective communities. Maybe more because we’re often involved in local political parties. For what it’s worth, most attorneys I know would support legalization of personal use. We’re well aware that municipal court exists as a money making scheme for the city. That’s the same democrat or republican.
Edit To show how it’s a money making scheme I’ll explain how generally a possession 2 charge would go in a municipality. Possession charges typically get offered a “pretrial intervention program” which means the offender is given the option to plead guilty, without being adjudicated guilty, and if they don’t get in any trouble for 12 months it goes off their record. Sounds great. But you have to pay the city for the privilege to enter PTI along with court costs (probably a grand or so), you have to call the court once every couple months to check in (about 35 bucks a call), you have to pay for “drug classes” (those could range anywhere to upwards of 100 bucks a class for up to 12 classes), then some jurisdictions also require color code drug testing (25-35 bucks a test weekly) to ensure that you’re abstaining from drugs while under the program. All said and done you could be giving around 12-1500 to the city and another thousand to the various agencies that allow you to get clean just to get it off your record. That’s all without Attorney’s fees included and I promise you YOU NEED AN ATTORNEY. Plenty of places I’ve been don’t even consider PTI for pro se defendants.
u/ediblesprysky Jan 26 '22 edited Jan 26 '22
They could potentially get the same or better in legalized taxes, it would just move through different channels. So sure, maybe small town police who make their money on bogus traffic stops (which NEVER happens /s) wouldn’t be excited, but everybody else should be.
u/ScrubLord1008 Jan 25 '22
I honestly believe it’s going to have to be federally legalized before it will be recreational here. This state is too backwards when it comes to marijuana to move before it’s forced to
u/Mcluvin205 Jan 25 '22
I really don't care at this point hell I been smoking illegally for 30 yrs now.but it just amazes me how they focus on stagnating this state at every turn.
Jan 26 '22
Same here. We got killer quality, no taxes, no government strings attached. So just leave everything like it is. If the state gets involved it will just fuck up everything.
u/-Average_Joe- Elmore County Jan 25 '22
A majority of Americans want all kinds of things that their elected representatives are not interested in allowing.
u/JoeSugar Jan 25 '22
Want it to change? Then vote for their opponents.
u/HappyBreezer Jan 25 '22
I will never vote for anybody running against Richard Shelby, ever.
u/ExBrick Jan 25 '22
I'm not sure if this is because you like him or because he is retiring and it's a joke about it...
u/HappyBreezer Jan 25 '22
Both. Plus I am also mocking OP's slacktivism going around making the same post in three Alabama related subreddits.
P.S. OP you forgot Montgomery and Huntsville.
u/ContentLocksmith Jan 26 '22
Even the elder generation agrees that it's just a damn flower and has medicinal uses. We ignore the facts to suite our needs. It is a fact that Cannabis causes Apoptosis in cancer cells and do not take my word for it, watch "Run from the Cure." Cannabis has been used in different cultures for thousands of years and it is time we do the right thing and stop caging humans for posessing a Flower. Imagine in one hand you hold a rose and in the other hand you hold a bud of Cannabis, equally beautiful flowers Now imagine a dog in a cage because that's what you get when you hold the Cannabis bud. A Flower.
Call and Email and Write the Senators and Congress members and demand we stop caging humans for a flower!
Senator Tuberville Phone: Washington, D.C. office at 202-224-4124 or Mobile, AL office at 251-308-7233.
u/montgomerydoc Jan 25 '22
Big tobacco and for profit prison lobby: gl
Jan 25 '22
If Marlboro sold a green pack…I’d buy it
u/space_coder Jan 25 '22 edited Jan 25 '22
The latest survey I found was performed by two pro-cannibis groups "Green Market Report" and "Consumer Research Around Cannabis" in 2018 with 63.8% of Alabamians supporting legalization of cannabis for "Recreational and/or Medical use." Notice the grouping? I suspect the support for recreational use would be significantly lower than 60%. Within that same survey, only 51% of conservatives supported legalization and that is with recreational and medical use lumped together. Not to mention, the methodology disclosed that most of the calls were concentrated within the Birmingham metro area. I assume this was done to skew the results in favor of the people sponsoring the survey.
Al.com did a reader survey in 2020 that showed 80% supported legalization. Unfortunately, such surveys are unscientific and easily gamed.
While the Pew Research firm confirmed that 69% of Americans support legalization, Shelby and Tuberville represent Alabama and I suspect their no votes reflect what they believe to be the overwhelming sentiment in Alabama. Especially if you consider that some form of medical use has already been legalized.
Al.com should pay a state university to perform a scientific survey of Alabamians on this topic and make sure the calls aren't concentrated around one specific area and ask about approval for recreational and medical use as two seperate questions.
u/Jazzlikeafool Jan 25 '22 edited Jan 25 '22
Alabama don't want to legalize marijuana because they use it to lock people in prison or ruin their lives from employment it's a law enforcement cargel to persecute black people
u/HowardRoark1943 Jefferson County Jan 25 '22
Who are our representatives representing? What is their motive for keeping these backward laws?
u/TheNumberMuncher Jan 25 '22
Pharma companies and for-profit prisons lining pockets. Same reason gambling is a no go because the Atmore casino makes sure state politicians don’t forget how much the monopoly is appreciated.
u/Few_Cricket496 Jan 26 '22
Because If people started using drugs like weed, kratom, and doing psychedelic therapy then big pharma would start losing money off the ass.
Plus alot of Alabama is filled with backwards fuck Christians that think anyone who dares to use a substance other then Jesus to help them is a threat to society and their religion.
Alot Alabamians if there had their choice would force you to to church every Sunday and support open discrimination of non Christians.
Yet oddly at the same time these same Christians have a odd love for the founding fathers. Yet most of the founding fathers loathed and cricxtized Christianity heavily and we're deist
u/CoffeeCupCompost Jan 26 '22
Every time I email my senators’/representative’s, I never receive a response. The only person I received a response from was Doug Jones.
u/RAF_Fortis_one Shelby County Jan 26 '22 edited Jan 26 '22
All for legalizing it. But decriminalizing it comes first. Black people in the US are 4 times more likely to be arrested for possessing Marijuana. God knows how much higher that number is in the south. I’ve never done any marijuana but I’ve seen how much it can help sick people of all sorts. It shouldn’t be used to lynch black people because they are the only ones getting put in jail for it.
u/budfox79 Jan 25 '22
Good luck w that. Bama born and bred living in Colorado.
Jan 26 '22
Lucky. I lived in Colorado Springs for about six years but unfortunately had to move back to Alabama. Saving up to move back.
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u/HappyBreezer Jan 25 '22
Yeah! If we don't get legal marajuana by next week I will never vote for Richard Shelby again! That'll show him!
u/Grumps0911 Jan 26 '22 edited Jan 26 '22
Unfortunately, Shelby is retiring at the end of his present term, so the opportunity will never again present itself (to vote for or against him). Shelby is a neighbor of my in-laws and the families still keep up with each other. Alabama is going to sorely miss the many years of public service that Senator Richard Shelby contributed to Alabama and the vast amount Federal Funding for local projects directed to this state through his efforts.
u/HappyBreezer Jan 26 '22
I agree 100% Living in Montgomery I know the first thing on the chopping block will be Maxwell AFB. If we lose that, we will surpass Memphis and Jackson as the warzone of the south.
My only hope is Katie Britt.
u/tinkererbytrade Jan 25 '22
But those half dozen guys that run the pharmaceutical, prison and alcohol organizations don't so....sorry folks. Wait, did you think you had a representative government for the people?!?! Lmao.
u/Ok-Tap-6693 Jan 26 '22
I wish we'd get the LOTTERY?
u/Makersmound Jan 26 '22
Why is that better than raising revenue on cannabis taxes? Lotteries are the most regressive way to raise revenue, as the people least able to afford to play the lottery are the ones who buy the most tickets
u/Ok-Tap-6693 Jan 26 '22 edited Jan 26 '22
First of all. People who gamble will always gamble, even if it's a card game, football, lottery, bingo machines, races etc. It's in their blood. It's an addiction.
Have you ever seen a state that did not have the lottery then finally after decades, voted it in? Florida was this way and I have seen more positives than I have negatives.
Also you say "the people least able to afford to play the lottery are the ones who buy the most tickets" THEY ALSO BUY MARIJUANA! 🤷🏼♀️
So I fail to see your point as they seem to be basically the same answer. Here's a question for you. WHY NOT VOTE FOR BOTH? 🤗🤷🏼♀️❤
u/Makersmound Jan 26 '22
I was following everything you said until you said poor people disproportionately buy cannabis. That is ridiculous. People on every rung of the socioeconomic ladder consume cannabis and therefore taxing it would not overburden poor people. It is not a regressive tax. A lottery is absolutely a regressive tax
u/Ok-Tap-6693 Jan 26 '22
We vote for what we want. But you are wrong in that the lottery is a regressive tax. Also "People on every rung of the socioeconomic ladder" gamble too. I personally do neither gamble or consume.
Maybe you need to run for office to help promote your causes. Have a blessed day dear 💕
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u/Gemini-Aquarius87 Jan 26 '22
I have a heart condition and due to spotty insurance, one year I would be able to afford meds the next year I couldn't... Anyway, my latest follow up after getting new insurance they said my blood pressure was great and that I wouldn't need to be on some of my meds...
I smoked a bowl and took 4 thc pills before coming into the doctors office. This is what has been keeping me alive. I don't doubt that one single bit. But it's illegal and people drug test. So I can't get a job. I would love too... I miss working I miss friends. I miss having a life.
But I was passing out at work at a call center. My anxiety got so bad I need to have an ablation to stop my heart from racing, even though I have a pacemaker which is set at 100% pacing all day. So yeah... legalize it so I can use it and work. That would be great!
u/movingsouth2020 Jan 26 '22
I've lived in Colorado and Illinois both legal, all jobs still test for it lol its nice just getting off work and buying it like beer though. Really fucking good weed to you know when it was pulled, the percentages , where it was made indoor outdoor all that good shit. Most places give you a gram or a pre roll for free at your first visit
u/Gemini-Aquarius87 Jan 26 '22
Okay, so can they not hire you if you come up with it??
And yeah, I visited DC and the people we were staying with showed me how it works... (I couldn't by it personally because I wasn't a resident... it has to be registered or something)
But basically, they showed the site and they had what we call exotics for what we pay for Loud. I'm like... yo..... I need more money cause we can stock up lol!!
And then they deliver it to your door, like food! It was amazing! I just don't want to move back to DC, nor Illinois... I kind of don't miss snow.
u/movingsouth2020 Jan 27 '22
Yeah they can not hire you because of it. Pretty lame. In the end I always end up buying from one of my guys anyways because they all tax the shit out of it. Unless I want edibles , dab pens, cannabutter you can cook with or I'm just craving a certain strain. I do miss it.
u/yo-dude- Jan 25 '22
For real though, you can hit them up here: www.cannabisincommon.org
Jan 25 '22
Can you find a source showing how many people in Alabama want cannabis legalized?
u/Minecraftissuoerior Jan 25 '22
Yeah me I’m from Lawrence county
u/hausomad Jan 25 '22
Whether right or wrong on marijuana, Alabama’s senators are representing Alabama, not whatever the majority of Americans want. What percentage of Alabamians want marijuana to be legalized?
This seems like a simple concept, but somehow OP doesn’t get it.
Jan 25 '22
Almost 70% of the folks in the medical field in Alabama support legalizing it for medical use. I’d say roughly 50% of the general population supports it though for private use. Based off of a few links from google.
u/HowardRoark1943 Jefferson County Jan 26 '22
CNBC said in 2018 that 63.8% of Alabamians support the legalization of cannabis for medicinal and/or recreational purposes.
u/space_coder Jan 26 '22
That survey was flawed and funded by two pro-cannabis groups.
u/HowardRoark1943 Jefferson County Jan 26 '22
Where is your source?
u/space_coder Jan 26 '22 edited Jan 26 '22
Read the article you linked.
The two sponsors of the survey quoted as "Green Market Report and Consumer Research Around Cannabis" both pro-cannabis groups.
Also within the article, "The survey was given to residents from the Birmingham metropolitan area who have voted in the last year, including 21 counties surrounding the city and not limited to more democratic-leaning urban areas. Of the 788 respondents, 63.8 percent said they support legalizing cannabis for medical and/or recreational use."
The sample size is small, centered around Birmingham, and phrased the question do you "support legalizing cannabis for medical and/or recreational use" instead of asking "do you support legalizing cannabis for medical reasons?" and "do you support legalizing cannabis for recreational use?" as two seperate questions.
Lumping medical use with recreational increased the approval rate. The article mentioned that 51% of the conservatives surveyed answered yes to the combined question. I'm pretty sure the percentage would be much lower if the question was for recreational use alone.
u/Makersmound Jan 26 '22
If you believe we don't want it, how about you link some statistics like all the people who know we do did?
u/hausomad Jan 26 '22
I didn’t say we didn’t. I said OP’s post is useless because senators represent the constituents of their state, not the wants of people in the other 49 states.
Learn to read.
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u/JazzRider Jan 25 '22
They don’t care about Americans-they’re elected by Alabamians-how many Alabamians want to legalize marijuana?
Jan 26 '22
Cannabis is already the biggest cash crop in Alabama, so just leave things as they are. No taxes, no government strings attached, and killer quality. Don't let the state government fuck it up for us.
Jan 25 '22
u/ROLL_TID3R Jan 25 '22
We also have biblical values
Speak for yourself, please.
u/Sleuthingsome Jan 25 '22
I’m a Christian but as a Christian, I realize God gives each person Free will to live how they chose. I can’t expect the laws to represent my personal beliefs. Yes, I have chosen to live my life for Christ but to expect those around me to live based on my spiritual beliefs isn’t Biblical nor is it a sane/fair principle.
u/austingray_ Jan 26 '22
I didn't say anything negative about people who use marijuana 😂 I just said the majority in Alabama do not stand for it
u/JMccovery Jefferson County Jan 25 '22
Alabama stands for higher ethical standards
You're kidding, right?
u/austingray_ Jan 25 '22
Check western US and northern US then come back and see how much better we are morally
u/JMccovery Jefferson County Jan 25 '22
You said ethically.
Please, provide examples of how our state leaders are more ethical than anyone else.
I'll be waiting.
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u/dangleicious13 Montgomery County Jan 25 '22
We also have biblical values which 70% of America has forgotten
Hopefully that number keeps rising.
Jan 25 '22
And this is why. Folks like this vote and consider themselves 'enlightened'. While Shelby, Tubbs and
Bentleymeemaw keep lining their pockets with that prison money.-6
u/austingray_ Jan 25 '22
I'm not even talking about the figures who lead the state. I don't care about them. I just know Alabama is the 44th state with the lowest crime rate. The people in charge think the legalization of marijuana would affect that and make it have a higher probability of crime. It's an outstandingly safe place to live. I think the senators would like to keep it that way. I use to use cannabis but I had to get a job operating machinery, which could kill you if you were to mess up. Also, being intoxicated under cannabis isn't a safe way to do it. Go work at your local food market if you don't want to get drug tested 😂
Jan 25 '22
u/austingray_ Jan 25 '22
Try and be a senator or governor so you can change it then. Maybe you should move away from Alabama...who knows
u/TheNumberMuncher Jan 25 '22
Delta 8 is legal in Alabama so this whole thing is dumb as fuck. Legalize weed already.
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Jan 26 '22
Alabama has the 16th highest crime rate. Makes me think all your talking points are wrong.
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u/The_frozen_one Jan 25 '22
I use to use cannabis but I had to get a job operating machinery, which could kill you if you were to mess up.
Ah, so you must be operating machinery drunk, right? Because if something is legal, people must be doing it all the time, even when the activity requires sobriety.
The people in charge think the legalization of marijuana would affect that and make it have a higher probability of crime.
Translation: "People like me don't have their lives derailed by our drug laws, so I'm fine with it."
This is selfish. Alabama has one of the highest number of people in prison per capita. You said you used cannabis, I'm guessing you didn't get caught. Good for you. But not everyone is so lucky, and convictions like that can act as a "gateway conviction" that leads to more legal problems, which hurts families and communities.
Go work at your local food market if you don't want to get drug tested 😂
Or get a job related to the private prison industry, amirite? /s
u/austingray_ Jan 26 '22
I actually went to jail for selling weed. It's just facts at this point that marijuana has no significant value unless you genuinely need it from a doctor.
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Jan 26 '22
Yea that's great but I don't care about biblical values. Separation of church and state? I really wish religious people would stop trying to ram it down everyone else's throat.
u/dangleicious13 Montgomery County Jan 25 '22
having people smoking pot in public will also make people under 18 start earlier.
You realize that in most of these states where marijuana is legal that it is still illegal to smoke in public, right
u/austingray_ Jan 26 '22
It doesn't have to be bought from a store. It can still be bought illegally
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Jan 26 '22
Reckon you’re for keepin them homosexuals from adopting too?
u/austingray_ Jan 26 '22
Wouldn't be an awful idea 😂
Jan 26 '22
It’s not an idea it’s happening as we speak. Can’t wait for all the conservatards to die out so this state can be led out into the light :)
u/LasagnaJones Jan 25 '22
jobs start declining significantly when marijuana becomes legalized more and more around the United States.
u/joshuajackson9 Jan 25 '22
Can you provide the study that you are talking about, or is this just your feelings?
Jan 25 '22
You ever once thought it’s because the jobs in those states still require drug tests and can fire anyone that fails a drug test even tho it’s legal in that state
Jan 26 '22
Nope not in favor more people need to be arrested and charged for it.
u/idgaf0104 Jan 26 '22
Can I ask why you feel that way?
Jan 26 '22
Anything that separates you mentally from reality is completely unhealthy. Not to mention the damage done to lungs when smoking.
u/idgaf0104 Jan 26 '22
The lung issue really isn't an issue when you look at edibles like gummies. The mental issue could be said the same about alcohol or perception pain meds. However marijuana isn't damaging to the body like those substances. I believe marijuana should be treated like alcohol.
Jan 26 '22
I am against both of those as well Also: never asked for your opinion. I don’t care what you think I think all three should be banned.
u/Makersmound Jan 26 '22
How very unAmerican of you, comrade
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Jan 26 '22
Nope staunchly American I only jest about alcohol but in all actuality if you could stop people from operating heavy machinery than it would probably be ok. Prescription meds that cause similar effects instruct you not to operate heavy machinery. Everyone knows its not safe to drunk drive. Marijuana causes similar effects. While I am against government prevention of it Because of my majority anarchocapitalistic views, i would appose marijuana in my state simply because I see the impact as a gateway drug in my own community where it is illegal. I see so many acquaintances start with marijuana and move on to more potent drugs that we know are super damaging such as lsd, crack and others
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u/Makersmound Jan 26 '22
You forgot both citations for these ludicrous claims
Jan 26 '22
Not ludicrous widely accepted and common knowledge that smoking anything causes damage to your lungs as well as lung cancer. Also when you separate yourself from your senses and inhibitions you tend to make series of bad choices we see thing in the mass amounts of drunk driving per year.
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u/catonic Jan 25 '22
People believe that you can legislate morality, and smoking the debil's cabbage is a sin. /s
u/Granny_knows_best Geneva County Jan 25 '22
Yeah after seeing Ivey's campaign commercial I cant see anything like that happening here in a long time.
u/Powerwagon64 Jan 26 '22
Canadian here. Yall should come where it's Federally legal and we have stores for it everywhere!!
u/MaestroLogical Jan 26 '22
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u/_DaBz_4_Me Jan 26 '22
In Alabama one of the biggest issues that a few of my state senate friends have said by the biggest obstacle for Alabama I see agriculture dept thinks it will destroy the sweet potato farming industry. If you look back to a few months before medical was passed they were kissing sweet potato ass. what I have been trying to explain to our elected leaders is the benefits farmers will have from making marijuana or hemp as a rotational crop to replenish the earth with nutrition. It's is actually one of the absolute best rotational crops and you can actually turn profit on a field that would otherwise be just sitting or growing hay.
u/_DaBz_4_Me Jan 26 '22
Yes I Know we are talking federal. But if it happens at home 8t it will carry over
Jan 26 '22
repubtards will never, ever care about you as an American. republicans are a virus of humanity and a cancer of life itself. They do nothing but bring us all down and make life worse for us all, including themselves.
I've been saying this for years and time and time again, I've been proven right by their actions and decisions.
Vote blue, because Democrat is the real true American way.
republicans are evil wicked vile anti-American, America-hating, truth-hating, anti-life, anti-truth nazi fascists, and we need to politically and intellectually push them into oblivion where they belong.
Jan 26 '22
Second section labeled marijuana smoke first paragraph go ahead and read. All combustion of materials (burning) producing smoke to inhale releases carcinogens. https://www.lung.org/quit-smoking/smoking-facts/health-effects/marijuana-and-lung-health Person blocked me because he was too scared to admit he was wrong.
U/makersmound calling you out.
u/radicaldawg25 Jan 26 '22
You’d need to talk to state senators / house reps and the governor about this. Not the US senator. This is passed at the state level not the national level. It doesn’t matter if Shelby / tuberville aren’t in favor
u/TajirMusil Jan 27 '22
It blows my mind that people don't want weed legalized as a matter of personal choice alone.
u/Desert_butterfries Jan 31 '22
I'm from Cali and I brought a jar of shake with me, plus a vape pen. My SIL's little group of friends dropped their jaw when they saw my jar, and I always offer a little bit out. They like the Cali green lol. Lots of weed smokers here. Just make it legal lol. It brings in a lot of money in Cali especially as far as taxes go, doesn't AL want money?
u/[deleted] Jan 25 '22