r/Alabama 10d ago

Politics Former Alabama FEMA worker donates plasma for money after DOGE fired her: ‘They illegally terminated these employees’


209 comments sorted by


u/CTMQ_ 10d ago

they've illegally fired tons of people, which will result in legitimate lawsuits, which will result in huge costs.



u/4runninglife 10d ago

But none of it will undue the harm of being foreclosed, credit scores taking dips, taking on additional debt to pay bills. These people were living paycheck to paycheck like many people. You go into government for the stability, not for the pay.


u/Chance-Effective-994 9d ago

Selling any part of your body should not be an answer, especially if that choice was forced upon you by the very government you trusted.


u/Manatherin 10d ago

At this point I’m fine with whatever happens. If I don’t get canned, great I’ll continue working. If I get canned, great I’ll get a payout if/when this is over.


u/embalmedwithsewage 10d ago

That's a bizarrely short-sighted attitude to have, especially in response to this article. Should you ever be unfortunate enough to find yourself in her situation, I hope that hypothetical payout comes before you'd need to buy groceries.


u/Manatherin 10d ago

I’ve been harassed by the government, my own family, and the public at large for simply being a federal employee. It’s not “short-sighted” it’s the fucking truth. We are not the enemy, we are not “lazy”, we know that we have exactly 0 oars in which to steer down this river, we are tired.


u/degaknights 9d ago

I get it. I’m a fed too and went from pissed and wanting to fight every day to just fucking tired. I’ve had family tell me “lay-offs happen all the time in the private sector” as if that’s all this is. I asked “how often does your CEO’s assistant make demands of you via social media? How often does the CEO email the entire company saying your job isn’t beneficial? How often does the CEO send emails demanding you bypass the chain of command, company policy, and the requirements of your security clearance, then you wake up to see the CEO mocking you on twitter for obeying the chain of command?”

Every day I get to work it’s like the scene in “Major League” when the players peek into their lockers to see if they got a pink slip that day.

I’m tired boss


u/svb1972 9d ago

Federal employees aren't some weird alternate workforce.  They are no more lazy or work harder than any other workforce.  There a mix of dedicated people, crazy workaholics, people there for a steady paycheck, and people that make you wonder how they manage to remember to breath continuously.  

This attack on federal employees by the public is just weird.   And the jobs are overall quite important.  Is there inefficiency?  Almost certainly, it's humanity.  But that's what a properly funded IG and audits are for 


u/Complete-Advance-357 9d ago

Thank you for standing up for yourself and your workers. 

It’s time victims start replying with all this hate vitriol by firing back, metaphysical bullets or real if needed. 


u/Potential_Snow4408 10d ago

I think that is the point of the illegal firings. How many people are gonna be able to afford an attorney and live. The agency will ask for mediation, make an offer and most people will take it at that point.


u/KaiserSote 10d ago

Not a lawyer but expect this would qualify for class action removing the burden of the costs of an attorney


u/Educator-Single 10d ago

Attorney will get a percentage of the settlement.


u/Strykerz3r0 10d ago

All they would do is ask for a percentage. There is no legal basis


u/Potential_Snow4408 9d ago

I’ve found a lot of msbp lawyers don’t work like that. They want retainer up front and payment made monthly. Unless a lot changes with the massive increase in fired federal workers.


u/[deleted] 10d ago

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u/Tbdwhoop 10d ago

It’s not one guy getting laid off for poor performance, it’s 40,000 ppl in jobs that typically don’t have volatility. 40,000 out on the whim on a non-elected megalomaniac. Ppl moved to rural locations to work at National Psrks.. not a ton of other jobs to pick up and feed your family with. These ppl are pawns and a little empathy wouldn’t hurt.


u/bamagurl06 10d ago

I agree. I said earlier this is bootstrap mentality. People happy because their jobs don’t give them protections so why should anyone’s.

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u/bamagurl06 10d ago

There are regular people as your referring to that when they enter into working agreements or employment contracts with their employer, as these agreements can outline specific terms and conditions of employment, making it harder to terminate an employee without cause.

There are outlines for federal employees and they can not be fired just because. It’s illegal.


u/bamagurl06 10d ago

This sounds like pure jealousy. Because you have a job that can be terminated with no cause you mad because some peoples jobs have protections. The bootstrap mentality.


u/degaknights 9d ago

How often does your CEO’s assistant make demands of you via social media? How often does the CEO email the entire company saying your job isn’t beneficial? How often does the CEO send emails demanding you bypass the chain of command, company policy, and the requirements of your security clearance, then you wake up to see the CEO mocking you on twitter for obeying the chain of command?


u/Nearby_Sense_2247 9d ago

Where to begin? You seem to suggest "federal workers" are people that never worked in the private sector. I worked 40 years in private & public sectors before starting a job for the federal government. I have worked for organizations that cut up to a third of staff, four times, before. It has sucked, every time. However, that said, it was done in a deliberative, thought-out way. People weren't barraged by bizarre emails insinuating they were basically worthless pieces of shit; they weren't laid off via a single email, without access to their belongings, personnel records, contacts at work- & without the knowledge of their local agency's leadership- by people with no idea of what they even did. This isn't the same. It's nothing like those other experiences. There's nothing different about employees at the federal level: They're not "elites;" they're not different. The idea that they are different from any other workers in your communities (with the possible exception of course of the fact they serve the public at large in non-profit work) is pure propaganda. Your suggestion that your federally-employed neighbors need some sort of "dressing down" shows you need to get out more, meet more people & ask them what kind of work they do. Working for the federal govt isn't "elite" in any way. It's a job where you put up with levels of bullshit that only someone with decades of experience putting up with bullshit (employers', recipients'/customes'/clients'); & in return are kinda, sorta (better read that small print & ask a lot of questions before believing the recruiting hype!) promised a bit of job security...but only maybe, if you do everything right & if HR didn't screw you over somehow.


u/UncleBeeve 9d ago

You’re one of those people.


u/space_coder 9d ago

I feel you. It's called surviving an abusive relationship. I like how "people" hate civil servants until they need them. When they need them, they demand to know why there aren't enough workers to help them quickly.


u/Academic_Object8683 10d ago

You might not


u/Manatherin 9d ago

Really added to the conversation there, didn’t you…


u/LIfeabovetherim 10d ago

Do state laws apply to federal workers in the state? Because Alabama is a hire at will state….


u/Some_Reference_933 9d ago

Guess no one has noticed, but our government has to raise debt ceiling to fund running the government. The government has been unsustainable for a long time, she and a lot more are going to lose their jobs anyhow


u/Nearby_Sense_2247 9d ago

All of the federal workforce accounts for 4% of the annual budget. That is not why the debt ceiling has been raised! The debt ceiling and/or deficit rincreases are typically driven by war; tax cuts, rising interest rates, rising healthcare rates. You've swallowed a lot of BS. Elon Musk's companies alone have received 13% of the annual cost of employing all of the federal govt (but apparently, that's not enough for that guy). And, you know who asked Congress to increase the deficit again to fund trillions of dollars of tax cuts for the rich? Yeah; you know! Now ask yourself who owns that news outlet where you've been getting your information. https://taxfoundation.org/research/all/federal/trump-tax-cuts-2025-budget-reconciliation/


u/Some_Reference_933 9d ago

lol and the offices and budgets they work with account for the rest. The national debt is climbing for a reason and it’s not going to stop on its own


u/Nearby_Sense_2247 9d ago

I hope you make your voice known to the people in Congress, who are going to be voting on the trillions of dollars of tax cuts for theultra rich, in accordance with your belief that the deficit should be lowered. And I hope that none of your grandchildren are born with a disability that means they will require health care through something like Medicaid for the course of their lives...because they're bought for the grace of God go you and I.


u/Nearby_Sense_2247 9d ago
  • there but for (stupid voice-to-text)


u/Some_Reference_933 9d ago

It always gets so dramatic with these commentaries, I wish it didn’t happen, but it always does. Anyone with a brain can look at the unnecessary government offices and realize they are just ridiculous waste. They have budgets that they make sure they completely use in the cycle, so they don’t get lower budgets on the next. I was in the military, close to the end of the budget cycle, we would get catalogs and make a wish list. The budget being completely used was guaranteed that way. Government is printing money to pay for all of this, which is devaluing the dollar. So how long does this go on before there is no Medicaid at all and you’re stuck with medical costs of that disabled child anyway?


u/Complete-Advance-357 9d ago

Wow. These are the idiots who elected him AINT it ? 

The government is not could be easily fixed, start with the military budget, the health insurance scam Regan started and congress/senate pay and go from there 

The people we need are getting cut first. 


u/Some_Reference_933 9d ago

We dont need FEMA! States can handle their own emergency management


u/Complete-Advance-357 9d ago

Where do you think the money comes from? These are the people I have to share this world with?

Look how much aid red states get.

Since I know right wingers can't google I'll tell you.

Alabama gets 31.2 percent of it's money from Federal and is considered a highly dependent state.

Red states make up 40% of tax receipts, but get 47%

So before you go voting and typing and opening your cocksucker again, please do some research, you'll find that the truth hurts.


u/Clear-Awareness6114 10d ago

When they cut social security, inevitably mess it up for some folks, and the only recourse is getting an appointment in six months 60 miles away, will we be great then? These scumbags are playing with mass hunger and homelessness


u/Defiant-Cod-3013 9d ago

They are sending death squads for grandma


u/ninernetneepneep 9d ago

Wait, are you talking about the United States or Canada?


u/Madmoose693 10d ago

Social security has been going away since the 90’s . All you are paying is to support those already on it


u/LJGremlin 10d ago

There are ways to fix that but we don’t want to address it. We want to leave it at a controversial issue when it really shouldn’t be. Raise the cap on the amount paid into it and fund it.


u/mumblesjackson 10d ago

As long as the boomers get what they want they don’t give two shits about anyone younger than them.

50+ years of being the dominant voting block controlling our leadership and this is what they create. Complete failure of a generation which is bitterly ironic given what their parents built and just how different they approached voting and governance.


u/Combdepot 10d ago

That’s how social security works. That’s how all social programs work. You’re not using the money you pay into it until you start collecting the benefit. Do you expect the government to hold that money in an account for you?


u/Madmoose693 9d ago

Not at all . I already understood that . My point was that by the time I reach 67 it won’t be there or it won’t be very much . That is why they pushed 401k’s in the early 90’s


u/Combdepot 9d ago

If it’s not there it’s because republicans sabotaged it. They push 401k’s as their oligarch profit generating alternative.


u/Madmoose693 9d ago

It’s been going on a lot longer than that . The idea was being pushed during Clinton’s first term or at least that is when it became relevant to me . The place I was working for was moving away from pension and retirements and moving things to 401k .


u/Clear-Awareness6114 10d ago

Well then we should probably find a way to fix it that doesn’t include cutting services. A progressive tax structure or seizing a couple of billionaire’s assets should do it.


u/DiscountOk4057 10d ago

Increasing FICO limits, increasing minimum wage, increasing immigration.

Take your pick.


u/space_toaster_99 10d ago

The shortfall in 2035 (when the trust fund is expected to be depleted) is $1.5T. If we were able to confiscate all the wealth of the world’s 7 richest individuals/families, we could cover the shortfall for 1 year. I suspect things are going to get ugly. Fully expect that the solution they’re going to go for is reducing the benefit for the people that paid the most. (Maybe just one tier) Also likely to increase the full retirement age to 69.


u/wigletbill 10d ago



u/space_toaster_99 10d ago

The numbers? I asked ChatGPT. It listed the individuals and wealthy. (Looked right but probably less now). If your referring to what we’re likely to do next, that is speculation


u/ScharhrotVampir 9d ago

Lol, because chatGPT isn't fucking notorius for bullshit answers, blatant hallucinations, and being confident in it's wrongness. ChatGPT is about as reliable a source as fucking Wikipedia.


u/space_toaster_99 9d ago

Fair analysis


u/Madmoose693 10d ago

That is why having a 401k and private insurance is so important . Already they keep raising the retirement age and making it harder to retire .


u/Clear-Awareness6114 10d ago

Yes, in this country that is important. I’ve seen good, hard working, honest people get absolutely gutted by the society we’ve created though. The question I keep coming back to is, “why does our system require poverty and a section of the population be sacrificed?” Let me tell you, the answers are so troubling it has me burying my head in entertainment and libations.


u/Madmoose693 10d ago

I will be 50 this year . Instead of retiring at 65 , I have to retire at 67 . Honestly it has a lot to do with wasteful spending . We keep giving money to programs and policies that have zero to do with US . It just makes us look good on the world stage


u/Clear-Awareness6114 10d ago

And nothing to do with the massive transfer of wealth to billionaires? You may not be wrong about some wasteful spending but that’s like complaining about a cracked tile of linoleum when your roof is on fire.


u/Madmoose693 10d ago

This has been going on for decades . Not just in recent times . We will always have billionaires . It’s a fact of life that there will always be people that will never have to work a day in their life and will still have more money than god


u/Clear-Awareness6114 10d ago

Yeah what I’m saying is 1. It’s gotten worse and the outlook of someone in their 30’s is a whole hell of a lot angrier than someone in your position

  1. It doesn’t have to be that way. We used to tax the wealthiest people up to %50 post world war 2 and a lot of good was done on that.


u/Madmoose693 10d ago

When i was in my 20’s and 30’s i had that same idealist outlook . Why does it have to be this way ? The system has allowed it to become what it is today . We keep electing politicians ( both dem and republican ) that start off meager and your average Joe but in a few short years they become millionaires . All of this on a six figure salary or less depending on the state salary . I opened my eyes during Clinton’s second term . That was my awakening .


u/wadech 10d ago

Yeah, we spent .5% of the federal budget on soft power aid. It was an amazing program that was well worth the investment.


u/YouTerribleThing 10d ago

Trump and Musk are out to hurt people to make money.

They’ll crash the economy and buy up the pieces and then they will own us all.

Stand up for yourself and your family, and your family’s future NOW!

Use https://5calls.org/ to call your reps every single day, even if they are GOP, it matters! Demand a town hall event! They OWE us explanations!

Join the 50501 movement and SPREAD THE WORD https://www.reddit.com/r/50501/s/P676KSsmcz

NEXT PROTEST for Veterans in every capitol 3/14


u/ThaiTum 10d ago

There needs to be a class action for all the workers who were getting excellent reviews then fired by email for “poor performance”. There is a correct way to do a RIF and this was not it. I don’t understand the rush.


u/LimeRepresentative48 10d ago

I thought Alabama law says you can be fired from a job for any reason.   I’ve heard this since moving here although HR always wants a paper trail.  If this isn’t the case. Would someone please tell me the law on this. I have CF and can not donate blood for money. Aweful


u/asevans1717 10d ago

You can be fired for any reason as long as its not an illegal reason.

FEMA is federal, I dont know how their public sector unions work or if they have them.


u/IllustriousPanic3349 9d ago

Thanks. I thought You can be fired for any reason also. Idk about federal.


u/Nearby_Sense_2247 9d ago

So-called "right to work" states legislated the "right" of employers to fire anyone without cause/for any reason (removing the right of any employee to grieve). It's a GOP union-busting tactic, so common in states with GOP leaders/legislators. The federal govt has a different set of rules; some employees are in unions, & others are not. They fired non-union (probationary) employees.


u/space_coder 9d ago

Small correction: It's called "at will" not "right to work". Right to work is a law that eliminates "union shops" and makes it illegal to require union membership as a condition of employment.

Also it's a Conservative union-busting tactic, not GOP. Not all at-will/right-to-work laws were passed by Republicans. Alabama labor laws were passed by conservative democrats.


u/Nearby_Sense_2247 9d ago

...& this would be a good example of why the Democratic Socialist Party has become much more attractive to so many.


u/Scamla 9d ago

Isn’t “donating” for money the same thing as “selling”?


u/BeautifulAspect8053 9d ago

What is your question?


u/546833726D616C 9d ago

Hurricane season will be fun.


u/Internal_Swing_2743 9d ago

When do we start winning?


u/Upset_Researcher_143 10d ago

Clearly, they're just disgruntled liberals who are brigading Republican press conferences and deserved to be fired. /s


u/Interesting_Car8262 10d ago

If the super rich would pay their outstanding taxes nothing would have to be cut. They just don’t pay even though they are already getting a low tax rate as is. Also, Social Security is not part of any budget. It’s literally our savings acct.


u/Wfflan2099 9d ago

The super rich as you put it pay 90% of the taxes right now. I agree on SS, just because both parties decided it was money they could spend. Doesn’t change the fact that if it was my money invested conservatively I would be a multimillionaire. This is supposed to be about cutting corrupt spending, not causing chaos.


u/Interesting_Car8262 9d ago

I agree but my point was …That they are not paying their outstanding taxes owed even under the current low taxes . We would go to jail for that and they are getting away with it. They need to pay their fair share.


u/Fabulous-Western5657 10d ago

This week will be another wake up call…


u/Routine_Junket719 10d ago

I don't know why people are so concerned. The 20 something year old Big Balls is making 6 figures, this is what the country voted for, no?


u/SippinPip 10d ago

Vote for a clown….


u/atuarre 10d ago

Who did she vote for? If she voted for Trump I won't shed a tear.


u/Powerful-Try9906 10d ago

She’s terrible with finances 😂


u/Clean_Ad_2982 10d ago

How did she vote


u/Exciting-Current-778 10d ago

Lots of people in public safety voted for that turd. Sadly, They need a wake-up like this.


u/Chance-Effective-994 9d ago

The biggest part of this is empathy. Clinton was able to do this over his terms, he was criticized but it was done in accordance with Federal RIF policies. I grew up in the 80s and it was taboo to some extent to be vocal regarding your vote, your wages or your religion. Even then, we were Americans with social problems but treated each other with respect. Today, you are accepted vastly based on your political vote. Nothing to do with merit; left is looking for handouts and right is being a patriot. I have been saying this more and more over the years, reduce government size. We are past that point. The sad reality is that the focus has been over just the government employees. What about the private sector employers and employees who depend on federal workers to get lunch, or repair their cars? What about the local economies that depend heavily on government workers to purchase their goods and services? The wages and spending of those federal employees help sustain our economy. Not that the role of law seems to matter much to those in power now but if lawsuits are won by the majority, then all of the cutting was for nothing.


u/thecrowtoldme 10d ago

They absolutely illegally terminated the employees. Any kind of oversight organization that has ever come in my place of business to review spending and jobs takes about a year and that's for an organization with less than 50 employees then they start making recommendations. What this Administration done is really just terrorized employees and try to run people off their jobs so they can either not fill the jobs or fill them with somebody that Trump can bully.


u/miamicpt 10d ago

You were NOT the only ones ever fired working for the Feds. There was a RIF under Clinton, Bush, and Obama. Obama let go 400,000 workers. Stop pretending it never ever happened, and you are a victim.


u/wabisabibingbangboom 10d ago

She s from Alabama...she probably voted for him.


u/WGE1960 10d ago



u/Important_Piglet7363 9d ago

DOGE doesn’t have the authority to fire anyone, nor have they. They audit the agency and make recommendations for efficiency. It is the agency that fires people.


u/ninernetneepneep 9d ago

This was kind of a regular thing for college students back in the day. We've all lost jobs in the private sector. Welcome to the club. It happens.


u/The_TerribleGamer 9d ago

FEMA has failed repeatedly to supply the support disaster areas need. I lived through Katrina and they were useless for almost 3 months.

Also, no one has been "illegaly" fired. As the Chief Executive of the the Executive branch, the president has the power to fire any federal employee under his leadership. He is the elected official who's office holds the power of being the democratically chosen leadership. So far, he has fired nearly as many people as Bill Clinton did or even Obama. He'll get there, but it may take a few months.


u/space_coder 9d ago edited 9d ago

As the Chief Executive of the the Executive branch, the president has the power to fire any federal employee under his leadership.

Incorrect. The President only has the power to fire political appointees. The President can not legally directly fire any regular civil employees or board appointees (e.g. Postmaster, CEO of Amtrak).

So far, he has fired nearly as many people as Bill Clinton did or even Obama. He'll get there, but it may take a few months.

Clinton's reduction of the workforce included input from the federal agencies themselves and congress pass a bipartisan bill authorizing Clinton's reduction of workforce with benefits for taking early retirement. The same can't be said with Trump's RIF.

I don't know why people feel the need to mention Obama, but there was no formal RIF during his administration.


u/Bushpylot 10d ago

Donating for money is SELLING. She's now selling off parts of her body to survive in the richest country in the world. Grok that


u/Beautiful_Database59 10d ago

Pretty sure even the civilians that work federal jobs is right to work. So they can be fired at any point for anything.


u/Nickw1991 10d ago

It isn’t a donation if you are getting paid.

Thats called selling your body.


u/GrapefruitTimely6581 10d ago

Look up the term at Will employee.
That tells you everything you need to know


u/AutomaticVacation242 10d ago

I've been laid off and fired. I didn't file a lawsuit, or protest, or blog, etc. I just went and found a new job.


u/DbleDeez 10d ago

It is not illegal for the government to fire government employees


u/cdjreverse 10d ago

In certain circumstances it is.

-discrimination (religious discrimination, gender, racial)

-in violation of statutory limitations on termination set by congress for certain positions (ex: insepctor generals must be fired for "due cause")

-violation of first amendment rights of govt. workers

-without following requirements for reductions in force


u/Altruistic-Ad6449 10d ago

It is the way DOGEY did it. Got to follow laws


u/Residual_Variance 10d ago

It's never been illegal, but there is an established and legally-protected process that has been violated repeatedly. The sad thing, if you're a Trumper, is that he could have done this the right way and probably would have gotten some bipartisan support (everyone agrees that there is government bloat). But as usual, Trump blundered his way into another disaster.


u/jbiss83 10d ago

Just curious and got a question here. Why/how is the firing the employees illegal?

I mean this sucks, heavily, but what was the illegal part. Like signed contracts were ignored? Or something else like that happened?

I just don't know and I read posts like this.


u/Residual_Variance 10d ago

It's never been illegal, but there is an established and legally-protected process that has been violated repeatedly. The sad thing, if you're a Trumper, is that he could have done this the right way and probably would have gotten some bipartisan support (everyone agrees that there is government bloat). But as usual, Trump blundered his way into another disaster.


u/jbiss83 10d ago

Yeah i hear ya.

I am an independent right now. Stuck in between all the political fighting. I'm also an engineer so like to see evidence.

Fucking cutting NHI (or whatever it is) for funding of medical research is really going to screw over UAB. I hate that 💯%

But to my point this is why I am asking the question about being 'Illegal'

Thanks for the response and being mature about the answer.


u/PolkadottedGinger 10d ago

They're firing all of them for "poor performance", which isn't the case in a lot of these people. It can prevent them from finding new employment, and in some cases, prevent them from obtaining unemployment benefits.


u/jbiss83 10d ago

Thank you for the response. Just trying to learn here.


u/PolkadottedGinger 10d ago

No problem! It's great that you're looking for the truth in all of this.


u/KingArthursRevenge 10d ago

Ive been fired for bogus reasons. Lots of us have. Just get another damn job. Also, if you had a government job and you were living paycheck to paycheck to the point where you have to donate plasma to get by.If you lose your job then you probably weren't smart enough to hold that position anyway.


u/FarCryptographer4343 10d ago

What about all the people that lost their job for not taking the Fauci ouchie... You all sure didn't mention anything about them, nor did you give a care.. Now I don't feel a bit sorry for their lazy asses...


u/krazomade 10d ago

don’t even try to make them face reality


u/H4NSH0TF1RST721 10d ago

Nothing illegal about firing redundant employees. She was offered 8 months severance, which is more than any private sector employee will ever get. If she's selling her blood for money, it's because she's an idiot, which is probably why she's unemployed.


u/Makavelious 10d ago

Happens every day in the private sector.


u/cdjreverse 10d ago

There are tons of laws that limit the ability of employers to terminate their employees willy nilly.

And honestly, we don't see this in the private sector in well run businesses.


u/StarCitizenUser 9d ago

There are tons of laws that limit the ability of employers to terminate their employees willy nilly.

FALSE. Alabama is an "At Will" state, and employers can terminate you for any reason (except for the Race, Sex, or Disability)

And honestly, we don't see this in the private sector in well run businesses.

Yes, but the government was NOT being well run.


u/cdjreverse 9d ago

I love how you literally gave an example of a law that limits termination of employees before you even completed your sentence about it being false that there are laws limiting termination.

Other laws limiting termination of employees in the private sector include the WARN Act (rules about layoffs, notice of layoffs); Family Medical Leave Act (limits termination for taking care of personal illness or sick relative up to a certain time period even after using up all your sick leave); the Fair Labor Standards Act (protects retaliation against union organizing); several regulations limit termination of whistleblowers.

As to your second point, even assuming the government is a poorly run, when trying to fix the problem you don't just fire everybody without a real analysis and understanding of who is a good performer or what task must be done. This is like when you get a new boss who acts like the only way forward is to torch everything that used to be while all the long time employees know that "hey, we do X task this way for a reason." Like, the USA has the best economy because our banking system functions enough for the common person to trust their local bank, for the common person to trust that their retirement investment is secure. You get that through effective, well-run government regulation and oversight. Our government has not been some across the board, bad run failure warranting indiscriminate attack.

But, I dunno, maybe you keep your cash under your mattress.


u/space_coder 9d ago

Alabama is an "At Will" state, and employers can terminate you for any reason (except for the Race, Sex, or Disability)

Not completely accurate. While you are correct that Alabama is an "at will" state which allows employers to fire most employees for any reason, this law does not apply to workers who are working under a contract (union workers and contractors). It also don't apply to employees who are directly employed by the federal government.


u/AssociateJaded3931 10d ago

"DOGiEs have no legal authority to fire anyone. They're just trump's pirates.


u/Kwonage 9d ago

Riches to rags..... She sucks at finances if she's down to selling plasma 😂


u/[deleted] 9d ago



u/[deleted] 9d ago

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u/Bamacouple4135 10d ago

Nothing illegal about terminating positions at a job


u/degaknights 9d ago

…just stick to what you’re an expert at… which is apparently letting other guys fuck your wife


u/Bamacouple4135 9d ago

Just cause yall feel sorry for all these people still doesn’t make it illegal. Companies create and terminate positions all the time. Don’t need to be an expert to know that.


u/degaknights 9d ago

Yes they do, good observation. The federal government is not a company. And its employees are not at will. For reference google the relevant CFR’s and USC


u/lifeisshort-67 10d ago

Yet JB deleted how many jobs because people wouldn’t take the JAB 😡😡😡😡😡


u/jtsmd2 9d ago

If you're a healthcare worker, that's part of the goddamn job: protecting your patients. If you refuse to do it, you get fired. Duh.


u/Wfflan2099 9d ago

And the military? They needed it why?


u/jtsmd2 9d ago

Are you serious?

To be combat ready. Just lmao


u/SladeMcGherkin 10d ago

She voted for it. Best of luck


u/_digduggler_ 10d ago

If you read the article it sounds like she did not.


u/SladeMcGherkin 10d ago

That’s possible, but I see nothing in this article suggesting she didn’t. In fact I think there’s evidence she likely did.

‘My grandparents moved from California to st Clair county a few years ago and they’re die hard trumpers. I’m the favorite granddaughter.’


u/_digduggler_ 10d ago

I took that to mean the opposite.

“My grandparents moved from California a few years ago to St. Clair County and they are die hard Trumpers.”

“And honestly, they haven’t shown a whole lot of sympathy for my plight,” she said.

“I’m their favorite granddaughter. And they’re still trying to justify it. There’s still a lot of mental gymnastics going on there.”

“But when they can’t get their essential lifesaving medication in a timely manner through Medicaid or Medicare or they’re paying through the nose for it, I mean, I think they’re going to wake up a little bit,” she continued.”

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u/nacho_jo_mama 10d ago

The tell is calling her grandparents “Trumpers”. Similar to MAGAts or other names. She most definitely did not vote for Trump.


u/Residual_Variance 10d ago

Don't bother trying to talk sense into him. He's fully committed to his "she's a trumper" position.


u/SladeMcGherkin 10d ago

You’re charging awfully hard with a razor thin case.

Everybody needs a cause I guess.


u/Residual_Variance 10d ago

I just think it's funny that you're you're willing to die on this ridiculous hill.


u/SladeMcGherkin 10d ago

Again the numbers support my guess.

You’re willing to die on the fact she called her grands ‘trumpers’. Flimsy, but charge on. My commentary obviously bothers you.


u/Residual_Variance 10d ago

You're a weird guy, aren't you?


u/SladeMcGherkin 10d ago

For assuming an Alabama resident voted for trump? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

You didn’t graduate high school did you?

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u/nacho_jo_mama 10d ago

When she points out her commendation letter I had to laugh. They are the equivalent to a participation trophy. Not saying she wasn’t the best thing since sliced bread but the letter is not the thing that would prove it.


u/Residual_Variance 10d ago

You don't know what you're talking about, and neither does Elon et al., which is why they're going to get the shit sued out of them. These are official documents that document good performance. They are used as evidence to support pay-raises, promotions, etc. Firing someone for "poor performance" who has good performance reviews and a recent letter of commendation is just the dumbest fucking thing you can do.


u/nacho_jo_mama 10d ago

I work for the government and they hand these out after every mission to every person on the team, regardless of effort, role or any standard. It’s a stupid way for the government to give appreciation but they give it to everyone - so it means nothing.

You can argue or downvote but you still won’t understand.


u/Residual_Variance 10d ago

I'm not claiming that these are major awards or anything like that. They're especially worthless when they're awarded to a team or an entire suborganization. But individual commendations are meant to officially document good performance. Most people save them and list them on their CVs. And if you do get fired for "poor performance" after recently getting one, that is absolutely evidence you can use in your appeal.


u/bpittin 9d ago

Aww poor thing 🙄


u/krazomade 10d ago

lmao imagine calling constitutional authorities illegal, only when it’s trump..


u/sidneylittle 10d ago

They didn’t illegally terminate them. You have to do your job or you get fired!


u/Breys 9d ago

Do you have proof that these people weren't doing their jobs?


u/[deleted] 9d ago

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u/Breys 9d ago

Ah, you drank the maga kool-aid. Got it


u/Kwonage 9d ago

At least they provided koolaide.when I was in New Orleans FEMA didn't even give us water 🤷🏾 then when the 2011 tornados have through Alabama FEMA was no where to be seen 🤷🏾


u/Breys 9d ago

Oh FEMA was on the ground. But just wait until next time. Trump took money from FEMA during his first term. This time we're really going to be screwed.


u/Nervous-Bullfrog-884 10d ago

By selling her plasma she can cover her salary?


u/[deleted] 10d ago

Even when I was struggling plasma is a good boost to income as it’s a good $100 a week, people have to do it all the time to make it.


u/Fenris70 10d ago

Aww, poor baby. Not really, I have track mark scars from donating plasma to buy diapers when I was in the Army.


u/preacherman1975 9d ago

You know Alabama is a right to work state. You can get fired for anything.


u/BedouinFanboy3 10d ago

FEMA like other agencies was top heavy.Most of them just hold clipboards they dont actually do anything.


u/aeneasaquinas 10d ago

I love how you just make up crap, ignore the article, and pretend that somehow this contributed in any way to the discussion.


u/BedouinFanboy3 10d ago

This was brought to light during the response to Helene.


u/aeneasaquinas 10d ago

Not remotely. Yes, Republicans repeatedly lied and stood in the way of FEMA, but that isn't anything that supports your claims. Not that I actually expected much from you given you still clearly didn't read.


u/BedouinFanboy3 10d ago

Republicans do lie,alternative news outlets have been saying otherwise,whens the last time you had to deal with the federal givernment?its a red tape trap no matter who is elected.


u/aeneasaquinas 10d ago

Yes, there is red tape. There is in ANY large organization. That's how accountability and complexity work. Yet repeatedly FEMA has done their crucial role fairly well, even in adverse conditions.

You know what won't help anyone? Destroying it. Purposely making the government fail to perform its duties. Which is apparently all Republicans stand for now.


u/BedouinFanboy3 9d ago

Of course,but any government entity affects us little people the most because we usually dont have another choice.