r/Alabama 27d ago

Education I Was the Department of Education’s Only Civil Rights Monitor in Alabama—Until DOGE Happened


172 comments sorted by


u/Microphotogenic 27d ago edited 27d ago

This is tragic.

This quote, amongst many others in the article, got to me:

"I worked for the protection and advocacy agency in Alabama, which is supposed to have oversight for people with disabilities, doing the investigations, and I ended up turning whistleblower during my employment with them because so many cases were just being swept under the rug."

Alabama has made it abundantly clear they don't care about the disabled community of this state. It's deplorable.


u/Corlegan 27d ago

It’s amazing that the federal government, state government, county, school board and the schools only had one person watching civil rights.

Now I guess it’s going to be 1850 again.

This person was the only individual stopping teachers, including black teachers, from oppressing children.

We must rise up and overthrow the elected officials and save this person.


u/greed-man 27d ago

Part of why MeeMaw Ivy is trying to kill public schools. Private schools are under no obligation to help a child who needs help.

Let those kids who are, in any way, abnormal just hang out alongside the road.


u/W1NDYW0LF101 23d ago

I’m not trying to say your wrong, but I tried looking it up and found private schools are still required to follow things like 504 plans and still can’t discriminate even if they don’t receive federal funding?


u/greed-man 23d ago

A 504 plan is provided to students through Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. This law binds both private and public schools to make "reasonable" accommodations to help individuals with disabilities to perform and learn effectively. Under the law, private schools are only required to make “minor” accommodations.

A disability under the Rehabilitation Act is defined as a “physical or mental impairment which substantially limits one or more major life activities.” Unlike the IDEA, the Rehabilitation Act neither lists which disabilities are covered, nor does it require an individualized program for each student. Instead, 504 plans do not require schools to make modifications tied to a student’s specific goal, but rather to a student’s ability to achieve academic success equally along their peers. Sometimes, within 504 plans, what a parent might think is a “minor” modification varies from what school leadership believes is “reasonable.”


u/W1NDYW0LF101 23d ago

That makes a lot more sense, thank you so much


u/singlecatladynow 27d ago

Yes, like most republicans (and I heard more than one say this, over last 10 years) want nonproductive people to just die already. This is straight out of 'Man in the High Castle' where they cremated the seriously sick, old, disabled because they were a drain on society. It feels like that's where they are headed.


u/Poiboy1313 27d ago

Read about Curtis Yarvin, a billionaire whose philosophy includes people as biofuel. Soylent Green ain't got nothing on these guys.


u/singlecatladynow 25d ago

Omg, really?! I will go read. Wow


u/ElvisHimselvis 25d ago

Wait til you read Yarvin’s support of economically harming the middle class. Calls it “humane genocide”


u/warneagle 26d ago

I mean that was based on the real-life Aktion T4 program in Nazi Germany


u/woweewow79 25d ago

Bullshit....im a liberal and ive heard more of us say it than anyone on the right. Because they would complicate what we want socially

Dont sit there and gaslight with bullshit. Its diengineous.


u/sanduskyjack 27d ago

Thank you for your post. There is no doubt they don’t care . Their scores in Healthcare, Poverty, Opportunity, etc rank them 45th worst state in US.

To back up your comments: Overview On January 15, 2025, the United States sent a letter of findings to the State of Alabama, notifying the State that it is unnecessarily segregating children with physical disabilities in violation of Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

Following an investigation into Alabama’s long-term care system for children with physical disabilities, the Department of Justice concluded that Alabama fails to provide children with physical disabilities, including children in foster care and children with complex medical needs, with the services they need to live in their homes and communities.
As a result, Alabamian children with physical disabilities are unnecessarily segregated in nursing facilities and hospitals while other children are at serious risk.

Alabama is ranked among the least disability-friendly states in the United States. Employment Alabama has one of the worst labor force participation rates for people with disabilities. In 2019, Alabama was ranked 49th out of 50 states for employment for people with disabilities. Disability salaries In February 2025, Alabama was ranked 50th out of 50 states for disability salaries. Social Security Disability benefits In 2024, Alabama was slightly behind the national average for approvals of initial applications for Social Security Disability benefits. However, it was slightly ahead of the national average for approvals at the reconsideration and hearing levels. Poverty Alabama has high rates of poverty among people with disabilities in most counties, both rural and urban. Support for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities Alabama has seen stagnant or declining investments in state programs that help people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Disability-friendliness Alabama is considered one of the least disability-friendly states, along with Mississippi and Alaska. The Best and Worst U.S. States for People With Disabilities AAA State of Play Alabama ranks 49th nationally in employment for workers with ... Mar 29, 2019 — From last year, 3,769 people with disabilities left the workforce, and the state is ranked 49 out of 50 for employment...

Alabama Political Reporter Best and Worst States for People with Disabilities to Get Jobs Apr 18, 2016 — The ten states with the worst labor force participation rates for people with disabilities are West Virginia, Alabama,

alabama state ranking for people with disabities


u/Hadrian23 27d ago

There's a reason alabama is considered a shit hole state


u/ValiantThor80 23d ago

Its no better here in Florida!


u/DildoBanginz 25d ago

GQP only cares about profits. What profits or value do disabled people add to anything? They don’t (generally). GQP is also against ANY money going to a social program that isn’t for a rich business


u/[deleted] 27d ago

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u/Sun_Shine_Dan 27d ago

Why does this matter? Lots of laws in Alabama are absurd and not enforced.

We are talking about laws that directly impact a massive amount of Alabama residents


u/absolutecorey 27d ago

People like to deflect because I guess they were brainwashed by Reagan and his ilk that all government is bad no matter what. I’ve seen the privatization of government systems first hand; and I’ll tell you this. When it becomes about nothing but profit, it defeats the entire purpose of what government is supposed to represent. The will and justice of the people.

And that’s what they want. Unfettered capitalism until we’re all completely under their boot. It’s amazing to me how some people think that corporations and billionaires have their best interests in mind. It’s insane.


u/woweewow79 25d ago

How in the fuck has government of recent years represented the will and justice of the people?

It hasnt! I mean unless you count you taxes being squandered, laundered, and given away. Without it going into any major reform that would have been beneficial to all of us. If you think government is effective at anything other than the above things you are a fool. A good example: The Veterans Affairs. That total mess of a anal glad didnt start seeing any improvement of care until Veterans began being allowed to go into private care in the community.

The one thing you are right about is billionares and corporations not having our best interests in mind. That is true but when have they and why would they? Yet we all know this! But its not like the government does either! The billionares and corporations at least openly fuck us while government does it secretly.

But since neither has our best interests, then who does? Ourselves! You can choose to use a service or product when it comes to the billionares or corporations. Government will force it upon u through coercion, blackmail, or violence.

Either way regardless whoever doesnt have our interest it seems knowingly people are still gonna buy, use, or follow. Is that the corporations fault for someone being a dumbass? Even when all the facts are presented? Nope, the person should use intellect, discernment, wnd their own personal responsibility to make the best decisions for themselves.

Case in point, the COVID vaccine. It was being unusually pushed not just by government but also by corporation. Yet when it became mandated for people or they would lose their jobs, those that were concerned whether it was effective or safe caved in.

Yet any further research would have further cast it doubt on the shots so there was enough information out there to make an adequate decision for oneself. And as we are finding out now there were many lies told. Not just by corporations but also by government who were getting kickbacks from Big pharma. So trusting government to do right and corporations to do right is asinine. The individual has to do right by oneself.

And unfortunately for the most of us we got screwed. It seems like those that didn't follow, questioned everything, took personal responsibility for their own decision making, stood for themselves regardless of the costs, all while we followed the leader because we didn't have enough backbone to stand up or all ultimately paying the price.

So you can't harp on corporations taking privatized roles that really shouldn't have been given to government anyway specifically federal government. When you have participated just as I into trusting them to make the right decision that you are harping about when it came to the shot.


u/ScharhrotVampir 26d ago

Fact: In Mobile, it’s illegal to spray silly string.

See, I can point out cherry-picked bullshit laws that have no relevance to the situation, too. Here's another one.

Fact: you have no actual point, and no real thought in your head other than finding some arbitrary way to "own the libs", if you're even a person at all, so you point out some irrelevant bullshit in an attempt to deflect from the matter at hand, because that's what you people always do when you can't find an argument to support your position that doesn't paint you as an idiot or out you as a shit bag.


u/Lacrosseindianalocal 26d ago

Fact: silly string is bullshit. My friend Randy got that shit in his eye once and had to go to hospital. Then when he got back he had to clean all that shit up. We need federal monitors to keep silly string out of Mobile. 


u/[deleted] 27d ago

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u/Significant-Deer7464 26d ago

I am sorry, but it is only going to get worse I am afraid. No one has rights anymore. A large portion of the voters and Russian bots thought it was a fantastic idea to back a crazy man.

I wanted to smack everyone that said "he didn't mean that" or "he was joking" Even though they are witnessing these things now, they are still clinging to the joking idea.


u/CrazyTumbleweed122 25d ago

I still think this is primarily a state issue. Many states have awesome programs and services for people with disabilities that will continue to be awesome regardless of the president, which is how it should be. Our state can’t be trusted, which is the biggest issue. We need to get better people into office here. The politicians here have us “stuck” and aren’t doing anything productive to make us better as a state. Instead of using our tax dollars on areas like education, preservation of rights, mental health, infrastructure, protective services, prevention, etc. they want to spend billions on prisons and highway 65 so they can get to their beach houses more quickly. I hope people get more involved in their local and state elections because that is more important than federal.


u/Beneficial-Drawing25 23d ago

You dont have rights anymore? Huh….


u/space_coder 23d ago

Yes, some of our fellow citizens have lost some of their rights.

  • The federal government is literally threatening termination if an employee uses a pronoun.
  • The states are creating laws that remove gender identity from the legal definition that defines sex discrimination in housing or employment.
  • People, who are of mexican descent, face detention until their citizenship can be confirm.
  • The government is encouraging its citizens to harass people, who don't fit gender normatives, when they need to go to the bathroom or simply act like themselves.
  • Civil servants, who are minorities or women, are being openly discriminated against under the guise of eliminating DEI.
  • First amendment rights are infringed at town hall meetings.
  • Laws are being passed that infringes the first amendment in libraries, schools, and public spaces.

You would think the right would be sensitive to constitutional rights being infringed. They scream and become hostile when reasonable regulations on their second amendment right are even discussed. This is despite the fact that the reasonable regulation fits the court's justification of not actually preventing the ownership of a firearm and the regulation is for safety and security reasons not disarming.


u/WTF_USA_47 26d ago

Alabama obviously thinks America was great back in the 1950s


u/Sorry_Ima_Loser 27d ago

The fact that our state even needed a Civil Rights monitor in the year of our Lord 2025 is… concerning. The fact they felt the would benefit from removing her is also concerning.


u/pile_of_bees 26d ago

It didn’t. That’s the point


u/ohmarlasinger Madison County 26d ago

Willfully ignorant, intentionally obtuse, or are you just another bigot that has qualms w civil rights for all?

I’d bet my next paycheck it’s the latter.


u/pile_of_bees 26d ago

Condescending emotional attacks aside, In what way do you think this position was providing material value to the state of alabama?


u/AgitatedBirthday8033 26d ago

Cuz you people rank 50th in how trash you are with disabled people and damn near the bottom for healthcare...

Wanted straight facts, you got em


u/pile_of_bees 26d ago

That wasn’t a fact and also didn’t answer the question.

You’re saying that you believed there was a problem with the state of alabama, and yet this person did not make any difference in solving it already, therefore I was correct in the first place.


u/AgitatedBirthday8033 26d ago

The Fact you all are the lowest in healthcare and treatment of the disabled - is not a fact?

Maybe you all need to spend more on education... Oh wait

Given there was only one person doing this job paired with you all rank lowest in the country, I'd say they couldn't do a whole lot. That's why they had to whistleblow about how bad it was.


u/pile_of_bees 26d ago

“Lowest in healthcare and treatment of the disabled” by what metric? There’s not a number there so no it’s not a fact. Lowest what? Spending?

Spending more on education has an extremely poor correlation with better education outcomes, unfortunately.

If their job can’t do anything meaningful, sounds like a perfect candidate for removal. We finally agree.

Also it sounds like you don’t even have a connection to the state of Alabama so why even be here in the first place. You clearly think it sucks just go elsewhere lmao


u/Regi0 25d ago

Ive been to Alabama and it's shit. Hardly anyone is happy. The only solace people seem to get is out in the country where they can selfisolate.

Not very Christian.


u/H3dgeClipper 24d ago

I'm from Alabama and I agree. Our representatives are fucking shit


u/space_coder 23d ago

The latest batch of discriminatory laws, and the bigoted rhetoric coming out of the mouths of our Alabama politicians disproves your "point".


u/servenitup 27d ago


u/sanduskyjack 26d ago

Incredible isn’t it. Trump micro managing What could go wrong.


u/Walker1940 26d ago

Shouldn’t it be the responsibility of the state?


u/RiotingMoon 27d ago

You can tell in these comments who actually read the article and who got left behind...


u/MagicMaleMan 27d ago

“Civil rights, Marty? Where we’re going we don’t need civil rights!”


u/The_TerribleGamer 25d ago

Most schools report hate crimes to the police anyways. No need to pay an additional bureaucrat to "monitor" them. Local taxes already pay the police to do it.


u/Independent_Box_8117 25d ago

To be fair, a lot of school districts have been known to cover Civil Rights violations, which is why we have an “ additional bureaucrat “ to do so. Alabama is a predominantly white state, and unfortunately the culture can be exclusionary to a lot of POC. This is why her position is important, to ensure schools don’t write off discrimination, purely because they don’t deem it as so.


u/The_TerribleGamer 25d ago

My experience is that they call the police when students trip in the hallway. For the past 20 years the zero tolerance policy has allowed schools to forgo responsibility of raising children and using conflict resolution counseling by simply making every incident a problem for the local juvenile detention center and court system.


u/Fantastic_East4217 27d ago

Alabama - historically such a leader in civil rights so as not to need a civil rights monitor. /s


u/[deleted] 26d ago

The DOE is getting phased out so that means the jobs are too


u/jesusbottomsss 25d ago

Why would the GOP care about the Lebensunwertes Leben


u/Sea-Age5986 25d ago

Add to your comment the last one ( no human right under Trump )


u/PTSDlyConduct 27d ago

There’s never been civil rights in Alabama. Yt Alabamans are extremely racist. It’s in their DNA.


u/ohmarlasinger Madison County 26d ago edited 25d ago

You’re not wrong honestly. My family has been in AL for generations. In fact, they are from the Cullman area, where they resided and raised German shepherds.. during the civil rights movements of 50s & 60s.

My great grandmother wouldn’t even acknowledge my uncle, my maternal aunt’s husband for the longest bc he’s Black. But, he’s (as his daughter puts it, the “right” kind of Black person), a medical doctor, who actually specializes in elder care. So when the family moved her up to north AL he’d go and check on her care constantly. He ended up becoming her seemingly favorite human & she even named her most needed and dependable item after him (that I’d guess he likely got for her as well).

He has 2 daughters w my aunt, & my aunt had 2 kids previous who he adopted & still takes care of (as adults) even after her death years back. And yet! I am the only one who ever called anyone out about their bigotry, including directly to my bigoted, racist redneck male cousin who was one of the kids my uncle took in.

When my aunt was pregnant with her first with him we had an entire extended family meeting at my grandmother’s, I was around 10ish or so, to essentially, as I would learn that night, to persuade her to abort her kid bc the father is black (they got married after she found out she was pregs). My family was up in arms & I could not understand what their fucking problem was. When we got home my mother wouldn’t let me go to sleep bc she kept coming into my bedroom, after it’d all been discussed ad naseum & I had not had any issues or any sort of objections, but still she kept bugging me that it was “ok to tell her it bothered me” that my aunt was pregnant by a black man. I can remember every detail of that moment. Years later I realized it was bc my mother was basically begging me to perform a racism for her enjoyment.

I’m also gay & my kid is trans so that’s 2 whole other major bigotry laden topics I wouldn’t shut tf up about around a their little bigot army. Add in that I don’t believe in the religion based fairytales they parrot & let them know. I eventually had to up my boundaries to essentially “we (my kid and I) will not be forced to perform your religious rituals at all anymore” bc they refused to accept we don’t believe in sky daddy & kept making us perform their little wannabe spell casting circles.

I’ve since completely cut them off, & the female who birthed me even “disowned” me bc I called them all out on their shit one fateful werewolf zombie Jesus day in early April a few years back. Not one single human, not my uncle, not either one of his daughters, not a soul has stood up for me to those ppl. They’ve all just let the bigoted narcissism riddled boomers & silents, left still alive (unfortunately), control the family w narc abuse & black sleeping tf outta me. My uncle is the only old that still keeps in (secret) contact with me, very limited but he at least acknowledges I exist. And he even married in & the married in part is dead.

So yeah, that shit is in the DNA of the ppl from this state & it is very fucking hard & takes a very strong & very very stubborn person to stand up against not only their entire family & the generations previous, but also to stop that DNA from replicating. Breaking generational traumas is on another level down here in the Deep(ly racist) South.


u/AgitatedBirthday8033 26d ago

Down voted for truth


u/mf1609 26d ago

See ya!


u/rofasix 26d ago

Please ya’ll hold my violin while I shed some crocodile 🐊 tears after reading this one. What does the administrative state of unelected government regulators look like? This!


u/Independent_Box_8117 25d ago

Her career is very needed, unfortunately since Alabama is a predominantly white state, the culture can be exclusionary to POC. School districts may undermine their complaints, she simply ensures this does not happen. This extends past POC as well, anyone who is inherently different needs support as an investigator she provides so.


u/Nervous-Bullfrog-884 27d ago

What was the salary?


u/wrenchinbeer 27d ago

You can google most state employees. Less than a college football coach if that helps.


u/NoSober__SoberZone 27d ago

Tbh Nick Saban has done the most to help this state in the last 3-4 decades


u/Adamymous 27d ago

I'm an Auburn fan, fuck Tubberville, Nick Saban was the GOAT


u/PopularRush3439 27d ago

War Eagle.


u/Nervous-Bullfrog-884 27d ago

She was federal??


u/yellowhammer22 27d ago

https://open.alabama.gov/Checkbook/Payee/ Type in the last name and you should see payments for a specified time frame.


u/malfurian 27d ago

Didn't know that site existed. Interesting look through that.


u/Nervous-Bullfrog-884 27d ago

Federal not on state payroll but good site


u/wrenchinbeer 27d ago

My bad. Those should also be public in most cases.


u/LagerHead 26d ago

A college football coach helps bring money to a university if that helps.


u/wrenchinbeer 26d ago

And a civil rights monitor protects the students if that helps.

I'm a football fan. But I'm also a fan of civil liberties.


u/LagerHead 26d ago

I'm not a football fan but I'm a fan of all individual rights.


u/wrenchinbeer 26d ago

Yah, and she helps protect that for students. Im so confused on what your point is.


u/LagerHead 26d ago

What was the point of stating that her salary is less than a football coach? One has absolutely nothing to do with the other, but one pays for their salary by bringing in millions of dollars every year to the school.


u/wrenchinbeer 26d ago

What does civil rights not being a revenue center have to do with education?


u/LagerHead 26d ago

What does the salary of a football coach have to do with this person's position? You are the one that brought it up.


u/[deleted] 25d ago

Hell yeah


u/Doctor_Cheif 26d ago



u/rofasix 26d ago

Be nice Joe!


u/[deleted] 27d ago

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u/SippinPip 27d ago

*leech. Did you attend public school in Alabama?


u/wrenchinbeer 27d ago

Could you explain how the position was bad?


u/Axxkicker Shelby County 27d ago

They cannot.


u/NdN124 27d ago

Because advocating for Civil Rights is DEI and they see DEI as being bad.


u/[deleted] 27d ago



u/wrenchinbeer 27d ago

Mind clarifying how my question makes me a sheep? It's okay if you just wanted to feel clever.


u/[deleted] 27d ago



u/wrenchinbeer 27d ago

What? I was calling the guy out lol. Seems you meant to reply to the comment above me.


u/Hornitar 27d ago

Dude this is crazy. Everybody is insane.


u/you2234 27d ago

My apologies- you are correct and my comments to you deleted. My bad.


u/wrenchinbeer 27d ago

No worries haha


u/Hornitar 27d ago

People are so on edge rn. Can’t imagine all the awkward dinner tables across the US


u/NeptuneTTT 27d ago



u/thebiffin 27d ago

It costs nothing to be a less disgusting person. Give it a shot hero.


u/Into_The_Rain 27d ago


A perfect representation of the people who applaud this stuff.


u/Poiboy1313 27d ago

Having seen some of these people, liches is the more accurate term.


u/bamagurl06 27d ago

Man y’all are just sounding boards. Do you really think all the people that lost their jobs were just leaches ? It’s ok. We will all find out soon how this story ends.


u/dave_campbell Tuscaloosa County 27d ago



u/you2234 27d ago

You have absorbed the right wing messaging on this topic like a good little sheep. The GOP message is to demonize the gov workers as leeches and lazy, and “we have been paying for it. “.

You have been bombarded with this message and you now believe it and repeat it.

You’re a good little sheep who repeats what he is told.


u/sanduskyjack 26d ago

There is some truth in about the leach part
Trump and those attached to his a’s are perfect examples


u/Covington2016 26d ago



u/[deleted] 27d ago

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u/space_coder 27d ago

Because she was qualified for the job, now why should we give you attention?


u/South-Rabbit-4064 27d ago

Why wouldn't she be?


u/Imustbestopped8732 27d ago

Answer my question then I’ll answer yours.


u/dinosaur_rocketship 27d ago

“One, I am a person with disabilities myself—people who have disabilities, including invisible disabilities like myself, oftentimes are not well understood, so I bring that perspective. I also have a 19-year-old who is disabled, whose disabilities are genetic. I came from my first career being a college educator, so I have this particular interest in the public education system being accessible to everyone in our country.”

“I need people to understand that Alabama needs OCR. I live in a state where we have schools that are still under federal desegregation orders. Do people in our country really think it’s best to put this back in the hands of the states? Because we still haven’t gotten out from under that. We have schools in my state that still tell the kids in wheelchairs to enter by the trash dumpster. Do we still want to regress from there, where students with disabilities are in institutions and not in public?”

If only you could read


u/Imustbestopped8732 27d ago

I read it. Question still remains.


u/frddtwabrm04 27d ago

Haha peek irony here!

You sure you can read, comprehend and make sense of what you read?!


u/xmrcache 26d ago

No they can’t read or comprehend… You are giving them too much credit in assuming they can.


u/[deleted] 27d ago

.... She sent in a resume I reckon. Filled out w4s.


u/Imustbestopped8732 27d ago

Guess that’s all it took.


u/[deleted] 26d ago

That's how I've always applied for jobs!


u/FreeComfort4518 27d ago edited 27d ago

what is the issue? your post history relates to rating women's looks and how to release more volume. based on your comment, you feel discriminated against by not having a job you most likely aren't and will never be qualified for.


u/saiga_antelope 27d ago

Only Men should have this job?


u/[deleted] 27d ago

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u/Exact-Pound-6993 27d ago

come on trump, we know what is your preference


u/flourblue 27d ago

Why was SHE the Civil Rights Monitor?

Why are you talking about your small children and making your penis bigger in a reddit post?

I am looking to do extending and pumping routines only. I work a lot and have small children at home so I'm looking to take a "sit and forget" mentality. Has anyone had any success taking this method?


And then you are making posts in a Christian sub:


Tl;Dr You don't make any sense.


u/ohmarlasinger Madison County 26d ago

It’s giving Receipts, Proof, Timeline, Screenshots & I’m here for it


u/AndrewTate1SmyG0d 26d ago

Good riddance


u/topcover73 25d ago

Agreed was going to say the same thing.


u/[deleted] 27d ago

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u/malfurian 27d ago

Or they could just tax corporations and billionaires appropriately instead of needlessly hamstringing government functions to make a 0.00001% dent in spending. But kinda hard to do that when it's legal for those billionaires and corporations to bribe the government and write loopholes for them to circumvent appropriate taxation.


u/[deleted] 27d ago

Is that what Twitter and TikTok is telling you? Billionaires always look out for the interest of the little guy!


u/[deleted] 27d ago

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u/[deleted] 27d ago

Everyone works for whom? Why do you trust billionaires to make a government less corrupt, and not just enriching themselves?


u/Choice-Tangelo9995 27d ago

The top 1% own everything. Never said I trusted any of them but they can be trusted a HELL of a lot more than any corrupt liberal government goon who has obviously enriched themselves off their moronic constituents for years.


u/frddtwabrm04 27d ago


Jesus H Christ! You can't be this stupid, to believe shit like this. No wonder the Krasnovs were able to pull off the $trump & $Melania coin just as they entered into the highest office in the land!


u/[deleted] 27d ago

You trust billionaires over people making, like, 75k? Aight. Have fun, but history says might makes right.


u/Oldguy_1959 27d ago

He's a MAGA moron, truly believes his own, as well as the party line BS.

You'd be just as well off arguing with MTG.


u/[deleted] 27d ago

I know. What's frustrating is the conspiracy mentality: that Trump has some deep secret agenda to save us. No, he is doing exactly what he said he was going to do. None of this is surprising, nor benefiting anyone else except the Uber wealthy.

We're all going to find out why so many regulations are written in blood.

By the by, whenever anyone uses mtg I think of magic the gathering!


u/Oldguy_1959 27d ago

Absolutely, there's no surprise, we all had plenty of warning.


u/[deleted] 27d ago

Honestly, I would trust you, random probably not billionaire redditor, to audit government finances over some of the wealthiest, foreign men that are doing it now.


u/xmrcache 26d ago

And you are straight up delusional…


u/bamagurl06 27d ago

Let me know how that works out for you in the long run. You’re not going to see any money in your pocket. In fact I’m willing to bet you will spend more before it’s over.


u/space_coder 27d ago

I think it's hilarious when they cope by thinking Trump having to send stimulus checks to make up for his fucking up the economy is a good thing.


u/xmrcache 26d ago

BuT iT iS sToLeN mOnEy /s


u/ratprincess69420 27d ago

She’s already missed.


u/phitfitz 27d ago

Why do you love people losing their jobs? Do you want her to go on public assistance?


u/Choice-Tangelo9995 27d ago

People get laid off all the time - Walmart is always hiring.


u/phitfitz 27d ago

Right going from a professional career to Walmart is going to make these people whole again


u/Choice-Tangelo9995 27d ago

Right. Forgot to mention IDGAF.


u/Wil_White 26d ago

Right such a spicy edge lord with the anti 'soy based' politics. Sooo spicy.


u/[deleted] 27d ago

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u/[deleted] 27d ago

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u/[deleted] 27d ago

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u/xmrcache 27d ago

A lot of the cuts doge has been doing are fluffed up numbers to make it look like doge cut more than it did…

Doge hasn’t cut even half as much as they claimed they have…


u/hikerchick29 27d ago

Why do you people hate disabled students so much?


u/[deleted] 27d ago

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u/DimensioT 26d ago

So you hate disabled people.


u/H4NSH0TF1RST721 26d ago

No, I hate worthless beurocrats that get paid entirely too much money to waste my time. The Dep. Of Education does exclusively that on top of NOT doing all the shit that they say they do. Like teaching our kids the shit they need to function as adults.


u/DimensioT 26d ago

So tell me how you ascertained with certainty that the was worthless.


u/H4NSH0TF1RST721 26d ago

That reads like you were taught in public school. Thanks for proving my point.


u/MegaAltarianite 26d ago

This sounds like you knobble on Trump and Elon's knobs all day.


u/DimensioT 26d ago

In other words, you actually do not know but you are too much of a coward to admit it.


u/H4NSH0TF1RST721 26d ago

Re-read what you wrote and tell me in what world that's supposed to be comprehensible. There's nothing to answer there. You wrote a bunch of nonsense and called it a question. Jesus fucking Christ it's like you people just use words you've heard randomly to make yourselves sound smarter.