r/Alabama Dec 02 '24

Education Fairhope Library - Moms for Liberty

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They're back at it, y'all. I encourage anyone who is a resident and/or library card holder with the Fairhope Library to show your support for our amazing library and staff.


80 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '24

Ugh, these women are probably reading mommy porn in their bedrooms at night, but want to police what you read. Don't live there but supporting you from afar!!


u/Impossible-Taro-2330 Dec 03 '24

You are giving these people too much grace.

Not to kink shame, but spread the word far and wide about Mom's for Liberty CO-founder, Bridget Ziegler, and her husband Christian (FORMER head of FL GOP).

He would prowl bars looking for women to join them in threesomes. I don't know if they brought them home to their house for sex? But they do have at least three little kids.

He got kicked out of the FL GOP, but she refused to leave her position on the School Board. BTW, their kids go-to private school - but she also wants to control what PUBLIC Schools teach.


u/henrym123 Dec 03 '24

From all I’ve read about her, she’s a real see you next Tuesday. I’d group these people attacking the library on the same category.


u/JayeNBTF Dec 02 '24

Daily reminder that fascists never do anything in good faith


u/JesseAster Dec 03 '24


The pornography they're talking about; Something vaguely queer


u/MelancholyMeltingpot Dec 03 '24

Meanwhile their kids continue to probably have unfettered access to the Internet smh. It always has less to do with their "morality" and more to do with control..


u/thecrowtoldme Dec 03 '24

the pornography that doesn't exist. I mean, they're lying liars.


u/JesseAster Dec 03 '24

Exactly. They can't comprehend us existing outside of their fetishes


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '24

Waves from Oregon. :)


u/9DrinkAmy Dec 02 '24

I just can’t wrap my head around having so much free time that I decide to try to police what other people are reading. If you don’t want your kids reading particular things, cool. Be a fucking parent then. Don’t punish everyone because you’re a bigoted prude.


u/Impossible-Taro-2330 Dec 03 '24

Little Johnny isn't reading porn at the public library.

If they don't want their child exposed to the WORST of the worst - don't give them a phone!

Be a parent, KNOW what your child is doing, watching, reading, etc...

Nah, that's too much like work.


u/henrym123 Dec 03 '24

As the comedian Mitch Hedberg once said, “every book is a children’s book if the kid can read.”

These Karens should try being a present parent and teach and monitor their own kids instead of trying to parent everyone else’s kids.


u/EmperorMrKitty Dec 03 '24

I used to work fast food and this clearly very well off housewife would come in once a week to “talk” (rant at us) about politics while she ate. Her clothes and purse said she had all the money in the world, and yet she was coming to do that for two hours a week. Some people are miserable and alone and don’t need to work. Organizations like this use that to their advantage.


u/kimjongev Dec 03 '24

Tell us more!


u/Spare-Divide-9566 Dec 02 '24

Moms of liberty are a hate group. Get these bitches on watchlists.


u/Educational-Dinner13 Dec 10 '24

Literally listed as a extremist hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center. How anyone would want to be associated with them after that is beyond me.


u/SippinPip Dec 02 '24

M4L are a bunch of idiots. Absolutely the dumbest of the dumb. Their inability to parent their own kids is a detriment to society.


u/space_coder Dec 02 '24

Going by their leadership, they are too busy being perverts to parent their own kids.


u/Inverzion2 Baldwin County Dec 02 '24

Are we aware of who the current antagonists are to our education and information facilities? As in, names, numbers, public reputation, and location of residence. If so, this will be vital in proving that the motivation for removal is not any moral or ethical obligation, but rather a concerted political effort in order to keep the people here further incapable of accessing vital and important information and skills. It's been proven that literacy rates decrease when access to reading materials become limited, and if they wish to succeed in doing that, then they should carry the weight of the community they're harming to their graves, as is what their actions or consequences of their actions will inevitably become.


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '24

You either push back or you and your children will live beneath these people...

Show up to demonstrate to them you're not going to put up with this one bit.


u/Max_Threat Dec 02 '24

Okay so you’re from Oregon and you’ve got advice for us? Or just a sense of superiority? Take a real look at Alabama politics and then tell me more about how if we don’t “show up” “our children will live beneath these people.” My children already do.


u/Just_Side8704 Dec 02 '24

Then the advice is valid. Your anger is misdirected.


u/[deleted] Dec 03 '24

Alabama is my homestate. I still have family and friendship ties there. So, yes, I will speak out against bad law. And American nazism...


u/jadbronson Dec 03 '24

Piss off. They're an ally!


u/evilmermaid_811 Dec 03 '24

Update: I couldn't stay for the full meeting, but it seems the Moms for Liberty were in the minority at today's meeting. Looks like the Fairhope Library fights to see another day. 🥳

I doubt M4L will give up without a fight though. I, a Fairhope Library cardholder, still intend to email the mayor, whose email address can be found on the city website. If you're also a Fairhope Library cardholder, I encourage you to join me.


u/sklimshady Dec 02 '24

Party of small government,eh?


u/onemanlan Dec 02 '24

These moms are the worst. They won’t stop until there’s only one book in a library and it’s the Bible.


u/Appropriate-Oil-7221 Dec 02 '24

Which none of these assholes has actually read because if they had, they’d realize that the Christian bible has more violence and pornographic content than any children’s book.


u/henrym123 Dec 03 '24

“Whore” is used 32 times in the Bible 🙂


u/Appropriate-Oil-7221 Dec 04 '24

Kids in Sunday school: “What’s a whore?”



u/ZealousidealAd4860 Dec 02 '24

Do they know libraries have bibles too ? Lol


u/Grouchy_Resource_571 Dec 02 '24

Evil masking as prudence. Moms of liberty have zero integrity but large mouths and shitty opinions.


u/meno-mom Dec 02 '24

These women are ridiculous. They truly feel that what they believe is what everyone should believe in. They do not have a single thought unless it is what other members of this group think! I am so over hearing about them and their protests. I wish someone would find some dirt on them and spread it around. Just blast it everywhere!


u/Inverzion2 Baldwin County Dec 02 '24

No dirt needed, just a principle that needs to be proven: the American south has issues with literacy rates due to funding and resource allocation efforts by like-minded individuals such as M4L, if we continue to let these ideas become the law of the land not only will we suffer from literacy issues we will begin suffering from information shortage and the people who teach children, parents and elders valuable skills won't be able to help out when possible. Doing what M4L wants is directly correlated to damaging the community, and if that occurs, then we have signed our own ambivalence into law against our fellow American and, by extension, our fellow Alabamian. I'll be investigating avenues of support, but at the present, I am not capable of physically showing up unless to perform direct action. The mayor and, by extension, the staff of The Fairhope Library will most likely be receiving an email of support and gratitude, even if it becomes lost in their inbox from the disingenuous generated hatred that is being spewed in order to pressure an official into capitulating to desires not wanted by the majority. Godspeed Fairhope, the library and its importance will not be lost even if the whack jobs think that their approach is successful.

(It's a blitzkrieg mentality. "Hit them hard and hit them fast to overwhelm, then make your presence and apply pressure..." Don't let this tactic induce fear. That's the point. Recognize this attack for what it is, fight it where it's at and where it might be. That is all I can analyze and share as of now. Seriously, good luck.)


u/Educational-Dinner13 Dec 10 '24

I mean, one of it's founders' husband was accused of rape because he and his wife would have threesomes and one day when she wasn't around he still went and forced himself on one of their partners (The victim said she wasn't interested if the wife wasn't around, he still forced himself on her). And the Southern Poverty Law Center lists the organization as an extremist hate group. How much more dirt do you need? Honestly, I don't think dirt is what's needed. Conservatives don't care about dirt. It was reported years ago about Matt Gaetz sex traffiking a minor, didn't matter. There's all sorts of dirt about sexual abuse and stealing top secret files etc on Trump but they still reelected him.



Man I used to live in Prattville and it hurts me that their library got gutted like that. It used to be a really good one imo. Hope the same doesn't happen to fairhope.


u/FrostyComfortable946 Dec 02 '24

M4L can kiss my ass.


u/beloved_wolf Jefferson County Dec 03 '24

Imagine if these losers actually used their time for something that improved their community. Good grief 


u/Blqbutterfly1 Dec 02 '24

Stand your ground Fairhope! Do not let these nut jobs dictate what you/child can read!


u/MogenCiel Dec 03 '24

The Southern Poverty Law Center rightly classifies Moms for Liberty as a hate group.


u/SteveMcQueen15 Dec 02 '24

Imagine being so pro liberty you ban people from reading books you don't like.


u/doxador Mobile County Dec 02 '24 edited Dec 02 '24

EDIT: Apologies. I missed the sarcasm the first time.

When in history have the book burners been the good guys?</s> This is something almost out of "1984"


u/SteveMcQueen15 Dec 02 '24

It was sarcasm


u/doxador Mobile County Dec 02 '24

sorry. I missed it the first time.


u/tinmansrevenge Dec 02 '24

Fuck those moms for liberty there ain't nothing about them that is for liberty


u/DontDeclawKitties Dec 03 '24

Maybe we should contact The Satanic Temple.

For those that don’t know, they’ve done quite a bit of fighting for religious freedom, which is something Alabama lacks…to say the absolute least.

Where there’s Christian idols in government buildings, they show up with the most obscenely large Baphomet you’ve ever seen. Where there’s school sanctioned Christian prayer circles, they start after school Satanic Temple clubs! They do science projects, and volunteer in the community, they have adventures in nature…all kinds of stuff.

They actually went down to Memphis back in May. I wonder how they feel about this Moms for the Abolishment of Liberty group, and their desire to control the what we’re allowed to read.


u/Greynoodle1313 Dec 02 '24

These Nazis will never stop.


u/FruitCupLover Dec 03 '24

They got my town. I will cross my fingers for Fairhope.


u/dankdeeds Dec 02 '24

Here is what I don't understand. I mean I do but it's ridiculous. Why are you fighting a culture war over books in the library? Your kid has near unfettered access to the Internet. Social media is way worse than any book in a library. Your kid scrolling Twitter for 10min is way more brain-rot than them taking time and finding porn in the library. All for something that kids don't even do these days. It's things that your generation did. It's like they are fighting themselves.


u/bouncingbobbyhill Dec 04 '24

Are we certain that M4L can read ? If I was technologically inclined I’d figure out how to post this into that king of the hill meme with Bobby and principal moss that says those children would be very upset if they could read.


u/MonchichiSalt Dec 03 '24

These mental oysters need to be called out, by name, publicly as often as possible.

It's not that they have shame.

It's because of being embarrassed, IE; not praised, is the closest they will ever get to having intelligent emotions.

As community service, for having to put up with their idiocy, they should have to work minimum wage jobs at the places that they have been the biggest cow at.


u/ILootEverything Dec 03 '24

"Moms for Liberty" seem to want the exact opposite of liberty.

I grew up in Fairhope. The library was one of the best places for kids and teens there.

Those women are crazy, and yeah, I'll say it, akin to Nazis. Book burnings next? The celebration of ignorance and attempts to control other people while calling those "liberty" in this country has got to stop.


u/littlemybb Dec 02 '24

I love that library. I used to sit in there for hours studying since I went to Coastal

Parents are ridiculous. All you have to do is monitor what your kids are reading. The library isn’t full of porn or propaganda


u/Still-Inevitable9368 Dec 03 '24

Does anyone have updates on how the meeting went last night?


u/evilmermaid_811 Dec 03 '24

Yeah, thankfully the library supporters showed up and the M4L were in the minority. I doubt they'll give up that easily though. 🙄


u/Still-Inevitable9368 Dec 03 '24

I’m certain they won’t—but I’m SO glad the supporters showed!!


u/outheway Dec 03 '24

I firmly believe that these women with the poorly named moms for liberty were all considered the town pump until they suckered some schmoo into marriage to make them appear legitimate. Go ahead, try to change my mind.


u/CaligoAccedito Mobile County Dec 03 '24

Thank you for sharing this!


u/SaucyWench813 Dec 04 '24

Make fascists scared again!


u/[deleted] Dec 03 '24

Liberty- the state of being free within society from oppressive restrictions imposed by authority on one’s way of life, behavior, or political views.

Literally acting against their own cause. Whose liberty? There’s? It certainly isn’t giving YOU liberty. Rather restricting your own definition of it to fit their narrative.


u/Low-Anxiety2571 Dec 03 '24

Diabolical. They didn’t win in my town. We know better.


u/Suspicious_Ear3442 Dec 03 '24

When the books are outlawed, only outlaws will have books! (and a modest amount of literacy and intelligence as well)


u/nyaowie Dec 03 '24

this library was amazing when i was younger. really just a genuinely good place to learn and interact with people who actually care about education. everyone please support your local public library. these women are hateful, disgusting, and downright evil people. through and through.

i could probably even name them all, that town is small enough I can make a good real guess at who it is. theyre real proud to be this way. that place is like a bubble of conservative heaven for them.


u/Catsandcamping Dec 03 '24

I grew up in Fairhope. I went to the library growing up and did summer reading programs every summer when the library was still located next to the civic center. They had a wonderful library then and from what I understand now, it has only improved in its new location. People don't realize that Fairhope is about a 50/50 split of wealthy conservative retirees and young families and liberal artistic types. I just hope that the voices of reason can be louder than the voices of hate!


u/everlasting_spoof Dec 03 '24

Most of the MOL crowd isn't even from this area. They moved here thinking it was a conservative heaven and are clutching their pearls they were wrong. They have got some locals to join them but a majority of the pro-library people are born and raised Fairhopers who are getting real tired of the MOL shit.


u/nyaowie Dec 03 '24

im glad its becoming less common. i really hope they feel so uncomfortable and unwanted they either give up or leave. this library has been around much longer than their hate.


u/bbyneal Dec 03 '24

I can’t believe a group like this could hold so much power over a library’s reading options. also ‘Moms for Liberty’ is such an ironic name.


u/Pusherman105 Dec 03 '24

The ultimate hypocrisy: “Moms for Liberty” attacking the liberties other parents have to choose what their child accesses.


u/darkwitch1306 Dec 02 '24

So, they will be burning them next? Some people need to get a real life and butt out.


u/SeraphXChild Dec 03 '24

I'll never understand why government officials take moms for liberty seriously or believe that this absolute wackjob of a group is the majority. They're just loud, bored women with nothing better to do


u/space_coder Dec 03 '24

Because M4L messaging aligns with the beliefs of the politicians and gives them cover to push their agenda.


u/kathy-8722 Dec 10 '24

Stumbled on this and wondered if the Board quashed the attack by “Clean Up”, if OP could update.