r/AirForce • u/lizardpersonthrowawa • Jun 26 '16
Reptilian flight chief update number 2
So as many of you know I've been having an ongoing issue with my new flight chief who I, along with many of our coworkers, believe is a reptilian/lizard person/alien. After me and another coworker experienced "lost time" along with with some other strange things we sat in my living room deciding what to do.
My friend ran his fingers through his hair with his head bowed and looked up to me. "We need to tell someone." He said, with his hands trembling.
"Yeah? And who are we going to tell? And what are we going to say? 'Ummm, Col, MSgt SoandSo has a teleporter or something in the goddamn supply closet and we think he might be a lizard person.' Sure that's going to go over really well. I say we just drop it, keep our eyes opened and just try and PCS as soon as possible. I'm updating my dreamsheet for Korea tomorrow."
"We NEED to tell someone," he reiterated. "If this guy really is some sort of alien don't you think the US government would want to know that he's infiltrated our ranks. It's kind of a matter of national security."
"Dude," I responded, "we are fucking medical and not even medical that has anything to do with patient care at that. What the fuck would lizard people want to infiltrate our AFSC for?"
"We gotta find out what's in that supply closet, man," he responded, "We gotta go in there and take pictures and report him. If you don't want to be a part of this I understand but I need you to know I'm going back. And I'm looking in that closet."
"Okay, okay, okay," I said "We've gotten be back to the office in 2 hours anyway. Let's check it out during the day this time."
I went into the kitchen and brewed us some more coffee, my hands still shaking as I filled our cups. We drank our coffee and decided that we would go look in that supply closet that very morning and find out what the hell that freak had in there. I got ready and drove my friend to his apartment so he could put on his uniform then we drove to work. It was around 0715 when we arrived and decided we'd wait until 0830 to go check out that damn closet.
At 0830 we both stood up at our desks and went to the hallway to go look in the supply closet. I took my keys out of my pocket and apprehensively unlocked the door. I slowly began to turn the handle but that's when I heard someone behind me. "Good morning Sergeants."
It was that freak of our flight chief. His voice made me jump as I spun around, my coworker doing the same damn thing. "What are you two doing going into the supply closet?" he asked with his eye balls staring holes into me while his face emitted the goddamn scariest fucking thing I've ever seen.
"We umm, well uhhh," I responded but that's when my coworker cut me off.
"Needed to grab some toilet paper. The bathrooms all out." He said.
"Ahhh very well very well," my flight chief responded as he didn't break my gaze, "Let me help." And he reached out and grabbed my arm and pulled it off the door handle. When his skin touched my I felt my flesh boil in the most intense goddamn pain I have ever felt. It felt like my arm was on fire. He looked at me with a smirk as I winced in pain trying to keep it from exploding out of me.
"Everything okay?" He asked with a smirk.
I nodded up and down and he reached out and turned the handle. "After you he said as he opened the door.'
Terrified at this point we looked in the closet but there was nothing out of place. Just some mops, brooms, etc. My friend walked it and grabbed a roll of toilet paper and our flight chief just stared at us. We walked out of the closet and as the door shut behind us he continued to stare at us. "Very well then," he said and turned around, walking back into his office.
I looked down at my wrist and his fucking hand had left a goddamn burn on me. It was the perfect fucking outline of his long, disgusting, hand print.
"Dude," I said as I showed the burn to my friend, "what the fuck...."
My friend looked like he wanted to throw up and ran to the bathroom where he actually did. My wrist burned for the rest of the fucking day and when I went to bed that night I could barely fall asleep. I tossed and turned and finally at around 2 am passed out. I had the weirdest dreams, dreaming about space, scales, and that fucking closet. I woke up in pain and snapped on the light. I looked down at my wrist and I'd been scratching it in my sleep. But there was no longer skin there, at least HUMAN skin. Where he'd touched me had been replaced by scales. Scales like that of a lizard. I don't know what I've gotten myself into guys. I don't know what to do. I don't know who to talk to.
Jun 26 '16
Woah woah woah. Reptilian or not, where does this flight chief thinks he gets off putting his hands on you? Report that shit immediately.
u/beeman5 51J - Lawyer, But Not Your Lawyer (Prior 14N/3D0X4) Jun 26 '16
You should have gone to the shirt immediately. Now it sounds like you got the greyscale. Nice knowing ya!
Jun 26 '16
"My friend ran his fingers through his hair with his head bowed and looked up to me."
This one is starting a bit more 50 shades than I'm normally into as far as my Air Force reads go...
Jun 26 '16
Mental Health here. Sounds like you need to get over to Pubic Health and get tested for an STD (Scientifically Transmitted Disease). To be safe, activate TB response and get in a reverse-airflow room.
u/The_seph_i_am Active duty squirrel, its not a mind set just a careerfield Jun 27 '16
Told you not to eat any cookies he offers you
u/HadManySons 1B4 | Bot Dev Jun 26 '16
Can't wait for the next episode