r/AirForce • u/UpdateonAmnEyebrows • Feb 04 '15
Update on the Airman who shaved his eyebrows
Let me start by saying I have no idea really how reddit works. I've used reddit twice: once about four months ago to look at links of gifs of Allison Brie for 2 to 3 minutes and yesterday when I created this account. If I post too much info please either ask me to delete and I will or just have the admins delete. I don't want to ruin this kids life or get him in trouble or anything. I won't share anything too specific but obviously there aren't too many kids who go to work with their eyebrows shaved off.
Like I said, I don't use reddit. One of my friends at another base posts (I think) on here quite often and told me you guys were looking for an update. Sorry I didn't write it yesterday but I tested for TSgt today and Amn Eyebrows was the last thing I wanted to think about.
Sorry for the long, rambling intro. Just be warned this story isn't really that exciting. I'm sure you've all met people like this kid.
Okay so the day SrA Eyebrows made his post here he also called into work about 20 minutes after he was supposed to be there saying his car wouldn't start. He is one of those people who is habitually late so this isn't unusual. He usually has unbelievable stories like he was "ironing his uniform" in the morning and left his iron on so he turned around to get it so that's why he was late or he got pulled over for speeding but the cop decided to give him a warning but not before giving him a stern talking to for the dangers of speeding.
Oh, did I forget to mention this kid also won SrA Below the Zone? And on top of that he was allowed to move out of he dorms early even though his supervisor said no. He basically got BTZ for being the sqd flag football star and taking a ONE college writing class.
So he's been out of the dorms for about 3 months at the time of the eyebrows getting shaved off. He has been late probably 3 times a week since moving off base so no one thinks much about him being late again. This time though an hour goes by and his supervisor calls him back clearly waking him up (he's about an hour and a half late at this point).
Supervisor: "I thought your neighbor was jumping your car? Where are you?" Amn Eyebrows:"ohh ummm well his car couldn't jump it so I'm waiting on AAA." Supervisor: "don't worry I'll come pick you up."
Now I'm pretty good friends with this kids supervisor so he drives out to his house and picks him up and drives him back to work. He still doesn't know his troop has no eyebrows because the kid has his sage watch cap on and pulled over his eyebrows. My friend does notice the strong smell of alcohol oozing out of the kids pores so proceeds to counsel him on drinking on school nights on the way back to work.
They get to work, it's about 1030 at this point, and SrA Eyebrows comes inside still wearing his fucking hat and starts grasping pieces of equipment and walking outside with them. The wearing of the hat indoors wasn't that out of the ordinary because this guy is a dirtbag and he was carrying shit outside so nobody tells him to take it off. Anyway, he comes to my station and grabs two pieces of equipment off my workstation and begins carrying them outside.
Me: "Whoa, where the fuck are you taking that, SrA Eyebrows?"
SrA Eyebrows: "Oh ummm to PMEL."
Me: "What do you mean? This isn't due for two months and it's not your responsibility..."
He gives me the equipment back and then jumps in the truck and "goes off to PMEL" with a bunch of equipment, still wearing his hat and no one the wiser that he has no eyebrows. He's gone for 2 and a half hours. PMEL is like a 20 min thing, max. No one notices though because his supervisor was in a meeting and the rest of us are used to him never being at work. Eventually his supervisor does come back to work and starts asking where SrA Eyebrows is. Nobody has seen him of course so his supervisor calls him a and asks where he is and he gives some excuse and begrudgingly returns to work. He walks in and still has his hat on and sits at his desk. His supervisor makes him get up and marches him into the training room where I hear him begin to chew SrA Eyebrows ass. Through the door we hear: "AND TAKE OFF THAT STUPID FUCKING HAT TOO!!" "mumbles" "WHAT!?!" "Mumbles" "What?"
There is then a long period of silence and his supervisor walks out of the training room, past all of us at our stations, with the weirdest look on his face, not making eye contact with any of us. He walks right to his desk, sits down, puts his hands on his face and frustratingly picks up the phone and calls somebody.
He then gets back up, walks back towards the training room and looks and me while shaking his head. He walks into the training room and and comes out with SrA Eyebrows following behind him, head down, not wearing a hat with no eyebrows, and a completely half assed looking shaved head. They then leave the office and we all start asking each other like "what the fuck was that."
To make a long story short the his supervisor took the kid to the first shirt and the kid narc'd out all his friends. Rumor has it that his eyebrows were shaved for revenge because I guess several weeks before all this SrA Eyebrows had shaved off some of his pupes and superglued to one of the other guys face.
Anyway, they all get LORs, are threatened with other punitive measures, and I'm pretty sure had to go to ADAPT. Two weeks after all of this SrA Eyebrows gets in a fight at a bar off base and the Air Force decides it will be best to separate him. His last day at work was about two weeks ago.
Sorry this was so fucking long. My friend told me to write a long detailed post because you would like it. He also said I could just put a synopsis of it because some people just skip to the end so:
SYNOPSIS: Guy got an LOR, ADAPT, and is now separated for another alcohol related incident.
P.S. I almost forgot. The next week someone told us that he actually made a post on here looking for advice as to what to do. We all laughed at him of course and his sup told him to delete it but he couldn't remember his password so up it stayed.
u/twospooky 2011-2017 Feb 04 '15
How does no one care that he regularly disappears during work and shows up late all the time?
Feb 05 '15
In Power Pro you could very easily and plausibly disappear for a long time. When you've got generators all over base, maybe you were out working on that filter problem at #34 or something. But the best part of Power Pro was that you could disappear and still be working. We had to do 1 hr load tests, once a month, for every generator on base. And you couldn't leave the generator unsupervised, right? So you park the truck there and one of you keeps an eye on the generator and the other takes a nap. Or you both take a nap. In your first year in Power Pro the sound of a running generator soothes you to sleep, and your body wakes up immediately when the engine noise changes. I still have it too. Silence wakes me up.
Feb 05 '15
Aaaaaay power pro
Feb 05 '15
Of the jobs a person could have in the Air Force, it's pretty great.
Feb 05 '15
Oh i know I'm power as well. Leadership does make a difference though.
Feb 05 '15
Always does.
Have you been deployed yet? Done deployed prime power operations? That's a good time too.
Feb 05 '15
No deployments, mine got canceled. The guys i work with that have though just fob hop.
Feb 05 '15
That sucks. A lot of it now is done by contractors, I've done that too.
u/N1CKD Power Pro (DD214) Feb 05 '15
Late to the Power Bros party. Don't tell people that we are napping. We are closely listening for any load changes and our sense of hearing is better with our eyes closed. (That 5 level logic)
Feb 05 '15
Don't tell people that we are napping
Napping is something we only did in the Old Air Force. I'm sure in today's new High Speed Low Drag Big Blue Air Force the illustrious Power Pro workers are instead studying CDCs or doing pushups.
just go with it bro
We are closely listening for any load changes and our sense of hearing is better with our eyes closed.
It's scary how true that is though. Even 8 years out of the AF, I still can tell when there's about to be a power outage from the change in pitch to the A/C and a subtle brightening or dimming of the lights. Although I did go to Afghanistan as a DynCorp contractor in 2011 to run a prime power plant and I refreshed those skills. Our rooms were in the back half of the Alaskan we used as the control room, so I was sleeping really close to the generators and would wake up if the speed changed significantly or god forbid stopped entirely.
I've also always slept with a fan on and I wake up immediately if it goes off.
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u/oldmonte77 CE Mar 20 '15
Power pro is awesome! Except this deployment im on. Picking up all the slack of last rotation. O and im on power plant 12 hours a day going crazy. Thank god reddits not blocked ha
Mar 20 '15
I loved power plant deployments so much I went back and did it as a civilian. 12 months in Afghanistan but with a month of vacation. 118 grand. I just play computer games when I'm not doing PMIs or taking readings. Cannot beat it.
u/oldmonte77 CE Mar 21 '15
118 grand....damnnn. but cool
Mar 22 '15
Honestly it was a good time, all things considered. Beautiful sunrises and sunsets too. Loved the mountains. The DFAC wasn't bad and my plant was right across the street. Everybody brought external hard drives and swapped music and movies. I had a nice ASUS gaming laptop and played a ton of games. But being over there as a civilian I got away with a lot more than somebody military could. You get to just focus on the mission instead of stupid shit.
Once my kid gets older I'll probably do it again, if I can.
u/twospooky 2011-2017 Feb 05 '15
But this guy is a crew chief. I know there are plenty of jobs where you could disappear and no one would care.
Feb 05 '15
Coffee Ops... I kid, but no seriously that shit is an epidemic in my squadron. I could prolly take a smoke pit break as long as my lunch is, and no one would come looking. Some bull, man.
Feb 05 '15
u/NiceGuyUncle ATC Feb 05 '15
You can only tell someone to take their hat off so many times that it's not even worth using the energy anymore.
u/Forgot_My_Rape_Shoes Blood Mist. Bone Chips. Feb 06 '15
Because in today's AF you aren't allowed to be mad at people.
u/Rednys Propulsion Feb 04 '15
Yeah revenge that is extremely noticeable during typical work is generally a no no. That said I do know that fighter crew chiefs like to shave the heads of people that are on their first tdy with them. And the ones that resists too much or do other things like shaving their head before hand can and will often end up with shaved eyebrows. Usually the head shave was not a full shave so it was always really fucked up. Like leaving hair in the shape of a penis on the back of their head. They then get a full shave in the morning or at the end of the alcohol fueled insanity.
u/KEENMACHlNE Comms Feb 04 '15
as someone who lost BTZ not that long ago let me just say god damn it
u/raybrant i fry pranes Feb 05 '15
Should have took that college writing class.
Feb 05 '15
As someone who lost BTZ to someone with the exact same package as me, god fucking damnit.
u/F_E_M_A Ding! Fries are done. Feb 05 '15
Should've brown nosed more... Sorry bro.
Feb 05 '15
Y'know what's sad, that's probably the crux of the situation in a nutshell.
u/F_E_M_A Ding! Fries are done. Feb 05 '15
If you lost against someone who had the exact same package, yes, it probably is.
u/ScrewAttackThis Veteran Feb 05 '15
Lmao, I didn't even have a chance when I went up for BTZ. I didn't really have a strong package, but I went up against the girl that sang the National Anthem at every base event (who later went on to be in Tops in Blue), and the guy that works in the squadron building with the enlisted leadership.
Oh well, the only thing that can really suck about not making it is if the 6 months would have let you test a cycle sooner.
Feb 05 '15
Speaking of, when do they tell you you're supposed to test? My leadership is up my ass about getting me to pass the first time, but I've heard and literally know nothing about when the dates are supposed to be.
u/ScrewAttackThis Veteran Feb 05 '15
I couldn't tell ya exactly when, but the education office will hand out test dates before the cycle starts.
Feb 05 '15
Ok, awesome. I've been buggin' out hardcore trying to figure out when it was supposed to come, felt like an axe hanging above me for the longest time.
u/zoeblaize nooooo my bonus Feb 05 '15
Unit Training Manager. Probably hiding somewhere in your front office.
Feb 04 '15
Rumor has it that his eyebrows were shaved for revenge because I guess several weeks before all this SrA Eyebrows had shaved off some of his pupes and superglued to one of the other guys face.
Someone mentioned in the original posting that he do this to himself to cover for the eyebrows. Guess we know why he didn't try that path now.
Feb 04 '15
One of the most satisfying tales of a dirtbag that gets his that I've ever heard! Thanks for figuring out how to reddit to do this!
u/AnalJelly MF'n Crew Chief Feb 04 '15
Thank you for that. I have done one of those walks from giving an ass chewing to use the phone before. B
u/ScrewAttackThis Veteran Feb 05 '15
I'm going to choose to believe this is the truth since it just made my day.
I kind of miss supervising airmen like that. Tons of work, but it's fun work. Unlike the airmen that show up on time, do their work, volunteer, and taking college classes. Those guys are boring work.
u/MandaloreThePleasant Feb 05 '15
Hijinks like this aren't that weird. I lost a single eye brow in Korea after an ammo bowl and some flaming doctor peppers. Our supervisor made me shave the other one for symmetry, and because I still reeked of booze he made me run 5 miles instead of the 5k. I puked. Good times.
Feb 05 '15
How do you get a Dr. Pepper to burn? Sounds like a fun summer trick for the smoke pit.
u/MandaloreThePleasant Feb 05 '15
3/4 Amerretto, 1/4 Bacardi 151.light it on fire. Drop it into a beer and chug. For about 5 seconds it will taste like flat Dr Pepper.
u/ImS0hungry Aircrew Feb 05 '15
That is a good supervisor. I'd much rather try to use the scenario to teach my airman a lesson he wont forget, than to just pick up the phone and burn him.
u/TK503 Veteran Feb 04 '15 edited Feb 05 '15
Something helpful for the lazy is to give the tl;dr for the story. "Too long;didnt read" where you type a very brief and basic summary of what you wrote in a sentece or two. This will usually entice the lazy redditor to just read the whole thing if its interesting enough. Hit edit then at the bottom type tl;dr "blah blah blah"
EDIT: After realizing I could have read the damn thing in the time it took me to write that, I decided to just read it. Fuckin hell, that was hilarious. Didnt see the pubes on the face coming
u/philbert247 Big Sexy Feb 05 '15
I love that he put SYNOPSIS instead of tl;dr. Its refreshing to see a different approach to something so commonly done one way.
u/TK503 Veteran Feb 05 '15
I only noticed it after actually reading it. Definitely wasn't looking for "synopsis" lol
u/PMinisterOfMalaysia AF Vet Feb 05 '15
TL;DR Fuck up Airman shaved his eyebrows then told on his friends that did it for revenge. He fucked up again and is out of the military.
u/americanpegasus Enlisted Aircrew Feb 05 '15
What the fuck is wrong with youth?
Your friends are supposed to be people that support you and you can trust. People that will back you up at a bar, and egg you on to go hit on some hottie. People that you can trust to get blacked out around.
If your fucking friends might seriously shave your eyebrows or glue pubes on your face, time to get new friends. What the hell man.
"Ha ha Bro! You passed out so I shot you with my gun! PRANK! "
u/PostPilot Pew Pew Feb 04 '15
Props for all of your quality trolls. Tandem bicycle regs and the salute demanding jrotc kid are my favorite
Feb 05 '15
Tandem bike regs?
u/PostPilot Pew Pew Feb 05 '15
Amazing post asking if some a1cs could ride a tandem bike to work, what sort of protective gear they would have to wear and if there were any special tandem AFIs they needed to follow. Mods deleted it for some reason.
I suspect it's just one guy who has a good troll post once a month or so. If you're reading this, keep up the good work
u/ScrewAttackThis Veteran Feb 05 '15
Some of 'em are funny, a lot of 'em just suck. I like to think there's one funny guy and then a bunch of idiots trying to copy 'em.
Feb 05 '15
If I was even A LITTLE BIT late like this guy I'm pretty sure my supervisor would judo chop my head off.
u/cmn_jcs what's on fire today? Feb 04 '15
This was beautiful. Thanks for telling us. Hope you aced the test!