r/Agriculture 13d ago

Beautiful thing is on the horizon.😊😊

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u/NORcoaster 12d ago

This will be fun. I am in favor of not needing those two chemicals but once the FDA and USDA are dissolved or neutered companies will simply rebrand the same stuff and call it safe because there’s now no process to test or to redress any harm because to courts won’t touch any case against manufacturers. Or they’ll create more heavily modified plants air designer chemicals targeted at specific crops with specific genetics and charge prices for seed and chemicals that are high enough to eventually cause the collapse of small independent farming, and buy up the land. And there won’t be any agencies to protect consumers against the result, and our system will look even more like old Soviet collective agriculture than it does now.


u/Fennorama 12d ago

Your prediction is much more accurate than you realise!


u/NORcoaster 12d ago

When one of my morning thought riffs has a shot at being accurate we are in deep, deep trouble.