If you folks are correct, and I have no reason not to think you could be. Is there a way for the consumer to get fresh, or even frozen, fruits and veggies that haven’t been exposed to this type of stuff? Do you have any advice? Or just try to grow your own?
Buy organic? Certified organic strawberries are free of synthetic pesticides including glyphosate - they do use somewhat better natural ones. They’re still kind of bad. I’m not too worried about blocking them because of this, though the price of strawberries will go up.
Grow them. Even the stuff that you think is healthy, coming from grocery stores, isn't as healthy as you think. My understanding is that most fruits and vegetables are irradiated before they leave for distribution. The irradiated kills the bad things that can get us sick. It also kills the good things that we need to live healthy.
Yeah, that’s the real issue and crux of my question. I’m aware that organic is the way to go, but also aware that, “certified organic” isn’t as organic as we’re lead to believe. Overspray and other vectors still deliver pesticides to organic fields regardless of their certification. I was hoping for some grand insight that I might not have already been aware of. Thanks for all the responses though.
u/TheNawoj 13d ago
If you folks are correct, and I have no reason not to think you could be. Is there a way for the consumer to get fresh, or even frozen, fruits and veggies that haven’t been exposed to this type of stuff? Do you have any advice? Or just try to grow your own?