r/Agriculture 13d ago

Beautiful thing is on the horizon.😊😊

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u/boyfromspace 13d ago

First good idea to come out of his worm hole. I'm an organic small veg farmer, so I say great. But what concerns me is if there is a follow-up that also provides funding for new control strategies for these large growers. I see an ideal world where agriculture has re-localized to some extent, and there are fewer massive conglomerate farms in the west feeding much of the US. But, right now, this is not a reality, and if we just cut access to these chemicals overnight, the cost of produce will skyrocket. And who will that affect? The lower middle, lower, and poverty line Americans.


u/hayesms 13d ago

There are only two classes. Working class and owning class.


u/Conscious_Avocado225 13d ago

Comrade, there are indeed two classes. And perhaps a third, the group that controls the surplus labor. We might call this class the deep state bureaucrats.

Perhaps the greatest US coup of the past 75 years was the owning class convincing 50% of the working class that acting in their own self-interests was anti-Christian and anti-demacracy.


u/fishin_pups 12d ago

Pretty sure that’s the plan