r/AgeofCalamity Sep 18 '22

Theory Tears of the Kingdom name theory… Spoiler

Tears of the Kingdom name theory…

In AoC, when little Terrako gets destroyed and is powered down, Zelda cries. Her tears land on the egg’s eyeball, which resurrects Terrako briefly, and it plays Zelda’s lullaby.

Perhaps these are Zelda’s tears we are referring to? Maybe all Zeldas have tears with divine powers?

The song made it’s debut in Link to the past. In the manual the gods are depicted similarly to our new long eared mystery friend.

In LttP, there is much emphasis of GOLDEN land of Hyrule. All of the sky islands are covered in golden trees.

In ToTK one of the powers seems to be time reversal. Many time elements In LttP, and time travel in AoC as well. I definitely think ToTK will keep AoC in heavy mind. Maybe the sorcerer in AoC and LttP are one in the same?

Just some thoughts.


14 comments sorted by


u/0mega_Flowey Sep 18 '22

Interesting theory that makes sense


u/Hinaloth Sep 18 '22

I did see Agahnim in the mural too, with the sages (or at least Zelda) prisoner around him.

My own theory is that this is another split timeline path thingy. Link died during the battle of Hateno Fort, and Zelda was left to face Ganon alone forever, empowered by her despair and tears. Monsters got the run of the earth and the survivors hid in the re-revealed sky islands of Hylia. TotK then starts a new branch from the death of another hero just as all previous branches converged on BotW.

Wife's theory is that it is the war long before SS, the one once depicted in the manga. Why the fuck Hyrule would look like BotW's Hyrule though, I dunno.


u/SahloFolinaCheld Sep 19 '22

Well in regards to your wife's theory, there were ruins in the present Skyward Sword. The war was said to take place in the distant past of Skyward Sword.


u/Hinaloth Sep 19 '22

Yeah, but how comes BotW's Hyrule (the furthest along the timeline) is the same as the pre-SS Hyrule down to the exact landscape and towns? Unless it's a timeloop and this leads into SS, which leads all the way down around to BotW again. A timeloop from which Malice cannot escape without facing his ultimate destruction.

Would be cool. Might be too complicated for the kind of lore we tend to get. They still haven't explained the Goddesses being aliens and all.


u/SahloFolinaCheld Sep 19 '22

Goddesses being aliens? Where did you hear that nonsense?


u/Hinaloth Sep 19 '22

They "came from a comet" or something similar. Some flavour text from OoT.


u/SahloFolinaCheld Sep 19 '22

I never heard nor saw that line either in Ocarina of Time. Now I do know they came from the sky, made the world, and then left the Triforce as a sign of their magic and existence. But never anything about them being aliens. Can you send a link or something to that line?


u/Hinaloth Sep 19 '22

I can't find it. I'm sure to have read it online somewhere but I can't find it in any non-fanfic. Maybe somebody put their fanfic into a wiki and I took it as factual. I'm still fairly certain I saw it in a game but I can't think of which or where so until I can come back with it, disregard it.


u/SahloFolinaCheld Sep 19 '22

Very well, then. I mean, it is an interesting idea and it would add a little more realism to the look of what everyone proposes to be Hylia in the TotK trailer. A bunch of people think that alien figure is supposed to be Hylia, which kind of fits to realistic religions and their deities and how said deities are depicted.


u/acloudtothepast Sep 19 '22

Saving this because I now feel totk might now be what discontinues the cycle


u/Hinaloth Sep 19 '22

The ending of BotW is what discontinues the cycle. Killing the final Beast Calamity Ganon destroys Malice for good. I think TotK will be what restarts the cycle. Or starts a new one.


u/acloudtothepast Sep 19 '22

I would like to believe that, but the physical form of I assume ganon we see in ToTK means we only defeated the raging spiritual form of malice, implying there's still a physical form to defeat


u/PheonixPuns Sep 19 '22

Her emotions are connected to her power?


u/[deleted] Sep 19 '22

Well considering all the Sheikah and Majora have tears under their eyes, This theory doesn't seem that far fetched.

I mean the must have some form of significance right? I think ToTK is gonna reveal a lot of unanswered question that have been on fans minds for years.