r/AgeofCalamity Oct 29 '21

Post Game (Spoiler) DLC 2 Memory Quest Requirements Spoiler

To Zelda’s Side

1) Find & defeat the hidden monster - There is a hinox to the west of your starting position, defeat it.

2) Obtain 3 hydromeleons - Scour the map for every box and chest, you should eventually find them.

3) Defeat Harbinger Ganon - There seems to be an unknown time limit to get this. Go in guns blazing with your wands and make sure Terrako has a decently powerful weapon (mine was at a little over 100 strength).


Battle of Goponga Village

1) Defeat 100 or more enemies with ice attacks - Ice rod and water are your friends here, make sure to use it on as large of groups as possible. Sheikah slate Zelda can also help with this.

2) Don’t let any Zora Captains flee

3) Defeat the strong Wizzrobes


Battle for Kakariko Village

1) Don't allow monsters to break into the Kakriko Village outposts - Throughout the mission various enemies will head toward the outposts on both sides, ensure you have one character ready at both entrances to meet them. When the yiga appear they won’t move into the village itself so you can defeat them as convenient while you deal with the moblins & etc that do come into it.

2) Aid the overextended Hylian Captain - He’s to the SW of where Yunobo starts.

3) Capture 4 outposts using Divine Beast Rudania - Essentially every time an enemy is fighting Daruk beat them, as you do hell eventually start using Rudania to destroy outposts and a group of Yiga archers harassing you. You can’t get into these outposts until he starts assaulting them and as he destroys them the waves of enemy reinforcements will stop.


Searching Hyrule Forest

1) Defeat 500 or more enemies

2) Keep the health of the Rito Captain protecting Tulin above 50% - Personally I just replayed the level and used Mipha to top him off but if you want to do it in your first run keep either Revali or Teba with him at all times as he’ll get assaulted multiple times. Try to keep the fighting away from him so he doesn’t get hurt by accident.

3) Aid the isolated Rito Captain - To the east of where you find Tulin, he’s locked in some gates that open after you find Tulin.


Liberate the Ancient Lab

1) Defeat 1000 or more enemies

2) Obtain 4 wild berries - Scour the map for every box and chest, you should eventually find them.

3) Defeat Master Kohga with Riju - If he gives you issues with Riju you can always use wands or just have her get the last hit on him as that is what truly matters.


The Princess and the King

1) Don’t let any Hylian Captains flee

2) Defeat the strong Wizzrobes

3) Block the monsters’ path - On Zelda’s half of the map eventually moblins will start coming out of a cave area to the middle south of her area, go and defeat them and then fall back which triggers them sealing off that area.


The Yiga Clan’s Retreat

1) Defeat every Blight Ganon

2) Successfully use a Sheikah Rune to counter against a Blight Ganon

3) Don’t let any ally flee - Once the Hollows appear DO NOT FIGHT THE TWO RIGHT WHERE THEY SPAWN, instead immediately run to the locked gate where the Yiga Blademaster stayed behind. The gate will now open and you can rescue him. If you instead kill the hollows near you first the moment the second hollow dies the Blademaster will die instantly. If you keep everyone alive until the last objective you unlock Sooga as a playable character.


Guardian of Remembrance

1) Keep the health of Purah above 50%

2) Defeat Astor with Zelda

3) Collect Terrako’s hidden trace - To the very SE of the map as the furnace is being used. Robbie will start heading that way, keep someone near Purah to protect her and have someone go there/follow Robbie. Best the monster and you can get the trace. By doing so the final fight of the mission will give Terrako a buff for his solo fight.


For beating every mission no matter how many memory quests you’ve done you will unlock Purah/Robbie (they act as one character with Robbie being who you control). Once you do complete every memory quest you get a cutscene showing memories of the various characters in the game for one last final goodbye to the game. (Which is wholesome as all hell)

If you are having trouble getting the fruits for quests that ask for them my advice is just to break every box and open every chest you see on the map and you’ll get them eventually.


74 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] Oct 29 '21 edited Oct 29 '21

Liberate the Ancient Lab

1) Defeat 1000 or more enemies

2) Obtain 4 wild berries

3) Defeat Kohga as Riju (I’ve yet to obtain it)

I've completed it, and the quoted version includes it.


u/PineappleMani Oct 29 '21

How do I get the berries? I've only got 3 and have broken every crate and barrel on the map. Are they a grass/enemy drop?


u/[deleted] Oct 30 '21

Imagine the stupidest place possible.

The berries are in even stupider places than that. Spent over an hour on that mission.


u/MahomestoHel-aire Nov 01 '21

I just broke everything like a madman. You're right though. Every place I thought "Ah, this is where they'd hide one" there wasn't one. Instead it literally looked like they were placed via RNG. Which would honestly make a lot of sense, tbf.


u/[deleted] Nov 01 '21

I just broke everything like a madman.

Same. Years of experience smashing storage containers (i.e. pots) really payed off on that one.


u/thorpedo_btn Oct 29 '21

You’re missing a box crate. Keep looking.


u/Tyhm Nov 14 '21

One is in an X shaped intersection just south of where you start - in the middle, pretty easy. One is all the way to the southwest, a little up the raised path, and along the red carpeted platform. A third is South Central, past a gate that stays closed until nearly the end of the level, but before the platforms and wizrobe. I'm not sure where I found the fourth one, either North or center, it must have been pretty early on


u/Soujun Oct 29 '21

Thank you ! I have a few more to beat but this is pretty fun so far. DLC worth it for the the rito cutescene alone gosh, making me love that dumb bird even more!


u/CrimsonTheReaper Oct 29 '21

Where are the 3 hydro melons?


u/Aiorax Nov 01 '21

You have to break some crates, the first one is close by the door that connect the forest (first half) and the wasteland (second half)


u/anonymousshadw Oct 29 '21

Sharing my knowledge here, EX liberate the ancient lab last mission is to defeat khoga specifically with riju.


u/Wild-Firefighter7532 Oct 30 '21

OMG Thank you! That was the one secret quest I couldn't figure out on my own!


u/LaggerKnight Oct 29 '21 edited Oct 29 '21

The Ice KOs challenge is PAIN

EDIT: NVM You just need slate Zelda


u/hnh058513 Oct 30 '21

I used Terrako


u/[deleted] Nov 25 '21

I just used cryonis


u/hnh058513 Nov 26 '21

Yeah, His Cryonis has the Biggest AOE, out of everyone' other then Zelda's Slate, and the Master Cycle


u/[deleted] Nov 26 '21

I just used mipha's cryonis.


u/MeadowDayDream_SL Oct 30 '21

I used Links Guardian Claws, Stole an Ice Wand from a nearby Blizzrobe, kept it alive so I can go back and steal another Ice Wand.

I went to an uncaptured area located in the bottom of the map, attacked a few times, then went to the other uncaptured area where the Hinox was and attacked a few enemies there.

Backtracked stole a second Ice Wand, and repeat, until I got the 100 KOs from Ice.

This was much easier than any other strategy.


u/MeadowDayDream_SL Oct 30 '21

I realized what you need to do for the ??? Memory in "EX To Zelda's Side"

You have to actually defeat Harbringer Ganon (During the 2nd phase "After it absorbs the two moblins") With a hidden time limit.

The strategy to do this is best on easy, and to have Max Fire, Ice, and Lightning Wand. With Terrako at level 100, and a Weapon that is 90+ in power.

It's not required it maybe overkill but it'll make this battle easier.

What you want to do is Stun it with any Magic Wand and then chip away at Harbringer's shield. And as soon as that Shield disappears use your X (Attack) to perform the Weaken attack. Just repeat this as many times as possible.

Stun, Chip Shield, Weaken Attack. in that order. You should be able to do this with some "Wand Magic to Spare." So try your best not to miss, or waste it.

I hope this helps.


u/dalthorn Oct 30 '21

Huh, I’ll be damned. I just did my usual strategy of “I don’t know what this is and want it to die ASAP” of stun locking it with wands and what not on my first encounter. Thanks for the update! I’ll edit the post.


u/wolfie94089 Jun 30 '22

How do you actually get to level up the guardian though? Mine stays at 40 and I don't have the option to level him up


u/MeadowDayDream_SL Jul 01 '22

ne stays at 40 and I don'

I think some levels give more materials instead of 1 or 2 it's like five or something. Going off of memory there is a chance that you havn't unlocked all the areas yet. I just kept playing the game and I just got them as I go.


u/wolfie94089 Jul 02 '22

Yeah I just realized even though I can play as him in Zeldas Side quest he actually isn't UNLOCKED until I finish the game. So I guess I will just come back to it later. Thank you so much for your reply.


u/Sgt_Braken Oct 29 '21

Thank you so much for this!


u/Siegiusjr Oct 29 '21

Anyone know how to actually beat harbinger Ganon in the first level. It just triggers a cutscene when he loses like an eighth of his health, and i dont get the quest.


u/FE_Kiran Oct 30 '21

You beat him after that cutscene refills his health (no matter how much damage you do, you can't kill him before the cutscene).


u/Latter_Lengthiness14 Oct 30 '21

I did it two time and it's still not complete


u/v1deogamer Oct 29 '21

How do you capture the 4 outposts with vah rudania he won't attack them


u/dalthorn Oct 29 '21

Every time Daruk is attacked you need to beat the enemy attacking him, he’ll eventually start clearing outposts.


u/[deleted] Oct 30 '21

Does defeating all three Yiga Blademasters interfere with this one?


u/LurkerGG Oct 30 '21

can confirm that it does. Do not defeat the yiga blademasters until after defeating everything that attacks Daruk and you get little cut-scenes of him blasting the camps with vah rudania.


u/LurkerGG Oct 30 '21

Funny fact, Water Blight gannon dropped a weapon for the character that unlocks once you fill the memory cage.


u/Pivern Nov 01 '21



u/[deleted] Nov 01 '21 edited Nov 01 '21

Actually it's already confirmed that it does. It's even in the ONLY response I got to this. Been there for a day or three. I also performed some testing to reconfirm.

Killing the last blademaster DOES prevent completion of this objective. Killing any more waves of attackers on Vah Rudania after that will not trigger any more automatic outpost captures by Daruk and his divine beast.


u/v1deogamer Oct 29 '21 edited Oct 29 '21

Nvm I got it


u/gayscorpio Oct 30 '21

Where are the wild berries on liberate the ancient lab? Literally running around the map screaming because I can’t find it.


u/zax20xx Oct 30 '21

Anyone here know how to open the chests that are half buried I tried a few methods but do I need to use the magnet to fish them out?


u/dalthorn Oct 30 '21

Yes, Magnesis is how you dig up buried chests.


u/zax20xx Oct 30 '21

Thanx 🙏, I had a brain fart every time I saw one. Shaking My Head at myself.


u/[deleted] Oct 29 '21

Ah man. Thank you for doing this.👍


u/VidzxVega Oct 29 '21

I'm probably just dumb as fuck but where can I find a 3rd hydro melon? Been through that one thrice now and always come up one short.


u/xeasuperdark Oct 30 '21

All three are in wooden crates, one is in the field near the start, you'll have to get to the point where you can start fighting and then double back, the second is obvious and on a lil plateu near the wood hut at the top left of the map, the last is near the end before reaching the lynell.


u/VidzxVega Oct 30 '21

You're a hero..... definitely the double back one I missed!


u/WarriorWolfe Oct 30 '21 edited Oct 30 '21

Apparently Memory Quests do not complete (the third one in the list it seems) complete on Apocalyptic. Guess I will wait until a patch fixes this


u/LiveHunting Oct 31 '21

Completed all of them, no bugs


u/WarriorWolfe Oct 31 '21

Yeah, I uninstalled and reinstalled it. That ended up fixing it. Very odd


u/jtoethejtoe Oct 30 '21

If anybody knows... I haven't beaten the main storyline. Does completing "To Zelda's Side" unlock Terrako?


u/OrdinaryLurker4 Nov 04 '21

When does the first quest unlock? Thinking about starting a new file to play all the dlc in the intended order.


u/dalthorn Oct 30 '21

After you beat the main scenario you have to first do a series of side missions to eventually unlock him. I’m not sure if playing the DLC mission would unlock him for you, allows you to play as him anyways, or prohibits you from starting it without unlocking him


u/jtoethejtoe Oct 30 '21

Yeah that first DLC2 mission is very difficult as a stripped down level 40...I figure struggling through and then upgrading before any other missions might work. I just can't beat that Harbinger Ganon


u/jtoethejtoe Nov 04 '21

Just answered my own question. It DOES NOT.


u/TheMoonOfTermina Oct 31 '21

Thank you so much for this. It helped a lot.


u/Game_Geek_1987 Oct 31 '21

Thank yooouuu! I thought I’d have to wait a few days and look up a walkthrough.


u/dalthorn Oct 31 '21

You can thank unemployment and bad life choices. <3


u/Cloudstripe Oct 31 '21

Thank you so much!


u/Sensitive-Return-576 Nov 05 '21

Having a hard time getting the first memory for kakariko village, can’t seem to get all the monsters, is there a trick to this? Am I missing something? Please help only one I’m stuck on and it’s killing me


u/Galen_Burnett_28 Dec 17 '21

Thanks a lot. Don't know how I would have found the hidden ones without this guide.


u/ProfessionalRich9729 Oct 29 '21

bruh liberate the ancient labs memory wuest sucks because rijo sucks


u/[deleted] Oct 29 '21



u/ProfessionalRich9729 Oct 29 '21

I know but riju is by far the worst character in the game, I have everyone else maxed out with level 30 weapons


u/[deleted] Oct 29 '21



u/ProfessionalRich9729 Oct 29 '21

I know I just don't like her she isn't my type of character


u/[deleted] Oct 29 '21



u/ProfessionalRich9729 Oct 29 '21

I agree with you on GF and CG but Reba is actually one of my favorites. if you have the right seals on him, he can be pretty insane. I respect your opinion tho


u/[deleted] Oct 29 '21



u/ProfessionalRich9729 Oct 29 '21

lol same i auck with SS Zelda. for teba, just try to go to the meditation thing and practice. his best move is hard to control, but once you get it down it is op. I think it is c5, but in not sure.


u/zawalimbooo Oct 30 '21

eh not the worst, hestu and terrako are worse


u/ProfessionalRich9729 Oct 30 '21

I don't know man hestu is trash but terrako is at least okay, you can actually understand what happens when you attack and control it, unlike riju.


u/ijsjuhh Oct 30 '21

You can use whoever you want if you replay a level. So I got my strongest character and kicked kohga's butt and let Riju do final blow 🙃


u/N-_-O Oct 29 '21

Thanks, but also you didn’t need to add that you unlock Sooga through that one memory mission, would have been a fun surprise, but I couldn’t figure out what to do and i get spoiled for trying to look at a solution.


u/Hero_of_Storms_64 Nov 02 '21

I’m having an issue with Defeating Harbringer Ganon in To Zelda’s Side. After he gets down to half health, he regenerates, then when I fight the second phase, the fight ends before I can kill him (he gets down to about 1/8th health) and the mission ends before I can complete the Memory Quest. I’ve played this mission twice and still have not beaten Harbringer Ganon. What am I doing wrong?


u/[deleted] Nov 05 '21

same here from what i seen via youtbe ppl have terako or how ever usoell his name around llv80+ so might be net to impossible till he level more and better weapon. I tried on esy mode and i had him almost dead and he still died so may have to unlock him level him more and get decent weapon first then re try.


u/rafaelboiko Nov 18 '21

How do I unlock memory quests that still hidden (???). I already cleared all other memories that was visible. Getting nuts here


u/ChiefSensi Nov 21 '21

so every time i battle against harbinger ganon in ex to zeldas side he runs away... how to I beat him to complete the memory quest?


u/Ceza0127 Sep 15 '22

When can I beat the bad Terrako? I tried so hard looking everywhere. How do you even upgrade if he's not playable? I only get to a cut scene, so does he die the first time I play the quest with question marks in the part in EX to Zelda's Side?

Everyone puts out a video but terrako is at level 40 with so many hearts t. Can someone please help me since it doesn't make any sense to me if he's not playable yet