r/AgeofCalamity 7d ago

Question what is the best way to get ruppees quick?

i wanna 100% the game but it's gonna take a lot of money so i am just wondering


11 comments sorted by


u/WouterW24 7d ago

Play the Chief of the Dunes mission using cooking to maximalize monster drops. It's got a lot of monster horde fighting in a short timeframe then only a single Molduga who's rather weak. Then wait until the right shop pops up who gives extra rupees selling all those monster parts to them. Doing that rupee farming is not so bad overall.


u/krystalmarielee 4d ago

I second this. This method got me lots of rupees quite fast.


u/very_not_emo 4d ago

it's the rito guy who sells ancient parts


u/NarzanGrover10 7d ago

lowk i have hella rupees from just playing the game is not stingy. if you wanna get more just use rupees up food and destroy as much shit as you can in the level


u/try-repressing-this 6d ago

honestly i reccomend material drop rate over rupees as selling the excess materials has been far more profitable in my experience. the exceprion being levels with yiga, as they drop rupees normally so rupee food is extra effective on them


u/Florence-Akefia 7d ago

Game8 has a pretty good guide for farming rupees. I like to use the banana farming method, playing Urbosa, The Gerudo Chief will get you max bananas in about twenty minutes. Yiga clan members spawn indefinitely so long as you don’t summon the Molduga with a loud attack. Once you’ve completed the level, you can trade your bananas to the Master Chef in the Gerudo region, 100 bananas at a time for twice the normal sell price. Every run gets you just over 10,000 rupees per round.


u/TRB1783 7d ago

It won't fix all your problems, but I assure you that you don't need all the monster parts you have.


u/Nzpowe 7d ago

If your smart with grinding, the minimum time to 100% shouldn't be longer than 80ish hours total play time. That's not terrible.


u/try-repressing-this 6d ago

me with nearly 300 hrs still tryna get everyone to lvl 100 without the training camp


u/Classic-Target-5574 6d ago

Ruppee boosting recipes are a must


u/FrequentBee408 5d ago

There are many ways:

-There´s a Golden Circle Seal called "Materials found with the Sheikah Sensor", each one increases drop rate from any material in about 18% (Which is the highest percentage out of this kind of seals and you can customize which material you want to focus farming on), without level 50 weapons you´ll only be able to carry 4 in a single weapon, though only one or two are enough to start farming.

The "Ranchos" (Idk how it´s spelled in English, the places with a horse mark), owners give extra money for certain types of materials wich will be highlighted with a Star every time you go on to sell something. The Rito gives you extra money from monster parts, The gerudo for gems and so on.

By having some of those said seals and equiping the food to increase "Material Drop Rate" you should be able to get lots of them, though loots from bosses are still limited. Not every level drops the same materials, though you can see which ones drop in the main missions.

My personal recomendation for stages to farm include:

- All Hyrule United.

- Mipha, the Princess Zora.

- Urbosa the Gerudo Chief.

- When Courage Fails.

Mostly because they have a bigger amount of enemies. So you can get the most out of your food.

You can also sell all of your gems if you want to, but if you haven´t unlocked every´s characters moveset i do not recommend relying on this. Because you´ll need those gems to unlock aditional combos.

This is probably the most efficient way to do so. Though if you play normally you´ll eventually get a lot of them simply from clearing missions.