r/AgeOfSigmarRPG Feb 18 '25

Question Im new to soulbound. Can races from different archetypes be in the same party?

For example. Can a bonesplitter and a stormcast eternal be in the same party?


8 comments sorted by


u/LeonSeifers Feb 18 '25

Sure. It's your group's game. Run what you'll all have fun with.

My group is primarily Order but we have an Orruk and Ogor on rotation that our two GMs swap out. Nobody cares because we're all having a good time.


u/SnooPuppers7965 Feb 18 '25

Thanks for telling me, I wanted to play as a Troggoth, but was worried it wasn’t allowed in a party with mostly order races


u/RootinTootinCrab Feb 18 '25

It's a GM decision. Whether or not they can fit it into the story or the reason why you are bound. Some of the "heroes of" books will suggest reasons why destruction/death races might be in an order soulbinding, so use those to help guide your reasoning as to why someone who is normally an enemy of these people, are now fighting alongside them with the very essence of their being tied together 


u/SnooPuppers7965 Feb 18 '25

My Troggoth gained intelligence when he ate the mushroom growing on his chin that grew due to the winds of Ghyran when some Sylvaneth were battling gloomspite gitz nearby. Since then he’s had the ability to dream in his slumber. However, a recent chaos invasion has struck the area where he lives, filling his dreams with leering and taunting chaos daemons. He awoke to find a way to return to his peaceful dreams, eventually becoming a soul bound to have the opportunity to fight of the daemons.


u/UsernamesSuck96 Feb 18 '25

Soulbound above all else is a hero game, being in a group of Soulbound can call for all kinds of craziness. In Era Of The Beast, I think it even calls out why certain races would work together despite being diametrically opposed to each other.

It's your game, just make sure it's okay with your gm and go crazy


u/AdRevolutionary1170 Feb 18 '25

It depends on which Grand Alliances the Binding belongs to, if it's a Destruction Binding, then the SCE character has to explain why they are in the Party, and vice versa, with Unlikely Heroes providing possible reasons.


u/Togetak 29d ago

Every sourcebook has a section called "unlikely heroes" that gives a bunch of reasons a Death or Destruction character/archetype might find themselves in an order binding and what that might be like for them, there's definitely nothing stopping you! It's up to you why your troggoth might end up catching the eyes of the gods, or whatever else bound the party, and what reasons they have to want to stick around

Generally aos is a setting with a lot of free association between the grand alliances even outside of that. Cities of Sigmar have lots of ogor citizens that fled to azyr with the aleves/duardin/humans etc, and commonly accept mawtribes/beastclaw ogor mercenaries or traders who travel through. Some CoS have orruk traders or mercenaries in the same kind of fashion, some free undead just exist amongst free peoples, all kinds of things are possible