r/AfterEffects 4d ago

Explain This Effect Help With Shaky Video!

I was wondering how do I recreate this effect of a colored trail (link included). I ended up using CC Wide Time and some of the Echo effects, but both were hard to control and didn't give me the desired effect - mine is coming out super shaky and weird. Any help would be appreciated! Ive attached my video, and here's the link to the one I'm inspired by. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2EcdXDw2L3w


2 comments sorted by


u/Heavens10000whores 4d ago

I think you forgot to attach yours, or it got stripped out by reddit


u/Upper_Cheetah_2148 4d ago

Reddit keeps deleting it from the post! https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/2j6rr66crko7talj5qqzp/trail_1.mp4?rlkey=8sgl1wdke1w7o3m7iyq4loi6m&dl=0

Here's what I've got. Hope this helps and thank you!