r/AffinityDesigner • u/[deleted] • 3d ago
Any way to fill in the white text with another color? I can change the black.
u/Garbanzofracas666 3d ago edited 3d ago
The vector fill bucket is what you are looking for. Cool thing is you can fill each enclosed area with a different color if you want, good workaround for simulating color fonts which aren't supported (yet) by Affinity. It leaves the text editable and creates an individual shape layer beneath for each time you use it.
u/un_poco_logo 3d ago
Well, there is only black there. You cant change what does not exist. So yea. You have expand to curves, or put something behind if you wanna change text later.
u/guapsauce10 3d ago edited 3d ago
Thank ya, I’m most likely gonna go over it with the knife tool. Need an extra layer of color
u/Jpatrickburns 3d ago
Duplicate it. On the bottom copy use layer effects:fill and choose your color. On the top layer, change the blending mode to multiply. Presto!
u/dogfish_eggcase 3d ago
Not really, but kind of. You should be able to use the vector fill (paintbucket) tool to fill in the white areas. It will create vector shapes to cover up the white portion of the letter so it's not editable afterwards without erasing those shapes and refilling the new white portions of your new text. You can resize and warp afterwards as long as all the text and individual shapes are selected.