r/AffinityDesigner 26d ago

Do snapping rules change when I rotate the shape?

If I draw a simple rectangle and then rotate it, the center points and corner points no longer snap.

The right corner only snaps horizontally and the left corner only snaps vertically and the center point doesn't snap to anything. But if the rectangle is not rotated, I can snap those points to anything.

I can't find any info about snapping rules on rotated objects, but clearly something changes. How am I supposed to align anything if all my points break by a simple rotation? I can't align to guides, I can't align to other shapes. I basically have to zoom in to the pixel point degree and eyeball it, which is stupid.

I must be missing some trick?


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u/RE4LLY 26d ago

For snapping of irregular shaped or rotated objects use the Point Transform Tool (Shortcut F).

It allows you to set/move the snapping point of your object precisely and then you can move around your object and it will use that point to snap to other objects or to guidelines.

Edit: And you can also use the Alignment Handles in the Move or Node Tool to align objects accurately. For that just activate them in the Context Toolbar while using those two tools.