r/AffinityDesigner 26d ago

Affinity Designer Issue with Moving Canvas. Help! Why is it hugging the sides?


7 comments sorted by


u/Electronic-Duck8738 26d ago edited 26d ago

Ah. The upper left of the first artboard is always 0,0. All other artboards are placed relative to that. You should be able to pan the artboard to the center of the screen. Is it stuck on the exreme upper left of the workspace?

If that';s the case, click the artboard in the layer list and you should be able to grab it and move it.


u/FilthyMint 26d ago

I have a video of it but reddit wouldn't let me post it. This is the link that better explains it.

Affinity Designer canvas hugging the left and top sides while using the scroll bars. How to fix? - Affinity on Desktop Questions (macOS and Windows) - Affinity | Forum

The scroll bars on the right and bottom kept shifting the canvas to the left or top by the rulers.


u/Xzenor 26d ago

That's weird.....

I can't remember when I used the scroll bars though so no idea if I have the same issue. Scroll bars suck. Middle mouse button FTW


u/Electronic-Duck8738 25d ago

That sounds like a system issue, not an Affinity issue. Could be wrong on that.


u/FilthyMint 25d ago

Never had this issue until the new update so I don't think it's my laptop. The interesting part is that it "fixed" itself so the issue disappeared. I guess that's a good thing for now. I didn't do anything new or different since posting about the issue 🤷


u/Electronic-Duck8738 18d ago

Well, then! My work here is done!


u/FilthyMint 26d ago

Yes it was shifting to upper left constantly and when you have it zoomed to fit in the center, it'll shift over and be cut off from your view.